/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Wlb; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Actions; using XenAdmin.Actions.Wlb; using XenAdmin.Commands; namespace XenAdmin.Controls.Wlb { public partial class WlbOptimizePool : UserControl { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private readonly ListViewColumnSorter columnSorter = new ListViewColumnSorter(); private IXenObject _xenObject; private Pool _pool; private Dictionary _vmOptList = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary, string[]> _recommendations = new Dictionary, string[]>(); private string _optId = String.Empty; private bool _autoOptEnabled = false; private bool _powerManagementEnabled = false; // TODO: change to proper report file name private readonly string ReportFile = "pool_optimization_history"; // All used in the listview. private readonly Font OperationTextFont; private readonly Color OperationTextColor; private readonly Color ShadedRowColor; private readonly Color DisabledShadedRowColor; // Listview minimum column widths private int[] minimumColumnWidths = { 0, 25, 25, 25 }; /// /// Initialize optimize pool listview /// public WlbOptimizePool() { InitializeComponent(); Host_CollectionChangedWithInvoke += Program.ProgramInvokeHandler(Host_CollectionChanged); VM_CollectionChangedWithInvoke=Program.ProgramInvokeHandler(VM_CollectionChanged); OperationTextFont = new Font(this.Font, FontStyle.Bold); OperationTextColor = Color.Black; ShadedRowColor = Color.FromArgb(230, 240, 255); DisabledShadedRowColor = Color.FromArgb(224, 222, 205); optimizePoolListView.SmallImageList = Images.ImageList16; optimizePoolListView.ListViewItemSorter = columnSorter; recommendationUpdateTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(TimerCallback, null, 0, 0); StartTimer(); } #region public methods /// /// Set XenModelOpject and populate optimize pool listview properly /// public IXenObject XenObject { set { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if (_xenObject != null) { if (_xenObject is Pool) { this._pool.PropertyChanged -= Pool_PropertyChanged; _pool.Connection.Cache.DeregisterCollectionChanged(Host_CollectionChangedWithInvoke); foreach (Host host in _pool.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { host.PropertyChanged -= Host_PropertyChanged; host.Connection.Cache.DeregisterCollectionChanged(VM_CollectionChangedWithInvoke); foreach (VM vm in host.Connection.Cache.VMs) { vm.PropertyChanged -= VM_PropertyChanged; } } } } _xenObject = value; _pool = null; if (_xenObject != null) { if (_xenObject is Pool) { _pool = (Pool)_xenObject; this._pool.PropertyChanged += Pool_PropertyChanged; _pool.Connection.Cache.RegisterCollectionChanged(Host_CollectionChangedWithInvoke); foreach (Host host in _pool.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { host.PropertyChanged -= Host_PropertyChanged; host.PropertyChanged += Host_PropertyChanged; host.Connection.Cache.RegisterCollectionChanged(VM_CollectionChangedWithInvoke); foreach (VM vm in host.Connection.Cache.VMs) { vm.PropertyChanged -= VM_PropertyChanged; vm.PropertyChanged += VM_PropertyChanged; } } } } BuildRecList(); } } public void SetOptControlProperties(bool autoOptEnabled, bool powerManagementEnabled) { _autoOptEnabled = autoOptEnabled; _powerManagementEnabled = powerManagementEnabled; this.SuspendLayout(); if (WlbServerState.GetState(_pool) == WlbServerState.ServerState.Enabled) { // Update listView VM/Host header text this.optimizePoolListView.BeginUpdate(); this.columnHeader1.Text = Messages.WLB_OPT_HEADER_VMHOST; this.optimizePoolListView.EndUpdate(); } else { // Update listView VM/Host header text this.optimizePoolListView.BeginUpdate(); this.columnHeader1.Text = Messages.WLB_OPT_HEADER_VM; this.optimizePoolListView.EndUpdate(); } this.ResumeLayout(); } /// /// Called from wlb page, used to disable/enable optimize pool controls properly when WLB is Enabled/Disabled /// /// disable controls if it's true, else enable controls public void WLBOptDisable(bool disable) { optimizePoolListView.BeginUpdate(); if (disable) { this.statusLabel.Visible = false; this.optimizePoolListView.Items.Clear(); this.optimizePoolListView.Visible = true; this.optimizePoolListView.Enabled = false; this.applyButton.Visible = true; this.applyButton.Enabled = false; } else { if (!this.optimizePoolListView.Visible) { this.statusLabel.Visible = true; this.optimizePoolListView.Items.Clear(); this.optimizePoolListView.Visible = true; this.applyButton.Visible = true; this.applyButton.Enabled = false; } else { this.optimizePoolListView.Enabled = true; if (this.optimizePoolListView.Items.Count > 0) this.applyButton.Enabled = true; else this.statusLabel.Visible = true; } } optimizePoolListView.EndUpdate(); } #endregion #region Event Handlers /// /// Triggered when pool wlb enabled/disabled and optimize pool /// /// XenObject<Pool> /// PropertyChangedEventArgs private void Pool_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Program.Invoke(this, delegate { if (_xenObject != null && Program.MainWindow.TheTabControl.SelectedTab == Program.MainWindow.TabPageWLB) { if (e.PropertyName == "wlb_enabled") { // enable/disble controls and display message properly WLBOptDisable(!Helpers.WlbEnabled(((Pool)sender).Connection)); } if (e.PropertyName == "other_config") { // check whether it's optimize pool event if (((Pool)sender).other_config.ContainsKey(WlbOptimizationRecommendation.OPTIMIZINGPOOL)) { BuildRecList(); } } } }); } /// /// Triggered when hosts leave/join pool /// /// object /// CollectionChangeEventArgs private void Host_CollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { switch (e.Action) { case CollectionChangeAction.Add: ((Host)e.Element).PropertyChanged -= Host_PropertyChanged; ((Host)e.Element).PropertyChanged += Host_PropertyChanged; break; case CollectionChangeAction.Remove: ((Host)e.Element).PropertyChanged -= Host_PropertyChanged; break; } // It's not necessary to call BuildRecList here // because Remove/add Hosts also triger VM_CollectionChange, } /// /// respond to host name change and vms leaving/joining the host. /// /// XenObject<Host> /// PropertyChangedEventArgs private void Host_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (_pool != null && Helpers.WlbEnabled(_pool.Connection) && applyButton.Enabled && IsHostOnListView(((Host)sender), false)) { if (e.PropertyName == "name_label") { optimizePoolListView.BeginUpdate(); foreach (ListViewItem item in optimizePoolListView.Items) { UpdateRow(item); } optimizePoolListView.EndUpdate(); } if ((e.PropertyName == "resident_VMs" && IsHostOnListView(((Host)sender), true)) || (e.PropertyName == "enabled" && !((Host)sender).enabled)) { Program.Invoke(this, delegate() { BuildRecList(); }); } } } /// /// Check whether Host property change relates to optimize pool list view. Will return true if the host is on the list view. /// Must be called on the event thread. /// /// XenObject<Host> /// Whether to check VM host /// True if host is on the optimize pool list view, else return false private bool IsHostOnListView(Host host, bool checkVMHost) { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); bool onList = false; // should find if any vms that not on host but in listview foreach (ListViewItem item in optimizePoolListView.Items) { Host fromHost = ((WlbOptimizationRecommendation)item.Tag).fromHost; Host toHost = ((WlbOptimizationRecommendation)item.Tag).toHost; VM vm = ((WlbOptimizationRecommendation)item.Tag).vm; // whether check vm's host changes if (checkVMHost) { // update optimize pool listview if vm from host is to move to host if (vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.resident_on) == toHost) { onList = true; } } // whether host is related to optimize pool listview else if ((fromHost != null && fromHost == host) || (toHost != null && toHost== host)) { onList = true; } } return onList; } /// /// Triggered when vm collection is changed, pool is connected and optimize pool listview is visiable. /// /// object /// CollectionChangeEventArgs private void VM_CollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); switch (e.Action) { case CollectionChangeAction.Add: ((VM)e.Element).PropertyChanged -= VM_PropertyChanged; ((VM)e.Element).PropertyChanged += VM_PropertyChanged; break; case CollectionChangeAction.Remove: ((VM)e.Element).PropertyChanged -= VM_PropertyChanged; break; } // only continue if pool is connect and pool is not null if (_xenObject == null || !_xenObject.Connection.IsConnected) return; // only update recommendation listview if applyButton is enabled and a vm has been removed from collection if (applyButton.Enabled && e.Action == CollectionChangeAction.Remove) BuildRecList(); } /// /// Triggered when vm state is changed /// /// XenObject<VM> /// PropertyChangedEventArgs private void VM_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, () => { // Find row for VM ListViewItem item = FindItemFromVM((VM) sender); if (item != null) { optimizePoolListView.BeginUpdate(); try { UpdateRow(item); } finally { optimizePoolListView.EndUpdate(); } } }); } /// /// Finds the ListViewItem for the given VM. Will return null if no corresponding item could be found. /// Must be