/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using XenAdmin.Core; using System.IO; using XenAdmin.Network; using System.Threading; using XenAPI; using Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms; using System.Collections.Generic; using XenAdmin.XenSearch; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; namespace XenAdmin.Actions { public class ExportResourceReportAction : AsyncAction { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private readonly string _filename; private readonly int _fileType; private Exception _exception = null; private List m_Hosts; private List m_SRs; private List m_Networks; private List m_VMs; private List m_PGPUs; private List m_VDIs; private static MetricUpdater MetricUpdater; private long itemCount = 0; private long itemIndex = 0; private long baseIndex = 60; enum FILE_TYPE_INDEX { XLS = 1, CSV = 2 }; /// /// used for generate resource report /// /// /// public ExportResourceReportAction(IXenConnection connection, string filename, int fileType) : base(connection, string.Format(Messages.ACTION_EXPORT_POOL_RESOURCE_LIST_FROM_X, Helpers.GetName(connection)), Messages.ACTION_EXPORT_DESCRIPTION_PREPARING) { Pool = Helpers.GetPool(connection); _filename = filename; _fileType = fileType; MetricUpdater = new MetricUpdater(); MetricUpdater.SetXenObjects(connection.Cache.Hosts); MetricUpdater.SetXenObjects(connection.Cache.VMs); MetricUpdater.UpdateMetricsOnce(); itemCount = connection.Cache.Hosts.Length + connection.Cache.Networks.Length + connection.Cache.SRs.Length + connection.Cache.VMs.Length; } protected override void Run() { SafeToExit = false; Description = Messages.ACTION_EXPORT_DESCRIPTION_IN_PROGRESS; if (Cancelling) throw new CancelledException(); log.DebugFormat("Exporting resource list report from {1} to {2}", this.Connection.Cache.Pools[0].Name, _filename); try { DoExport(); } catch (Exception e) { // Test for null: don't overwrite a previous exception if (_exception == null) _exception = e; } PercentComplete = 100; if (Cancelling || _exception is CancelledException) { log.InfoFormat("Export of Pool {0} cancelled", this.Connection.Cache.Pools[0].Name); this.Description = Messages.ACTION_EXPORT_DESCRIPTION_CANCELLED; log.DebugFormat("Deleting {0}", _filename); try { File.Delete(_filename); } catch (Exception e) { this.Description = string.Format(Messages.ACTION_EXPORT_POOL_RESOURCE_CANCEL_AND_FILE_UNDELETE, _filename); log.Warn(string.Format(Messages.ACTION_EXPORT_POOL_RESOURCE_CANCEL_AND_FILE_UNDELETE, _filename), e); } throw new CancelledException(); } else if (_exception != null) { log.Warn(string.Format("Export of Pool {0} failed", this.Connection.Cache.Pools[0].Name), _exception); log.DebugFormat("Progress of the action until exception: {0}", PercentComplete); if (_exception is IOException) { this.Description = _exception.Message; } else { try { File.Delete(_filename); } catch (Exception e) { log.Warn(string.Format("deleting file {0} failed", _filename), e); } this.Description = Messages.ACTION_EXPORT_DESCRIPTION_FAILED; } throw new Exception(Description); } else { log.InfoFormat("Export of Pool {0} successful", this.Connection.Cache.Pools[0].Name); this.Description = Messages.ACTION_EXPORT_DESCRIPTION_SUCCESSFUL; } } private class HostInfo { public HostInfo(string hostName, string hostAddress, string hostUUID, string hostCpuUsage, string hostRole, string hostnetworkUsage, string hostMemUsage, string hostUptime, string hostDescription) { _name = hostName; _address = hostAddress; _uuid = hostUUID; _cpuUsage = hostCpuUsage; _role = hostRole; _networkUsage = hostnetworkUsage; _memUsage = hostMemUsage; _uptime = hostUptime; _description = hostDescription; } public virtual string Address { get { return _address; } } public virtual string Name { get { return _name; } } public virtual string UUID { get { return _uuid; } } public virtual string CpuUsage { get { return _cpuUsage; } } public virtual string Role { get { return _role; } } public virtual string NetworkUsage { get { return _networkUsage; } } public virtual string MemUsage { get { return _memUsage; } } public virtual string Uptime { get { return _uptime; } } public virtual string Description { get { return _description; } } private string _name; private string _role; private string _address; private string _uuid; private string _cpuUsage; private string _networkUsage; private string _memUsage; private string _uptime; private string _description; } private class SRInfo { public SRInfo(string name, string SRUuid, string SRType, string SRSize, string SRRemark, string SRDescription) { _name = name; _uuid = SRUuid; _type = SRType; _size = SRSize; _remark = SRRemark; _description = SRDescription; } public virtual string Name { get { return _name; } } public virtual string UUID { get { return _uuid; } } public virtual string Type { get { return _type; } } public virtual string Size { get { return _size; } } public virtual string Remark { get { return _remark; } } public virtual string Description { get { return _description; } } private string _name; private string _uuid; private string _type; private string _size; private string _remark; private string _description; } private class NetworkInfo { public NetworkInfo(string name, string networkVlanID, string networkLinkStatus, string NetworkMac, string NetworkMtu, string Type) { _name = name; _vlanID = networkVlanID; _linkStatus = networkLinkStatus; _mac = NetworkMac; _mtu = NetworkMtu; _networkType = Type; } public virtual string Name { get { return _name; } } public virtual string VlanID { get { return _vlanID; } } public virtual string LinkStatus { get { return _linkStatus; } } public virtual string MAC { get { return _mac; } } public virtual string MTU { get { return _mtu; } } public virtual string NetworkType { get { return _networkType; } } private string _name; private string _vlanID; private string _linkStatus; private string _mac; private string _mtu; private string _networkType; } private class VMInfo { public VMInfo(string Name, string VMuuid, string VMvCpuNum, string VMmemSize, string VMsrInfo, string VMnicNum, string VMip, string VMmac, string VMosInfo, string VMpowerStatus, string VMuptime, string VMhostInfo, string VMTemplateName, string VMDescription) { _name = Name; _uuid = VMuuid; _vCpuNum = VMvCpuNum; _memSize = VMmemSize; _srInfo = VMsrInfo; _nicNum = VMnicNum; _ip = VMip; _mac = VMmac; _osInfo = VMosInfo; _powerStatus = VMpowerStatus; _uptime = VMuptime; _hostInfo = VMhostInfo; _templateName = VMTemplateName; _description = VMDescription; } public virtual string Name { get { return _name; } } public virtual string UUID { get { return _uuid; } } public virtual string VCpuNum { get { return _vCpuNum; } } public virtual string MemSize { get { return _memSize; } } public virtual string SRInfo { get { return _srInfo; } } public virtual string NicNum { get { return _nicNum; } } public virtual string IP { get { return _ip; } } public virtual string MAC { get { return _mac; } } public virtual string OSInfo { get { return _osInfo; } } public virtual string PowerStatus { get { return _powerStatus; } } public virtual string Uptime { get { return _uptime; } } public virtual string HostInfo { get { return _hostInfo; } } public virtual string TemplateName { get { return _templateName; } } public virtual string Description { get { return _description; } } private string _name; private string _uuid; private string _vCpuNum; private string _memSize; private string _srInfo; private string _nicNum; private string _ip; private string _mac; private string _osInfo; private string _powerStatus; private string _uptime; private string _hostInfo; private string _templateName; private string _description; } private class PGPUInfo { public PGPUInfo(string name, string PGPUuuid, string PGUPHost, string BusAddress, string utilization, string memoryUtilization, string Temperature, string PowerStatus) { _name = name; _uuid = PGPUuuid; _host = PGUPHost; _busAddress = BusAddress; _utilization = utilization; _MemUtilization = memoryUtilization; _temperature = Temperature; _powerStatus = PowerStatus; } public virtual string Name { get { return _name; } } public virtual string UUID { get { return _uuid; } } public virtual string Host { get { return _host; } } public virtual string BusAddress { get { return _busAddress; } } public virtual string Utilization { get { return _utilization; } } public virtual string MemoryUtilization { get { return _MemUtilization; } } public virtual string Temperature { get { return _temperature; } } public virtual string