/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAdmin.Utils; using XenAPI; namespace XenAdmin.Dialogs { public interface ILicenseStatus : IDisposable { LicenseStatus.HostState CurrentState { get; } Host.Edition LicenseEdition { get; } TimeSpan LicenseExpiresIn { get; } TimeSpan LicenseExpiresExactlyIn { get; } DateTime? ExpiryDate { get; } event LicenseStatus.StatusUpdatedEvent ItemUpdated; bool Updated { get; } void BeginUpdate(); Host LicencedHost { get; } LicenseStatus.LicensingModel PoolLicensingModel { get; } string LicenseEntitlements { get; } } public class LicenseStatus : ILicenseStatus { public enum HostState { Unknown, Expired, ExpiresSoon, RegularGrace, UpgradeGrace, Licensed, PartiallyLicensed, Free, Unavailable } private readonly EventHandlerList events = new EventHandlerList(); protected EventHandlerList Events { get { return events; } } private const string StatusUpdatedEventKey = "LicenseStatusStatusUpdatedEventKey"; private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); public Host LicencedHost { get; private set; } private readonly AsyncServerTime serverTime = new AsyncServerTime(); public delegate void StatusUpdatedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e); public static bool IsInfinite(TimeSpan span) { return span.TotalDays >= 3653; } public static bool IsGraceLicence(TimeSpan span) { return span.TotalDays < 30; } private IXenObject XenObject { get; set; } public bool Updated { get; set; } public LicenseStatus(IXenObject xo) { SetDefaultOptions(); XenObject = xo; if (XenObject is Host) LicencedHost = XenObject as Host; if (XenObject is Pool) { Pool pool = XenObject as Pool; SetMinimumLicenseValueHost(pool); } serverTime.ServerTimeObtained -= ServerTimeUpdatedEventHandler; serverTime.ServerTimeObtained += ServerTimeUpdatedEventHandler; if (XenObject != null) { XenObject.Connection.ConnectionStateChanged -= Connection_ConnectionStateChanged; XenObject.Connection.ConnectionStateChanged += Connection_ConnectionStateChanged; } } void Connection_ConnectionStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (LicencedHost != null) { TriggerStatusUpdatedEvent(); } } private void SetMinimumLicenseValueHost(Pool pool) { LicencedHost = pool.Connection.Resolve(pool.master); if(LicencedHost == null) return; foreach (Host host in pool.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { if(host.LicenseExpiryUTC < LicencedHost.LicenseExpiryUTC) LicencedHost = host; } } private void SetDefaultOptions() { CurrentState = HostState.Unknown; Updated = false; LicenseExpiresExactlyIn = new TimeSpan(); } public void BeginUpdate() { SetDefaultOptions(); serverTime.Fetch(LicencedHost); } private void ServerTimeUpdatedEventHandler(object sender, AsyncServerTimeEventArgs e) { if (!e.Success) { if(e.QueriedHost == null) { log.ErrorFormat("Couldn't get the server time because: {0}", e.Failure.Message); return; } log.ErrorFormat("Couldn't get the server time for {0} because: {1}", e.QueriedHost.name_label, e.Failure.Message); return; } if (LicencedHost != null) { CalculateLicenseState(); TriggerStatusUpdatedEvent(); } } protected void CalculateLicenseState() { PoolLicensingModel = GetLicensingModel(XenObject.Connection); LicenseExpiresExactlyIn = CalculateLicenceExpiresIn(); CurrentState = CalculateCurrentState(); Updated = true; } private void TriggerStatusUpdatedEvent() { StatusUpdatedEvent handler = Events[StatusUpdatedEventKey] as StatusUpdatedEvent; if (handler != null) handler.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } private bool InRegularGrace { get { return LicencedHost.license_params != null && LicencedHost.license_params.ContainsKey("grace") && LicenseExpiresIn.Ticks > 0 && LicencedHost.license_params["grace"] == "regular grace"; } } private bool InUpgradeGrace { get { return LicencedHost.license_params != null && LicencedHost.license_params.ContainsKey("grace") && LicenseExpiresIn.Ticks > 0 && LicencedHost.license_params["grace"] == "upgrade grace"; } } protected virtual TimeSpan CalculateLicenceExpiresIn() { //ServerTime is UTC DateTime currentRefTime = serverTime.ServerTime; return LicencedHost.LicenseExpiryUTC.Subtract(currentRefTime); } internal static bool PoolIsMixedFreeAndExpiring(IXenObject xenObject) { if (xenObject is Pool) { if (xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.Length == 1) return false; int freeCount = xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.Count(h => Host.GetEdition(h.edition) == Host.Edition.Free); if (freeCount == 0 || freeCount < xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.Length) return false; var expiryGroups = from Host h in xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts let exp = h.LicenseExpiryUTC group h by exp into g select new { ExpiryDate = g.Key, Hosts = g }; if(expiryGroups.Count() > 1) { expiryGroups.OrderBy(g => g.ExpiryDate); if ((expiryGroups.ElementAt(1).ExpiryDate - expiryGroups.ElementAt(0).ExpiryDate).TotalDays > 30) return true; } } return