/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Actions; using XenAdmin.Commands; using XenAdmin.Controls; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Dialogs; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAdmin.Network.StorageLink; using XenAdmin.StorageLinkAPI; using XenAPI; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using XenAdmin.Properties; namespace XenAdmin.Wizards.NewSRWizard_Pages.Frontends { public partial class CSLG : XenTabPage { #region Private fields private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private IStorageLinkObject _storageLinkObject; private ReadOnlyCollection _storages; private SR _srToReattach; private bool _disasterRecoveryTask; private int _storageSystemComboLastSelectedIndex = -1; private const string ADAPTER_ID = "adapterid"; private const string STORAGE_SYSTEM_ID = "storageSystemId"; #endregion public CSLG() { InitializeComponent(); } #region Accessors public StorageLinkAdapterBoston SelectedStorageAdapter { get { return comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem as StorageLinkAdapterBoston; } } public CslgSystemStorage SelectedStorageSystem { get { return comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem as CslgSystemStorage; } } public ReadOnlyCollection StoragePools { get; private set; } public bool NetAppSelected { get { var item = comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem as string; return item != null && item == Messages.CSLG_NETAPP_DIRECT; } } public bool DellSelected { get { var item = comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem as string; return item != null && item == Messages.CSLG_DELL_DIRECT; } } public Dictionary DeviceConfigParts { get { var dconf = new Dictionary(); if (Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection)) { var adapter = comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem as StorageLinkAdapterBoston; if (adapter != null) dconf[ADAPTER_ID] = adapter.Id; } else { var system = comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem as CslgSystemStorage; if (system != null) dconf[STORAGE_SYSTEM_ID] = system.StorageSystemId; StorageLinkCredentials credentials = GetStorageLinkCredentials(Connection); if (credentials != null) { dconf["target"] = credentials.Host; dconf["username"] = credentials.Username; dconf["password"] = credentials.Password; } } return dconf; } } public SrWizardType SrWizardType { set { _srToReattach = value.SrToReattach; _disasterRecoveryTask = value.DisasterRecoveryTask; } } #endregion private static List GetAllValidStorageLinkCreds() { var credsList = new List(); foreach (IXenConnection c in ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy.FindAll(c => c.IsConnected && Helpers.MidnightRideOrGreater(c) && !Helpers.FeatureForbidden(c, Host.RestrictStorageChoices))) { var p = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(c); credsList.Add(p.GetStorageLinkCredentials()); credsList.AddRange(Array.ConvertAll(p.Connection.Cache.PBDs, pbd => pbd.GetStorageLinkCredentials())); } credsList.RemoveAll(cc => cc == null || !cc.IsValid); return credsList; } private StorageLinkCredentials GetStorageLinkCredentials(IXenConnection connection) { if (Helpers.BostonOrGreater(connection)) return null; if (_storageLinkObject != null) { return GetAllValidStorageLinkCreds().Find(c => c.Host == _storageLinkObject.StorageLinkConnection.Host && c.Username == _storageLinkObject.StorageLinkConnection.Username && c.Password == _storageLinkObject.StorageLinkConnection.Password); } else { // just do a check that local creds have been correctly moved the server pool object. Settings.CslgCredentials localCreds = Settings.GetCslgCredentials(connection); Debug.Assert(localCreds == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(localCreds.Host)); Pool pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(connection); if (pool != null) { StorageLinkCredentials creds = pool.GetStorageLinkCredentials(); if (creds != null && creds.IsValid) { return creds; } else { // if there aren't any creds then try importing from another pool. The user will probably only // have one set of CSLG creds and they just haven't set the creds to this pool yet. Do it for them. var credsList = GetAllValidStorageLinkCreds(); if (credsList.Count > 0 && !Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection)) { var action = new SetCslgCredentialsToPoolAction(pool.Connection, credsList[0].Host, credsList[0].Username, credsList[0].Password); new ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee).ShowDialog(this); return pool.GetStorageLinkCredentials(); } } } return null; } } public void SetStorageLinkObject(IStorageLinkObject storageLinkObject) { _storageLinkObject = storageLinkObject; } /// /// Performs a scan of the CSLG host specified in the textboxes. /// /// True, if the scan succeeded, otherwise False. public bool PerformStorageSystemScan() { var items = new List(); StorageLinkCredentials credentials = null; SrCslgStorageSystemScanAction scanAction = null; if (_storageLinkObject != null || (Connection.IsConnected && !Helpers.FeatureForbidden(Connection, Host.RestrictStorageChoices) && Helpers.MidnightRideOrGreater(Connection))) { if (_srToReattach == null || _srToReattach.type == "cslg") { credentials = GetStorageLinkCredentials(Connection); if (credentials != null && credentials.IsValid) { scanAction = new SrCslgStorageSystemScanAction(Program.MainWindow, Connection, Program.StorageLinkConnections.GetCopy(), credentials.Host, credentials.Username, credentials.PasswordSecret); } else if (Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection)) { var action = new SrCslgAdaptersScanAction(Connection); var dialog = new ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); // never show the error message if it fails. action.Completed += s => { if (!action.Succeeded) { Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, dialog.Close); } }; dialog.ShowDialog(this); if (action.Succeeded) { var adapters = action.GetAdapters(); items.AddRange(Util.PopulateList(adapters)); items.Sort((x, y) => x.ToString().CompareTo(y.ToString())); } else return false; } if (scanAction != null) { var dialog = new ActionProgressDialog(scanAction, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); // never show the error message if it fails. scanAction.Completed += s => { if (!scanAction.Succeeded) { Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, dialog.Close); } }; dialog.ShowDialog(this); if (scanAction.Succeeded) { _storages = scanAction.CslgSystemStorages; items.AddRange(Util.PopulateList(_storages)); items.Sort((x, y) => x.ToString().CompareTo(y.ToString())); } } } } bool bostonHasDell = false; bool bostonHasNetapp = false; if (Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection) && items != null) { bostonHasDell = (items.Find(item => ((StorageLinkAdapterBoston)item).Id == "DELL_EQUALLOGIC") != null); bostonHasNetapp = (items.Find(item => ((StorageLinkAdapterBoston)item).Id == "NETAPP") != null); } comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Clear(); if (_storageLinkObject != null) { // the wizard was launched with a storagelink-server, storage-system or storage-pool selected. if (scanAction != null && scanAction.Succeeded) { comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Add(new NonSelectableComboBoxItem(string.Format(Messages.CSLG_STORAGELINK_SERVER, credentials.Host), true)); comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.AddRange(items.ToArray()); comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Add(new NonSelectableComboBoxItem(Messages.ADD_HOST, false)); // if a specific storage-system was selected when the wizard was launched then select that storage-system // in the combo-box here. var system = _storageLinkObject as StorageLinkSystem; if (system == null) { // if a specific storage-pool was selected when the wizard was launched then select the storage-system // of that storage-pool here. var storagePool = _storageLinkObject as StorageLinkPool; system = storagePool == null ? null : storagePool.StorageLinkSystem; } if (system != null) { comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem = items.Find(o => ((CslgSystemStorage)o).StorageSystemId == system.opaque_ref); } } } else if (_srToReattach != null) { if (_srToReattach.type == "equal") { // a direct-connect Equallogic is being reattached. Only add this item. comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Add(Messages.CSLG_DELL_DIRECT); } else if (_srToReattach.type == "netapp") { // a direct-connect NetApp is being reattached. Only add this item. comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Add(Messages.CSLG_NETAPP_DIRECT); } else if (credentials != null) { // credentials can be null if we don't have a license which supports CSLG. // re-attaching StorageLink SR Debug.Assert(_srToReattach.type == "cslg"); comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Add(new NonSelectableComboBoxItem(string.Format(Messages.CSLG_STORAGELINK_SERVER, credentials.Host), true)); comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.AddRange(items.ToArray()); } } else { // a pool or host was selected in the mainwindow tree when the wizard was launched. bool canAdd = scanAction != null && scanAction.Succeeded && scanAction.StorageLinkConnection != null; bool showHeaders = scanAction != null && scanAction.Succeeded && (items.Count > 0 || scanAction.StorageLinkConnection != null); if (showHeaders || Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection)) { if (!bostonHasDell || !bostonHasNetapp) comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Add(new NonSelectableComboBoxItem(Messages.CSLG_DIRECT_CONNECTION, true)); } if (!bostonHasDell) comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Add(Messages.CSLG_DELL_DIRECT); if (!bostonHasNetapp) comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Add(Messages.CSLG_NETAPP_DIRECT); if (showHeaders) { comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Add(new