PowerStatus { get { return _powerStatus; } } private string _name; private string _uuid; private string _host; private string _busAddress; private string _utilization; private string _MemUtilization; private string _temperature; private string _powerStatus; } private class VDIInfo { public VDIInfo(string name, string VDIUuid, string VDIType, string VDISize, string VDIDescription, string VDIResideon) { _name = name; _uuid = VDIUuid; _type = VDIType; _size = VDISize; _resideon = VDIResideon; _description = VDIDescription; } public virtual string Name { get { return _name; } } public virtual string UUID { get { return _uuid; } } public virtual string Type { get { return _type; } } public virtual string Size { get { return _size; } } public virtual string Resideon { get { return _resideon; } } public virtual string Description { get { return _description; } } private string _name; private string _uuid; private string _type; private string _size; private string _resideon; private string _description; } private void ComposeParameters(ReportViewer viewer, IXenConnection connection) { string ParamLabelsStr; string ParamValuesStr; ParamLabelsStr = "LBL_POOLINFO|"; ParamValuesStr = Messages.POOL + ":" + connection.Cache.Pools[0].Name + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_POOLUUID|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.UUID + ":" + connection.Cache.Pools[0].uuid + "|"; //Host Infor ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_SERVERS|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.SERVERS + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_HOSTNAME|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.NAME + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_POOLMASTER|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.POOL_MASTER + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_ADDRESS|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.ADDRESS + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_UUID|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.UUID + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_CPUUSAGE|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.OVERVIEW_CPU_USAGE + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_NETWORKUSAGE|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.OVERVIEW_NETWORK + Messages.OVERVIEW_UNITS + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_MEMORYUSAGE|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.OVERVIEW_MEMORY_USAGE + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_UPTIME|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.UPTIME + "|"; //network Info ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_NETWORKS|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.NETWORKS + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_LINKSTATUS|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.LINK_STATUS + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_MAC|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.MAC + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_MTU|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.MTU + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_VLAN|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.NETWORKPANEL_VLAN + "|"; //storage Info ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_STORAGE|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.DATATYPE_STORAGE + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_STORAGETYPE|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.STORAGE_TYPE + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_STORAGETYPE|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.STORAGE_TYPE + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_SIZE|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.SIZE + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_LOCATION|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.NEWSR_LOCATION + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_DESCRIPTION|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.DESCRIPTION + "|"; //PGPU Info ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_GPU|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.GPU + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_BUSADDRESS|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.BUS_PATH + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_POWERUSAGE|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.POWER_USAGE + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_TEMPERATURE|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.TEMPERATURE + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_UTILIZATION|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.UTILIZATION + "|"; //VDI Info ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_VDI|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.VDI + "|"; //VM Info ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_VMS|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.VMS + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_POWERSTATE|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.POWER_STATE + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_OPERATINGSYSTEM|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.OPERATING_SYSTEM + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_NIC|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.NIC + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_SERVER|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.SERVER + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_TEMPLATE|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.TEMPLATE + "|"; ParamLabelsStr += "LBL_RUNNING_ON|"; ParamValuesStr += Messages.RUNNING_ON; ReportParameter ParamLabels = new ReportParameter("ParamLabels", ParamLabelsStr); ReportParameter ParamValues = new ReportParameter("ParamValues", ParamValuesStr); viewer.LocalReport.SetParameters(new ReportParameter[] { ParamLabels, ParamValues }); } private void ComposeHostData() { m_Hosts = new List(); var hosts = new List(Connection.Cache.Hosts); hosts.Sort(); foreach (XenAPI.Host host in hosts) { if (Cancelling) throw new CancelledException(); string cpu_usage = PropertyAccessorHelper.hostCpuUsageStringByMetric(host, MetricUpdater); string usage = PropertyAccessorHelper.hostMemoryUsagePercentageStringByMetric(host, MetricUpdater); string network_usage = PropertyAccessorHelper.hostNetworkUsageStringByMetric(host, MetricUpdater); HostInfo buf = new HostInfo(host.name_label, host.address, host.uuid, cpu_usage, host.IsMaster() ? Messages.YES : Messages.NO, network_usage, usage, Convert.ToString(host.Uptime), host.Description); m_Hosts.Add(buf); PercentComplete = Convert.ToInt32((++itemIndex) * baseIndex / itemCount); } } private void ComposeNetworkData() { m_Networks = new List(); var networks = new List(Connection.Cache.Networks); networks.Sort(); foreach (XenAPI.Network network in networks) { if (Cancelling) throw new CancelledException(); if (network.IsGuestInstallerNetwork) { PercentComplete = Convert.ToInt32((++itemIndex) * baseIndex / itemCount); continue; } List pifs = network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.PIFs); string type; if (Cancelling) throw new CancelledException(); if (network.IsBond) type = Messages.BOND; else if (network.IsVLAN) type = Messages.EXTERNAL_NETWORK; else if (pifs.Count != 0 && pifs[0].IsPhysical) type = Messages.BUILDIN_NETWORK; else if (pifs.Count != 0 && pifs[0].IsTunnelAccessPIF) type = Messages.CHIN; else if (pifs.Count == 0) type = Messages.SINGLE_SERVER_PRIVATE_NETWORK; else type = Messages.HYPHEN; NetworkInfo buf; if (pifs.Count != 0) buf = new NetworkInfo(network.Name, Helpers.VlanString(pifs[0]), network.LinkStatusString, pifs[0].MAC, network.MTU.ToString(), type); else buf = new NetworkInfo(network.Name, Messages.HYPHEN, network.LinkStatusString, Messages.HYPHEN, network.MTU.ToString(), type); m_Networks.Add(buf); PercentComplete = Convert.ToInt32((++itemIndex) * baseIndex / itemCount); } } private void ComposeSRData() { m_SRs = new List(); var SRs = new List(Connection.Cache.SRs); SRs.Sort(); foreach (XenAPI.SR sr in SRs) { if (Cancelling) throw new CancelledException(); string srSizeString; if (sr.physical_size == 0) srSizeString = Messages.HYPHEN; else srSizeString = string.Format(Messages.SR_SIZE_USED, (sr.physical_utilisation / sr.physical_size * 100).ToString("0.") + "%", Util.DiskSizeString(sr.physical_size), Util.DiskSizeString(sr.virtual_allocation)); string locationStr = Messages.HYPHEN; foreach (XenRef pbdRef in