/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Configuration; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using DiscUtils; using DiscUtils.BootConfig; using DiscUtils.Ntfs; using DiscUtils.Partitions; using DiscUtils.Registry; using DiscUtils.Wim; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAPI; using XenOvf; using XenOvf.Definitions; using XenOvf.Definitions.XENC; using XenOvf.Definitions.VMC; using XenCenterLib.Compression; using XenOvf.Utilities; namespace XenOvfTransport { public class Import : XenOvfTransportBase { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private static readonly log4net.ILog auditLog = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("Audit"); private static readonly log4net.ILog traceLog = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("Trace"); private const long KB = 1024; private const long MB = (KB * 1024); private const long GB = (MB * 1024); private const long STATMEMMIN = 16 * MB; public enum TransferType { UploadRawVDI = 0, iSCSI = 1, SFTP = 2, Skip = 3, Unknown = 4 } public enum TransferMethod { Image = 0, Files = 1, Unknown = 2 } private string downloadupdatemsg; private string EncryptionClass; private int EncryptionKeySize; private List> P2VVMServerList = new List>(); private XenRef DefaultSRUUID = null; private readonly Http http; private VirtualDisk vhdDisk = null; private WimFile wimDisk = null; private ulong wimFileCount = 0; private ulong wimFileIndex = 0; private ulong AdditionalSpace = 20 * GB; private int vifDeviceIndex = 0; // used to count number of Networks attached and to be used as the device number. private string _currentfilename = null; private bool _metadataonly = false; private Exception _downloadexception = null; private ulong _filedownloadsize = 0; private int xvadisk = 0; private AutoResetEvent uridownloadcomplete = new AutoResetEvent(false); private string _appliancename = null; public string ApplianceName { get { return _appliancename; } set { _appliancename = value; } } public bool MetaDataOnly { get { return _metadataonly; } set { _metadataonly = value; } } #region Constructors public Import(Uri xenserver, Session session) : base(xenserver, session) { http = new Http { UpdateHandler = http_UpdateHandler }; } #endregion #region PUBLIC public void Process(string ovfFileName) { Process(ovfFileName, null); } public void Process(string ovfFileName, string passcode) { if (XenSession == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Messages.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); string ovfpath = Path.GetDirectoryName(ovfFileName); string ovffilename = Path.GetFileName(ovfFileName); string ovfname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ovfFileName); string openovf = Path.Combine(ovfpath, string.Format(@"{0}.ovf", ovfname)); if (!File.Exists(ovfFileName)) throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format(Messages.FILE_MISSING, ovfFileName)); if (Path.GetExtension(ovffilename).ToLower().EndsWith("ova", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) || Path.GetExtension(ovffilename).ToLower().EndsWith("gz", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) { log.InfoFormat("Import.Process: Opening OVF Archive: {0}", ovfFileName); OVF.OpenOva(ovfpath, ovffilename); if (!File.Exists(openovf)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format(Messages.FILE_MISSING, openovf)); } } EnvelopeType ovfEnv = OVF.Load(openovf); Process(ovfEnv, ovfpath, passcode); } public void Process(EnvelopeType ovfObj, string pathToOvf, string passcode) { Process(XenSession, ovfObj, pathToOvf, passcode); } public void Process(Session xenSession, EnvelopeType ovfObj, string pathToOvf, string passcode) { if (xenSession == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(Messages.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); string ovfname = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); vifDeviceIndex = 0; string encryptionVersion = null; #region CHECK ENCRYPTION if (OVF.HasEncryption(ovfObj)) { if (passcode == null) { throw new InvalidDataException(Messages.ERROR_NO_PASSWORD); } string fileuuids = null; SecuritySection_Type[] securitysection = OVF.FindSections((ovfObj).Sections); if (securitysection != null && securitysection.Length >= 0) { foreach (Security_Type securitytype in securitysection[0].Security) { if (securitytype.ReferenceList.Items != null && securitytype.ReferenceList.Items.Length > 0) { foreach (XenOvf.Definitions.XENC.ReferenceType dataref in securitytype.ReferenceList.Items) { if (dataref is DataReference) { fileuuids += ":" + ((DataReference)dataref).ValueType; } } } if (securitytype.EncryptionMethod != null && securitytype.EncryptionMethod.Algorithm != null) { string algoname = (securitytype.EncryptionMethod.Algorithm.Split(new char[] { '#' }))[1].ToLower().Replace('-', '_'); object x = OVF.AlgorithmMap(algoname); if (x != null) { EncryptionClass = (string)x; EncryptionKeySize = Convert.ToInt32(securitytype.EncryptionMethod.KeySize); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(securitytype.version)) { encryptionVersion = securitytype.version; } } } } #endregion #region FIND DEFAULT SR Dictionary, Pool> pools = Pool.get_all_records(xenSession); foreach (XenRef pool in pools.Keys) { DefaultSRUUID = pools[pool].default_SR; break; } #endregion // // So the process is the same below, change this // if (ovfObj.Item is VirtualSystem_Type) { VirtualSystem_Type vstemp = (VirtualSystem_Type)ovfObj.Item; ovfObj.Item = new VirtualSystemCollection_Type(); ((VirtualSystemCollection_Type)ovfObj.Item).Content = new Content_Type[] { vstemp }; } #region Create appliance XenRef applRef = null; if (ApplianceName != null) { var vmAppliance = new VM_appliance {name_label = ApplianceName, Connection = xenSession.Connection}; applRef = VM_appliance.create(xenSession, vmAppliance); } #endregion foreach (VirtualSystem_Type vSystem in ((VirtualSystemCollection_Type)ovfObj.Item).Content) { //FIND/SET THE NAME OF THE VM ovfname = OVF.FindSystemName(ovfObj, vSystem.id); auditLog.DebugFormat("Import: {0}, {1}", ovfname, pathToOvf); VirtualHardwareSection_Type vhs = OVF.FindVirtualHardwareSectionByAffinity(ovfObj, vSystem.id, "xen"); XenRef vmRef = DefineSystem(xenSession, vhs, ovfname); if (vmRef == null) { log.Error(Messages.ERROR_CREATE_VM_FAILED); throw new ImportException(Messages.ERROR_CREATE_VM_FAILED); } HideSystem(xenSession, vmRef); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Import.Process: DefineSystem completed ({0})", VM.get_name_label(xenSession, vmRef)); #region Set appliance if (applRef != null) VM.set_appliance(xenSession, vmRef.opaque_ref, applRef.opaque_ref); if (ovfObj.Sections != null) { StartupSection_Type[] startUpArray = OVF.FindSections(ovfObj.Sections); if (startUpArray != null && startUpArray.Length > 0) { var startupSection = startUpArray[0]; var itemList = startupSection.Item; if (itemList != null) { var item = itemList.FirstOrDefault(it => it.id == vSystem.id); if (item != null) { VM.set_start_delay(xenSession, vmRef.opaque_ref, item.startDelay); VM.set_shutdown_delay(xenSession, vmRef.opaque_ref, item.stopDelay); VM.set_order(xenSession, vmRef.opaque_ref, item.order); } } } } #endregion #region set has_vendor_device if (Helpers.DundeeOrGreater(xenSession.Connection)) { var data = vhs.VirtualSystemOtherConfigurationData; if (data != null) { var datum = data.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "VM_has_vendor_device"); if (datum != null) { bool hasVendorDevice; if (bool.TryParse(datum.Value.Value, out hasVendorDevice) && hasVendorDevice) VM.set_has_vendor_device(xenSession, vmRef.opaque_ref, hasVendorDevice); } } } #endregion #region Set vgpu GPU_group gpuGroup; VGPU_type vgpuType; FindGpuGroupAndVgpuType(xenSession, vhs, out gpuGroup, out vgpuType); if (gpuGroup != null) { var other_config = new Dictionary(); if (Helpers.FeatureForbidden(xenSession, Host.RestrictVgpu)) VGPU.create(xenSession, vmRef.opaque_ref, gpuGroup.opaque_ref, "0", other_config); else if (vgpuType != null) VGPU.create(xenSession, vmRef.opaque_ref, gpuGroup.opaque_ref, "0", other_config, vgpuType.opaque_ref); } #endregion SetDeviceConnections(ovfObj, vhs); try { foreach (RASD_Type rasd in vhs.Item) { string thisPassCode = null; // Check to see if THIS rasd is encrypted, if so, set the passcode. if (OVF.IsThisEncrypted(ovfObj, rasd)) thisPassCode = passcode; string compression = "None"; if (rasd.ResourceType.Value == 17 || rasd.ResourceType.Value == 19 || rasd.ResourceType.Value == 21) { bool skip = Tools.ValidateProperty("Caption", rasd) && ( rasd.Caption.Value.ToUpper().Contains("COM") || rasd.Caption.Value.ToUpper().Contains("FLOPPY") || rasd.Caption.Value.ToUpper().Contains("ISO") ); if (!skip) { File_Type file = OVF.FindFileReferenceByRASD(ovfObj, rasd); if (file == null) continue; if (IsKnownURIType(file.href)) _filedownloadsize = file.size; VirtualDiskDesc_Type vdisk = OVF.FindDiskReference(ovfObj, rasd); SetIfDeviceIsBootable(ovfObj, rasd); AdditionalSpace = OVF.ComputeCapacity(Convert.ToInt64(vdisk.capacity), vdisk.capacityAllocationUnits); // used in Wim file imports only. AddResourceSettingData(xenSession, vmRef, rasd, pathToOvf, OVF.FindRasdFileName(ovfObj, rasd, out compression), compression, encryptionVersion, thisPassCode); } } else { AddResourceSettingData(xenSession, vmRef, rasd, pathToOvf, OVF.FindRasdFileName(ovfObj, rasd, out