/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Threading; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Commands; using XenAdmin.Dialogs; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace XenAdmin.ConsoleView { public partial class VNCTabView : UserControl { private static readonly string UseRDP = Messages.VNC_RDESKTOP; private static readonly string enableRDP = Messages.VNC_RDESKTOP_TURN_ON; // public only for the automated tests. public static readonly string UseVNC = Messages.VNC_VIRTUAL_CONSOLE; public static readonly string UseXVNC = Messages.VNC_X_CONSOLE; private static readonly string UseStandardDesktop = Messages.VNC_DEFAULT_DESKTOP; public const int INS_KEY_TIMEOUT = 500; private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private readonly XSVNCScreen vncScreen; private readonly VNCView parentVNCView; private readonly VM source; private readonly Host targetHost; private VM_guest_metrics guestMetrics = null; private Form fullscreenForm = null; private Form fullscreenHint = null; private Size LastDesktopSize; private bool switchOnTabOpened = false; /// /// Whether to ignore VNC resize events. We turn this on when changing /// the scaling settings, because this in turn triggers a VNC resize. /// private bool ignoringResizes = false; private bool ignoreScaleChange = false; internal readonly ConsoleKeyHandler KeyHandler = new ConsoleKeyHandler(); private bool hasRDP { get { return source != null ? source.HasRDP : false; } } private bool RDPEnabled { get { return source != null ? source.RDPEnabled : false; } } private bool RDPControlEnabled { get { return source != null ? source.RDPControlEnabled : false; } } public bool IsRDPControlEnabled() { return RDPControlEnabled; } public VNCTabView(VNCView parent, VM source, string elevatedUsername, string elevatedPassword) { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); InitializeComponent(); HostLabel.Font = Program.HeaderGradientFont; HostLabel.ForeColor = Program.HeaderGradientForeColor; multipleDvdIsoList1.SetTextColor(Program.HeaderGradientForeColor); #pragma warning disable 0219 // Force the handle to be created, because resize events // could be fired before this component is placed on-screen. IntPtr _ = Handle; #pragma warning restore 0219 this.parentVNCView = parent; this.scaleCheckBox.Checked = false; this.source = source; this.guestMetrics = source.Connection.Resolve(source.guest_metrics); if (this.guestMetrics != null) guestMetrics.PropertyChanged += guestMetrics_PropertyChanged; log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Register Server_PropertyChanged event listener on {0}", this.source.Name); this.source.PropertyChanged += Server_PropertyChanged; Host_CollectionChangedWithInvoke = Program.ProgramInvokeHandler(Host_CollectionChanged); VM_CollectionChangedWithInvoke = Program.ProgramInvokeHandler(VM_CollectionChanged); source.Connection.Cache.RegisterCollectionChanged(VM_CollectionChangedWithInvoke); if (source.is_control_domain) { Host host = source.Connection.Resolve(source.resident_on); if (host != null) { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Register Server_PropertyChanged event listener on {1}", this.source.Name, host.Name); host.PropertyChanged += Server_PropertyChanged; Host_metrics hostMetrics = source.Connection.Resolve(host.metrics); if (hostMetrics != null) { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Register Server_PropertyChanged event listener on host metrics", this.source.Name); hostMetrics.PropertyChanged += Server_PropertyChanged; } HostLabel.Text = string.Format(Messages.CONSOLE_HOST, host.Name); HostLabel.Visible = true; } } else { source.Connection.Cache.RegisterCollectionChanged(Host_CollectionChangedWithInvoke); targetHost = source.GetStorageHost(false); foreach (Host cachedHost in source.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Register Server_EnabledPropertyChanged event listener on {1}", source.Name, cachedHost.Name); cachedHost.PropertyChanged += Server_EnabledPropertyChanged; } HostLabel.Visible = false; } log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Update power state (on VNCTabView constructor)", this.source.Name); updatePowerState(); this.vncScreen = new XSVNCScreen(source, new EventHandler(RDPorVNCResizeHandler), this, elevatedUsername, elevatedPassword); ShowGpuWarningIfRequired(); if (source.is_control_domain || source.IsHVM && !hasRDP) //Linux HVM guests should only have one console: the console switch button vanishes altogether. { toggleConsoleButton.Visible = false; } else { toggleConsoleButton.Visible = true; this.vncScreen.OnDetectRDP = this.OnDetectRDP; this.vncScreen.OnDetectVNC = this.OnDetectVNC; this.vncScreen.UserCancelledAuth += this.OnUserCancelledAuth; } LastDesktopSize = vncScreen.DesktopSize; this.insKeyTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(new TimerCallback(notInsKeyPressed)); Properties.Settings.Default.PropertyChanged += Default_PropertyChanged; registerShortCutKeys(); // // Ctlr - Alt - Ins send Ctrl - Alt - Delete, and cancels and pending full screen. // KeyHandler.AddKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.CTRL_ALT_INS, cancelWaitForInsKeyAndSendCAD); this.vncScreen.Parent = this.contentPanel; this.vncScreen.