/* Copyright (c) Cloud Software Group, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAPI; namespace XenAdmin.Actions { public class UploadSupplementalPackAction : AsyncAction, IByteProgressAction { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private readonly string suppPackFilePath; private long _totalUpdateSize; private readonly List servers; private long totalCount; private long totalUploaded; private readonly string _updateName; public Dictionary SrsWithUploadedUpdatesPerHost = new Dictionary(); public readonly Dictionary> VdiRefsPerHost = new Dictionary>(); public string ByteProgressDescription { get; set; } private Pool_update poolUpdate; public Pool_update PoolUpdate { get { return poolUpdate; } } public UploadSupplementalPackAction(IXenConnection connection, List selectedServers, string path, bool suppressHistory) : base(connection, null, Messages.SUPP_PACK_UPLOADING, suppressHistory) { Host = Helpers.GetCoordinator(connection) ?? throw new NullReferenceException(); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("VDI.create"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("VDI.destroy"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("VDI.set_other_config"); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.Add("http/put_import_raw_vdi"); suppPackFilePath = path; _updateName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(suppPackFilePath); servers = selectedServers; } protected override void Run() { SafeToExit = false; _totalUpdateSize = new FileInfo(suppPackFilePath).Length; var srList = SelectTargetSr(); if (srList.Count == 0) throw new Exception(Messages.HOTFIX_APPLY_ERROR_NO_SR); totalCount = srList.Count; foreach (var sr in srList) { Result = UploadSupplementalPack(sr); } } public override void RecomputeCanCancel() { CanCancel = !Cancelling; } private string UploadSupplementalPack(SR sr) { this.Description = String.Format(Messages.SUPP_PACK_UPLOADING_TO, _updateName, sr.Name()); log.DebugFormat("Creating vdi of size {0} bytes on SR '{1}'", _totalUpdateSize, sr.Name()); VDI vdi = NewVDI(sr); var vdiRef = VDI.create(Session, vdi); Host localStorageHost = sr.GetStorageHost(); string hostUrl; if (localStorageHost == null) { Uri uri = new Uri(Session.Url); hostUrl = uri.Host; } else { log.DebugFormat("SR is not shared -- redirecting to {0}", localStorageHost.address); hostUrl = localStorageHost.address; } log.DebugFormat("Using {0} for import", hostUrl); string result; try { log.DebugFormat("Uploading file '{0}' to VDI '{1}' on SR '{2}'", suppPackFilePath, vdi.Name(), sr.Name()); HTTP.UpdateProgressDelegate progressDelegate = delegate(int percent) { var sr1 = sr; var descr = string.Format(Messages.UPLOAD_PATCH_UPLOADING_TO_SR_PROGRESS_DESCRIPTION, _updateName, sr1.Name(), Util.DiskSizeString(percent * _totalUpdateSize / 100, "F1"), Util.DiskSizeString(_totalUpdateSize)); var actionPercent = (int)((totalUploaded * 100 + percent) / totalCount); ByteProgressDescription = descr; Tick(actionPercent, descr); }; Session session = NewSession(); RelatedTask = Task.create(Session, "put_import_raw_vdi_task", hostUrl); log.DebugFormat("HTTP PUTTING file from {0} to {1}", suppPackFilePath, hostUrl); HTTP_actions.put_import_raw_vdi(progressDelegate, () => XenAdminConfigManager.Provider.ForcedExiting || GetCancelling(), XenAdminConfigManager.Provider.GetProxyTimeout(true), hostUrl, XenAdminConfigManager.Provider.GetProxyFromSettings(Connection), suppPackFilePath, RelatedTask.opaque_ref, session.opaque_ref, vdiRef.opaque_ref); PollToCompletion(); result = Result; } catch (Exception ex) { PollToCompletion(suppressFailures: true); if (vdiRef != null) { try { log.ErrorFormat("Failed to import a virtual disk over HTTP. Deleting VDI '{0}' on a best effort basis.", vdiRef.opaque_ref); VDI.destroy(Session, vdiRef); } catch (Exception removeEx) { log.Error("Failed to remove VDI.", removeEx); } } if (ex is CancelledException || ex is