called on the event thread. /// /// XenObject<VM> /// Return the listview item when found, null if nothing is found private ListViewItem FindItemFromVM(VM vm) { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); foreach (ListViewItem item in optimizePoolListView.Items) { if (((WlbOptimizationRecommendation)item.Tag).vm == vm) { return item; } } return null; } /// /// Apply optimization to a pool /// /// object /// EventArgs private void ButtonApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this._pool == null) return; applyButton.Enabled = false; action = HelpersGUI.FindActiveOptAction(_xenObject.Connection); if ((action != null && action.GetType() != typeof(WlbOptimizePoolAction)) || action == null) { new WlbOptimizePoolAction(_pool, _vmOptList, _optId).RunAsync(); Program.MainWindow.UpdateToolbars(); } } private void linkLabelReportHistory_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { new ViewWorkloadReportsCommand(Program.MainWindow, _pool, ReportFile, true).Execute(); } private static void UpdateRow(ListViewItem row) { try // In try block to fix CA-40197 { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); WlbOptimizationRecommendation optVMmSetting = (WlbOptimizationRecommendation)row.Tag; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(optVMmSetting.toHost.name_label) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(optVMmSetting.fromHost.name_label)) { row.ImageIndex = (int)Images.GetIconFor(optVMmSetting.toHost ?? optVMmSetting.fromHost); row.SubItems[1].Text = Helpers.GetName(optVMmSetting.toHost ?? optVMmSetting.fromHost); row.SubItems[2].Text = optVMmSetting.toHost != null ? Messages.WLB_OPT_OPERATION_HOST_POWERON : Messages.WLB_OPT_REASON_POWEROFF; } else { row.ImageIndex = (int)Images.GetIconFor(optVMmSetting.vm); row.SubItems[1].Text = optVMmSetting.vm.name_label; row.SubItems[2].Text = String.Format(Messages.WLB_OPT_OPERATION_VM, optVMmSetting.fromHost.name_label, optVMmSetting.toHost.name_label); } row.SubItems[3].Text = optVMmSetting.reason; } catch(Exception ex) { log.Error(ex, ex); } } #endregion #region Refresh Timer private System.Threading.Timer recommendationUpdateTimer; private const int RECOMMENDATION_INITIAL_INTERVAL = 1000 * 5; // 5 seconds interval // Default to 2 minutes due to Kirkwood recommendation is generated every 2 minutes private const int RECOMMENDATION_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000 * 30; // 30 seconds interval AsyncAction action = null; /// /// start timer with 5 seconds interval /// private void StartTimer() { recommendationUpdateTimer.Change(RECOMMENDATION_INITIAL_INTERVAL, 0); } /// /// Timer call back, used to refresh optimize pool listview. /// Dispose if program exits, do nothing if wlb tab is not focused /// /// object private void TimerCallback(object o) { if (recommendationUpdateTimer == null) return; if (Program.Exiting) { recommendationUpdateTimer.Dispose(); return; } if (Program.MainWindow != null && Program.MainWindow.WlbPage != null) { Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, delegate() { if (_xenObject != null && Program.MainWindow.TheTabControl.SelectedTab == Program.MainWindow.TabPageWLB && _pool != null &&_pool.Connection.IsConnected && _pool.Connection.Session != null) { BuildRecList(); } }); } recommendationUpdateTimer.Change(RECOMMENDATION_UPDATE_INTERVAL, 0); } #endregion #region load optimizePoolListView properly /// /// Build optimize pool list view properly /// private void BuildRecList() { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); if(_xenObject == null) return; if (Helpers.WlbEnabled(_xenObject.Connection)) { try { if (_xenObject is Pool) { _pool = (Pool)_xenObject; // get any active WLB action action = HelpersGUI.FindActiveWLBAction(_xenObject.Connection); // make sure we are not initializing, starting or stopping WLB if (action is DisableWLBAction || action is EnableWLBAction || action is InitializeWLBAction) return; optimizePoolListView.BeginUpdate(); // check whether optimize pool is running before load optimize pool listview if ((action != null && action is WlbOptimizePoolAction) || (action == null && _pool.other_config.ContainsKey(WlbOptimizationRecommendation.OPTIMIZINGPOOL) && _pool.other_config[WlbOptimizationRecommendation.OPTIMIZINGPOOL] == Messages.IN_PROGRESS)) { //statusLabel.Text = Messages.WLB_OPT_OPTIMIZING; this.applyButton.Text = Messages.WLB_OPT_OPTIMIZING; EnableControls(false, false); } else if (action as WlbRetrieveRecommendationsAction == null) { this.applyButton.Text = Messages.WLB_OPT_APPLY_RECOMMENDATIONS; // retrieve recommendations, and