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; string rdpLabel = GuessNativeConsoleLabel(source); this.toggleConsoleButton.Text = rdpLabel; UpdateFullScreenButton(); UpdateDockButton(); setupCD(); UpdateParentMinimumSize(); UpdateButtons(); toggleConsoleButton.EnabledChanged += toggleConsoleButton_EnabledChanged; } //CA-75479 - add to aid debugging private void toggleConsoleButton_EnabledChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ButtonBase button = sender as ButtonBase; if(button == null) return; string format = "Console tab 'Switch to...' button disabled for VM '{0}'"; if (button.Enabled) format = "Console tab 'Switch to...' button enabled for VM '{0}'"; log.DebugFormat(format, source == null ? "unknown/null" : source.name_label); } private void VM_CollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { if (e.Action == CollectionChangeAction.Remove) { VM vm = e.Element as VM; if (source != null && vm.uuid == source.uuid) { // the VM we are looking at has gone away. We should redock if necessary, otherwise it // avoids the destroy (and re-create in the case of dom0) when the tab itself goes. if (!parentVNCView.isDocked) parentVNCView.DockUnDock(); } } } private void Host_CollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { if (source.is_control_domain) return; Host host = e.Element as Host; if (host != null) { if (e.Action == CollectionChangeAction.Add) { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Register Server_EnabledPropertyChanged event listener on {1}", source.Name, host.Name); host.PropertyChanged -= Server_EnabledPropertyChanged; host.PropertyChanged += Server_EnabledPropertyChanged; } else if (e.Action == CollectionChangeAction.Remove) { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Unregister Server_EnabledPropertyChanged event listener on {1}", source.Name, host.Name); host.PropertyChanged -= Server_EnabledPropertyChanged; } } } private void UnregisterEventListeners() { Properties.Settings.Default.PropertyChanged -= new PropertyChangedEventHandler(Default_PropertyChanged); if (source == null) return; log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Unregister Server_PropertyChanged event listener on {0}", source.Name); source.PropertyChanged -= new PropertyChangedEventHandler(Server_PropertyChanged); source.Connection.Cache.DeregisterCollectionChanged(VM_CollectionChangedWithInvoke); if (this.guestMetrics != null) this.guestMetrics.PropertyChanged -= guestMetrics_PropertyChanged; if (source.is_control_domain) { Host host = source.Connection.Resolve(source.resident_on); if (host != null) { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Unregister Server_PropertyChanged event listener on {1}", source.Name, host.Name); host.PropertyChanged -= Server_PropertyChanged; Host_metrics hostMetrics = source.Connection.Resolve(host.metrics); if (hostMetrics != null) { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Unregister Server_PropertyChanged event listener on host metrics", source.Name); hostMetrics.PropertyChanged -= Server_PropertyChanged; } } } else { source.Connection.Cache.DeregisterCollectionChanged(Host_CollectionChangedWithInvoke); foreach (Host cachedHost in source.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Unregister Server_EnabledPropertyChanged event listener on {1}", source.Name, cachedHost.Name); cachedHost.PropertyChanged -= Server_EnabledPropertyChanged; } } } /// /// Occurs when one of the properties in the preferences / options window changes. /// private void Default_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Program.Invoke(this, delegate { deregisterShortCutKeys(); registerShortCutKeys(); UpdateParentMinimumSize(); }); } internal void UpdateParentMinimumSize() { if (Parent != null) { int[] bottomTableWidths = tableLayoutPanel1.GetColumnWidths(); int bottomPanelWidth = bottomTableWidths.Where((t, i) => tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles[i].SizeType != SizeType.Percent).Sum(); Parent.MinimumSize = new Size(bottomPanelWidth + 20, 400); } } private void registerShortCutKeys() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if (vncScreen == null) return; if (Properties.Settings.Default.FullScreenShortcutKey == 0) { // Ctrl + Alt KeyHandler.AddKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.CTRL_ALT, waitForInsKey); } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.FullScreenShortcutKey == 1) { // Ctrl + Alt + F KeyHandler.AddKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.CTRL_ALT_F, toggleFullscreen); } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.FullScreenShortcutKey == 2) { // F12 