sr.PBDs) { PBD pbd = Connection.Resolve(pbdRef); if (pbd.device_config.ContainsKey("location")) { if (locationStr == Messages.HYPHEN) locationStr = "location:" + pbd.device_config["location"] + ";"; else locationStr += "location:" + pbd.device_config["location"] + ";"; } if (pbd.device_config.ContainsKey("device")) { if (locationStr == Messages.HYPHEN) locationStr = "device:" + pbd.device_config["device"] + ";"; else locationStr += "device:" + pbd.device_config["device"] + ";"; } if (pbd.device_config.ContainsKey("SCSIid")) { if (locationStr == Messages.HYPHEN) locationStr = "SCSIid:" + pbd.device_config["SCSIid"] + ";"; else locationStr += "SCSIid:" + pbd.device_config["SCSIid"] + ";"; } if (pbd.device_config.ContainsKey("targetIQN")) { if (locationStr == Messages.HYPHEN) locationStr = "targetIQN:" + pbd.device_config["targetIQN"] + ";"; else locationStr += "targetIQN:" + pbd.device_config["targetIQN"] + ";"; } } SRInfo buf = new SRInfo(sr.Name, sr.uuid, sr.type, srSizeString, locationStr, sr.Description); m_SRs.Add(buf); PercentComplete = Convert.ToInt32((++itemIndex) * baseIndex / itemCount); } } private void ComposeVMData() { m_VMs = new List(); var VMs = new List(Connection.Cache.VMs); VMs.Sort(); foreach (XenAPI.VM vm in VMs) { string OSinfo = Messages.HYPHEN; string srInfo = ""; string MacInfo = ""; string running_on = Messages.HYPHEN; if (Cancelling) throw new CancelledException(); if (vm.is_a_snapshot || vm.is_a_template || vm.is_control_domain || vm.is_snapshot_from_vmpp) { PercentComplete = Convert.ToInt32((++itemIndex) * baseIndex / itemCount); continue; } ComparableList addresses = new ComparableList(); if (vm.guest_metrics != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.guest_metrics.opaque_ref) && !(vm.guest_metrics.opaque_ref.ToLower().Contains("null"))) { VM_guest_metrics metrics = vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.guest_metrics); OSinfo = metrics.os_version["name"]; List vifs = vm.Connection.ResolveAll(vm.VIFs); foreach (VIF vif in vifs) { MacInfo += vif.MAC + " "; foreach (var network in metrics.networks.Where(n => n.Key.StartsWith(String.Format("{0}/ip", vif.device)))) { ComparableAddress ipAddress; if (!ComparableAddress.TryParse(network.Value, false, true, out ipAddress)) continue; addresses.Add(ipAddress); } } } if (MacInfo.Length == 0) MacInfo = Messages.HYPHEN; foreach (XenRef vbdRef in vm.VBDs) { var vbd = vm.Connection.Resolve(vbdRef); if (vbd != null && !vbd.IsCDROM && !vbd.IsFloppyDrive && vbd.bootable) { VDI vdi = vm.Connection.Resolve(vbd.VDI); srInfo += vdi.name_label + ":" + vdi.SizeText + ";"; } } if (srInfo.Length == 0) srInfo = Messages.HYPHEN; if (vm.resident_on != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.resident_on.opaque_ref) && !(vm.resident_on.opaque_ref.ToLower().Contains("null"))) { running_on = vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.resident_on).Name; } string default_template_name = Messages.HYPHEN; if(vm.other_config.ContainsKey("base_template_name")) default_template_name = vm.other_config["base_template_name"]; VMInfo buf = new VMInfo(vm.Name, vm.uuid, PropertyAccessorHelper.vmCpuUsageStringByMetric(vm, MetricUpdater), PropertyAccessorHelper.vmMemoryUsagePercentageStringByMetric(vm, MetricUpdater), srInfo, Convert.ToString(vm.VIFs.Count), Convert.ToString(addresses), MacInfo, OSinfo, Convert.ToString(vm.power_state), Convert.ToString(vm.RunningTime), running_on, default_template_name, vm.Description); m_VMs.Add(buf); PercentComplete = Convert.ToInt32((++itemIndex) * baseIndex / itemCount); } } private void ComposeGPUData() { m_PGPUs = new List(); var PGPUs = new List(Connection.Cache.PGPUs); PGPUs.Sort(); foreach (XenAPI.PGPU pGpu in PGPUs) { Host host= Connection.Resolve(pGpu.host); if (host == null) continue; PCI pci = Connection.Resolve(pGpu.PCI); string temperature = PropertyAccessorHelper.PGPUTemperatureString(pGpu, MetricUpdater); string powerStatus = PropertyAccessorHelper.PGPUPowerUsageString(pGpu, MetricUpdater); string utilisation = PropertyAccessorHelper.PGPUUtilisationString(pGpu, MetricUpdater); string memInfo = PropertyAccessorHelper.PGPUMemoryUsageString(pGpu, MetricUpdater); PGPUInfo buf = new PGPUInfo(pGpu.Name, pGpu.uuid, host.Name, pci.pci_id, utilisation, memInfo, temperature, powerStatus); m_PGPUs.Add(buf); } } private