false; } internal static bool PoolIsPartiallyLicensed(IXenObject xenObject) { if (xenObject is Pool) { if (xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.Length == 1) return false; int freeCount = xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.Count(h => Host.GetEdition(h.edition) == Host.Edition.Free); return freeCount > 0 && freeCount < xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.Length; } return false; } internal static bool PoolHasMixedLicenses(IXenObject xenObject) { var pool = xenObject as Pool; if (pool != null) { if (xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.Length == 1) return false; if (xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.Any(h => Host.GetEdition(h.edition) == Host.Edition.Free)) return false; var licenseGroups = from Host h in xenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts let ed = Host.GetEdition(h.edition) group h by ed; return licenseGroups.Count() > 1; } return false; } private HostState CalculateCurrentState() { if (ExpiryDate.HasValue && ExpiryDate.Value.Day == 1 && ExpiryDate.Value.Month == 1 && ExpiryDate.Value.Year == 1970) { return HostState.Unavailable; } if (PoolIsPartiallyLicensed(XenObject)) return HostState.PartiallyLicensed; if (PoolLicensingModel != LicensingModel.PreClearwater) { if (LicenseEdition == Host.Edition.Free) return HostState.Free; if (!IsGraceLicence(LicenseExpiresIn)) return HostState.Licensed; } if (IsInfinite(LicenseExpiresIn)) { return HostState.Licensed; } if (LicenseExpiresIn.Ticks <= 0) { return HostState.Expired; } if (IsGraceLicence(LicenseExpiresIn)) { if (InRegularGrace) return HostState.RegularGrace; if (InUpgradeGrace) return HostState.UpgradeGrace; return HostState.ExpiresSoon; } return LicenseEdition == Host.Edition.Free ? HostState.Free : HostState.Licensed; } #region ILicenseStatus Members public event StatusUpdatedEvent ItemUpdated { add { Events.AddHandler(StatusUpdatedEventKey, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler(StatusUpdatedEventKey, value); } } public Host.Edition LicenseEdition { get { return Host.GetEdition(LicencedHost.edition); } } public HostState CurrentState { get; private set; } public TimeSpan LicenseExpiresExactlyIn { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// License expiry, just days, hrs, mins /// </summary> public TimeSpan LicenseExpiresIn { get { return new TimeSpan(LicenseExpiresExactlyIn.Days, LicenseExpiresExactlyIn.Hours, LicenseExpiresExactlyIn.Minutes, 0, 0); } } public DateTime? ExpiryDate { get { if (LicencedHost.license_params != null && LicencedHost.license_params.ContainsKey("expiry")) return LicencedHost.LicenseExpiryUTC.ToLocalTime(); return null; } } public LicensingModel PoolLicensingModel { get; private set; } public string LicenseEntitlements { get { if (PoolLicensingModel == LicensingModel.Creedence && CurrentState == HostState.Licensed) { if (XenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.All(h => h.EnterpriseFeaturesEnabled)) return Messages.LICENSE_SUPPORT_AND_ENTERPRISE_FEATURES_ENABLED; if (XenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.All(h => h.DesktopPlusFeaturesEnabled)) return Messages.LICENSE_SUPPORT_AND_DESKTOP_PLUS_FEATURES_ENABLED; if (XenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.All(h => h.DesktopFeaturesEnabled)) return Messages.LICENSE_SUPPORT_AND_DESKTOP_FEATURES_ENABLED; if (XenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.All(h => h.PremiumFeaturesEnabled)) return Messages.LICENSE_SUPPORT_AND_PREMIUM_FEATURES_ENABLED; if (XenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.All(h => h.StandardFeaturesEnabled)) return Messages.LICENSE_SUPPORT_AND_STANDARD_FEATURES_ENABLED; if (XenObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts.All(h => h.EligibleForSupport)) return Messages.LICENSE_SUPPORT_AND_STANDARD_FEATURES_ENABLED; return Messages.LICENSE_NOT_ELIGIBLE_FOR_SUPPORT; } if ((PoolLicensingModel == LicensingModel.Creedence || PoolLicensingModel == LicensingModel.Clearwater) && CurrentState == HostState.Free) { return Messages.LICENSE_NOT_ELIGIBLE_FOR_SUPPORT; } return Messages.UNKNOWN; } } #endregion #region LicensingModel public enum LicensingModel { PreClearwater, Clearwater, Creedence } public static LicensingModel GetLicensingModel(IXenConnection connection) { if (Helpers.CreedenceOrGreater(connection)) return LicensingModel.Creedence; if (Helpers.ClearwaterOrGreater(connection)) return LicensingModel.Clearwater; return LicensingModel.PreClearwater; } #endregion #region IDisposable Members public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } private bool disposed; public void Dispose(bool disposing) { if(!disposed) { if(disposing) { if (serverTime != null) serverTime.ServerTimeObtained -= ServerTimeUpdatedEventHandler; if (XenObject != null && XenObject.Connection != null) XenObject.Connection.ConnectionStateChanged -= Connection_ConnectionStateChanged; Events.Dispose(); } disposed = true; } } #endregion } }