load optimize pool listview properly var optAction = new WlbRetrieveRecommendationsAction(_pool); optAction.Completed += this.OptRecRetrieveAction_Completed; optAction.RunAsync(); } } } catch (Failure f) { statusLabel.Text = Messages.WLB_OPT_LOADING_ERROR; log.Error(f, f); } catch (Exception e) { statusLabel.Text = Messages.WLB_OPT_LOADING_ERROR; log.Error($"There was an error calling retrieve_wlb_recommendations on pool {_pool.name_label}.", e); } finally { optimizePoolListView.EndUpdate(); } } else { this.WLBOptDisable(true); } } /// /// Retrieve wlb optimize pool recommendation action complete handler. /// Populate optimize pool listview and enable controls properly. /// protected void OptRecRetrieveAction_Completed(ActionBase sender) { AsyncAction action = (AsyncAction)sender; if (action.IsCompleted) { action.Completed -= OptRecRetrieveAction_Completed; if (action is WlbRetrieveRecommendationsAction thisAction) { _recommendations = thisAction.Recommendations; if (_recommendations != null && IsGoodRecommendation(_recommendations) && _xenObject.Connection == action.Connection) { Program.Invoke(this, delegate() { PopulateData(_recommendations); // In case optimizePoolListView is empty if (optimizePoolListView.Items.Count == 0) { statusLabel.Text = Messages.WLB_OPT_POOL_NO_RECOMMENDATION; EnableControls(true, false); } else EnableControls(false, true); }); } else { Program.Invoke(this, delegate() { statusLabel.Text = Messages.WLB_OPT_POOL_NO_RECOMMENDATION; EnableControls(true, false); }); } } } } /// /// Check if there are recommendations and verify if recommendations are valid and good; /// return false if no valid recommendations /// /// Optimize pool recommendations /// true if recommendations are valid, else return false private bool IsGoodRecommendation(Dictionary, string[]> recommendations) { bool goodRec = false; if (recommendations != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair, string[]> rec in recommendations) { // make sure at least one recommendation is good if (rec.Value[(int)RecProperties.WLB].Trim().ToLower() == "wlb") { // get opt id from new recommendations _optId = rec.Value[(int)RecProperties.OptId]; // get opt id of the most recent optimized action from pool's other configuration property string optimizeId = String.Empty; (Helpers.GetOtherConfig(this._pool)).TryGetValue(WlbOptimizationRecommendation.OPTIMIZINGPOOL, out optimizeId); // make sure pool's recommendations are not old/just optimized recommendations if (optimizeId != _optId) { goodRec = true; break; } } } } return goodRec; } /// /// Checks to see if all the wlb recommendations are for PowerOff or PowerOn operations /// /// /// private bool IsPowerOnlyRecommendation(Dictionary, string[]> recommendations) { bool powerOnly = true; if (recommendations != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair, string[]> rec in recommendations) { if (rec.Value[(int)RecProperties.WLB].Trim().ToLower() == "wlb" && !(rec.Value[(int)RecProperties.Reason].Trim().ToLower().StartsWith("power"))) { powerOnly = false; } } } return powerOnly; } /// /// Populate optimize pool listview properly /// /// optimize pool recommendations private void PopulateData(Dictionary, string[]> recommendations) { Program.AssertOnEventThread(); optimizePoolListView.BeginUpdate(); try { if (_vmOptList != null) _vmOptList.Clear(); optimizePoolListView.Items.Clear(); List newItems = new List(); WlbOptimizationRecommendationCollection sortedRecommendations = new WlbOptimizationRecommendationCollection(_pool, recommendations); // WLB: recommendation return string format ["WLB"; vm/vm dom0; optId; recID; reason] foreach (WlbOptimizationRecommendation optVmSetting in sortedRecommendations) { _optId = optVmSetting.optId.ToString(); _vmOptList.Add(optVmSetting.vm, optVmSetting); ListViewItem row = new ListViewItem(); row.Tag = optVmSetting; newItems.Add(row); row.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); row.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); row.