void ComposeVDIData() { m_VDIs = new List(); var VDIs = new List(Connection.Cache.VDIs); VDIs.Sort(); foreach (XenAPI.VDI vdi in VDIs) { XenAPI.SR sr = Connection.Resolve(vdi.SR); VDIInfo buf = new VDIInfo(vdi.Name, vdi.uuid, Convert.ToString(vdi.type), vdi.SizeText, vdi.Description, sr.Name); m_VDIs.Add(buf); } } public override void RecomputeCanCancel() { CanCancel = true; } private void export2XLS() { Warning[] warnings; string[] streamIds; string mimeType = string.Empty; string encoding = string.Empty; string extension = string.Empty; FileStream fs = null; ReportViewer viewer = new ReportViewer(); viewer.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local; viewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = "resource_report.rdlc"; ReportDataSource HostDataSource = new ReportDataSource("Report_HostInfo", m_Hosts); ReportDataSource NetworkDataSource = new ReportDataSource("Report_NetworkInfo", m_Networks); ReportDataSource SRDataSource = new ReportDataSource("Report_SRInfo", m_SRs); ReportDataSource VMDataSource = new ReportDataSource("Report_VMInfo", m_VMs); ReportDataSource PGPUDataSource = new ReportDataSource("Report_PGPUInfo", m_PGPUs); ReportDataSource VDIDataSource = new ReportDataSource("Report_VDIInfo", m_VDIs); viewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(HostDataSource); viewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(NetworkDataSource); viewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(SRDataSource); viewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(VMDataSource); viewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(PGPUDataSource); viewer.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(VDIDataSource); ComposeParameters(viewer, Connection); byte[] bytes = viewer.LocalReport.Render("Excel", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamIds, out warnings); fs = new FileStream(_filename, FileMode.Create); fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); PercentComplete = 100; if (fs != null) fs.Close(); try { Process xlProcess = Process.Start(_filename); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex, ex); } } private void ComposeCSVRow(ref FileStream fs, ref List items) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); bool firstColumn = true; byte[] info; foreach (string value in items) { // Add separator if this isn't the first value if (!firstColumn) builder.Append(','); if (value.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '"', ',' }) != -1) builder.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", value.Replace("\"", "\"\"")); else builder.Append(value); firstColumn = false; } info = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes(builder.ToString() + "\n"); fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length); items.Clear(); } private void HostInfoCSVMaker(ref FileStream fs) { List items = new List(); items.Add("\n"); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.SERVER); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.NAME); items.Add(Messages.UUID); items.Add(Messages.POOL_MASTER); items.Add(Messages.ADDRESS); items.Add(Messages.OVERVIEW_CPU_USAGE); items.Add(Messages.OVERVIEW_MEMORY_USAGE); items.Add(Messages.OVERVIEW_NETWORK + Messages.OVERVIEW_UNITS); items.Add(Messages.UPTIME); items.Add(Messages.DESCRIPTION); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); foreach (HostInfo host in m_Hosts) { items.Add(host.Name); items.Add(host.UUID); items.Add(host.Role); items.Add(host.Address); items.Add(host.CpuUsage); items.Add(host.MemUsage); items.Add(host.NetworkUsage); items.Add(host.Uptime); items.Add(host.Description); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); } } private void NetworkInfoCSVMaker(ref FileStream fs) { List items = new List(); items.Add("\n"); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.NETWORKS); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.NAME); items.Add(Messages.LINK_STATUS); items.Add(Messages.MAC); items.Add(Messages.MTU); items.Add(Messages.NETWORKPANEL_VLAN); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); foreach (NetworkInfo network in