KeyHandler.AddKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.F12, toggleFullscreen); } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.FullScreenShortcutKey == 3) { // Ctrl + Enter KeyHandler.AddKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.CTRL_ENTER, toggleFullscreen); } UpdateFullScreenButton(); // CA-10943 if (Properties.Settings.Default.DockShortcutKey == 1) { // Alt + Shift + U KeyHandler.AddKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.ALT_SHIFT_U, toggleDockUnDock);} else if (Properties.Settings.Default.DockShortcutKey == 2) { // F11 KeyHandler.AddKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.F11, toggleDockUnDock); } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.DockShortcutKey == 0) { // KeyHandler.RemoveKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.ALT_SHIFT_U); KeyHandler.RemoveKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.F11); } UpdateDockButton(); // Uncapture keyboard and mouse Key if (Properties.Settings.Default.UncaptureShortcutKey == 0) { // Right Ctrl KeyHandler.AddKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.RIGHT_CTRL, ToogleConsoleFocus); } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.UncaptureShortcutKey == 1) { // Left Alt KeyHandler.AddKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.LEFT_ALT, ToogleConsoleFocus); } } private void deregisterShortCutKeys() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if (vncScreen == null) return; if (Properties.Settings.Default.FullScreenShortcutKey != 0) { // Ctrl + Alt KeyHandler.RemoveKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.CTRL_ALT); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.FullScreenShortcutKey != 1) { // Ctrl + Alt + F KeyHandler.RemoveKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.CTRL_ALT_F); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.FullScreenShortcutKey != 2) { // F12 KeyHandler.RemoveKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.F12); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.FullScreenShortcutKey != 3) { // Ctrl + Enter KeyHandler.RemoveKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.CTRL_ENTER); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.DockShortcutKey != 1) { // Alt + Shift + U KeyHandler.RemoveKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.ALT_SHIFT_U); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.DockShortcutKey != 2) { // F11 KeyHandler.RemoveKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.F11); } // Uncapture keyboard and mouse Key if (Properties.Settings.Default.UncaptureShortcutKey != 0) { // Right Ctrl KeyHandler.RemoveKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.RIGHT_CTRL); } if (Properties.Settings.Default.UncaptureShortcutKey != 1) { // Left Alt KeyHandler.RemoveKeyHandler(ConsoleShortcutKey.LEFT_ALT); } } public void UpdateDockButton() { dockButton.Text = parentVNCView.isDocked ? Messages.VNC_UNDOCK : Messages.VNC_REDOCK; if (Properties.Settings.Default.DockShortcutKey == 1) { dockButton.Text += Messages.VNC_DOCK_ALT_SHIFT_U; } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.DockShortcutKey == 2) { dockButton.Text += Messages.VNC_DOCK_F11; } dockButton.Image = parentVNCView.isDocked ? Properties.Resources.detach_24 : Properties.Resources.attach_24; } public void UpdateFullScreenButton() { switch (Properties.Settings.Default.FullScreenShortcutKey) { case 0: fullscreenButton.Text = Messages.VNC_FULLSCREEN_CTRL_ALT; break; case 1: fullscreenButton.Text = Messages.VNC_FULLSCREEN_CTRL_ALT_F; break; case 2: fullscreenButton.Text = Messages.VNC_FULLSCREEN_F12; break; default: fullscreenButton.Text = Messages.VNC_FULLSCREEN_CTRL_ENTER; break; } } private void Server_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == "power_state" || e.PropertyName == "live" || e.PropertyName == "allowed_operations") { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Update power state, after receiving property change notification, PropertyName='{1}'", sender.ToString(), e.PropertyName); updatePowerState(); } else if (e.PropertyName == "VBDs") { //The CD device may have changed Program.Invoke(this, setupCD); } else if (e.PropertyName == "guest_metrics") { var newGuestMetrics = source.Connection.Resolve(source.guest_metrics); //unsubscribing from the previous instance's event if (this.guestMetrics != null) this.guestMetrics.PropertyChanged -= guestMetrics_PropertyChanged; this.guestMetrics = newGuestMetrics; if (this.guestMetrics != null) guestMetrics.PropertyChanged += guestMetrics_PropertyChanged; EnableRDPIfCapable(); } if (source.is_control_domain && e.PropertyName == "name_label") { HostLabel.Text = string.Format(Messages.CONSOLE_HOST, source.AffinityServerString); if (parentVNCView != null && parentVNCView.undockedForm != null) parentVNCView.undockedForm.Text = source.AffinityServerString; } } private void guestMetrics_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == "other") { if (RDPEnabled) {// If current connection is VNC, will enable RDP connection as following conditions: // 1. Click "Turn on RDP which cause tryToConnectRDP = true" // 2. RDP status changed by turned on RDP in-guest and with "Automatically switch to the Remote // Desktop console when it becomes available" is on. But if user already choose connection type by click "Turn on/Switch to Remote Desktop" // or "Switch to Default desktop", we will take AutoSwitchToRDP as no effect if (vncScreen.UseVNC && (tryToConnectRDP || (!vncScreen.UserWantsToSwitchProtocol && Properties.Settings.Default.AutoSwitchToRDP))) { tryToConnectRDP = false; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(TryToConnectRDP); } } else EnableRDPIfCapable(); UpdateButtons(); } } private void EnableRDPIfCapable() { if (!toggleConsoleButton.Visible && hasRDP) { // The toogle button is not visible now, because RDP had not been enabled on the VM when we started the console. // However, the current guest_metrics indicates that RDP is now supported (HasRDP==true). (eg. XenTools has been installed in the meantime.) // This means that now we should show and enable the toogle RDP button and start polling (if allowed) RDP as well. log.DebugFormat( "'{0}' console: Enabling RDP button, because RDP capability has appeared.", source); if (Properties.Settings.Default.EnableRDPPolling) { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Starting RDP polling. (RDP polling is enabled in settings.)", source); toggleConsoleButton.Visible = true; if(Helpers.CreamOrGreater(source.Connection) && RDPControlEnabled) toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = true; else toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = false; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(TryToConnectRDP); } else { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Not starting polling. (RDP polling is diabled in settings.)", source); toggleConsoleButton.Visible = true; toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = true; } } } private void Server_EnabledPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName != "enabled" || source.is_control_domain) return; Host host = sender as Host; if (host == null) return; if (targetHost == null || targetHost.Equals(host)) { log.DebugFormat( "'{0}' console: Update power state, after receiving property change notification, PropertyName='{1}'", sender.ToString(), e.PropertyName); updatePowerState(); } } public void setupCD() { multipleDvdIsoList1.VM = source; } private void cdLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { new InstallToolsCommand(Program.MainWindow, source, this).Execute(); } private void updatePowerState() { if (source.is_control_domain) { Host host = source.Connection.Resolve(source.resident_on); if (host == null) return; Host_metrics hostMetrics = source.Connection.Resolve(host.metrics); if (hostMetrics == null) return; if (hostMetrics.live) { Program.Invoke(this, showTopBarContents); } else { Program.Invoke(this, hideTopBarContents); } } else { switch (source.power_state) { case vm_power_state.Halted: case vm_power_state.Paused: case vm_power_state.Suspended: Program.Invoke(this, hideTopBarContents); break; case vm_power_state.Running: Program.Invoke(this, showTopBarContents); Program.Invoke(this, maybeEnableButton); break; } } } /// /// CA-8966: No way to get from graphical to text console if vm's networking is broken on startup /// private void maybeEnableButton() { if (vncScreen != null && (!vncScreen.UseVNC || !vncScreen.UseSource)) { toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = true; } } private void EnablePowerStateLabel(String label) { powerStateLabel.Enabled = true; powerStateLabel.Text = label; powerStateLabel.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; } private void DisablePowerStateLabel(String label) { powerStateLabel.Enabled = false; powerStateLabel.Text = label; powerStateLabel.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } private void hideTopBarContents() { VMPowerOff(); if (source.is_control_domain) { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Hide top bar contents, server is unavailable", source.Name); DisablePowerStateLabel(Messages.CONSOLE_HOST_DEAD); } else { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Hide top bar contents, powerstate='{1}'", source.Name, vm_power_state_helper.ToString(source.power_state)); if (source.power_state == vm_power_state.Halted) { if (source.allowed_operations.Contains(vm_operations.start) && Helpers.EnabledTargetExists(targetHost, source.Connection)) { EnablePowerStateLabel(Messages.CONSOLE_POWER_STATE_HALTED_START); } else { DisablePowerStateLabel(Messages.CONSOLE_POWER_STATE_HALTED); } } else if (source.power_state == vm_power_state.Paused) { if (source.allowed_operations.Contains(vm_operations.unpause)) { //EnablePowerStateLabel(Messages.CONSOLE_POWER_STATE_PAUSED_UNPAUSE); // CA-12637: Pause/UnPause is not supported in the GUI. Comment out // the EnablePowerStateLabel because it gives the appearance that we // support unpause via the GUI. DisablePowerStateLabel(Messages.CONSOLE_POWER_STATE_PAUSED); } else { DisablePowerStateLabel(Messages.CONSOLE_POWER_STATE_PAUSED); } } else if (source.power_state == vm_power_state.Suspended) { if (source.allowed_operations.Contains(vm_operations.resume) && Helpers.EnabledTargetExists(targetHost, source.Connection)) { EnablePowerStateLabel(Messages.CONSOLE_POWER_STATE_SUSPENDED_RESUME); } else { DisablePowerStateLabel(Messages.CONSOLE_POWER_STATE_SUSPENDED); } } } powerStateLabel.Show(); } private void showTopBarContents() { log.DebugFormat("'{0}' console: Show top bar contents, source is running", source.Name); Program.AssertOnEventThread(); VMPowerOn(); powerStateLabel.Hide(); } private void powerStateLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!powerStateLabel.Enabled) { return; } switch (source.power_state) { case vm_power_state.Halted: DisablePowerStateLabel(Messages.CONSOLE_POWER_STATE_HALTED); if (source.allowed_operations.Contains(vm_operations.start)) { DisablePowerStateLabel(powerStateLabel.Text); new StartVMCommand(Program.MainWindow, source).Execute(); } break; case vm_power_state.Paused: DisablePowerStateLabel(Messages.CONSOLE_POWER_STATE_PAUSED); //if(source.allowed_operations.Contains(vm_operations.unpause)) // new Actions.VmAction(source.Connection, VmActionKind.UnpauseActiveView, source, null).RunAsync(); break; case vm_power_state.Suspended: DisablePowerStateLabel(Messages.CONSOLE_POWER_STATE_SUSPENDED); if (source.allowed_operations.Contains(vm_operations.resume)) { DisablePowerStateLabel(powerStateLabel.Text); new ResumeVMCommand(Program.MainWindow, source).Execute(); } break; } } public bool isPaused { get { if (vncScreen != null && !isFullscreen) return vncScreen.wasPaused; else return false; } } public void Pause() { if (vncScreen != null && !isFullscreen) vncScreen.Pause(); } public void Unpause() { if (vncScreen != null) vncScreen.Unpause(); } private bool CanEnableRDPOnCreamOrGreater(IXenConnection conn) { return (RDPControlEnabled && !RDPEnabled && Helpers.CreamOrGreater(conn)); } // Make the 'enable RDP' button show something sensible if we can... private string GuessNativeConsoleLabel(VM source) { string label = Messages.VNC_LOOKING; if (source == null) return label; XenRef gm = source.guest_metrics; if (gm == null) return label; if (Program.MainWindow.SelectionManager.Selection.GetConnectionOfFirstItem() == null) return label; VM_guest_metrics gmo = Program.MainWindow.SelectionManager.Selection.GetConnectionOfFirstItem().Resolve(gm); if (gmo == null) return label; if (gmo != null && gmo.os_version != null) { if (gmo.os_version.ContainsKey("name")) { string osString = gmo.os_version["name"]; if (osString != null) { if (osString.Contains("Microsoft")) label = (CanEnableRDPOnCreamOrGreater(source.Connection)) ? enableRDP : UseRDP; else label = UseXVNC; } } } return label; } private void RDPorVNCResizeHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if (vncScreen == null) return; // This is the first event when vncScreen is created. VNCResizeHandler_(); } private void VNCResizeHandler_() { if (!ignoringResizes && DesktopSizeHasChanged() && !scaleCheckBox.Checked) { MaybeScale(); } } public void MaybeScale() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if (vncScreen.DesktopSize.Width > 10 && contentPanel.Width < vncScreen.DesktopSize.Width) { if (!Properties.Settings.Default.PreserveScaleWhenSwitchBackToVNC) { scaleCheckBox.Checked = true; } else { scaleCheckBox.Checked = oldScaleValue || firstTime; firstTime = false; } } else if (Properties.Settings.Default.PreserveScaleWhenSwitchBackToVNC) { scaleCheckBox.Checked = oldScaleValue; } scaleCheckBox_CheckedChanged(null, null); } private bool DesktopSizeHasChanged() { if (!LastDesktopSize.Equals(vncScreen.DesktopSize)) { LastDesktopSize = vncScreen.DesktopSize; return true; } else { return false; } } public Size GrowToFit() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); ignoringResizes = true; try { scaleCheckBox.Checked = false; Size working_area = Screen.FromControl(this).WorkingArea.Size; if (vncScreen.DesktopSize.Width > 10 && vncScreen.DesktopSize.Width < working_area.Width && vncScreen.DesktopSize.Height < working_area.Height) { int twoTimeBorderPadding = VNCGraphicsClient.BORDER_PADDING * 2; return new Size(vncScreen.DesktopSize.Width + twoTimeBorderPadding, vncScreen.DesktopSize.Height + buttonPanel.Height + bottomPanel.Height + twoTimeBorderPadding); } else { scaleCheckBox.Checked = true; return new Size((working_area.Width * 2) / 3, (working_area.Height * 2) / 3); } } finally { ignoringResizes = false; } } private void scaleCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ignoreScaleChange) return; try { ignoringResizes = true; this.vncScreen.Scaling = this.scaleCheckBox.Checked; } finally { ignoringResizes = false; } FocusVNC(); } private void sendCAD_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.vncScreen.SendCAD(); FocusVNC(); } private void dockButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (isFullscreen) return; this.parentVNCView.DockUnDock(); } private void fullscreenButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { toggleFullscreen(); } private System.Threading.Timer insKeyTimer; private void waitForInsKey() { lock (this.insKeyTimer) { this.insKeyTimer.Change(INS_KEY_TIMEOUT, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite); } } private void cancelWaitForInsKeyAndSendCAD() { lock (this.insKeyTimer) { // We have seen the INS key, so lets cancel the timer and send CAD this.insKeyTimer.Change(System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite); this.vncScreen.SendCAD(); } } private void notInsKeyPressed(Object o) { Program.AssertOffEventThread(); Program.Invoke(this, delegate() { lock (this.insKeyTimer) { // We have not seen the INS key, so lets toggleFullscreen and cancel the timer this.toggleFullscreen(); this.insKeyTimer.Change(System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite); } }); } private bool isFullscreen { get { return fullscreenForm != null; } } // CA-10943 private bool inToggleDockUnDock = false; private void toggleDockUnDock() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if (inToggleDockUnDock) return; inToggleDockUnDock = true; dockButton_Click(null, null); inToggleDockUnDock = false; } private bool inToggleFullscreen = false; private void toggleFullscreen() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if (inToggleFullscreen) return; inToggleFullscreen = true; if (!isFullscreen) { if (vncScreen.showConnectionBar) fullscreenForm = new XenAdmin.Controls.ConsoleTab.FullScreenForm(vncScreen); else fullscreenForm = new Form(); fullscreenForm.ShowIcon = false; fullscreenForm.ShowInTaskbar = false; fullscreenForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; fullscreenForm.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler( delegate(Object o, FormClosingEventArgs a) { toggleFullscreen(); }); //fullscreenForm.Deactivate += new EventHandler( // delegate(Object o, EventArgs e) // { // toggleFullscreen(); // }); if (source != null && source.Connection != null) source.Connection.BeforeConnectionEnd += Connection_BeforeConnectionEnd; vncScreen.Parent = fullscreenForm is Controls.ConsoleTab.FullScreenForm ? (Control) ((Controls.ConsoleTab.FullScreenForm) fullscreenForm).contentPanel : fullscreenForm; vncScreen.DisplayFocusRectangle = false; Screen screen = Screen.FromControl(this); fullscreenForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; fullscreenForm.Location = screen.WorkingArea.Location; fullscreenForm.Size = screen.Bounds.Size; fullscreenHint = new Controls.ConsoleTab.FullScreenHint(GetFullScreenMessage()); fullscreenHint.Show(fullscreenForm); fullscreenForm.Show(); FocusVNC(); vncScreen.CaptureKeyboardAndMouse(); } else { if (source != null && source.Connection != null) source.Connection.BeforeConnectionEnd -= Connection_BeforeConnectionEnd; vncScreen.Parent = this.contentPanel; vncScreen.DisplayFocusRectangle = true; FocusVNC(); vncScreen.CaptureKeyboardAndMouse(); fullscreenForm.Hide(); fullscreenForm.Dispose(); fullscreenForm = null; } //Everytime we toggle full screen I'm going to force an unpause to make sure we don't acidentally undock / dock a pause VNC vncScreen.Unpause(); inToggleFullscreen = false; // CA-30477: This refresh stops a scroll bar being painted on the fullscreen form under vista if (fullscreenForm != null) fullscreenForm.Refresh(); } string GetFullScreenMessage() { switch (Properties.Settings.Default.FullScreenShortcutKey) { case 0: return Messages.VNC_FULLSCREEN_MESSAGE_CTRL_ALT; case 1: return Messages.VNC_FULLSCREEN_MESSAGE_CTRL_ALT_F; case 2: return Messages.VNC_FULLSCREEN_MESSAGE_F12; default: return Messages.VNC_FULLSCREEN_MESSAGE_CTRL_ENTER; } } void Connection_BeforeConnectionEnd(object sender, EventArgs e) { Program.Invoke(this, toggleFullscreen); } private const bool RDP = true; private const bool XVNC = false; private bool toggleToXVNCorRDP = RDP; public void DisableToggleVNCButton() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = false; } public void EnableToggleVNCButton() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = true; } private void OnDetectRDP() { Program.Invoke(this, OnDetectRDP_); } private void OnDetectRDP_() { try { log.DebugFormat("RDP detected for VM '{0}'", source == null ? "unknown/null" : source.name_label); this.toggleToXVNCorRDP = RDP; if (vncScreen.UseVNC) if (CanEnableRDPOnCreamOrGreater(source.Connection)) this.toggleConsoleButton.Text = enableRDP; else this.toggleConsoleButton.Text = UseRDP; this.toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = true; tip.SetToolTip(this.toggleConsoleButton, null); if (!vncScreen.UserWantsToSwitchProtocol&& Properties.Settings.Default.AutoSwitchToRDP) { if (Program.MainWindow.TheTabControl.SelectedTab == Program.MainWindow.TabPageConsole) toggleConsoleButton_Click(null, null); else switchOnTabOpened = true; } } catch (InvalidOperationException exn) { log.Warn(exn, exn); } } private void OnDetectVNC() { Program.Invoke(this, OnDetectVNC_); } private void OnDetectVNC_() { try { log.DebugFormat("VNC detected for VM '{0}'", source == null ? "unknown/null" : source.name_label); this.toggleToXVNCorRDP = XVNC; this.toggleConsoleButton.Text = vncScreen.UseSource ? UseXVNC : UseVNC; this.toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = true; tip.SetToolTip(this.toggleConsoleButton, null); } catch (InvalidOperationException exn) { log.Warn(exn, exn); } } private bool firstTime = true; private bool oldScaleValue = false; private bool tryToConnectRDP = false; // This parameter will be set after click "TURN ON Rremote Desktop" and will connect RDP when RDP status changed. /// /// Switch between graphical and text consoles. /// private void toggleConsoleButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool rdp = (toggleToXVNCorRDP == RDP); try { if (rdp) { if (vncScreen.UseVNC) oldScaleValue = scaleCheckBox.Checked; vncScreen.UseVNC = !vncScreen.UseVNC; vncScreen.UserWantsToSwitchProtocol = true; if (CanEnableRDPOnCreamOrGreater(source.Connection)) { ThreeButtonDialog d = new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(System.Drawing.SystemIcons.Question, Messages.FORCE_ENABLE_RDP), "EnableRDPonVM", new ThreeButtonDialog.TBDButton(Messages.YES, DialogResult.Yes), new ThreeButtonDialog.TBDButton(Messages.NO, DialogResult.No)); if (d.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow) == DialogResult.Yes) { Session session = source.Connection.DuplicateSession(); Dictionary _arguments = new Dictionary(); XenAPI.VM.call_plugin(session, source.opaque_ref, "guest-agent-operation", "request-rdp-on", _arguments); tryToConnectRDP = true; } } if (vncScreen.rdpIP == null && vncScreen.UseVNC && Properties.Settings.Default.EnableRDPPolling && (!(Helpers.CreamOrGreater(source.Connection) && RDPControlEnabled) || tryToConnectRDP)) { toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = false; } else { if (vncScreen.rdpIP == null) // disable toggleConsoleButton; it will be re-enabled in TryToConnectRDP() when rdp port polling is complete (CA-102755) toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = false; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(TryToConnectRDP); } } else { oldScaleValue = scaleCheckBox.Checked; vncScreen.UseSource = !vncScreen.UseSource; if (vncScreen.vncIP == null && vncScreen.UseSource && Properties.Settings.Default.EnableRDPPolling) { toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = false; } } Unpause(); UpdateButtons(); } catch(COMException ex) { log.DebugFormat("Disabling toggle-console button as COM related exception thrown: {0}", ex.Message); toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = false; } } private void UpdateButtons() { bool rdp = (toggleToXVNCorRDP == RDP); if (rdp) toggleConsoleButton.Text = vncScreen.UseVNC ? (CanEnableRDPOnCreamOrGreater(source.Connection) ? enableRDP : UseRDP) : UseStandardDesktop; else toggleConsoleButton.Text = vncScreen.UseSource ? UseXVNC : UseVNC; if (Helpers.CreamOrGreater(source.Connection)) { if (RDPEnabled || RDPControlEnabled) tip.SetToolTip(this.toggleConsoleButton, null); } scaleCheckBox.Visible = !rdp || vncScreen.UseVNC; sendCAD.Enabled = !rdp || vncScreen.UseVNC; FocusVNC(); ignoreScaleChange = true; if (!Properties.Settings.Default.PreserveScaleWhenSwitchBackToVNC) { scaleCheckBox.Checked = false; } ignoreScaleChange = false; scaleCheckBox_CheckedChanged(null, null); // make sure scale setting is now correct: CA-84324 } private void TryToConnectRDP(object x) { bool hasToReconnect = vncScreen.rdpIP == null; vncScreen.rdpIP = vncScreen.PollPort(XSVNCScreen.RDP_PORT, true); Program.Invoke(this, (MethodInvoker)(() => { if (hasToReconnect) { vncScreen.UseVNC = true; vncScreen.UseVNC = false; } Unpause(); UpdateButtons(); toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = true; // make sure the toggleConsoleButton is enabled after rdp port polling (CA-102755) })); } /// /// Called when the user cancelled VNC authentication. /// private void OnUserCancelledAuth(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Switch back to the text console toggleConsoleButton_Click(null, null); } protected override void OnGotFocus(EventArgs e) { base.OnGotFocus(e); FocusVNC(); } internal void SendCAD() { if (this.vncScreen != null) this.vncScreen.SendCAD(); } internal void focus_vnc() { if (this.vncScreen != null) FocusVNC(); } // Focus the VNC screen, as long as we're in the right place at the moment. // Otherwise ignore the request to focus or it will steal the keyboard from // the rightful owner: see CA-41120. private void