compression), compression, encryptionVersion, thisPassCode); } } InstallSection_Type[] installSection = OVF.FindSections(vSystem.Items); if (installSection != null && installSection.Length == 1) { OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.MarqueeOn, "Import", Messages.START_POST_INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS)); OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.ImportProgress, "Import", Messages.START_POST_INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS)); HandleInstallSection(xenSession, vmRef, installSection[0]); } ShowSystem(xenSession, vmRef); #region PVS Proxy var site = FindPvsSite(xenSession, vhs); if (site != null) { var vm = xenSession.Connection.Resolve(vmRef); if (vm != null) { var vifs = xenSession.Connection.ResolveAll(vm.VIFs); var firstVif = vifs.FirstOrDefault(v => v.device.Equals("0")); if (firstVif != null) { var foundSite = PVS_site.get_by_uuid(xenSession, site.uuid); if (foundSite != null) { PVS_proxy.create(xenSession, foundSite.opaque_ref, firstVif.opaque_ref); } } } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is OperationCanceledException) throw; log.Error(Messages.ERROR_IMPORT_FAILED); throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_IMPORT_FAILED, ex); } } OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.MarqueeOff, "Import", "")); int _processId = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; string _touchFile = Path.Combine(pathToOvf, "xen__" + _processId); //added check again as Delete needs write permissions and even if the file does not exist import will fail if the user has read only permissions if (File.Exists(_touchFile)) File.Delete(_touchFile); OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.ImportThreadComplete, "Import", Messages.COMPLETED_IMPORT)); } #endregion #region PRIVATE private void http_UpdateHandler(XenOvfTranportEventArgs e) { OnUpdate(e); } private void HandleInstallSection(Session xenSession, XenRef vm, InstallSection_Type installsection) { // Configure for XenServer as requested by OVF.SetRunOnceBootCDROM() with the presence of a post install operation that is specific to XenServer. if (installsection.PostInstallOperations != null) ConfigureForXenServer(xenSession, vm); // Run the VM for the requested duration if this appliance had its own install section -- one not added to fixup for XenServer. if (((installsection.Info == null)) || ((installsection.Info != null) && (installsection.Info.Value.CompareTo("ConfigureForXenServer") != 0))) InstallSectionStartVirtualMachine(xenSession, vm, installsection.initialBootStopDelay); } private void ConfigureForXenServer(Session xenSession, XenRef vm) { // Ensure the new VM is down. if (VM.get_power_state(xenSession, vm) != vm_power_state.Halted) VM.hard_shutdown(xenSession, vm); while (VM.get_power_state(xenSession, vm) != vm_power_state.Halted) Thread.Sleep(Properties.Settings.Default.FixupPollTimeAsMs); // Save its original memory configuration. long staticMemoryMin = VM.get_memory_static_min(xenSession, vm); long staticMemoryMax = VM.get_memory_static_max(xenSession, vm); long dynamicMemoryMin = VM.get_memory_dynamic_min(xenSession, vm); long dynamicMemoryMax = VM.get_memory_dynamic_max(xenSession, vm); // Minimize the memory capacity for the fixup OS. long fixupMemorySize = Properties.Settings.Default.FixupOsMemorySizeAsMB * MB; VM.set_memory_limits(xenSession, vm, fixupMemorySize, fixupMemorySize, fixupMemorySize, fixupMemorySize); // Run the fixup OS on the VM. InstallSectionStartVirtualMachine(xenSession, vm, Properties.Settings.Default.FixupDurationAsSeconds); // Restore the original memory configuration. VM.set_memory_limits(xenSession, vm, staticMemoryMin, staticMemoryMax, dynamicMemoryMin, dynamicMemoryMax); // Eject the fixupOS CD. List> vbdList = VM.get_VBDs(xenSession, vm); foreach (XenRef vbd in vbdList) { if (VBD.get_type(xenSession, vbd) == vbd_type.CD) VBD.eject(xenSession, vbd); // Note that the original code did not destroy the VBD representing the CD drive. } // Restore the boot order. Dictionary bootParameters = new Dictionary(); bootParameters.Add("order", "cnd"); VM.set_HVM_boot_params(xenSession, vm, bootParameters); } private void InstallSectionStartVirtualMachine(Session xenSession, XenRef vm, int initialBootStopDelayAsSeconds) { // Start the VM. if (VM.get_power_state(xenSession, vm) != vm_power_state.Running) VM.start(xenSession, vm, false, true); // Finish early if requested to stop on its own. if (initialBootStopDelayAsSeconds == 0) return; // Wait for it to start. while (VM.get_power_state(xenSession, vm) != vm_power_state.Running) Thread.Sleep(Properties.Settings.Default.FixupPollTimeAsMs); // Let it run for the requested duration. int bootStopDelayAsMs = initialBootStopDelayAsSeconds * 1000; int msRunning = 0; while (VM.get_power_state(xenSession, vm) == vm_power_state.Running) { Thread.Sleep(Properties.Settings.Default.FixupPollTimeAsMs); msRunning += Properties.Settings.Default.FixupPollTimeAsMs; if (msRunning > bootStopDelayAsMs) break; } // Ensure it is off. if (VM.get_power_state(xenSession, vm) != vm_power_state.Halted) VM.hard_shutdown(xenSession, vm); } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands", Justification = "Logging mechanism")] internal List> ImportFile(Session xenSession, string vmname, string pathToOvf, string filename, string compression, string version, string passcode, string sruuid, string description, string vdiuuid) { List> vdiRef = new List>(); // Get the disk transport method from the configuration in XenOvfTransport.Properties.Settings.TransferType. TransferType useTransport = (TransferType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TransferType), Properties.Settings.Default.TransferType, true); TransferMethod useTransferMethod = TransferMethod.Image; string sourcefile = filename; string encryptfilename = null; string uncompressedfilename = null; string destinationPath = Properties.Settings.Default.xenISOMount; string StartPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(pathToOvf); Stream dataStream = null; long dataCapacity = 0; #region SET UP TRANSPORT if (filename != null) { if (IsKnownURIType(filename)) { Uri fileUri = new Uri(filename); filename = DownloadFileAsync(fileUri, 0); sourcefile = filename; } if (File.Exists(filename)) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(filename); try { encryptfilename = "enc_" + filename; uncompressedfilename = "unc_" + filename; // OK.. lets see is the file encrypted? #region ENCRYPTION if (passcode != null) { var statusMessage = string.Format(Messages.START_FILE_DECRYPTION, filename); OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.MarqueeOn, "Security", statusMessage)); log.Debug(statusMessage); OVF.DecryptToTempFile(EncryptionClass, filename, version, passcode, encryptfilename); sourcefile = encryptfilename; statusMessage += Messages.COMPLETE; OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.MarqueeOff, "Security", statusMessage)); } #endregion #region COMPRESSION // Identity == no compression, it is meant when a URL is used to identify the compression during transport. if (compression != null && !compression.ToLower().Equals("none") && !compression.ToLower().Equals("identity")) { // gz is the only understood 'compressed' format, strip it.. // the OVF is marked with "compressed=gzip" therefor it will get decompress // correctly and use with its disk extension (vmdk/vhd/vdi)... if (ext.ToLower().EndsWith(".gz")) { string newfilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uncompressedfilename); uncompressedfilename = newfilename; ext = Path.GetExtension(uncompressedfilename); } var statusMessage = string.Format(Messages.START_FILE_EXPANSION, filename); OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.MarqueeOn, "Compression", statusMessage)); var ovfCompressor = new OvfCompressor(); ovfCompressor.UncompressFile(sourcefile, uncompressedfilename, compression); if (File.Exists(encryptfilename)) { File.Delete(encryptfilename); } sourcefile = uncompressedfilename; statusMessage += Messages.COMPLETE; OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.MarqueeOff, "Compression", statusMessage)); } #endregion #region DISK SELECTION bool knownDisk = false; foreach (string diskext in VirtualDisk.SupportedDiskFormats) { if (ext.ToLower().Contains(diskext.ToLower())) { knownDisk = true; break; } } if (knownDisk) { log.DebugFormat("Found file {0} using {1} Stream", filename, ext); vhdDisk = VirtualDisk.OpenDisk(sourcefile, FileAccess.Read); dataStream = vhdDisk.Content; dataCapacity = vhdDisk.Capacity; } else if (ext.ToLower().Contains("wim")) { log.WarnFormat("EXPERIMENTAL CODE: Found file {0} using WIM file structure", filename); wimDisk = new DiscUtils.Wim.WimFile(new FileStream(sourcefile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)); //wimFS = wimDisk.GetImage(wimDisk.BootImage); dataStream = null; string manifest = wimDisk.Manifest; Wim_Manifest wimManifest = (Wim_Manifest)Tools.Deserialize(manifest, typeof(Wim_Manifest)); ulong imagesize = wimManifest.Image[wimDisk.BootImage].TotalBytes; // <----<<< Image data size wimFileCount = wimManifest.Image[wimDisk.BootImage].FileCount; dataCapacity = (long)(imagesize + AdditionalSpace); useTransferMethod = TransferMethod.Files; } else if (ext.ToLower().Contains("xva")) { log.WarnFormat("EXPERIMENTAL