/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Commands; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Controls; using XenAdmin.Actions; namespace XenAdmin.Dialogs { public partial class NewPoolDialog : XenDialogBase { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private readonly List connections = new List(); private List newConnections = new List(); public NewPoolDialog(Host host) { InitializeComponent(); customTreeViewServers.NodeIndent = 3; customTreeViewServers.ShowCheckboxes = true; customTreeViewServers.ShowDescription = true; customTreeViewServers.ShowImages = false; getAllCurrentConnections(); ConnectionsManager.XenConnections.CollectionChanged += XenConnections_CollectionChanged; poolName = string.Empty; //forcing user to enter something before the Next button is enabled selectCoordinator(host); updateButtons(); } public NewPoolDialog(List hosts) : this(hosts.Count >= 1 ? hosts[0] : null) { selectSupporters(hosts); } private enum InvalidReasons { NONE, EMPTY_POOL_NAME, NO_COORDINATOR, MAX_POOL_SIZE_EXCEEDED }; private InvalidReasons validToClose { get { if (poolName == "") return InvalidReasons.EMPTY_POOL_NAME; if (comboBoxServers.SelectedIndex < 0) return InvalidReasons.NO_COORDINATOR; if (comboBoxServers.Items.Count <= 0) return InvalidReasons.NO_COORDINATOR; Host coordinator = getCoordinator(); if (coordinator != null) { List supporters = getSupporters(); if (PoolJoinRules.WillExceedPoolMaxSize(coordinator.Connection, supporters.Count)) return InvalidReasons.MAX_POOL_SIZE_EXCEEDED; } return InvalidReasons.NONE; } } private string poolName { get { return textBoxName.Text.Trim(); } set { textBoxName.Text = value; } } private string poolDescription { get { return textBoxDescription.Text; } } private void updateButtons() { switch (validToClose) { case InvalidReasons.NONE: buttonCreate.Enabled = true; toolTipContainerCreate.RemoveAll(); break; case InvalidReasons.NO_COORDINATOR: buttonCreate.Enabled = false; toolTipContainerCreate.SetToolTip(Messages.NO_ELIGIBLE_COORDINATOR); break; case InvalidReasons.EMPTY_POOL_NAME: buttonCreate.Enabled = false; toolTipContainerCreate.SetToolTip(Messages.POOL_NAME_EMPTY); break; case InvalidReasons.MAX_POOL_SIZE_EXCEEDED: buttonCreate.Enabled = false; toolTipContainerCreate.SetToolTip(Messages.NEWPOOL_WILL_EXCEED_POOL_MAX_SIZE); break; } } private void createPool() { try { Host coordinator = getCoordinator(); if (coordinator == null) { log.Error("Disconnected during create pool"); return; } List supporters = getSupporters(); // Check supp packs and warn List badSuppPacks = PoolJoinRules.HomogeneousSuppPacksDiffering(supporters, coordinator); if (!Program.RunInAutomatedTestMode && badSuppPacks.Count > 0) { string msg = string.Format(badSuppPacks.Count == 1 ? Messages.NEW_POOL_SUPP_PACK : Messages.NEW_POOL_SUPP_PACKS, string.Join("\n", badSuppPacks)); using (var dlg = new WarningDialog(msg, new ThreeButtonDialog.TBDButton(Messages.PROCEED, DialogResult.OK, selected: false), new ThreeButtonDialog.TBDButton(Messages.CANCEL, DialogResult.Cancel, selected: true)) {HelpNameSetter = "PoolJoinSuppPacks"}) { if (dlg.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow) == DialogResult.Cancel) return; } } // Are there any hosts which are forbidden from masking their CPUs for licensing reasons? // If so, we need to show upsell. if (null != supporters.Find(host => !PoolJoinRules.CompatibleCPUs(host, coordinator, false) && Helpers.FeatureForbidden(host, Host.RestrictCpuMasking) && !PoolJoinRules.FreeHostPaidCoordinator(host, coordinator, false))) // in this case we can upgrade the license and then mask the CPU { UpsellDialog.ShowUpsellDialog(Messages.UPSELL_BLURB_CPUMASKING, this); return; } if (!Program.RunInAutomatedTestMode) { var hosts1 = supporters.FindAll(host => PoolJoinRules.FreeHostPaidCoordinator(host, coordinator, false)); if (hosts1.Count > 0) { string msg = string.Format(hosts1.Count == 1 ? Messages.NEW_POOL_LICENSE_MESSAGE : Messages.NEW_POOL_LICENSE_MESSAGE_MULTIPLE, string.Join("\n", hosts1.Select(h => h.Name()))); using (var dlg = new WarningDialog(msg, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonNo) {HelpNameSetter = "PoolJoinRelicensing"}) { if (dlg.