FocusVNC() { if (Program.MainWindow.ContainsFocus && Program.MainWindow.TheTabControl.SelectedTab == Program.MainWindow.TabPageConsole) vncScreen.Focus(); } internal void VMPowerOff() { toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = false; VBD cddrive = source.FindVMCDROM(); bool allowEject = cddrive != null ? cddrive.allowed_operations.Contains(vbd_operations.eject) : false; bool allowInsert = cddrive != null ? cddrive.allowed_operations.Contains(vbd_operations.insert) : false; multipleDvdIsoList1.Enabled = (source.power_state == vm_power_state.Halted) && (allowEject || allowInsert); sendCAD.Enabled = false; } internal void VMPowerOn() { //No need to reenable toggleConsoleButton, polling will do it. multipleDvdIsoList1.Enabled = true; sendCAD.Enabled = true; } internal void RdpDisconnectedHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if (vncScreen == null) return; // This is the first event when vncScreen is created. rdpDisconnected(); } private void rdpDisconnected() { if (!vncScreen.UseVNC) toggleConsoleButton_Click(null, null); toggleConsoleButton.Enabled = false; vncScreen.imediatelyPollForConsole(); } internal void SwitchIfRequired() { if (switchOnTabOpened) { toggleConsoleButton_Click(null, null); switchOnTabOpened = false; } } bool droppedDown = false; private readonly CollectionChangeEventHandler Host_CollectionChangedWithInvoke; private readonly CollectionChangeEventHandler VM_CollectionChangedWithInvoke; private void LifeCycleButton_MouseClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (droppedDown) { LifeCycleMenuStrip.Hide(); return; } if (source == null) { return; } Host host = source.Connection.Resolve(source.resident_on); if (host == null) { return; } ContextMenuItemCollection contextMenuItems = new ContextMenuItemCollection(); if (source.is_control_domain) { // We're looking at the host console if (host.Connection.IsConnected) { contextMenuItems.Add(new ShutDownHostCommand(Program.MainWindow, host, this)); contextMenuItems.Add(new RebootHostCommand(Program.MainWindow, host, this)); } } else { contextMenuItems.AddIfEnabled(new ShutDownVMCommand(Program.MainWindow, source, this)); contextMenuItems.AddIfEnabled(new RebootVMCommand(Program.MainWindow, source, this)); contextMenuItems.AddIfEnabled(new SuspendVMCommand(Program.MainWindow, source, this)); contextMenuItems.AddIfEnabled(new InstallToolsCommand(Program.MainWindow, source, this)); contextMenuItems.AddIfEnabled(new ForceVMShutDownCommand(Program.MainWindow, source, this)); contextMenuItems.AddIfEnabled(new ForceVMRebootCommand(Program.MainWindow, source, this)); } LifeCycleMenuStrip.Items.Clear(); LifeCycleMenuStrip.Items.AddRange(contextMenuItems.ToArray()); LifeCycleMenuStrip.Show(pictureBox1, pictureBox1.Left, pictureBox1.Bottom); } public void showHeaderBar(bool showHeaderBar, bool showLifecycleIcon) { panel2.Visible = showHeaderBar; pictureBox1.Visible = showLifecycleIcon; } private void pictureBox1_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.lifecycle_hot; } private void pictureBox1_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (droppedDown) pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.lifecycle_pressed; else pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources._001_LifeCycle_h32bit_24; } private void pictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.lifecycle_pressed; } private void pictureBox1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (droppedDown) pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.lifecycle_pressed; else pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.lifecycle_hot; } private void LifeCycleMenuStrip_Opened(object sender, EventArgs e) { droppedDown = true; } private void LifeCycleMenuStrip_Closing(object sender, ToolStripDropDownClosingEventArgs e) { if (e.CloseReason != ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.AppClicked || !pictureBox1.ClientRectangle.Contains(this.PointToClient(MousePosition))) { droppedDown = false; pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources._001_LifeCycle_h32bit_24; } else { e.Cancel = true; } } internal Image Snapshot() { if (vncScreen != null) { return vncScreen.Snapshot(); } return null; } private bool inToogleConsoleFocus = false; private void ToogleConsoleFocus() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if (inToogleConsoleFocus) return; inToogleConsoleFocus = true; if (vncScreen.Focused && vncScreen.ActiveControl == null) vncScreen.CaptureKeyboardAndMouse(); // focus console else { vncScreen.UncaptureKeyboardAndMouse(); // defocus console vncScreen.Refresh(); } inToogleConsoleFocus = false; } internal void ShowGpuWarningIfRequired() { dedicatedGpuWarning.Visible = vncScreen != null && (vncScreen.UseVNC || string.IsNullOrEmpty(vncScreen.rdpIP)) && vncScreen.Source.HasGPUPassthrough && vncScreen.Source.power_state == vm_power_state.Running; } internal bool IsVNC { get { return vncScreen.UseVNC; } } } }