CODE: Found file {0} using XVA Stream (DISK {1} is being imported).", filename, xvadisk); DiscUtils.Xva.VirtualMachine vm = new DiscUtils.Xva.VirtualMachine(new FileStream(sourcefile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)); int i = 0; foreach (DiscUtils.Xva.Disk d in vm.Disks) { if (i == xvadisk) { vhdDisk = d; break; } } dataStream = vhdDisk.Content; dataCapacity = vhdDisk.Capacity; } else if (ext.ToLower().EndsWith("iso")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sruuid)) { useTransport = TransferType.Skip; } else { //DiscUtils.Iso9660.CDReader cdr = new DiscUtils.Iso9660.CDReader(File.OpenRead(filename), true); dataStream = File.OpenRead(filename); dataCapacity = dataStream.Length + (512 * KB); // Xen does 512KB rounding this is to ensure it doesn't round down below size. } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(Messages.ISCSI_ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_DISK); throw new Exception(Messages.ISCSI_ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_DISK, ex); } } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format(Messages.FILE_MISSING, filename)); } } else { log.Error(Messages.ERROR_FILE_NAME_NULL); throw new InvalidDataException(Messages.ERROR_FILE_NAME_NULL); } #endregion try { #region SEE IF TARGET SR HAS ENOUGH SPACE if (useTransport == TransferType.UploadRawVDI || useTransport == TransferType.iSCSI) { long freespace; string contenttype = string.Empty; if(vdiuuid != null) { XenRef vdiLookup = VDI.get_by_uuid(xenSession, vdiuuid); freespace = VDI.get_virtual_size(xenSession, vdiLookup); } else { XenRef srRef = SR.get_by_uuid(xenSession, sruuid); long size = SR.get_physical_size(xenSession, srRef); long usage = SR.get_physical_utilisation(xenSession, srRef); contenttype = SR.get_content_type(xenSession, srRef); freespace = size - usage; } if (freespace <= dataCapacity) { string message = string.Format(Messages.NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_IN_SR, sruuid, Convert.ToString(vhdDisk.Capacity), filename); log.Error(message); throw new IOException(message); } } #endregion #region UPLOAD FILE switch (useTransport) { case TransferType.UploadRawVDI: { vdiRef.Add(UploadRawVDI(xenSession, sruuid, vmname, dataStream, dataCapacity, description)); break; } case TransferType.iSCSI: { if (useTransferMethod == TransferMethod.Image) { vdiRef.Add(UploadiSCSI(xenSession, sruuid, vmname, dataStream, dataCapacity, description, vdiuuid)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < wimDisk.ImageCount; i++) { Wim_Manifest wimManifest = (Wim_Manifest)Tools.Deserialize(wimDisk.Manifest, typeof(Wim_Manifest)); wimFileCount = wimManifest.Image[i].FileCount; int wimArch = wimManifest.Image[i].Windows.Architecture; vdiRef.Add(UploadiSCSIbyWimFile(xenSession, sruuid, vmname, wimDisk, i, dataCapacity, wimFileCount, wimArch, "")); } } break; } case TransferType.Skip: { log.Info("ImportFile: Upload Skipped"); break; } default: { log.Error(Messages.UNSUPPORTED_TRANSPORT); throw new InvalidDataException(Messages.UNSUPPORTED_TRANSPORT); } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is OperationCanceledException) throw; throw new Exception(Messages.FILE_TRANSPORT_FAILED, ex); } finally { if (vhdDisk != null) { vhdDisk.Dispose(); vhdDisk = null; } if (wimDisk != null) { wimDisk = null; } if (File.Exists(encryptfilename)) { File.Delete(encryptfilename); } if (File.Exists(uncompressedfilename)) { File.Delete(uncompressedfilename); } } Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(StartPath); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Import.ImportFile leave: created {0} VDIs", vdiRef.Count); return vdiRef; } private XenRef UploadiSCSI(Session xenSession, string sruuid, string label, Stream filestream, long capacity, string description, string vdiuuid) { log.Debug("OVF.Import.UploadiSCSI Enter"); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Import.UploadiSCSI SRUUID: {0}", sruuid); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Import.UploadiSCSI Label: {0}", label); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Import.UploadiSCSI Capacity: {0}", capacity); XenRef vdiRef = null; //If no VDI uuid is provided create a VDI, otherwise use the one provided as //the target for the import. Used for SRs such as Lun per VDI (PR-1544) if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(vdiuuid)) { vdiRef = CreateVDI(xenSession, sruuid, label, capacity, description); vdiuuid = VDI.get_uuid(xenSession, vdiRef); } else { vdiRef = new XenRef(VDI.get_by_uuid(xenSession, vdiuuid)); } #region UPLOAD iSCSI STREAM OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.FileStart, "Import", string.Format(Messages.FILES_TRANSPORT_SETUP, _currentfilename))); m_iscsi = new iSCSI { UpdateHandler = iscsi_UpdateHandler, Cancel = Cancel //in case it has already been cancelled }; m_iscsi.ConfigureTvmNetwork(m_networkUuid, m_isTvmIpStatic, m_tvmIpAddress, m_tvmSubnetMask, m_tvmGateway); try { using (Stream iSCSIStream = m_iscsi.Connect(xenSession, vdiuuid, false)) { m_iscsi.Copy(filestream, iSCSIStream, label, false); iSCSIStream.Flush(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is OperationCanceledException) throw; log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", Messages.ERROR_ISCSI_UPLOAD_FAILED, ex.Message); vdiRef = null; throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_ISCSI_UPLOAD_FAILED, ex); } finally { OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.FileStart, "Import", string.Format(Messages.FILES_TRANSPORT_CLEANUP,_currentfilename))); m_iscsi.Disconnect(xenSession); } #endregion log.Debug("OVF.Import.UploadiSCSI Leave"); return vdiRef; } private XenRef UploadiSCSIbyWimFile(Session xenSession, string sruuid, string label, WimFile wimDisk, int imageindex, long capacity, ulong wimFileCount, int arch, string description) { log.Debug("OVF.Import.UploadiSCSIbyWimFile Enter"); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Import.UploadiSCSIbyWimFile SRUUID: {0}", sruuid); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Import.UploadiSCSIbyWimFile Label: {0}", label); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Import.UploadiSCSIbyWimFile ImageIndex: {0}", imageindex); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Import.UploadiSCSIbyWimFile Capacity: {0}", capacity); string vdilabel = string.Format("{0}{1}", label, imageindex); XenRef vdiRef = CreateVDI(xenSession, sruuid, vdilabel, capacity, description); byte[] mbr = null; byte[] boot = null; //byte[] bcd = null; //byte[] bootmgr = null; string vhdfile = FindReferenceVHD(Properties.Settings.Default.ReferenceVHDName); if (File.Exists(vhdfile)) { mbr = ExtractMBRFromVHD(vhdfile); boot = ExtractBootFromVHD(vhdfile); //bcd = ExtractBCDFromVHD(vhdfile, arch); //bootmgr = ExtractBootmgrFromVHD(vhdfile, arch); } else { log.WarnFormat("Refernce VHD not found [{0}]", Properties.Settings.Default.ReferenceVHDName); } #region UPLOAD iSCSI STREAM OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.FileStart, "Import", string.Format(Messages.FILES_TRANSPORT_SETUP, _currentfilename))); m_iscsi = new iSCSI { UpdateHandler = iscsi_UpdateHandler, Cancel = Cancel //in case it has already been cancelled }; m_iscsi.ConfigureTvmNetwork(m_networkUuid, m_isTvmIpStatic, m_tvmIpAddress, m_tvmSubnetMask, m_tvmGateway); try { wimFileIndex = 0; string vdiuuid = VDI.get_uuid(xenSession, vdiRef); Stream iSCSIStream = m_iscsi.Connect(xenSession, vdiuuid, false); WimFileSystem w = wimDisk.GetImage(imageindex); if (mbr != null) { m_iscsi.ScsiDisk.SetMasterBootRecord(mbr); } else { log.WarnFormat("System will not be bootable, cannot find [{0}] to extract master boot record.", vhdfile); OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.FileStart, "Import", Messages.WARNING_TARGET_NOT_BOOTABLE)); } m_iscsi.ScsiDisk.Signature = new Random().Next(); BiosPartitionTable table = BiosPartitionTable.Initialize(m_iscsi.ScsiDisk, WellKnownPartitionType.WindowsNtfs); VolumeManager volmgr = new VolumeManager(m_iscsi.ScsiDisk); NtfsFileSystem ntfs = null; if (wimDisk.BootImage == imageindex && boot != null) { table.SetActivePartition(0); ntfs = NtfsFileSystem.Format(volmgr.GetLogicalVolumes()[0], "New Volume", boot); } else { ntfs = NtfsFileSystem.Format(volmgr.GetLogicalVolumes()[0], "New Volume"); } //AddBCD(ntfs, bcd); //AddBootMgr(ntfs, bootmgr); // If it's not there it'll be created if it is it will not.. not below filecopy will overwrite if one it exists. FileCopy(m_iscsi, w.Root.GetFiles(), w, ntfs); FileCopy(m_iscsi, w.Root.GetDirectories(), w, ntfs); FixBCD(ntfs, volmgr); ntfs.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is OperationCanceledException) throw; log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", Messages.ERROR_ISCSI_UPLOAD_FAILED, ex.Message); vdiRef = null; throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_ISCSI_UPLOAD_FAILED, ex); } finally { OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.FileStart, "Import", string.Format(Messages.FILES_TRANSPORT_CLEANUP, _currentfilename))); m_iscsi.Disconnect(xenSession); } #endregion log.Debug("OVF.Import.UploadiSCSIbyWimFile Leave"); return vdiRef; } private void iscsi_UpdateHandler(XenOvfTranportEventArgs e) { OnUpdate(e); } private XenRef CreateVDI(Session xenSession, string sruuid, string label, long capacity, string description) { VDI vdi = new VDI { uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), name_label = label, name_description = description, SR = sruuid.ToLower().StartsWith("opaque") ? new XenRef(sruuid) : SR.get_by_uuid(xenSession, sruuid), virtual_size = capacity, physical_utilisation = capacity, type = vdi_type.user, sharable = false, read_only = false, storage_lock = false, managed = true, is_a_snapshot = false }; XenRef vdiRef = null; try { // Note that XenServer will round the capacity up to the nearest multiple of a 2 MB block. vdiRef = VDI.create(xenSession, vdi); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", Messages.ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_VDI, ex.Message); throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_VDI, ex); } log.Debug("Import.CeateVDI::VDI Created"); return vdiRef; } private void FileCopy(iSCSI iscsi, DiscDirectoryInfo[] DirInfos, WimFileSystem w, NtfsFileSystem ntfs) { foreach (DiscDirectoryInfo dir in DirInfos) { if (IsExcluded(dir.FullName)) { log.InfoFormat("Directory Skip {0}", dir.FullName); continue; } FileAttributes attr = dir.Attributes; if ((dir.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == 0) { ntfs.CreateDirectory(dir.FullName); if ((attr & FileAttributes.Temporary) == FileAttributes.Temporary) attr = attr & ~FileAttributes.Temporary; if ((attr & FileAttributes.Offline) == FileAttributes.Offline) attr = attr & ~FileAttributes.Offline; ntfs.SetAttributes(dir.FullName, attr); FileCopy(iscsi, dir.GetDirectories(), w, ntfs); FileCopy(iscsi, dir.GetFiles(), w, ntfs); } else { traceLog.InfoFormat("Directory ReparsePoint {0}", dir.FullName); ReparsePoint rp = w.GetReparsePoint(dir.FullName); ntfs.CreateDirectory(dir.FullName); ntfs.SetReparsePoint(dir.FullName, rp); } } } private void FileCopy(iSCSI iscsi, DiscFileInfo[] FileInfos, WimFileSystem w, NtfsFileSystem ntfs) { foreach (DiscFileInfo file in FileInfos) { if (IsExcluded(file.FullName)) { log.InfoFormat("File Skip {0}", file.FullName); continue; } FileAttributes attr = file.Attributes; if ((attr & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == 0) { using (Stream source = w.OpenFile(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (Stream destin = ntfs.OpenFile(file.FullName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { iscsi.WimCopy(source, destin, Path.GetFileName(file.FullName), false, wimFileIndex++, wimFileCount); } } if ((attr & FileAttributes.Temporary) == FileAttributes.Temporary) attr = attr & ~FileAttributes.Temporary; if ((attr & FileAttributes.Offline) == FileAttributes.Offline) attr = attr & ~FileAttributes.Offline; ntfs.SetAttributes(file.FullName, attr); } else { traceLog.InfoFormat("Reparse Point: {0}", file.FullName); ReparsePoint rp = w.GetReparsePoint(file.FullName); ntfs.SetReparsePoint(file.FullName, rp); } } } private bool IsExcluded(string path) { string pathUpper = path.ToUpperInvariant(); foreach(string excluded in Properties.Settings.Default.EXCLUDED_FILES_COPY) { if (pathUpper == excluded.ToUpperInvariant()) { return true; } } return false; } private XenRef UploadRawVDI(Session xenSession, string sruuid, string label, Stream filestream, long capacity, string description) { log.Debug("OVF.Import.UploadRawVDI Enter"); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Import.UpdoadRadVDI SRUUID: {0}", sruuid); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Import.UpdoadRadVDI Label: {0}", label); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Import.UpdoadRadVDI Capacity: {0}", capacity); #region CREATE A VDI VDI vdi = new VDI { uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), name_label = label, name_description = description, SR = sruuid.ToLower().StartsWith("opaque") ? new XenRef(sruuid) : SR.get_by_uuid(xenSession, sruuid), // Add 2MB, VDIs appear to round down making it too small. virtual_size = capacity + 2*MB, physical_utilisation = capacity + 2*MB, type = vdi_type.user, sharable = false, read_only = false, storage_lock = false, managed = true, is_a_snapshot = false }; XenRef vdiRef = null; try { vdiRef = VDI.create(xenSession, vdi); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", Messages.ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_VDI, ex.Message); throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_VDI, ex); } log.Debug("Import.UploadRawVDI::VDI Created"); #endregion #region UPLOAD HTTP STREAM XenRef taskRef = Task.create(xenSession, "UpdateStream", "UpdateStream"); string p2VUri = string.Format("/import_raw_vdi?session_id={0}&task_id={1}&vdi={2}", xenSession.opaque_ref, taskRef.opaque_ref, vdiRef.opaque_ref); NameValueCollection headers = new NameValueCollection(); headers.Add("Content-Length", Convert.ToString(capacity)); headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); headers.Add("Expect", "100-continue"); headers.Add("Accept", "*/*"); headers.Add("Connection", "close"); headers.Add("User-Agent", "XenP2VClient/1.5"); try { http.Put(filestream, _XenServer, p2VUri, headers, 0, capacity, false); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", Messages.ERROR_HTTP_UPLOAD_FAILED, ex.Message); if (vdiRef != null) RemoveVDI(xenSession, vdiRef); vdiRef = null; throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_HTTP_UPLOAD_FAILED, ex); } log.Debug("Import.UploadRawVDI::http.put complete"); #endregion // give it time to catch up. Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)); log.Debug("OVF.UploadRawVDI Leave"); return vdiRef; } private XenRef DefineSystem(Session xenSession, VirtualHardwareSection_Type system, string ovfName) { // Set Defaults: Random rand = new Random(); string vM_name_label = null; if (ovfName != null) { vM_name_label = ovfName; } string vmUuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string systemType = "301"; ulong memorySize = 512 * MB; // default size. string description = Messages.DEFAULT_IMPORT_DESCRIPTION; if (system.System == null) { log.Debug("OVF.Import.DefineSystem: System VSSD is empty, guessing. HVM style"); if (vM_name_label == null) { vM_name_label = Messages.UNDEFINED_NAME_LABEL; } vmUuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); systemType = "hvm-3.0-unknown"; } else { if (vM_name_label == null) { vM_name_label = Messages.UNDEFINED_NAME_LABEL; } vmUuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (system.System.VirtualSystemType != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(system.System.VirtualSystemType.Value)) { systemType = system.System.VirtualSystemType.Value; } if (system.System.Description != null) description = system.System.Description.Value; } #region MEMORY // Get Memory, huh? what? oh.. ya.. RASD_Type[] rasds = OVF.FindRasdByType(system, 4); if (rasds != null && rasds.Length > 0) { // hopefully only one. but if more ... then deal with it. memorySize = 0; // These are Default to MB... if other ensure RASD is correct. double memoryPower = 20.0; double memoryRaise = 2.0; foreach (RASD_Type rasd in rasds) { if (rasd.AllocationUnits.Value.ToLower().StartsWith("bytes")) { // Format: Bytes * 2 ^ 20 string[] a1 = rasd.AllocationUnits.Value.Split(new char[] { '*', '^' }); if (a1.Length == 3) { memoryRaise = Convert.ToDouble(a1[1]); memoryPower = Convert.ToDouble(a1[2]); } } double memoryMultiplier = Math.Pow(memoryRaise,memoryPower); memorySize += rasd.VirtualQuantity.Value * Convert.ToUInt64(memoryMultiplier); } } #endregion #region CPU COUNT // Get Memory, huh? what? oh.. ya.. rasds = OVF.FindRasdByType(system, 3); ulong CpuCount = 1; if (rasds != null && rasds.Length > 0) { // // Ok this can have more than one CPU and cores each so... // Normally each entry is a CPU, the VirtualQuatity is Cores. // CpuCount = 0; foreach (RASD_Type rasd in rasds) { CpuCount += rasd.VirtualQuantity.Value; } } #endregion Hashtable table = new Hashtable(); table.Add("uuid", vmUuid); table.Add("name_label", vM_name_label); table.Add("name_description", description); table.Add("user_version", "1"); table.Add("is_a_template", false); table.Add("is_a_snapshot", false); table.Add("memory_target", Convert.ToString(memorySize)); table.Add("memory_static_max", Convert.ToString(memorySize)); table.Add("memory_dynamic_max", Convert.ToString(memorySize)); table.Add("memory_dynamic_min", Convert.ToString(memorySize)); table.Add("memory_static_min", Convert.ToString(STATMEMMIN)); table.Add("VCPUs_max", Convert.ToString(CpuCount)); table.Add("VCPUs_at_startup", Convert.ToString(CpuCount)); table.Add("actions_after_shutdown", "destroy"); table.Add("actions_after_reboot", "restart"); table.Add("actions_after_crash", "restart"); double hvmshadowmultiplier = 1.0; table.Add("HVM_shadow_multiplier", hvmshadowmultiplier); table.Add("ha_always_run", false); #region XEN SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION INFORMATION if (system.VirtualSystemOtherConfigurationData == null || system.VirtualSystemOtherConfigurationData.Length <= 0) { // DEFAULT should work for all of HVM type or 301 table.Add("HVM_boot_policy", Properties.Settings.Default.xenBootOptions); Hashtable hBoot = new Hashtable(); hBoot.Add("order", Properties.Settings.Default.xenBootOrder); table.Add("HVM_boot_params", hBoot); Hashtable hPlatform = MakePlatformHash(Properties.Settings.Default.xenPlatformSetting); table.Add("platform", hPlatform); } else { foreach (Xen_ConfigurationSettingData_Type xcsd in system.VirtualSystemOtherConfigurationData) { string key = xcsd.Name.Replace('-', '_'); switch (key.ToLower()) { case "hvm_boot_params": { Hashtable hBoot = new Hashtable(); hBoot.Add("order", xcsd.Value.Value); if (table.ContainsKey(key)) { table[key] = hBoot; } else { table.Add(key, hBoot); } break; } case "hvm_shadow_multiplier": { if (table.ContainsKey(key)) { table[key] = Convert.ToDouble(xcsd.Value.Value); } else { table.Add(key, Convert.ToDouble(xcsd.Value.Value)); } break; } case "platform": { Hashtable hPlatform = MakePlatformHash(xcsd.Value.Value); if (table.ContainsKey(key)) { table[key] = hPlatform; } else { table.Add(key, hPlatform); } break; } default: { if (table.ContainsKey(key)) { table[key] = xcsd.Value.Value; } else { table.Add(key, xcsd.Value.Value); } break; } } } } #endregion try { VM newVM = new VM(table); return VM.create(xenSession, newVM); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", Messages.ERROR_CREATE_VM_FAILED, ex.Message); throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_CREATE_VM_FAILED, ex); } } public static Regex VGPU_REGEX = new Regex("^GPU_types={(.