HTTP.CancelledException || ex.InnerException is CancelledException) throw new CancelledException(); log.Error("Failed to import a virtual disk over HTTP", ex); //after having tried to remove the VDI, the original exception is thrown for the UI if (ex is TargetInvocationException && ex.InnerException != null) throw ex.InnerException; else throw; } //introduce ISO for Ely and higher if (Helpers.ElyOrGreater(Connection)) { try { var poolUpdateRef = Pool_update.introduce(Connection.Session, vdiRef); poolUpdate = Connection.WaitForCache(poolUpdateRef); if (poolUpdate == null) throw new Exception(Messages.UPDATE_ERROR_INTRODUCE); // This should not happen, because such case will result in a XAPI Failure. But this code has to be protected at this point. } catch (Exception ex) { //clean-up the VDI we've just created try { log.ErrorFormat("Deleting VDI '{0}' on a best effor basis.", vdiRef); VDI.destroy(Session, vdiRef); } catch (Exception removeEx) { log.Error("Failed to remove VDI", removeEx); } var failure = ex as Failure; if (failure != null && failure.ErrorDescription != null && failure.ErrorDescription.Count > 1 && failure.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.UPDATE_ALREADY_EXISTS) { string uuidFound = failure.ErrorDescription[1]; poolUpdate = Connection.Cache.Pool_updates.FirstOrDefault(pu => string.Equals(pu.uuid, uuidFound, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); } else { log.Error("Failed to introduce the update", ex); poolUpdate = null; throw; } } } else { poolUpdate = null; } if (localStorageHost != null) VdiRefsPerHost.Add(localStorageHost, vdiRef); else // shared SR foreach (var server in servers) VdiRefsPerHost.Add(server, vdiRef); totalUploaded++; Description = string.Format(Messages.SUPP_PACK_UPLOADED, sr.Name()); foreach (Host host in servers) SrsWithUploadedUpdatesPerHost[host] = sr; return result; } private VDI NewVDI(SR sr) { VDI vdi = new VDI(); vdi.Connection = Connection; vdi.read_only = false; vdi.SR = new XenRef(sr); vdi.virtual_size = _totalUpdateSize; vdi.name_label = new FileInfo(suppPackFilePath).Name; vdi.name_description = Helpers.ElyOrGreater(Connection) ? Messages.UPDATE_TEMP_VDI_DESCRIPTION : Messages.SUPP_PACK_TEMP_VDI_DESCRIPTION; vdi.sharable = false; vdi.type = vdi_type.user; vdi.SetVmHint(""); //mark the vdi as being a temporary supp pack iso vdi.other_config = new Dictionary {{"supp_pack_iso", "true"}}; return vdi; } private List SelectTargetSr() { /* For ely or greater (update ISOs) we need an SR that can be seen from coordinator; * that would be a shared SR or the coordinator's local SR. * * For earlier (supplemental packs) we need an SR that can be seen from all hosts; * that would be a shared SR, otherwise we have to upload to each hosts's local SR * * The selection priority is default SRs over non-default and shared over local. */ SR defaultSr = Pool != null ? Pool.Connection.Resolve(Pool.default_SR) : null; var serversToConsider = Helpers.ElyOrGreater(Connection) ? new List {Helpers.GetCoordinator(Connection)} : new List(servers); var srList = new List(); foreach (var host in serversToConsider) { var visibleSRs = Connection.Cache.SRs.Where(sr => CanStoreUpdateForHost(sr, host)).ToList(); if (defaultSr != null && visibleSRs.Contains(defaultSr) && !srList.Contains(defaultSr)) { srList.Add(defaultSr); continue; } var sharedSr = visibleSRs.FirstOrDefault(sr => sr.shared); if (sharedSr != null && !srList.Contains(sharedSr)) { srList.Add(sharedSr); continue; } if (visibleSRs.Count > 0) srList.Add(visibleSRs[0]); } return srList; } private bool CanStoreUpdateForHost(SR sr, Host host) { if (!sr.SupportsVdiCreate()) return false; if (sr.FreeSpace() < _totalUpdateSize) return false; var canBeSeen = false; foreach (var pbdRef in sr.PBDs) { var pbd = Connection.Resolve(pbdRef); if (pbd != null && pbd.currently_attached && pbd.host.opaque_ref == host.opaque_ref) { canBeSeen = true; break; } } return canBeSeen; } } }