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); row.SubItems.Add(new ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem()); // Power on/off hosts if (optVmSetting.toHost == null) { row.ImageIndex = (int)Images.GetIconFor(optVmSetting.toHost != null ? optVmSetting.toHost : optVmSetting.fromHost); row.SubItems[1].Text = Helpers.GetName(optVmSetting.toHost != null ? optVmSetting.toHost : optVmSetting.fromHost); row.SubItems[2].Text = optVmSetting.powerOperation; } else // VMs { row.ImageIndex = (int)Images.GetIconFor(optVmSetting.vm); row.SubItems[1].Text = Helpers.GetName(optVmSetting.vm); row.SubItems[2].Text = String.Format(Messages.WLB_OPT_OPERATION_VM, Helpers.GetName(optVmSetting.fromHost), Helpers.GetName(optVmSetting.toHost)); } row.SubItems[3].Text = optVmSetting.reason; } optimizePoolListView.Items.AddRange(newItems.ToArray()); } finally { optimizePoolListView.EndUpdate(); } } /// /// Enable optimize pool controls properly /// private void EnableControls(bool enableLabel, bool enableButton) { // Rules for enabling the button: // Passed RBAC checks, and // If we are not in automatic mode, or // ( We are in automatic mode, and // We are in automated mode but PowerManagement is not enabled, and // All recommdations are power-related) if (enableLabel) { optimizePoolListView.Items.Clear(); } optimizePoolListView.Visible = true; optimizePoolListView.Enabled = PassedRbacChecks(); statusLabel.Visible = enableLabel; applyButton.Visible = true; if (PassedRbacChecks() && (!_autoOptEnabled || (_autoOptEnabled && !_powerManagementEnabled && IsPowerOnlyRecommendation(_recommendations)))) { applyButton.Enabled = enableButton; } else { applyButton.Enabled = false; } } private RbacMethodList WLB_PERMISSION_CHECKS = new RbacMethodList( "pool.initialize_wlb", "pool.set_wlb_enabled", "pool.send_wlb_configuration" ); private readonly CollectionChangeEventHandler Host_CollectionChangedWithInvoke; private readonly CollectionChangeEventHandler VM_CollectionChangedWithInvoke; private bool PassedRbacChecks() { return Role.CanPerform(WLB_PERMISSION_CHECKS, this._pool.Connection); } #endregion #region OptimizePoolListView item drawing event and colum event handlers /// /// Draw default column header /// /// object /// DrawListViewColumnHeaderEventArgs private void OptimizePoolListView_DrawColumnHeader(object sender, DrawListViewColumnHeaderEventArgs e) { // Draw default column header e.DrawDefault = true; } /// /// Draw items on optimize pool listview properly /// /// object /// DrawListViewItemEventArgs private void OptimizePoolListView_DrawItem(object sender, DrawListViewItemEventArgs e) { // Fill the full width of the control, not just to the end of the column headers. Rectangle r = e.Bounds; int i = 0; foreach (ColumnHeader col in optimizePoolListView.Columns) { i += col.Width; } // Fill from the right of the rightmost item to the end of the control r.Width = Math.Max(i, optimizePoolListView.ClientSize.Width); r.X = i; using (Brush backBrush = new SolidBrush(e.Item.Index % 2 == 1 ? ShadedRowColor : SystemColors.Window)) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, r); } /// /// Draw sub items in optimize pool list view /// /// object /// DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs private void OptimizePoolListView_DrawSubItem(object sender, DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e) { Rectangle rect = e.Bounds; using (Brush backBrush = new SolidBrush(e.Item.Index % 2 == 1 ? ShadedRowColor : SystemColors.Window)) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, rect); Color fontColor = Color.Black; if (e.ColumnIndex == 2) { TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, e.Item.SubItems[e.ColumnIndex].Text, OperationTextFont, e.Bounds, OperationTextColor, TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis); } else if (e.ColumnIndex == 3) { TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, e.Item.SubItems[e.ColumnIndex].Text, this.Font, e.Bounds, fontColor, TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis); } else { DrawSubItem1(fontColor, e); } } private void DrawSubItem1(Color fontColor, DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs e) { Image icon = e.Item.ImageList.Images[e.Item.ImageIndex]; Point p = new Point(e.Bounds.Left, e.Bounds.Top + (e.Bounds.Height - icon.Height) / 2); // Draw normally e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(icon, p); Point p2 = new Point(p.X + icon.Width + 2, p.Y); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(p2.X, p2.Y, e.Bounds.Right - p2.X, e.Bounds.Height); TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, e.Item.SubItems[e.ColumnIndex].Text, this.Font, r, fontColor, TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis); } private void optimizePoolListView_ColumnWidthChanged(object sender, ColumnWidthChangedEventArgs e) { //Maintain a minimum column widths if (minimumColumnWidths.Length>=e.ColumnIndex && optimizePoolListView.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Width < minimumColumnWidths[e.ColumnIndex]) { optimizePoolListView.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Width = minimumColumnWidths[e.ColumnIndex]; } } #endregion } }