m_Networks) { items.Add(network.Name); items.Add(network.LinkStatus); items.Add(network.MAC); items.Add(network.MTU); items.Add(network.VlanID); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); } } private void SRInfoCSVMaker(ref FileStream fs) { List items = new List(); items.Add("\n"); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.DATATYPE_STORAGE); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.NAME); items.Add(Messages.UUID); items.Add(Messages.STORAGE_TYPE); items.Add(Messages.SIZE); items.Add(Messages.NEWSR_LOCATION); items.Add(Messages.DESCRIPTION); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); foreach (SRInfo sr in m_SRs) { items.Add(sr.Name); items.Add(sr.UUID); items.Add(sr.Type); items.Add(sr.Size); items.Add(sr.Remark); items.Add(sr.Description); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); } } private void PGPUInfoCSVMaker(ref FileStream fs) { List items = new List(); items.Add("\n"); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.GPU); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.NAME); items.Add(Messages.UUID); items.Add(Messages.BUS_PATH); items.Add(Messages.SERVER); items.Add(Messages.OVERVIEW_MEMORY_USAGE); items.Add(Messages.POWER_USAGE); items.Add(Messages.TEMPERATURE); items.Add(Messages.UTILIZATION); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); foreach (PGPUInfo pGpu in m_PGPUs) { items.Add(pGpu.Name); items.Add(pGpu.UUID); items.Add(pGpu.BusAddress); items.Add(pGpu.Host); items.Add(pGpu.MemoryUtilization); items.Add(pGpu.PowerStatus); items.Add(pGpu.Temperature); items.Add(pGpu.Utilization); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); } } private void VMInfoCSVMaker(ref FileStream fs) { List items = new List(); items.Add("\n"); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.VMS); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.NAME); items.Add(Messages.POWER_STATE); items.Add(Messages.UUID); items.Add(Messages.RUNNING_ON); items.Add(Messages.ADDRESS); items.Add(Messages.MAC); items.Add(Messages.NIC); items.Add(Messages.OVERVIEW_MEMORY_USAGE); items.Add(Messages.OPERATING_SYSTEM); items.Add(Messages.STORAGE_DISK); items.Add(Messages.TEMPLATE); items.Add(Messages.OVERVIEW_CPU_USAGE); items.Add(Messages.UPTIME); items.Add(Messages.DESCRIPTION); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); foreach (VMInfo vm in m_VMs) { items.Add(vm.Name); items.Add(vm.PowerStatus); items.Add(vm.UUID); items.Add(vm.HostInfo); items.Add(vm.IP); items.Add(vm.MAC); items.Add(vm.NicNum); items.Add(vm.MemSize); items.Add(vm.OSInfo); items.Add(vm.SRInfo); items.Add(vm.TemplateName); items.Add(vm.VCpuNum); items.Add(vm.Uptime); items.Add(vm.Description); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); } } private void VDIInfoCSVMaker(ref FileStream fs) { List items = new List(); items.Add("\n"); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.VDI); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.NAME); items.Add(Messages.UUID); items.Add(Messages.STORAGE_TYPE); items.Add(Messages.SIZE); items.Add(Messages.NEWSR_LOCATION); items.Add(Messages.DESCRIPTION); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); foreach (VDIInfo vdi in m_VDIs) { items.Add(vdi.Name); items.Add(vdi.UUID); items.Add(vdi.Type); items.Add(vdi.Size); items.Add(vdi.Resideon); items.Add(vdi.Description); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); } } private void export2CSV() { FileStream fs = null; List items = new List(); fs = new FileStream(_filename, FileMode.Create); //pool information part items.Add(Messages.POOL + ":" + Connection.Cache.Pools[0].Name); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); items.Add(Messages.UUID + ":" + Connection.Cache.Pools[0].uuid); ComposeCSVRow(ref fs, ref items); //TABLES HostInfoCSVMaker(ref fs); NetworkInfoCSVMaker(ref fs); SRInfoCSVMaker(ref fs); VDIInfoCSVMaker(ref fs); VMInfoCSVMaker(ref fs); PGPUInfoCSVMaker(ref fs); PercentComplete = 100; if (fs != null) fs.Close(); try { Process xlProcess = Process.Start(_filename); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Debug(ex, ex); } } private void DoExport() { CanCancel = true; PercentComplete = 0; ComposeHostData(); ComposeNetworkData(); ComposeSRData(); ComposeVMData(); ComposeGPUData(); ComposeVDIData(); if (_fileType == Convert.ToInt32(FILE_TYPE_INDEX.XLS)) { export2XLS(); } else { export2CSV(); } } } }