NonSelectableComboBoxItem(string.Format(Messages.CSLG_STORAGELINK_SERVER, credentials.Host), true)); comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.AddRange(items.ToArray()); } if (canAdd) { comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Add(new NonSelectableComboBoxItem(Messages.ADD_HOST, false)); } } if (Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection) && items != null && items.Count > 0) { if (!bostonHasDell || !bostonHasNetapp) comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Add(new NonSelectableComboBoxItem(Messages.CSLG_STORAGELINK_ADAPTERS, true)); comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.AddRange(items.ToArray()); } if (comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedIndex < 0 && comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Count > 0) { // select the first selectable item if nothing's already been selected. comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem = Util.PopulateList(comboBoxStorageSystem.Items).Find(s => !(s is NonSelectableComboBoxItem)); if (_srToReattach != null && _srToReattach.type == "cslg" && Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection)) { comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem = Util.PopulateList(comboBoxStorageSystem.Items).Find(s => { var bostonadapter = s as StorageLinkAdapterBoston; if (bostonadapter != null) { // sm_config["md_svid"] looks like "DELL__EQUALLOGIC__{GUID}" // bostonadapter.Id looks like "DELL_EQUALLOGIC" // Additionally, EMC__CLARIION is always SMI-S (CA-72968) if (_srToReattach.sm_config.ContainsKey("md_svid")) { var svid = _srToReattach.sm_config["md_svid"]; if (svid.Replace("__", "_").StartsWith(bostonadapter.Id)) return true; if (bostonadapter.Id == "SMIS_STORAGE_SYSTEM" && svid.StartsWith("EMC__CLARIION")) return true; return false; } } return false; }); } } return true; } private bool PerformStoragePoolScan() { StorageLinkCredentials credentials = GetStorageLinkCredentials(Connection); var scanAction = new SrCslgStoragePoolScanAction(Connection, Program.StorageLinkConnections.GetCopy(), credentials.Host, credentials.Username, credentials.PasswordSecret, SelectedStorageSystem.StorageSystemId); ActionProgressDialog dialog = new ActionProgressDialog(scanAction, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee); dialog.ShowDialog(this); if (scanAction.Succeeded) StoragePools = scanAction.CslgStoragePools; return scanAction.Succeeded; } private void AddStorageSystem() { StorageLinkConnection slCon = Program.StorageLinkConnections.GetCopy().Find(s => s.Host == GetStorageLinkCredentials(Connection).Host); if (slCon == null) return; var systemsBefore = new List(slCon.Cache.StorageSystems); AddStorageLinkSystemCommand command = new AddStorageLinkSystemCommand(Program.MainWindow, slCon.Cache.Server, Parent); command.Completed += (s, ee) => { if (ee.Success) { var systemsAfter = new List(slCon.Cache.StorageSystems); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(o => { Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, () => { PerformStorageSystemScan(); if (systemsAfter.Count > systemsBefore.Count) { // the new item should be selected. comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem = systemsAfter.Find(ss => !systemsBefore.Contains(ss)); comboBoxStorageSystem.DroppedDown = true; } }); }); } }; command.Execute(); } #region XenTabPage overrides public override void PageLeave(PageLoadedDirection direction, ref bool cancel) { if (direction == PageLoadedDirection.Forward && SelectedStorageSystem != null) cancel = !PerformStoragePoolScan(); base.PageLeave(direction, ref cancel); } public override void PopulatePage() { linkLabelGotoStorageLinkProperties.Visible = Helpers.MidnightRideOrGreater(Connection) && _storageLinkObject == null; labelStorageLinkPropertiesLinkBlurb.Visible = linkLabelGotoStorageLinkProperties.Visible; labelAdapter.Visible = Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection); labelSystem.Visible = flowLayoutPanel1.Visible = !Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection); if (Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection)) labelStorageSystem.Text = Messages.CSLG_STORAGEADAPTER; } public override string Text { get { return Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection) ? Messages.STORAGE_ADAPTER : Messages.STORAGE_SYSTEM; } } public override string PageTitle { get { return Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection) ? Messages.NEWSR_CSLG_ADAPTER_PAGE_TITLE : Messages.NEWSR_CSLG_PAGE_TITLE; } } public override string HelpID { get { return Helpers.BostonOrGreater(Connection) ? "SL_System" : "SL_System_PreBoston"; } } public override bool EnableNext() { return comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem != null && !(comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem is NonSelectableComboBoxItem); } public override bool EnablePrevious() { if (_disasterRecoveryTask && _srToReattach == null) return false; return true; } #endregion #region NonSelectableComboBoxItem class private class NonSelectableComboBoxItem { public string Text { get; private set; } public bool Bold { get; private set; } public NonSelectableComboBoxItem(string text, bool bold) { Text = text; Bold = bold; } public override string ToString() { return Text; } } #endregion #region Event handlers private void comboBoxStorageSystem_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem is NonSelectableComboBoxItem) { if (comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem.ToString() == Messages.ADD_HOST) { Program.BeginInvoke(Program.MainWindow, AddStorageSystem); comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedIndex = -1; } else if (comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedIndex < comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Count - 1 && (_storageSystemComboLastSelectedIndex < comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedIndex || comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedIndex == 0)) { _storageSystemComboLastSelectedIndex = comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedIndex; comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedIndex++; } else { _storageSystemComboLastSelectedIndex = comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedIndex; comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedIndex--; } } else { _storageSystemComboLastSelectedIndex = comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedIndex; } OnPageUpdated(); if (comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedIndex >= 0) { if (_storageLinkObject != null) { // The user has changed which SL object to use using the storage-system combo-box so update that here. if (_storageLinkObject is StorageLinkServer || _storageLinkObject is StorageLinkSystem) { _storageLinkObject = ((CslgSystemStorage)comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem).StorageLinkSystem; } else { StorageLinkPool storageLinkPool = (StorageLinkPool)_storageLinkObject; if (storageLinkPool.StorageLinkSystem != ((CslgSystemStorage)comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem).StorageLinkSystem) { _storageLinkObject = ((CslgSystemStorage)comboBoxStorageSystem.SelectedItem).StorageLinkSystem; } } } } } private void comboBoxStorageSystem_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { ComboBox comboBox = (ComboBox)sender; if (e.Index > -1) { var item = comboBox.Items[e.Index]; var storageSystem = item as CslgSystemStorage; var nonSelectable = item as NonSelectableComboBoxItem; bool edit = (e.State & DrawItemState.ComboBoxEdit) != 0; const int imageWidth = 16; int indent = edit ? 0 : (imageWidth / 2); e.DrawBackground(); var textRect = new Rectangle(e.Bounds.X + indent + imageWidth, e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.Width - imageWidth - indent, e.Bounds.Height); if (storageSystem != null) { e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(Resources.sl_system_16, new Point(e.Bounds.X + indent, e.Bounds.Y + 1)); Drawing.DrawText(e.Graphics, item.ToString(), e.Font, textRect, e.ForeColor, TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis); } else if (item.ToString() == Messages.ADD_HOST) { e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(Resources.sl_add_storage_system_small_16, new Point(e.Bounds.X + indent, e.Bounds.Y + 1)); Drawing.DrawText(e.Graphics, item.ToString(), e.Font, textRect, e.ForeColor, TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis); } else if (nonSelectable != null) { // bold headings Drawing.DrawText(e.Graphics, item.ToString(), new Font(e.Font, FontStyle.Bold), e.Bounds, e.ForeColor, TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis); } else { // dell and netapp direction connection. textRect = new Rectangle(e.Bounds.X + indent, e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.Width - indent, e.Bounds.Height); Drawing.DrawText(e.Graphics, item.ToString(), e.Font, textRect, e.ForeColor, TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis); } if ((e.State & DrawItemState.NoFocusRect) == 0) { e.DrawFocusRectangle(); } } } private void linkLabelGotoStorageLinkProperties_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { IXenObject o = Helpers.GetPool(Connection); if (o == null) { var hosts = Connection.Cache.Hosts; if (hosts.Length > 0) { o = hosts[0]; } } if (o != null) { var dialog = new PropertiesDialog(o); dialog.Load += (s, ee) => dialog.SelectStorageLinkPage(); dialog.FormClosing += (s, ee) => { if (dialog.DialogResult == DialogResult.Yes && ee.Action != null) { ee.StartAction = false; ee.Action.Completed += ss => { if (ee.Action.Succeeded) { Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, () => { int comboBoxItemCount = comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Count; PerformStorageSystemScan(); comboBoxStorageSystem.DroppedDown = comboBoxStorageSystem.Items.Count > comboBoxItemCount; }); } }; new ActionProgressDialog(ee.Action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee).ShowDialog(this); } }; dialog.Show(this); } } #endregion } }