/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Wizards.NewVMWizard; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Actions; using XenAdmin.SettingsPanels; using XenAdmin.Controls; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Wizards.NewPolicyWizard; using XenAdmin.Wizards.NewVMApplianceWizard; using XenAdmin.Wizards.GenericPages; namespace XenAdmin.Dialogs { public partial class PropertiesDialog : VerticallyTabbedDialog { #region Tabs private CPUMemoryEditPage VCpuMemoryEditPage; private HostMultipathPage hostMultipathPage1; private CustomFieldsDisplayPage CustomFieldsEditPage; private LogDestinationEditPage LogDestinationEditPage; private HomeServerEditPage HomeServerPage; private BootOptionsEditPage StartupOptionsEditPage; private VMAdvancedEditPage VMAdvancedEditPage; private PerfmonAlertEditPage PerfmonAlertEditPage; private EditNetworkPage editNetworkPage; private VDISizeLocationPage vdiSizeLocation; private VMHAEditPage VMHAEditPage; private GeneralEditPage GeneralEditPage; private UpsellPage PerfmonAlertUpsellEditPage; private UpsellPage VMHAUpsellEditPage; private UpsellPage PerfmonAlertOptionsUpsellEditPage; private PerfmonAlertOptionsPage PerfmonAlertOptionsEditPage; private HostPowerONEditPage HostPowerONEditPage; private PoolPowerONEditPage PoolPowerONEditPage; private StorageLinkEditPage StorageLinkPage; private NewPolicySnapshotFrequencyPage newPolicySnapshotFrequencyPage1; private NewPolicySnapshotTypePage newPolicySnapshotTypePage1; private NewPolicyArchivePage newPolicyArchivePage1; private NewPolicyEmailPage newPolicyEmailPage1; private NewVMGroupVMsPage newPolicyVMsPage1; private NewVMGroupVMsPage newVMApplianceVMsPage1; private NewVMApplianceVMOrderAndDelaysPage newVmApplianceVmOrderAndDelaysPage1; private UpsellPage GpuUpsellEditPage; private GpuEditPage GpuEditPage; private PoolGpuEditPage PoolGpuEditPage; private VMEnlightenmentEditPage VMEnlightenmentEditPage; private Page_CloudConfigParameters CloudConfigParametersPage; private SecurityEditPage SecurityEditPage; #endregion private IXenObject xenObject, xenObjectBefore, xenObjectCopy; private AsyncAction _action; private bool _startAction = true; private System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer(); public new event EventHandler FormClosing; public PropertiesDialog(IXenObject xenObject) : base(xenObject.Connection) { // xenObject must not be null. If this occurs, we shouldn't have offered Properties in the UI. Debug.Assert(xenObject != null, "XenObject is null"); InitializeComponent(); this.xenObject = xenObject; xenObjectBefore = xenObject.Clone(); xenObjectCopy = xenObject.Clone(); Name = String.Format("Edit{0}GeneralSettingsDialog", xenObject.GetType().Name); Text = String.Format(Messages.PROPERTIES_DIALOG_TITLE, Helpers.GetName(xenObject)); if (!Application.RenderWithVisualStyles) ContentPanel.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; Build(); } private void Build() { var pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(connection); bool is_host = xenObjectCopy is Host; bool is_vm = xenObjectCopy is VM && !((VM)xenObjectCopy).is_a_snapshot; bool is_sr = xenObjectCopy is SR; bool is_pool = xenObjectCopy is Pool; bool is_vdi = xenObjectCopy is VDI; bool is_network = xenObjectCopy is XenAPI.Network; bool is_hvm = is_vm && ((VM)xenObjectCopy).IsHVM; bool is_in_pool = Helpers.GetPool(xenObjectCopy.Connection) != null; bool is_pool_or_standalone = is_pool || (is_host && !is_in_pool); bool wlb_enabled = (Helpers.WlbEnabledAndConfigured(xenObjectCopy.Connection)); bool is_VMPP = xenObjectCopy is VMPP; bool is_VM_appliance = xenObjectCopy is VM_appliance; ContentPanel.SuspendLayout(); verticalTabs.BeginUpdate(); try { verticalTabs.Items.Clear(); ShowTab(GeneralEditPage = new GeneralEditPage()); if (!is_VMPP && !is_VM_appliance) ShowTab(CustomFieldsEditPage = new CustomFieldsDisplayPage {AutoScroll = true}); if (is_vm) { ShowTab(VCpuMemoryEditPage = new CPUMemoryEditPage()); ShowTab(StartupOptionsEditPage = new BootOptionsEditPage()); if (!Helpers.BostonOrGreater(xenObjectCopy.Connection) && Helpers.FeatureForbidden(xenObjectCopy, Host.RestrictHAFloodgate)) { VMHAUpsellEditPage = new UpsellPage {Image = Properties.Resources._001_PowerOn_h32bit_16, Text = Messages.START_UP_OPTIONS}; VMHAUpsellEditPage.SetAllTexts(Messages.UPSELL_BLURB_HA, InvisibleMessages.UPSELL_LEARNMOREURL_HA); ShowTab(VMHAUpsellEditPage); } else { ShowTab(VMHAEditPage = new VMHAEditPage {VerticalTabs = verticalTabs}); } } if (is_vm || is_host || (is_sr && Helpers.ClearwaterOrGreater(connection))) { if (Helpers.FeatureForbidden(xenObjectCopy, Host.RestrictAlerts)) { PerfmonAlertUpsellEditPage = new UpsellPage {Image = Properties.Resources._000_Alert2_h32bit_16, Text = Messages.ALERTS}; PerfmonAlertUpsellEditPage.SetAllTexts(Messages.UPSELL_BLURB_ALERTS, InvisibleMessages.UPSELL_LEARNMOREURL_ALERTS); ShowTab(PerfmonAlertUpsellEditPage); } else { ShowTab(PerfmonAlertEditPage = new PerfmonAlertEditPage {AutoScroll = true}); } } if (is_pool_or_standalone) { if (Helpers.FeatureForbidden(xenObjectCopy, Host.RestrictAlerts)) { PerfmonAlertOptionsUpsellEditPage = new UpsellPage {Image = Properties.Resources._000_Email_h32bit_16, Text = Messages.EMAIL_OPTIONS}; PerfmonAlertOptionsUpsellEditPage.SetAllTexts(Messages.UPSELL_BLURB_ALERTS, InvisibleMessages.UPSELL_LEARNMOREURL_ALERTS); ShowTab(PerfmonAlertOptionsUpsellEditPage); } else { ShowTab(PerfmonAlertOptionsEditPage = new PerfmonAlertOptionsPage()); } if (!Helpers.FeatureForbidden(xenObjectCopy, Host.RestrictStorageChoices) && !Helpers.BostonOrGreater(xenObjectCopy.Connection) && Helpers.MidnightRideOrGreater(xenObjectCopy.Connection)) ShowTab(StorageLinkPage = new StorageLinkEditPage()); } if (is_host) { ShowTab(hostMultipathPage1 = new HostMultipathPage()); if (Helpers.MidnightRideOrGreater(xenObject.Connection)) ShowTab(HostPowerONEditPage = new HostPowerONEditPage()); ShowTab(LogDestinationEditPage = new LogDestinationEditPage()); } if (is_pool && Helpers.MidnightRideOrGreater(xenObject.Connection)) ShowTab(PoolPowerONEditPage = new PoolPowerONEditPage()); if ((is_pool_or_standalone && Helpers.VGpuCapability(xenObjectCopy.Connection)) || (is_host && ((Host)xenObjectCopy).CanEnableDisableIntegratedGpu)) { ShowTab(PoolGpuEditPage = new PoolGpuEditPage()); } if (is_pool_or_standalone && Helpers.DundeeOrGreater(xenObject.Connection)) ShowTab(SecurityEditPage = new SecurityEditPage()); if (is_network) ShowTab(editNetworkPage = new EditNetworkPage()); if (is_vm && !wlb_enabled) ShowTab(HomeServerPage = new HomeServerEditPage()); if (is_vm && ((VM)xenObjectCopy).CanHaveGpu) { if (Helpers.BostonOrGreater(xenObject.Connection)) { if (Helpers.FeatureForbidden(xenObjectCopy, Host.RestrictGpu)) { GpuUpsellEditPage = new UpsellPage { Image = Properties.Resources._000_GetMemoryInfo_h32bit_16, Text = Messages.GPU }; GpuUpsellEditPage.SetAllTexts(Messages.UPSELL_BLURB_GPU, InvisibleMessages.UPSELL_LEARNMOREURL_GPU); ShowTab(GpuUpsellEditPage); } else { ShowTab(GpuEditPage = new GpuEditPage()); } } } if (is_hvm) { ShowTab(VMAdvancedEditPage = new VMAdvancedEditPage()); } if (is_vm && Helpers.ContainerCapability(xenObject.Connection) && ((VM)xenObjectCopy).CanBeEnlightened) ShowTab(VMEnlightenmentEditPage = new VMEnlightenmentEditPage()); if (is_vm && Helpers.ContainerCapability(xenObject.Connection) && ((VM)xenObjectCopy).CanHaveCloudConfigDrive) ShowTab(CloudConfigParametersPage = new Page_CloudConfigParameters()); if (is_VMPP) { ShowTab(newPolicyVMsPage1 = new