/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Wizards.PatchingWizard.PlanActions; using XenAPI; namespace XenAdmin.Wizards.PatchingWizard { public partial class PatchingWizard_PatchingPage : AutomatedUpdatesBasePage { public Dictionary LivePatchCodesByHost { get; set; } public PatchingWizard_PatchingPage() { InitializeComponent(); } #region Accessors public List SelectedServers { private get; set; } public UpdateType SelectedUpdateType { private get; set; } public Pool_patch Patch { private get; set; } public Pool_update PoolUpdate { private get; set; } public Dictionary ManualTextInstructions { private get; set; } public bool IsAutomaticMode { private get; set; } public bool RemoveUpdateFile { private get; set; } public string SelectedPatchFilePatch { private get; set; } public Dictionary SuppPackVdis { private get; set; } #endregion #region XenTabPage overrides public override string Text { get { return Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_PATCHINGPAGE_TEXT; } } public override string PageTitle { get { return Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_PATCHINGPAGE_TITLE; } } public override string HelpID { get { return "InstallUpdate"; } } #endregion #region AutomatedUpdatesBesePage overrides protected override List GenerateHostPlans(Pool pool, out List applicableHosts) { return IsAutomaticMode ? CompileAutomaticHostPlan(pool, out applicableHosts) : CompileManualHostPlan(pool, out applicableHosts); } protected override string BlurbText() { return string.Format(Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_SINGLEUPDATE_TITLE, BrandManager.BrandConsole, GetUpdateName()); } protected override string SuccessMessageOnCompletion(bool multiplePools) { var msg = multiplePools ? Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_SINGLEUPDATE_SUCCESS_MANY : Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_SINGLEUPDATE_SUCCESS_ONE; return string.Format(msg, GetUpdateName()); } protected override string WarningMessageOnCompletion(bool multiplePools) { var msg = multiplePools ? Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_SINGLEUPDATE_WARNING_MANY : Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_SINGLEUPDATE_WARNING_ONE; return string.Format(msg, GetUpdateName()); } protected override string SuccessMessagePerPool(Pool pool) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(string.Format(Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_SINGLEUPDATE_SUCCESS_ONE, GetUpdateName())).AppendLine(); if (!IsAutomaticMode && ManualTextInstructions != null && ManualTextInstructions.ContainsKey(pool)) { sb.AppendLine(Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_SINGLEUPDATE_MANUAL_POST_UPDATE); sb.Append(ManualTextInstructions[pool]).AppendLine(); } return sb.ToString(); } protected override string WarningMessagePerPool(Pool pool) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); var poolHosts = pool.Connection.Cache.Hosts.ToList(); var livePatchingFailedHosts = new List(); foreach (var host in SelectedServers) { if (poolHosts.Contains(host) && LivePatchingAttemptedForHost(host) && HostRequiresReboot(host)) livePatchingFailedHosts.Add(host); } if (livePatchingFailedHosts.Count == 1) { sb.AppendFormat(Messages.LIVE_PATCHING_FAILED_ONE_HOST, livePatchingFailedHosts[0].Name()).AppendLine(); return sb.ToString(); } if (livePatchingFailedHosts.Count > 1) { var hostnames = string.Join(", ", livePatchingFailedHosts.Select(h => string.Format("'{0}'", h.Name()))); sb.AppendFormat(Messages.LIVE_PATCHING_FAILED_MULTI_HOST, hostnames).AppendLine(); return sb.ToString(); } return null; } protected override string FailureMessageOnCompletion(bool multiplePools) { var msg = multiplePools ? Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_SINGLEUPDATE_FAILURE_MANY : Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_SINGLEUPDATE_FAILURE_ONE; return string.Format(msg, GetUpdateName()); } protected override string FailureMessagePerPool(bool multipleErrors) { var msg = multipleErrors ? Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_SINGLEUPDATE_FAILURE_PER_POOL_MANY : Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_SINGLEUPDATE_FAILURE_PER_POOL_ONE; return string.Format(msg, GetUpdateName()); } protected override string UserCancellationMessage() { return Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_AUTOUPDATINGPAGE_CANCELLATION; } protected override string ReconsiderCancellationMessage() { return Messages.PATCHINGWIZARD_AUTOUPDATINGPAGE_CANCELLATION_RECONSIDER; } #endregion #region Manual mode private List CompileManualHostPlan(Pool pool, out List applicableHosts) { var poolHosts = pool.Connection.Cache.Hosts.ToList(); SelectedServers.Sort(); //master first and then the slaves var hostplans = new List(); if (SelectedUpdateType == UpdateType.ISO) { if (PoolUpdate != null) //ely or greater { foreach (var server in SelectedServers) if (poolHosts.Contains(server)) { var hostRebootRequired = WizardHelpers.IsHostRebootRequiredForUpdate(server, PoolUpdate, LivePatchCodesByHost); var updateActions = new List {new ApplyPoolUpdatePlanAction(server, PoolUpdate, hostRebootRequired) }; hostplans.Add(new HostPlan(server, null, updateActions, null)); } } else if (SuppPackVdis != null) //supp pack { foreach (var server in SelectedServers) if (SuppPackVdis.ContainsKey(server) && poolHosts.Contains(server)) { var updateActions = new List {new InstallSupplementalPackPlanAction(server, SuppPackVdis[server])}; hostplans.Add(new HostPlan(server, null, updateActions, null)); } } } else // legacy { foreach (var server in SelectedServers) if (poolHosts.Contains(server)) { var hostRebootRequired = WizardHelpers.IsHostRebootRequiredForUpdate(server, Patch, LivePatchCodesByHost); var updateActions = new List { new ApplyPatchPlanAction(server, Patch, hostRebootRequired) }; hostplans.Add(new HostPlan(server, null, updateActions, null)); } if (RemoveUpdateFile && hostplans.Count > 0) hostplans[hostplans.Count - 1].UpdatesPlanActions.Add(new RemoveUpdateFile(pool, Patch)); } applicableHosts = hostplans.Select(h => h.Host).ToList(); return hostplans; } #endregion #region Automatic mode private List CompileAutomaticHostPlan(Pool pool, out List applicableHosts) { var poolHosts = pool.Connection.Cache.Hosts.ToList(); SelectedServers.Sort(); //master first and then the slaves var hostplans = new List(); if (SelectedUpdateType == UpdateType.ISO) { var poolUpdates = new List(pool.Connection.Cache.Pool_updates); var poolUpdate = poolUpdates.FirstOrDefault(u => u != null && string.Equals(u.uuid, PoolUpdate.uuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (poolUpdate != null) //ely or greater { foreach (var server in SelectedServers) if (poolHosts.Contains(server) && !poolUpdate.AppliedOn(server)) hostplans.Add(new HostPlan(server, null, CompilePoolUpdateActionList(server, poolUpdate), null)); } else if (SuppPackVdis != null) // supp pack { foreach (var server in SelectedServers) if (SuppPackVdis.ContainsKey(server) && poolHosts.Contains(server)) { var updateActions = new List { new InstallSupplementalPackPlanAction(server, SuppPackVdis[server]), new RestartHostPlanAction(server, server.GetRunningVMs()) }; hostplans.Add(new HostPlan(server, null, updateActions, null)); } } } else //legacy { var poolPatches = new List(pool.Connection.Cache.Pool_patches); var poolPatch = poolPatches.Find(p => Patch != null && string.Equals(p.uuid, Patch.uuid, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (poolPatch != null) { foreach (Host server in SelectedServers) if (poolHosts.Contains(server) && poolPatch.AppliedOn(server) == DateTime.MaxValue) hostplans.Add(new HostPlan(server, null, CompilePatchActionList(server, poolPatch), null)); } if (RemoveUpdateFile && hostplans.Count > 0) hostplans[hostplans.Count - 1].UpdatesPlanActions.Add(new RemoveUpdateFile(pool, poolPatch)); } applicableHosts = hostplans.Select(h => h.Host).ToList(); return hostplans; } private List CompilePatchActionList(Host host, Pool_patch patch) { var hostRebootRequired = WizardHelpers.IsHostRebootRequiredForUpdate(host, patch, LivePatchCodesByHost); var actions = new List {new ApplyPatchPlanAction(host, patch, hostRebootRequired) }; if (hostRebootRequired) actions.Add(new RestartHostPlanAction(host, host.GetRunningVMs())); if (patch.after_apply_guidance.Contains(after_apply_guidance.restartXAPI)) actions.Add(new RestartAgentPlanAction(host)); if (patch.after_apply_guidance.Contains(after_apply_guidance.restartHVM)) actions.Add(new RebootVMsPlanAction(host, host.GetRunningHvmVMs())); if (patch.after_apply_guidance.Contains(after_apply_guidance.restartPV)) actions.Add(new RebootVMsPlanAction(host, host.GetRunningPvVMs())); return actions; } private List CompilePoolUpdateActionList(Host host, Pool_update poolUpdate) { var hostRebootRequired = WizardHelpers.IsHostRebootRequiredForUpdate(host, poolUpdate, LivePatchCodesByHost); var actions = new List {new ApplyPoolUpdatePlanAction(host, poolUpdate, hostRebootRequired) }; if (hostRebootRequired) actions.Add(new RestartHostPlanAction(host, host.GetRunningVMs())); if (poolUpdate.after_apply_guidance.Contains(update_after_apply_guidance.restartXAPI)) actions.Add(new RestartAgentPlanAction(host)); if (poolUpdate.after_apply_guidance.Contains(update_after_apply_guidance.restartHVM)) actions.Add(new RebootVMsPlanAction(host, host.GetRunningHvmVMs())); if (poolUpdate.after_apply_guidance.Contains(update_after_apply_guidance.restartPV)) actions.Add(new RebootVMsPlanAction(host, host.GetRunningPvVMs())); return actions; } #endregion /// /// Live patching is attempted for a host if the LivePatchCodesByHost /// contains the LIVEPATCH_COMPLETE value for that host /// private bool LivePatchingAttemptedForHost(Host host) { return LivePatchCodesByHost != null && LivePatchCodesByHost.ContainsKey(host.uuid) && LivePatchCodesByHost[host.uuid] == livepatch_status.ok_livepatch_complete; } /// /// Returns true if the host has to be rebooted for this update /// private bool HostRequiresReboot(Host host) { return host.updates_requiring_reboot != null && PoolUpdate != null && host.updates_requiring_reboot.Select(uRef => host.Connection.Resolve(uRef)).Any(u => u != null && u.uuid.Equals(PoolUpdate.uuid)); } private string GetUpdateName() { if (PoolUpdate != null) return PoolUpdate.Name(); if (Patch != null) return Patch.Name(); try { return new FileInfo(SelectedPatchFilePatch).Name; } catch (Exception) { return SelectedPatchFilePatch; } } } }