*)};VGPU_type_vendor_name=(.*);VGPU_type_model_name=(.*);$"); public static Regex PVS_SITE_REGEX = new Regex("^PVS_SITE={uuid=(.*)};$"); private void FindGpuGroupAndVgpuType(Session xenSession, VirtualHardwareSection_Type system, out GPU_group gpuGroup, out VGPU_type vgpuType) { gpuGroup = null; vgpuType = null; var data = system.VirtualSystemOtherConfigurationData; if (data == null) return; var datum = data.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "vgpu"); if (datum == null) return; Match m = VGPU_REGEX.Match(datum.Value.Value); if (!m.Success) return; var types = m.Groups[1].Value.Split(';'); var gpuGroups = GPU_group.get_all_records(xenSession); var gpuKvp = gpuGroups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Value.supported_VGPU_types.Count > 0 && g.Value.GPU_types.Length == types.Length && g.Value.GPU_types.Intersect(types).Count() == types.Length); if (gpuKvp.Equals(default(KeyValuePair, GPU_group>))) return; gpuGroup = gpuKvp.Value; gpuGroup.opaque_ref = gpuKvp.Key.opaque_ref; string vendorName = m.Groups[2].Value; string modelName = m.Groups[3].Value; var vgpuTypes = VGPU_type.get_all_records(xenSession); var vgpuKey = vgpuTypes.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Value.vendor_name == vendorName && v.Value.model_name == modelName); if (vgpuKey.Equals(default(KeyValuePair, VGPU_type>))) return; vgpuType = vgpuKey.Value; vgpuType.opaque_ref = vgpuKey.Key.opaque_ref; } private PVS_site FindPvsSite(Session xenSession, VirtualHardwareSection_Type system) { var data = system.VirtualSystemOtherConfigurationData; if (data == null) return null; var datum = data.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "pvssite"); if (datum == null) return null; Match m = PVS_SITE_REGEX.Match(datum.Value.Value); if (!m.Success) return null; var siteUuid = m.Groups[1].Value; var allSites = PVS_site.get_all_records(xenSession); var site = allSites.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).FirstOrDefault(p => p.uuid == siteUuid); return site; } private void RemoveSystem(Session xenSession, XenRef vm) { try { VM.destroy(xenSession, vm); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", Messages.ERROR_REMOVE_VM_FAILED, ex.Message); throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_REMOVE_VM_FAILED, ex); } return; } private void RemoveVDI(Session xenSession, XenRef vdi) { try { log.Error("OVF.Import.RemoveVDI: Something went wrong deleting associated VDI"); VDI.destroy(xenSession, vdi.opaque_ref); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0}, {1}", Messages.ERROR_REMOVE_VDI_FAILED, ex.Message); throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_REMOVE_VDI_FAILED, ex); } return; } private Hashtable MakePlatformHash(string plaform) { Hashtable hPlatform = new Hashtable(); string[] platformArray = plaform.Split(new char[] { '=', ';' }); for (int i = 0; i < platformArray.Length - 1; i += 2) { string identifier = platformArray[i].Trim(); string identvalue = platformArray[i + 1].Trim(); hPlatform.Add(identifier, identvalue); } // Handle the case when NX isn't in the platform string. if (!hPlatform.ContainsKey("nx")) hPlatform.Add("nx", "true"); return hPlatform; } private void AddResourceSettingData(Session xenSession, XenRef vmRef, RASD_Type rasd, string pathToOvf, string filename, string compression, string version, string passcode) { switch (rasd.ResourceType.Value) { case 3: // Processor: Already set in DefineSystem case 4: // Memory: Already set in DefineSystem case 5: // Internal Disk Controller of one type or another. case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: { // For Xen really nothing to do here, does not support the different // controller types, therefore we must ensure // via positional on controllers. // IDE - #1 // SCSI - #2 // IDE 0 Disk 0 Goes to Xen: userdevice=0 // IDE 0 Disk 1 Goes to Xen: userdevice=1 // IDE 1 Disk 0 Goes to Xen: userdevice=2 // IDE 1 CDDVD 1 Goes to Xen: userdevice=3 // SCSI 0 Disk 0 Goes to Xen: userdevice=4 // SCSI 0 Disk 1 Goes to Xen: userdevice=5 // and so forth. break; } case 10: // Network { XenRef net = null; XenRef netDefault = null; string netuuid = null; #region SELECT NETWORK Dictionary, Network> networks = Network.get_all_records(xenSession); if (rasd.Connection != null && rasd.Connection.Length > 0) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rasd.Connection[0].Value)) { // Ignore the NetworkSection/Network // During Network Selection the UUID for Network was set in Connection Field // Makes data self contained here. if (rasd.Connection[0].Value.Contains(Properties.Settings.Default.xenNetworkKey) || rasd.Connection[0].Value.Contains(Properties.Settings.Default.xenNetworkUuidKey)) { string[] s = rasd.Connection[0].Value.Split(new char[] { ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { if (s[i].StartsWith(Properties.Settings.Default.xenNetworkKey) || s[i].StartsWith(Properties.Settings.Default.xenNetworkUuidKey)) { string[] s1 = s[i].Split(new char[] { '=' } ); netuuid = s1[1]; } } } foreach (XenRef netRef in networks.Keys) { // if its a UUID and we find it... use it.. if (net == null && netuuid != null && netuuid.Equals(networks[netRef].uuid)) { net = netRef; } // Ok second is to match it as a NAME_LABEL else if (net == null && netuuid != null && networks[netRef].name_label.ToLower().Contains(netuuid)) { net = netRef; } // hhmm neither... is it a BRIDGE name? else if (net == null && netuuid != null && networks[netRef].bridge.ToLower().Contains(netuuid)) { net = netRef; } // ok find the default. if (networks[netRef].bridge.ToLower().Contains(Properties.Settings.Default.xenDefaultNetwork)) { netDefault = netRef; } } if (net == null) { net = netDefault; } } } #endregion #region ATTACH NETWORK TO VM VIF vif = new VIF { uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), allowed_operations = new List {vif_operations.attach}, device = Convert.ToString(vifDeviceIndex++), network = net, VM = vmRef, MTU = 1500, locking_mode = vif_locking_mode.network_default }; // This is MAC address if available use it. // needs to be in form: 00:00:00:00:00:00 if (Tools.ValidateProperty("Address", rasd)) { StringBuilder networkAddress = new StringBuilder(); if (!rasd.Address.Value.Contains(":")) { for (int i = 0; i < rasd.Address.Value.Length; i++) { if ((i > 0) && (i % 2) == 0) { networkAddress.Append(":"); } networkAddress.Append(rasd.Address.Value[i]); } } if (networkAddress.Length == 0) { networkAddress.Append(rasd.Address.Value); } vif.MAC = networkAddress.ToString(); } try { xenSession.Connection.WaitForCache(VIF.create(xenSession, vif)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", Messages.ERROR_CREATE_VIF_FAILED, ex.Message); throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_CREATE_VIF_FAILED, ex); } #endregion log.Debug("OVF.Import.AddResourceSettingData: Network Added"); break; } case 15: // CD Drive case 16: // DVD Drive { // We always attach as "EMPTY". // Currenlty Xen Server can only have ONE CD, so we must // Skip the others. // If it's not necessary.. skip it. #region Attach DVD to VM bool SkipCD = false; List> vbds = VM.get_VBDs(xenSession, vmRef); foreach (XenRef vbd in vbds) { vbd_type vbdType = VBD.get_type(xenSession, vbd); if (vbdType == vbd_type.CD) { SkipCD = true; break; } } if (!SkipCD) { List> vdiRef = new List>(); if (filename != null) { #region IS THE ISO SR IN THE OVF? string isoUuid = null; if (rasd.Connection != null && rasd.Connection.Length > 0) { if (rasd.Connection[0].Value.ToLower().Contains("sr=")) { string[] vpairs = rasd.Connection[0].Value.Split(new char[] { ',' }); foreach (string vset in vpairs) { if (vset.ToLower().StartsWith("sr=")) { isoUuid = vset.Substring(vset.LastIndexOf('=') + 1); try { #region TRY IT AS UUID try { XenRef srref = SR.get_by_uuid(xenSession, isoUuid); if (srref == null) { isoUuid = null; } else { break; } } catch { traceLog.Debug("Import.AddResourceSettingData: iso sr uuid not found, trying name_label"); } #endregion #region TRY IT AS NAME_LABEL try { List> srrefList = SR.get_by_name_label(xenSession, isoUuid); if (srrefList != null && srrefList.Count > 0) { isoUuid = SR.get_uuid(xenSession, srrefList[0]); break; } } catch { traceLog.Debug("Import.AddResourceSettingData: iso sr uuid not found, looking