NewVMGroupVMsPage {Pool = pool}); ShowTab(newPolicySnapshotTypePage1 = new NewPolicySnapshotTypePage()); ShowTab(newPolicySnapshotFrequencyPage1 = new NewPolicySnapshotFrequencyPage {Pool = pool}); ShowTab(newPolicyArchivePage1 = new NewPolicyArchivePage {Pool = pool, PropertiesDialog = this}); ShowTab(newPolicyEmailPage1 = new NewPolicyEmailPage {PropertiesDialog = this}); } if (is_VM_appliance) { ShowTab(newVMApplianceVMsPage1 = new NewVMGroupVMsPage { Pool = pool }); ShowTab(newVmApplianceVmOrderAndDelaysPage1 = new NewVMApplianceVMOrderAndDelaysPage { Pool = pool }); } // // Now add one tab per VBD (for VDIs only) // if (!is_vdi) return; ShowTab(vdiSizeLocation = new VDISizeLocationPage()); VDI vdi = xenObjectCopy as VDI; List vbdEditPages = new List(); foreach (VBD vbd in vdi.Connection.ResolveAll(vdi.VBDs)) { VBDEditPage editPage = new VBDEditPage(); editPage.SetXenObjects(null, vbd); vbdEditPages.Add(editPage); ShowTab(editPage); } if (vbdEditPages.Count <= 0) return; ActionProgressDialog dialog = new ActionProgressDialog( new DelegatedAsyncAction(vdi.Connection, Messages.DEVICE_POSITION_SCANNING, Messages.DEVICE_POSITION_SCANNING, Messages.DEVICE_POSITION_SCANNED, delegate(Session session) { foreach (VBDEditPage page in vbdEditPages) page.UpdateDevicePositions(session); }), ProgressBarStyle.Continuous); dialog.ShowCancel = true; dialog.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); } finally { ContentPanel.ResumeLayout(); verticalTabs.EndUpdate(); verticalTabs.SelectedIndex = 0; } } private void ShowTab(IEditPage editPage) { var pageAsControl = (Control)editPage; ContentPanel.Controls.Add(pageAsControl); pageAsControl.BackColor = Color.Transparent; pageAsControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; editPage.SetXenObjects(xenObject, xenObjectCopy); verticalTabs.Items.Add(editPage); } private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Have any of the fields in the tab pages changed? if (!HasChanged) { Close(); return; } if (!ValidToSave) { // Keep dialog open and allow user to correct the error as // indicated by the balloon tooltip. DialogResult = DialogResult.None; return; } // Yes, save to the LocalXenObject. List actions = SaveSettings(); Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow.GeneralPage, Program.MainWindow.GeneralPage.EnableDisableEdit); // Add a save changes on the beginning of the actions to enact the alterations that were just changes to the xenObjectCopy. // Must come first because some pages' SaveChanges() rely on modifying the object via the xenObjectCopy before their actions are run. actions.Insert(0, new SaveChangesAction(xenObjectCopy, xenObjectBefore, true)); _action = new MultipleAction( connection, string.Format(Messages.UPDATE_PROPERTIES, Helpers.GetName(xenObject).Ellipsise(50)), Messages.UPDATING_PROPERTIES, Messages.UPDATED_PROPERTIES, actions); _action.SetObject(xenObjectCopy); _action.Completed += action_Completed; Close(); if (_startAction) { _action.RunAsync(); } } private void action_Completed(ActionBase sender) { Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow.GeneralPage, Program.MainWindow.GeneralPage.EnableDisableEdit); } /* * Iterates through all of the tab pages checking for changes and * return the status. */ private bool HasChanged { get { foreach (IEditPage editPage in verticalTabs.Items) if (editPage.HasChanged) return true; return false; } } /* * Iterate through all tab pages looking for local validation errors. If * we encounter a local validation error on a TabPage, then make the TabPage * the selected, and have the inner control show one or more balloon tips. Keep * the dialog open. */ private bool ValidToSave { get { foreach (IEditPage editPage in verticalTabs.Items) if (!editPage.ValidToSave) { SelectPage(editPage); // Show local validation balloon message for this tab page. editPage.ShowLocalValidationMessages(); return false; } return true; } } /* * Iterates through all of the tab pages, saving changes to their cloned XenObjects, * and accumulating and returning their Actions for further processing. */ private List SaveSettings() { List actions = new List(); AsyncAction finalAction = null; foreach (IEditPage editPage in verticalTabs.Items) { if (!editPage.HasChanged) continue; AsyncAction action = editPage.SaveSettings(); if (action == null) continue; if (action is SetSslLegacyAction) finalAction = action; // annoying special case: SetSslLegacyAction must be last because it will disrupt the connection and we may lose later actions else actions.Add(action); } if (finalAction != null) actions.Add(finalAction); return actions; } private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; Close(); } protected sealed override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e) { foreach (IEditPage editPage in verticalTabs.Items) { editPage.Cleanup(); } var args = new PropertiesDialogClosingEventArgs(_action, _startAction); OnFormClosing(args); _startAction = args.StartAction; } protected virtual void OnFormClosing(PropertiesDialogClosingEventArgs e) { var handler = FormClosing; if (handler != null) { handler(this, e); } } private void verticalTabs_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var selectedPage = verticalTabs.SelectedItem as NewPolicyArchivePage; if (selectedPage != null) { if (newPolicySnapshotFrequencyPage1.ValidToSave) selectedPage.SetXenObjects(null, null); return; } var vmApplianceStartOrderPage = verticalTabs.SelectedItem as NewVMApplianceVMOrderAndDelaysPage; if (vmApplianceStartOrderPage != null && newVMApplianceVMsPage1 != null) { vmApplianceStartOrderPage.SetSelectedVMs(newVMApplianceVMsPage1.SelectedVMs); return; } if (verticalTabs.SelectedItem == VMHAEditPage) { VMHAEditPage.StartNtolUpdate(); if (GpuEditPage != null) { VMHAEditPage.GpuGroup = GpuEditPage.GpuGroup; VMHAEditPage.VgpuType = GpuEditPage.VgpuType; VMHAEditPage.RefillPrioritiesComboBox(); } return; } if (verticalTabs.SelectedItem == GpuEditPage && VMHAEditPage != null) { GpuEditPage.SelectedPriority = VMHAEditPage.SelectedPriority; GpuEditPage.ShowHideWarnings(); return; } } private void PropertiesDialog_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { timer.Stop(); } #region Select page methods public void EditName() { SelectPage(GeneralEditPage); GeneralEditPage.SelectName(); } public void EditDescription() { SelectPage(GeneralEditPage); GeneralEditPage.SelectDescription(); } public void EditIqn() { SelectPage(GeneralEditPage); GeneralEditPage.SelectIqn(); } public void SelectCustomFieldsEditPage() { SelectPage(CustomFieldsEditPage); } public void SelectPoolGpuEditPage() { SelectPage(PoolGpuEditPage); } public void SelectStorageLinkPage() { SelectPage(StorageLinkPage); } public void SelectPerfmonAlertEditPage() { SelectPage(PerfmonAlertEditPage); } public void SelectNewPolicyArchivePage() { SelectPage(newPolicyArchivePage1); } public void SelectStartupOptionsEditPage() { SelectPage(StartupOptionsEditPage); } public void SelectHomeServerEditPage() { SelectPage(HomeServerPage); } public void SelectLogDestinationEditPage() { SelectPage(LogDestinationEditPage); } public void SelectVMHAEditPage() { SelectPage(VMHAEditPage); } public void SelectVMCPUEditPage() { SelectPage(VCpuMemoryEditPage); } #endregion } public class PropertiesDialogClosingEventArgs : EventArgs { public AsyncAction Action { get; private set; } public bool StartAction { get; set; } public PropertiesDialogClosingEventArgs(AsyncAction action, bool startAction) { StartAction = startAction; Action = action; } } }