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow) == DialogResult.No) return; } } var hosts2 = supporters.FindAll(host => !PoolJoinRules.CompatibleCPUs(host, coordinator, false)); if (hosts2.Count > 0) { string msg = string.Format(hosts2.Count == 1 ? Messages.NEW_POOL_CPU_MASKING_MESSAGE : Messages.NEW_POOL_CPU_MASKING_MESSAGE_MULTIPLE, string.Join("\n", hosts2.Select(h => h.Name())), BrandManager.ProductBrand); using (var dlg = new WarningDialog(msg, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonNo) {HelpNameSetter = "PoolJoinCpuMasking"}) { if (dlg.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow) == DialogResult.No) return; } } var hosts3 = supporters.FindAll(host => !PoolJoinRules.CompatibleAdConfig(host, coordinator, false)); if (hosts3.Count > 0) { string msg = string.Format(hosts3.Count == 1 ? Messages.NEW_POOL_AD_MESSAGE : Messages.NEW_POOL_AD_MESSAGE_MULTIPLE, string.Join("\n", hosts3.Select(h => h.Name()))); using (var dlg = new WarningDialog(msg, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonNo) {HelpNameSetter = "PoolJoinAdConfiguring"}) { if (dlg.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow) == DialogResult.No) return; } } } if (!HelpersGUI.GetPermissionForCpuFeatureLevelling(supporters, Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(coordinator.Connection))) return; log.DebugFormat("Creating new pool {0} ({1}) with coordinator {2} and supporters {3}", poolName, poolDescription, Helpers.GetName(coordinator), string.Join(", ", supporters.Select(Helpers.GetName).ToList()) ); new CreatePoolAction(coordinator, supporters, poolName, poolDescription, AddHostToPoolCommand.GetAdPrompt, AddHostToPoolCommand.NtolDialog, ApplyLicenseEditionCommand.ShowLicensingFailureDialog).RunAsync(); } catch (System.Net.WebException exn) { log.Debug(exn, exn); } } private void addConnectionsToListBox() { ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff coordinator = (comboBoxServers.Items.Count > 0 ? (ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff)comboBoxServers.SelectedItem : null); foreach (ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff c in connections) { c.TheCoordinator = coordinator; c.Refresh(); } customTreeViewServers.BeginUpdate(); try { customTreeViewServers.ClearAllNodes(); foreach (ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff c in connections) { customTreeViewServers.AddNode(c); } customTreeViewServers.Resort(); } finally { customTreeViewServers.EndUpdate(); customTreeViewServers.Invalidate(); } } private void getAllCurrentConnections() { List toRemove = new List(); foreach (IXenConnection connection in ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy) { if (connection != null&&connection.IsConnected) { bool contains = false; foreach (ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff cw in connections) { if (cw.Connection == connection) { contains = true; break; } } if (!contains) { ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff c = new ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff(connection); connections.Add(c); connection.CachePopulated -= Connection_CachePopulated; connection.CachePopulated += Connection_CachePopulated; connection.ConnectionStateChanged -= connection_ConnectionStateChanged; connection.ConnectionStateChanged += connection_ConnectionStateChanged; if (newConnections.Contains(connection)) { c.State = CheckState.Checked; toRemove.Add(connection); } } } } foreach (IXenConnection connection in toRemove) { newConnections.Remove(connection); } connections.RemoveAll((Predicate)delegate(ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff c) { return !ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy.Contains(c.Connection); }); addConnectionsToComboBox(); } private void addConnectionsToComboBox() { comboBoxServers.Items.Clear(); ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff coordinator = null; foreach (ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff wrappedConnection in connections) { wrappedConnection.Refresh(); if (wrappedConnection.CanBeCoordinator) { comboBoxServers.Items.Add(wrappedConnection); if (wrappedConnection.WillBeCoordinator) coordinator = wrappedConnection; } } if (coordinator != null) { comboBoxServers.SelectedItem = coordinator; } else if (comboBoxServers.Items.Count > 0) { ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff defaultCoordinator = comboBoxServers.Items[0] as ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff; setAsCoordinator(defaultCoordinator); comboBoxServers.SelectedItem = defaultCoordinator; } addConnectionsToListBox(); updateButtons(); } private void selectCoordinator(Host coordinator) { if (coordinator == null || Helpers.GetPool(coordinator.Connection) != null) return; foreach (ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff c in connections) { if (c.WillBeCoordinator) c.State = CheckState.Unchecked; } foreach (ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff c in connections) { if (c.Connection == coordinator.Connection) { if (c.CanBeCoordinator) setAsCoordinator(c); return; } } } private void selectSupporters(List supporters) { foreach (ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff c in connections) { if (c.AllowedAsSupporter && supporters.Find(supporter => (c.Connection == supporter.Connection)) != null) // one of the supporters is the connection we're looking at { c.State = CheckState.Checked; } } } private void setAsCoordinator(ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff defaultCoordinator) { foreach (ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff connectionWrapper in connections) connectionWrapper.TheCoordinator = defaultCoordinator; comboBoxServers.SelectedItem = defaultCoordinator; addConnectionsToListBox(); } private Host getCoordinator() { ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff connectionToCoordinator = null; foreach (ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff connection in connections) { if (connection.WillBeCoordinator) { connectionToCoordinator = connection; break; } } return connectionToCoordinator != null ? Helpers.GetCoordinator(connectionToCoordinator.Connection) : null; } private List getSupporters() { List supporterConnections = new List(); foreach (ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff connection in connections) { if (connection.State == CheckState.Checked && !connection.WillBeCoordinator && connection.AllowedAsSupporter) { supporterConnections.Add(Helpers.GetCoordinator(connection.Connection)); } } return supporterConnections; } private void comboBoxServers_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e) { setAsCoordinator(comboBoxServers.SelectedItem as ConnectionWrapperWithMoreStuff); } private void buttonAddNewServer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IXenConnection newConnection = new XenConnection(); newConnections.Add(newConnection); new AddServerTask(this, newConnection, null).Start(); } private void comboBoxServers_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateButtons(); } private void customTreeViewServers_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyChar != (char)Keys.Space || !(customTreeViewServers.SelectedItem is CustomTreeNode)) return; CustomTreeNode node = (CustomTreeNode)customTreeViewServers.SelectedItem; if (!node.Enabled) return; node.State = node.State == CheckState.Unchecked ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked; customTreeViewServers.Refresh(); } private void textBoxName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateButtons(); } void XenConnections_CollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { Program.BeginInvoke(this, getAllCurrentConnections); } void Connection_CachePopulated(IXenConnection conn) { Program.BeginInvoke(this, addConnectionsToComboBox); } void connection_ConnectionStateChanged(IXenConnection conn) { Program.BeginInvoke(this, addConnectionsToComboBox); } private void buttonCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { createPool(); Close(); } private void buttonCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Close(); } private void customTreeViewServers_ItemCheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateButtons(); } } }