for vdi..."); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { log.WarnFormat("Import.AddResourceSettingData: could not find SR: {0}", ex.Message); isoUuid = null; } break; } } } } #endregion // VDI trumps SR List> isoVDIlist = VDI.get_by_name_label(xenSession, filename); if (isoVDIlist.Count > 0) { vdiRef.Add(isoVDIlist[0]); } else { #region LAST CHANCE USE XENTOOLS ISO SR if (isoUuid == null) { Dictionary, SR> srDictionary = SR.get_all_records(xenSession); foreach (XenRef key in srDictionary.Keys) { if (srDictionary[key].content_type.ToLower() == "iso" && srDictionary[key].type.ToLower() == "iso") { if (srDictionary[key].name_label.ToLower().Equals(Properties.Settings.Default.xenTools.ToLower())) { isoUuid = srDictionary[key].uuid; break; } } } } #endregion #region DO IMPORT ISO FILE if (isoUuid != null && !MetaDataOnly) { _currentfilename = filename; try { vdiRef = ImportFileProc(new TaskInfo(xenSession, this, filename, pathToOvf, filename, isoUuid, version, passcode, compression, "", null)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is OperationCanceledException) throw; var msg = string.Format(Messages.ERROR_ADDRESOURCESETTINGDATA_FAILED, Messages.ISO); log.ErrorFormat("{0}, {1}", msg, ex.Message); throw new Exception(msg, ex); } finally { if (vdiRef == null || vdiRef.Count <= 0) { log.Error(string.Format(Messages.ERROR_IMPORT_DISK_FAILED, filename, isoUuid)); RemoveSystem(xenSession, vmRef); } } } #endregion } } else { vdiRef.Add(XenRef.Create(string.Empty)); } #region CREATE VBD CONNECTION string booleans = "empty,bootable,unpluggable,attachable,storage-lock"; string skipvalues = "sr,vdi"; foreach (XenRef currentVDI in vdiRef) { Hashtable vbdHash = new Hashtable(); if (rasd.Connection != null && rasd.Connection.Length > 0) { string[] valuepairs = rasd.Connection[0].Value.Split(new char[] { ',' }); foreach (string valuepair in valuepairs) { string[] namevalue = valuepair.Split(new char[] { '=' }); if (!skipvalues.ToLower().Contains(namevalue[0].ToLower())) { string name = namevalue[0]; if (name.ToLower().Equals("device")) { name = "userdevice"; } if (booleans.Contains(name)) { vbdHash.Add(name, Convert.ToBoolean(namevalue[1])); } else { vbdHash.Add(name, namevalue[1]); } } } } if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("vm-name-label")) vbdHash.Add("vm-name-label", VM.get_name_label(xenSession, vmRef)); if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("VM")) vbdHash.Add("VM", vmRef.opaque_ref); if (currentVDI != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentVDI.opaque_ref)) { // Override values. if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("VDI")) vbdHash.Add("VDI", currentVDI.opaque_ref); else vbdHash["VDI"] = currentVDI.opaque_ref; if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("empty")) vbdHash.Add("empty", false); else vbdHash["empty"] = false; if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("bootable")) vbdHash.Add("bootable", true); else vbdHash["bootable"] = true; if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("unpluggable")) vbdHash.Add("unpluggable", true); else vbdHash["unpluggable"] = true; } else { // Override. if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("empty")) vbdHash.Add("empty", true); else vbdHash["empty"] = true; } if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("mode")) vbdHash.Add("mode", "RO"); if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("userdevice")) vbdHash.Add("userdevice", "3"); if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("type")) vbdHash.Add("type", "CD"); if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("attachable")) vbdHash.Add("attachable", true); if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("storage-lock")) vbdHash.Add("storage-lock", false); if (!vbdHash.ContainsKey("status-code")) vbdHash.Add("status-code", "0"); vbdHash["userdevice"] = VerifyUserDevice(xenSession, vmRef, (string)vbdHash["userdevice"]); Hashtable hOtherConfig = new Hashtable(); hOtherConfig.Add("owner", "true"); vbdHash.Add("other_config", hOtherConfig); if (!((string)vbdHash["userdevice"]).EndsWith("+")) { VBD vbd = new VBD(vbdHash); try { VBD.create(xenSession, vbd); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("Import.AddResourceSettingData: {0}", ex.Message); } } else { log.WarnFormat("Import: ================== ATTENTION NEEDED ======================="); log.WarnFormat("Import: Could not determine appropriate number of device placement."); log.WarnFormat("Import: Please Start, Logon, Shut down, System ({0})", (string)vbdHash["vm_name_label"]); log.WarnFormat("Import: Then attach disks with labels ending with \"+\" to the device number defined before the +."); log.Warn("Import: ==========================================================="); OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.Progress, "Import", Messages.WARNING_ADMIN_REQUIRED)); } } #endregion } #endregion OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.ImportProgress, "CD/DVD Drive", string.Format(Messages.DEVICE_ATTACHED, Messages.CD_DVD_DEVICE))); log.Debug("Import.AddResourceSettingData: CD/DVD ROM Added"); break; } case 17: // Disk Drive case 19: // Storage Extent case 21: // Microsoft: Harddisk/Floppy/ISO { #region ADD DISK if (filename == null) // NO disk is available, why import RASD? { log.WarnFormat("No file available to import, skipping: RASD{0}: {1}", rasd.ResourceType.Value, rasd.InstanceID.Value); break; } string sruuid = null; string vdiuuid = null; string userdeviceid = null; string vmName = VM.get_name_label(xenSession, vmRef); bool isbootable = false; vbd_mode mode = vbd_mode.RW; bool importThisRasd = true; if (Tools.ValidateProperty("Caption", rasd)) // rasd.Caption != null && rasd.Caption.Value != null && rasd.Caption.Value.Length > 0) { if ( rasd.Caption.Value.ToUpper().Contains("COM") || rasd.Caption.Value.ToUpper().Contains("FLOPPY") || rasd.Caption.Value.ToUpper().Contains("ISO") ) { importThisRasd = false; } } if (importThisRasd) { #region IMPORT DISKS if (!MetaDataOnly) { _currentfilename = filename; List> vdiRef = null; #region PARSE CONNECTION if (Tools.ValidateProperty("Connection", rasd)) { string[] s = rasd.Connection[0].Value.Split(new char[] { '=', ',' }); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { string checkme = s[i].ToLower().Trim(); switch (checkme) { case "device": { userdeviceid = s[++i]; break; } case "bootable": { isbootable = Convert.ToBoolean(s[++i]); break; } case "mode": { if (s[++i].Equals("r")) { mode = vbd_mode.RO; } break; } case "vdi": { vdiuuid = s[++i]; break; } case "sr": { sruuid = s[++i]; break; } } } } #endregion #region VERIFY SR UUID if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sruuid)) { XenRef srref = null; try { srref = SR.get_by_uuid(xenSession, sruuid); } catch { traceLog.Debug("Import.AddResourceSettingData: SR missing... still looking.."); } if (srref == null) { List> srlist = null; try { srlist = SR.get_by_name_label(xenSession, sruuid); } catch { traceLog.Debug("Import.AddResourceSettingData: SR missing... still looking.."); } if (srlist != null && srlist.Count > 0) { sruuid = SR.get_uuid(xenSession, srlist[0]); } } } else { sruuid = null; } #endregion #region LAST CHANGE TO FIND SR if (sruuid == null) { if (DefaultSRUUID == null) { log.Error(Messages.ERROR_COULD_NOT_FIND_SR); throw new InvalidDataException(Messages.ERROR_COULD_NOT_FIND_SR); } Dictionary, SR> srDict = SR.get_all_records(xenSession); if (vdiuuid != null) { //Try and get the SR that belongs to the VDI attached XenRef tempVDI = VDI.get_by_uuid(xenSession, vdiuuid); if (tempVDI == null) { log.Error(Messages.ERROR_COULD_NOT_FIND_SR); throw new InvalidDataException(Messages.ERROR_COULD_NOT_FIND_SR); } XenRef tempSR = VDI.get_SR(xenSession, tempVDI.opaque_ref); sruuid = srDict[tempSR].uuid; } else sruuid = srDict[DefaultSRUUID].uuid; } #endregion try { string disklabel = string.Format("{0}_{1}", vmName, userdeviceid); if ((rasd.ElementName != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rasd.ElementName.Value))) disklabel = rasd.ElementName.Value; string description = ""; if ((rasd.Description != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rasd.Description.Value))) description = rasd.Description.Value; vdiRef = ImportFileProc(new TaskInfo(xenSession, this, disklabel, pathToOvf, filename, sruuid, version, passcode, compression, description, vdiuuid)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is OperationCanceledException) throw; var msg = string.Format(Messages.ERROR_ADDRESOURCESETTINGDATA_FAILED, Messages.DISK_DEVICE); log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", msg, ex.Message); throw new InvalidDataException(msg, ex); } finally { if (vdiRef == null) { var msg = string.Format(Messages.ERROR_IMPORT_DISK_FAILED, filename, sruuid); log.Error(msg); RemoveSystem(xenSession, vmRef); } } log.DebugFormat("Import.AddResourceSettingData coung {0} VDIs", vdiRef.Count); foreach (XenRef currentVDI in vdiRef) { VBD vbd = new VBD { userdevice = VerifyUserDevice(xenSession, vmRef, userdeviceid ?? "99"), bootable = isbootable, VDI = currentVDI, mode = mode, uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), VM = vmRef, empty = false, type = vbd_type.Disk, currently_attached = false, storage_lock = false, status_code = 0, // below other_config keys XS to delete the disk along with the VM. other_config = new Dictionary {{"owner", "true"}} }; if (!vbd.userdevice.EndsWith("+")) { try { VBD.create(xenSession, vbd); } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", Messages.ERROR_CREATE_VBD_FAILED, ex.Message); throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_CREATE_VBD_FAILED, ex); } } else { log.WarnFormat("Import: ================== ATTENTION NEEDED ======================="); log.WarnFormat("Import: Could not determine appropriate number for device placement."); log.WarnFormat("Import: Please Start, Logon, Shut down, System ({0})", vmName); log.WarnFormat("Import: Then manually attach disks with labels with {0}_# that are not attached to {0}", vmName); log.WarnFormat("Import: ==========================================================="); OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.Progress, "Import", Messages.WARNING_ADMIN_REQUIRED)); } } } else { log.InfoFormat("Import: FILE SKIPPED (METADATA ONLY SELECTED) {0}", _currentfilename); } #endregion } log.Debug("Import.AddResourceSettingData: Hard Disk Image Added"); break; #endregion } } } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2122:DoNotIndirectlyExposeMethodsWithLinkDemands", Justification = "Logging mechanism")] private string VerifyUserDevice(Session xenSession, XenRef vmRef, string device) { log.DebugFormat("Import.VerifyUserDevice, checking device: {0} (99 = autoselect)", device); string usethisdevice = null; string[] allowedVBDs = VM.get_allowed_VBD_devices(xenSession, vmRef); if (allowedVBDs == null || allowedVBDs.Length <= 0) { string message = string.Format("OVF.VerifyUserDevice: No more available devices, cannot add device: {0}", device); log.Error(message); return device + "+"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(device) && !device.StartsWith("99")) { foreach (string allowedvbd in allowedVBDs) { if (device.ToLower() == allowedvbd.ToLower()) { usethisdevice = device; log.DebugFormat("Import.VerifyUserDevice, device: {0} will be used.", device); break; } } } else { usethisdevice = allowedVBDs[0]; log.DebugFormat("Import.VerifyUserDevice, device [{0}] is not available, setting to: [{1}]", device, usethisdevice); } if (usethisdevice == null) { if (!device.EndsWith("+")) usethisdevice = device + "+"; } return usethisdevice; } private void SetDeviceConnections(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, VirtualHardwareSection_Type vhs) { int[] connections = new int[16]; int deviceoffset = 0; List rasdList = new List(); rasdList.AddRange(vhs.Item); rasdList.Sort(compareControllerRasd); // sorts based on ResourceType.Value // For Xen really nothing to do here, does not support the different // controller types, therefore we must ensure // via positional on controllers. // IDE - #1 // SCSI - #2 // IDE 0 Disk 0 Goes to Xen: userdevice=0 // IDE 0 Disk 1 Goes to Xen: userdevice=1 // IDE 1 CD/DVD 0 Goes to Xen: userdevice=2 // IDE 1 Disk 1 UnUsed // SCSI 0 Disk 0 Goes to Xen: userdevice=3 // SCSI 0 Disk 1 Goes to Xen: userdevice=4 // and so forth. foreach (RASD_Type rasd in rasdList) { switch (rasd.ResourceType.Value) { case 5: // IDE Controller #1 case 6: // Parallel SCSI HBA #2 case 7: // FC HBA #3 case 8: // iSCSI HBA #4 case 9: // IB HCA #5 { List connectedrasds = FindConnectedItems(rasd.InstanceID.Value, vhs.Item, null); foreach (RASD_Type _rasd in connectedrasds) { //if (_rasd.Connection != null && // _rasd.Connection.Length > 0 && // _rasd.Connection[0] != null && // _rasd.Connection[0].Value != null && // _rasd.Connection[0].Value.Length > 0) if (_rasd.ResourceType.Value == 15 || _rasd.ResourceType.Value == 16) { deviceoffset = 2; } else { deviceoffset = 0; } if (Tools.ValidateProperty("Connection", _rasd)) { if (!_rasd.Connection[0].Value.ToLower().Contains("device=")) { _rasd.Connection[0].Value = string.Format("{0},device={1}", _rasd.Connection[0].Value, FindNextAvailable(deviceoffset, connections, 0)); } } else { _rasd.Connection = new cimString[] { new cimString(string.Format("device={0}", FindNextAvailable(deviceoffset, connections, 0))) }; } } break; } } } } private int FindNextAvailable(int offset, int[] ids, int unusedkey) { int available = 0; for (int i = offset; i < ids.Length; i++) { if (ids[i] == unusedkey) { ids[i] = 1; available = i; break; } } return available; } private List FindConnectedItems(string instanceId, RASD_Type[] rasds, string value22) { List connectedRasds = new List(); foreach (RASD_Type rasd in rasds) { if (rasd.Parent != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rasd.Parent.Value) ) { string parent = rasd.Parent.Value.Replace(@"\", ""); string instance = instanceId.Replace(@"\", ""); if (parent.Contains(instance)) { switch (rasd.ResourceType.Value) { case 15: case 16: { connectedRasds.Add(rasd); break; } case 22: // Check to see if it's Microsoft Synthetic Disk Drive { if (Tools.ValidateProperty("ResourceSubType", rasd) && rasd.ResourceSubType.Value.ToLower().Contains("synthetic") ) { connectedRasds.AddRange(FindConnectedItems(rasd.InstanceID.Value, rasds, rasd.Address.Value)); } break; } case 17: // VMware Hard Disk case 19: // XenServer/XenConvert Storage Extent case 21: // Microsoft Hard Disk Image { if ((Tools.ValidateProperty("ElementName", rasd) && rasd.ElementName.Value.ToLower().Contains("hard disk")) || (Tools.ValidateProperty("Caption", rasd) && rasd.Caption.Value.ToLower().Contains("hard disk")) || (Tools.ValidateProperty("Caption", rasd) && rasd.Caption.Value.ToLower().StartsWith("disk")) ) { if (value22 != null) { rasd.Address = new cimString(value22); } if (!connectedRasds.Contains(rasd)) connectedRasds.Add(rasd); } break; } } } } } Comparison diskcomparison = new Comparison(compareConnectedDisks); connectedRasds.Sort(diskcomparison); return connectedRasds; } private void SetIfDeviceIsBootable(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, RASD_Type rasd) { // This is a best guess algorithm. without opening the VHD itself, there is no guarrenteed method // to delineate this, so we guess. // IF it's created by Kensho/XenConvert there will be a chance of having a clue. // Otherwise it'll be based upon 'order' and device 0 will win the bootable device. bool isBootable = true; VirtualDiskDesc_Type[] disks = null; foreach (Section_Type sect in ovfEnv.Sections) { if (sect is DiskSection_Type) { disks = ((DiskSection_Type)sect).Disk; } } if (disks == null) return; bool useHostResource = false; if (Tools.ValidateProperty("HostResource", rasd)) { log.Debug("Using HostResource to find Disk"); useHostResource = true; } else { log.Debug("Using InstanceID to find Disk"); } foreach(VirtualDiskDesc_Type disk in disks) { if (useHostResource) { if (rasd.HostResource[0].Value.Contains(disk.diskId)) { isBootable = disk.isBootable; } } else { if (rasd.InstanceID.Value.Contains(disk.diskId)) { isBootable = disk.isBootable; } } } if (Tools.ValidateProperty("Address", rasd)) { if ((rasd.ResourceType.Value == 21 || rasd.ResourceType.Value == 5) && rasd.Address.Value == "0") { isBootable = true; } } if (Tools.ValidateProperty("AddressOnParent", rasd)) { if ((rasd.ResourceType.Value == 17 || rasd.ResourceType.Value == 19) && rasd.AddressOnParent.Value == "0") { isBootable = true; } } if (Tools.ValidateProperty("Connection", rasd)) { if (rasd.Connection[0].Value.Contains("device=0")) { isBootable = true; } if (!rasd.Connection[0].Value.Contains("bootable")) { rasd.Connection[0].Value = string.Format("{0},bootable={1}", rasd.Connection[0].Value, isBootable); } } else { rasd.Connection = new cimString[] { new cimString(string.Format("bootable={0}", isBootable)) }; } } private XenRef CheckForISOVDI(Session xenSession, string filename) { XenRef vdiref = null; Dictionary, VDI> vdidict = VDI.get_all_records(xenSession); foreach (XenRef key in vdidict.Keys) { if (vdidict[key].name_label.ToLower().Equals(filename.ToLower())) { vdiref = key; break; } } return vdiref; } private class TaskInfo { public Session xenSession; public object _import; public string NameLabel; public string PathToOvf; public string Filename; public string Compression; public string SRuuid; public string Version; public string Passcode; public string Description; public string VDIuuid; public TaskInfo(Session xensession, object import, string namelabel, string pathToOvf, string filename, string sruuid, string version, string passcode, string compression, string description, string vdiuuid) { xenSession = xensession; _import = import; NameLabel = namelabel; PathToOvf = pathToOvf; Filename = filename; SRuuid = sruuid; Passcode = passcode; Compression = compression; Version = version; Description = description; VDIuuid = vdiuuid; } } private List> ImportFileProc(object args) { List> vdiRef = null; if (args is TaskInfo) { log.InfoFormat("Import.ImportFileProc: ThreadID: {0}[{1}]", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); TaskInfo ti = (TaskInfo)args; try { vdiRef = ((Import)ti._import).ImportFile(ti.xenSession, ti.NameLabel, ti.PathToOvf, ti.Filename, ti.Compression, ti.Version, ti.Passcode, ti.SRuuid, ti.Description, ti.VDIuuid); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is OperationCanceledException) throw; log.Error(Messages.ERROR_IMPORT_FAILED); throw new Exception(Messages.ERROR_IMPORT_FAILED, ex); } } log.Debug("OVF.ImportFileProc (worker thread) completed"); return vdiRef; } private static bool IsNumber(string s) { Regex pattern = new Regex(@"[\d]"); if (pattern.IsMatch(s)) { return true; } return false; } private static bool IsGUID(string expression) { if (expression != null) { Regex guidRegEx = new Regex(@"^(\{{0,1}([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}\}{0,1})$"); return guidRegEx.IsMatch(expression); } return false; } public bool IsKnownURIType(string filename) { bool IsURI = false; string expression = Properties.Settings.Default.uriRegex; RegexStringValidator rsv = new RegexStringValidator(expression); if (rsv.CanValidate(filename.GetType())) { try { rsv.Validate(filename); IsURI = true; log.InfoFormat("Import.isURI: File: {0} is in URI format.", filename); } catch { log.InfoFormat("Import.isURI: File: {0} is not in URI format.", filename); IsURI = false; } } return IsURI; } private void HideSystem(Session xenSession, XenRef vmRef) { VM.add_to_other_config(xenSession, vmRef, "HideFromXenCenter", "true"); } private void ShowSystem(Session xenSession, XenRef vmRef) { VM.remove_from_other_config(xenSession, vmRef, "HideFromXenCenter"); } private byte[] ExtractMBRFromVHD(string referenceVHD) { byte[] mbr = null; using (VirtualDisk vhdx = DiscUtils.Vhd.Disk.OpenDisk(referenceVHD, FileAccess.Read)) { mbr = vhdx.GetMasterBootRecord(); } return mbr; } private byte[] ExtractBootFromVHD(string referenceVHD) { return ExtractFileFromVHD(@"$Boot", referenceVHD); } private byte[] ExtractBCDFromVHD(string referenceVHD, int arch) { string architecture = "x86"; if (arch == 0) { architecture = "x86"; } else if (arch == 9) { architecture = "x64"; } string filename = string.Format("{0}{1}", Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.Combine(architecture, "BCD")); return ExtractFileFromVHD(filename, referenceVHD); } private byte[] ExtractBootmgrFromVHD(string referenceVHD, int arch) { string architecture = "x86"; if (arch == 0) { architecture = "x86"; } else if (arch == 9) { architecture = "x64"; } string filename = string.Format("{0}{1}", Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.Combine(architecture, "bootmgr")); return ExtractFileFromVHD(filename, referenceVHD); } private byte[] ExtractFileFromVHD(string filename, string referenceVHD) { byte[] file = null; using (VirtualDisk vhdx = DiscUtils.Vhd.Disk.OpenDisk(referenceVHD, FileAccess.Read)) { NtfsFileSystem vhdbNtfs = new NtfsFileSystem(vhdx.Partitions[0].Open()); using (Stream bootStream = vhdbNtfs.OpenFile(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { file = new byte[bootStream.Length]; int totalRead = 0; while (totalRead < file.Length) { totalRead += bootStream.Read(file, totalRead, file.Length - totalRead); } } } return file; } private void AddBCD(NtfsFileSystem ntfs, byte[] BCD) { if (!ntfs.DirectoryExists(@"\boot")) { ntfs.CreateDirectory(@"\boot"); } if (!ntfs.FileExists(@"\boot\BCD")) { using (Stream bcdStream = ntfs.OpenFile(@"\boot\BCD", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { bcdStream.Write(BCD, 0, BCD.Length); } } } private void AddBootMgr(NtfsFileSystem ntfs, byte[] BootMgr) { if (!ntfs.FileExists(@"\bootmgr")) { using (Stream bcdStream = ntfs.OpenFile(@"\bootmgr", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { bcdStream.Write(BootMgr, 0, BootMgr.Length); } } } private void FixBCD(NtfsFileSystem ntfs, VolumeManager volMgr) { if (ntfs.FileExists(@"\boot\BCD")) { // Force all boot entries in the BCD to point to the newly created NTFS partition - does _not_ cope with // complex multi-volume / multi-boot scenarios at all. using (Stream bcdStream = ntfs.OpenFile(@"\boot\BCD", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { using (RegistryHive hive = new RegistryHive(bcdStream)) { Store store = new Store(hive.Root); foreach (var obj in store.Objects) { foreach (var elem in obj.Elements) { if (elem.Format == DiscUtils.BootConfig.ElementFormat.Device) { elem.Value = DiscUtils.BootConfig.ElementValue.ForDevice(elem.Value.ParentObject, volMgr.GetPhysicalVolumes()[0]); } } } } } } } private string FindReferenceVHD(string referenceVHD) { string bzip2ext = Properties.Settings.Default.bzip2ext; string reffilename = Path.GetFileName(referenceVHD); string refVHD = null; string appdata = null; string datapath = null; appdata = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appdata)) { appdata = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramData"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appdata)) { appdata = Path.Combine("C:", "Temp"); } datapath = Path.Combine(appdata, Path.Combine("citrix", "temp")); if (!Directory.Exists(datapath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(datapath); refVHD = Path.Combine(datapath, reffilename); if (!File.Exists(refVHD)) { string apath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; string assempath = Path.GetDirectoryName(apath); while (assempath.Length > 3) { string testPath = Path.Combine(assempath, referenceVHD); if (File.Exists(testPath)) { refVHD = testPath; break; } else if (File.Exists(testPath + bzip2ext)) { refVHD = testPath + bzip2ext; break; } assempath = Path.GetDirectoryName(assempath); } if (Path.GetExtension(refVHD) == bzip2ext) { string outfile = Path.Combine(datapath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(refVHD)); if (!File.Exists(outfile)) { try { using (CompressionStream bzos = CompressionFactory.Writer(CompressionFactory.Type.Bz2, File.OpenWrite(outfile))) { bzos.BufferedWrite(File.OpenRead(refVHD)); } } finally { } } refVHD = outfile; log.Info("A Compressed Reference VHD was found and uncompressed."); } } log.InfoFormat("Reference VHD: {0}", refVHD); return refVHD; } public string DownloadFileAsync(Uri filetodownload, ulong totalsize) { log.InfoFormat("DownloadFileAsync: {0}", filetodownload); _downloadexception = null; string tmpfilename = filetodownload.AbsolutePath.Substring(filetodownload.AbsolutePath.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); if (!File.Exists(tmpfilename)) { downloadupdatemsg = string.Format(Messages.ISCSI_COPY_PROGRESS, tmpfilename); _downloadexception = null; OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.FileStart, "Web Download Start", downloadupdatemsg, 0, _filedownloadsize)); WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.Proxy = XenAdmin.XenAdminConfigManager.Provider.GetProxyFromSettings(null, false); wc.DownloadFileCompleted += new System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler(wc_DownloadFileCompleted); wc.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler(wc_DownloadProgressChanged); wc.DownloadFileAsync(filetodownload, tmpfilename); uridownloadcomplete.WaitOne(); if (_downloadexception != null) { if (!Path.GetExtension(tmpfilename).Equals(".pvp")) // don't worry bout pvp files, we don't use them. throw _downloadexception; } OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.FileComplete, "Web Download Completed", downloadupdatemsg, _filedownloadsize, _filedownloadsize)); } return tmpfilename; } private void wc_DownloadProgressChanged(object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e) { OnUpdate(new XenOvfTranportEventArgs(XenOvfTranportEventType.FileProgress, "Web Download Update", downloadupdatemsg, (ulong)e.BytesReceived, (ulong)_filedownloadsize)); } private void wc_DownloadFileCompleted(object sender, System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) { if (e.Error != null) { log.ErrorFormat("DownloadFileAsync: {0} ", e.Error.Message); _downloadexception = e.Error; } log.Info("DownloadFileAsync: completed"); uridownloadcomplete.Set(); } private static int comparePostInstallCommand(Xen_PostInstallOperationCommand_Type postOpLeft, Xen_PostInstallOperationCommand_Type postOpRight) { return postOpLeft.Order.CompareTo(postOpRight.Order); } private static int compareControllerRasd(RASD_Type rasd1, RASD_Type rasd2) { if (rasd1.ResourceType.Value >= 5 && rasd1.ResourceType.Value <= 9 && rasd2.ResourceType.Value >= 5 && rasd2.ResourceType.Value <= 9 && rasd1.Address != null && rasd1.Address.Value != null && rasd2.Address != null && rasd2.Address.Value != null) { ushort address1 = Convert.ToUInt16(rasd1.Address.Value); ushort address2 = Convert.ToUInt16(rasd2.Address.Value); int left = (rasd1.ResourceType.Value * 10) + address1; int right = (rasd2.ResourceType.Value * 10) + address2; return (left).CompareTo(right); } else { return rasd1.ResourceType.Value.CompareTo(rasd2.ResourceType.Value); } } private static int compareConnectedDisks(RASD_Type rasd1, RASD_Type rasd2) { if (rasd1.AddressOnParent != null && rasd1.AddressOnParent.Value != null && rasd2.AddressOnParent != null && rasd2.AddressOnParent.Value != null) { return (rasd1.AddressOnParent.Value).CompareTo(rasd2.AddressOnParent.Value); } else { if (rasd1.Address != null && rasd1.Address.Value != null && rasd2.Address != null && rasd2.Address.Value != null) { ushort address1 = Convert.ToUInt16(rasd1.Address.Value); ushort address2 = Convert.ToUInt16(rasd2.Address.Value); return (address1).CompareTo(address2); } throw new ArgumentNullException("Cannot compare null values"); } } #endregion } [Serializable] public class ImportException : Exception { public ImportException() : base() { } public ImportException(string message) : base(message) { } public ImportException(string message, Exception exception) : base(message, exception) { } public ImportException(SerializationInfo serialinfo, StreamingContext context) : base(serialinfo, context) { } } }