/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Linq; using XenAdmin.Controls; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Actions; using System.Drawing; using System.Globalization; using XenAdmin.Wizards.NewSRWizard_Pages.Frontends; namespace XenAdmin.Dialogs { public partial class NewDiskDialog : XenDialogBase { private readonly VM TheVM; private readonly SR TheSR; private VDI DiskTemplate; private bool CanResize; private long MinSize; private decimal min; private decimal max; private string previousUnitsValueInitAlloc; private string previousUnitsValueIncrAlloc; private bool SelectionNull = true; private readonly IEnumerable _VDINamesInUse = new List(); private NewDiskDialog(IXenConnection connection, IEnumerable vdiNamesInUse) : base(connection) { if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection"); _VDINamesInUse = vdiNamesInUse; InitializeComponent(); InitDialog(connection); } private void InitDialog(IXenConnection connection) { this.Owner = Program.MainWindow; SrListBox.Connection = connection; SrListBox.SrHint.Visible = false; // Add events NameTextBox.Text = GetDefaultVDIName(); SrListBox.srListBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(srListBox_SelectedIndexChanged); SrListBox.ItemSelectionNotNull += new EventHandler(SrListBox_ItemSelectionNotNull); SrListBox.ItemSelectionNull += new EventHandler(SrListBox_ItemSelectionNull); srListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null); DiskSizeNumericUpDown.TextChanged += new EventHandler(DiskSizeNumericUpDown_TextChanged); max = (decimal)Math.Pow(1024, 4);//1 Petabit min = 0; comboBoxUnits.SelectedItem = comboBoxUnits.Items[0]; init_alloc_units.SelectedItem = init_alloc_units.Items[1]; incr_alloc_units.SelectedItem = incr_alloc_units.Items[1]; previousUnitsValueIncrAlloc = previousUnitsValueInitAlloc = Messages.VAL_MEGB; comboBoxUnits.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(comboBoxUnits_SelectedIndexChanged); SetNumUpDownIncrementAndDecimals(DiskSizeNumericUpDown, comboBoxUnits.SelectedItem.ToString()); } public NewDiskDialog(IXenConnection connection, SR sr) : this(connection, new List()) { TheSR = sr; PickerUsage = SrPicker.SRPickerType.InstallFromTemplate; SrListBox.SetAffinity(null); SrListBox.selectSRorNone(TheSR); } private SrPicker.SRPickerType PickerUsage { set { SrListBox.Usage = value; } } public NewDiskDialog(IXenConnection connection, VM vm, VDI diskTemplate, Host affinity, bool canResize, long minSize, IEnumerable vdiNamesInUse) : this(connection, vm, SrPicker.SRPickerType.VM, diskTemplate, affinity, canResize, minSize, vdiNamesInUse) { } public NewDiskDialog(IXenConnection connection, VM vm) : this(connection, vm, null, vm.Home(), true, 0, new List()) { } public NewDiskDialog(IXenConnection connection, VM vm, SrPicker.SRPickerType PickerUsage, VDI diskTemplate, Host affinity, bool canResize, long minSize, IEnumerable vdiNamesInUse) : this(connection, vdiNamesInUse) { TheVM = vm; DiskTemplate = diskTemplate; CanResize = canResize; MinSize = minSize; this.PickerUsage = PickerUsage; SrListBox.SetAffinity(affinity); Pool pool_sr = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(connection); if (pool_sr != null) { SrListBox.DefaultSR = connection.Resolve(pool_sr.default_SR); //if default sr resolves to null the first sr in the list will be selected } SrListBox.selectDefaultSROrAny(); LoadValues(); } private void LoadValues() { if (DiskTemplate == null) return; NameTextBox.Text = DiskTemplate.Name; DescriptionTextBox.Text = DiskTemplate.Description; SrListBox.selectSRorDefaultorAny(connection.Resolve(DiskTemplate.SR)); // select the appropriate unit, based on size (CA-45905) currentSelectedUnits = DiskTemplate.virtual_size >= Util.BINARY_GIGA ? DiskSizeUnits.GB : DiskSizeUnits.MB; SelectedUnits = currentSelectedUnits; SetupDiskSizeNumericUpDown(); decimal newValue = (decimal)Math.Round((double)DiskTemplate.virtual_size / GetUnits(), DiskSizeNumericUpDown.DecimalPlaces); DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Value = newValue >= DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Minimum && newValue <= DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Maximum ? newValue : DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Maximum; if (MinSize > 0) min = (decimal)((double)MinSize / GetUnits()); DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Enabled = CanResize; Text = Messages.EDIT_DISK; OkButton.Text = Messages.OK; } private const int DecimalPlacesGB = 3; // show 3 decimal places for GB (CA-91322) private const int DecimalPlacesMB = 0; private const int IncrementGB = 1; private const int IncrementMB = 256; private void SetupDiskSizeNumericUpDown() { DiskSizeNumericUpDown.DecimalPlaces = SelectedUnits == DiskSizeUnits.GB ? DecimalPlacesGB : DecimalPlacesMB; DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Increment = SelectedUnits == DiskSizeUnits.GB ? IncrementGB : IncrementMB; } private string GetDefaultVDIName() { List usedNames = new List(); foreach (VDI v in connection.Cache.VDIs.Concat(_VDINamesInUse)) { usedNames.Add(v.Name); } return Helpers.MakeUniqueName(Messages.DEFAULT_VDI_NAME, usedNames); } void SrListBox_ItemSelectionNull(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectionNull = true; } void SrListBox_ItemSelectionNotNull(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectionNull = false; } void srListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateErrorsAndButtons(); initialAllocationNumericUpDown.Enabled = labelInitialAllocation.Enabled = allocationQuantumNumericUpDown.Enabled = init_alloc_units.Enabled = incr_alloc_units.Enabled = labelAllocationQuantum.Enabled = IsSelectedSRThinProvisioned; if (IsSelectedSRThinProvisioned) { DefaultToSRsConfig(userChangedInitialAllocationValue); } } private bool IsSelectedSRThinProvisioned { get { var srToCheck = SrListBox.SR ?? SrListBox.DisabledSelectedSR; if (srToCheck == null) return false; return srToCheck.IsThinProvisioned; } } private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SrListBox.SR == null || SelectionNull || NameTextBox.Text == "" || !connection.IsConnected) return; if (DontCreateVDI) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); return; } XenAPI.SR sr = SrListBox.SR; if (!sr.shared && TheVM != null && TheVM.HaPriorityIsRestart()) { if (new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Warning, Messages.NEW_SR_DIALOG_ATTACH_NON_SHARED_DISK_HA, Messages.XENCENTER), ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonNo).ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow) != DialogResult.Yes) return; new HAUnprotectVMAction(TheVM).RunExternal(TheVM.Connection.Session); } VDI vdi = NewDisk(); if (TheVM != null) { var alreadyHasBootableDisk = HasBootableDisk(TheVM); Actions.DelegatedAsyncAction action = new Actions.DelegatedAsyncAction(connection, string.Format(Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDING_TITLE, NameTextBox.Text, sr.NameWithoutHost), Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDING, Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDED, delegate(XenAPI.Session session) { // Get legitimate unused userdevice numbers string[] uds = XenAPI.VM.get_allowed_VBD_devices(session, TheVM.opaque_ref); if (uds.Length == 0) { throw new Exception(FriendlyErrorNames.VBDS_MAX_ALLOWED); } string ud = uds[0]; string vdiref = VDI.create(session, vdi); XenAPI.VBD vbd = NewDevice(); vbd.VDI = new XenAPI.XenRef(vdiref); vbd.VM = new XenAPI.XenRef(TheVM); // CA-44959: only make bootable if there aren't other bootable VBDs. vbd.bootable = ud == "0" && !alreadyHasBootableDisk; vbd.userdevice = ud; // Now try to plug the VBD. new XenAdmin.Actions.VbdSaveAndPlugAction(TheVM, vbd, vdi.Name, session, false, ShowMustRebootBoxCD, ShowVBDWarningBox).RunAsync(); }); action.VM = TheVM; new Dialogs.ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Blocks).ShowDialog(); if (!action.Succeeded) return; } else { CreateDiskAction action = new CreateDiskAction(vdi); new Dialogs.ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee).ShowDialog(); if (!action.Succeeded) return; } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); } private static bool HasBootableDisk(VM vm) { var c = vm.Connection; foreach (XenRef vbdRef in vm.VBDs) { var vbd = c.Resolve(vbdRef); if (vbd != null && !vbd.IsCDROM && !vbd.IsFloppyDrive && vbd.bootable) { VDI vdi = c.Resolve(vbd.VDI); if (vdi != null) { SR sr = c.Resolve(vdi.SR); if (sr != null && sr.IsToolsSR) { continue; } } return true; } } return false; } // The values saved in the smconfig are in bytes. public Dictionary SMConfig { get { var smconfig = new Dictionary(); if (allocationQuantumNumericUpDown.Enabled && initialAllocationNumericUpDown.Enabled) { smconfig["allocation"] = "xlvhd"; smconfig["allocation_quantum"] = (incr_alloc_units.SelectedItem.ToString() == "MB" ? (long)allocationQuantumNumericUpDown.Value * Util.BINARY_MEGA : (long)allocationQuantumNumericUpDown.Value * Util.BINARY_GIGA) .ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); smconfig["initial_allocation"] = (init_alloc_units.SelectedItem.ToString() == "MB" ? (long)initialAllocationNumericUpDown.Value * Util.BINARY_MEGA : (long)initialAllocationNumericUpDown.Value * Util.BINARY_GIGA) .ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } return smconfig; } } void DefaultToSRsConfig(bool boundsOnly) { var srToCheck = SrListBox.SR ?? SrListBox.DisabledSelectedSR; if (srToCheck == null) return; if (srToCheck.IsThinProvisioned) { var smConfig = srToCheck.sm_config; long temp = 0; if (smConfig.ContainsKey("initial_allocation") && long.TryParse(smConfig["initial_allocation"], out temp)) { SetUpInitAllocationNumericUpDown(temp, boundsOnly); } if (smConfig.ContainsKey("allocation_quantum") && long.TryParse(smConfig["allocation_quantum"], out temp)) { SetUpIncrAllocationNumericUpDown(temp, srToCheck.physical_size, boundsOnly); } } } private void SetNumUpDownIncrementAndDecimals(NumericUpDown upDown, string units) { if (units == "GB") { upDown.DecimalPlaces = DecimalPlacesGB; upDown.Increment = IncrementGB; } else { upDown.DecimalPlaces = DecimalPlacesMB; upDown.Increment = IncrementMB; } } private void SetUpInitAllocationNumericUpDown(long SRInitialAllocation, bool boundsOnly) { long vdiSizeBytes = (long) (SelectedUnits == DiskSizeUnits.GB ? DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Value * Util.BINARY_GIGA : DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Value * Util.BINARY_MEGA); Helpers.AllocationBounds allocBounds = Helpers.VDIInitialAllocationBounds(vdiSizeBytes, SRInitialAllocation); if (boundsOnly) { long userValInBytes = (long)(init_alloc_units.SelectedItem.ToString() == "GB" ? initialAllocationNumericUpDown.Value * Util.BINARY_GIGA : initialAllocationNumericUpDown.Value * Util.BINARY_MEGA); allocBounds = new Helpers.AllocationBounds(allocBounds.Min, allocBounds.Max, userValInBytes, init_alloc_units.SelectedItem.ToString()); } init_alloc_units.SelectedItem = previousUnitsValueInitAlloc = allocBounds.Unit; initialAllocationNumericUpDown.Minimum = allocBounds.MinInUnits; initialAllocationNumericUpDown.Maximum = allocBounds.MaxInUnits; initialAllocationNumericUpDown.Value = allocBounds.DefaultValueInUnits; SetNumUpDownIncrementAndDecimals(initialAllocationNumericUpDown, allocBounds.Unit); } private void SetUpIncrAllocationNumericUpDown(long SRIncrementalAllocation, long SRSize, bool boundsOnly) { Helpers.AllocationBounds allocBounds = Helpers.VDIIncrementalAllocationBounds(SRSize, SRIncrementalAllocation); if (boundsOnly) { long userValInBytes = (long)(incr_alloc_units.SelectedItem.ToString() == "GB" ? allocationQuantumNumericUpDown.Value * Util.BINARY_GIGA : allocationQuantumNumericUpDown.Value * Util.BINARY_MEGA); allocBounds = new Helpers.AllocationBounds(allocBounds.Min, allocBounds.Max, userValInBytes, incr_alloc_units.SelectedItem.ToString()); } incr_alloc_units.SelectedItem = previousUnitsValueIncrAlloc = allocBounds.Unit; allocationQuantumNumericUpDown.Minimum = allocBounds.MinInUnits; allocationQuantumNumericUpDown.Maximum = allocBounds.MaxInUnits; allocationQuantumNumericUpDown.Value = allocBounds.DefaultValueInUnits; SetNumUpDownIncrementAndDecimals(allocationQuantumNumericUpDown, allocBounds.Unit); } public VDI NewDisk() { VDI vdi = new VDI(); vdi.Connection = connection; vdi.read_only = DiskTemplate != null ? DiskTemplate.read_only : false; vdi.SR = new XenAPI.XenRef(SrListBox.SR); if (SMConfig != null && SMConfig.Count > 0) vdi.sm_config = SMConfig; vdi.virtual_size = Convert.ToInt64(DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Value * GetUnits()); vdi.name_label = NameTextBox.Text; vdi.name_description = DescriptionTextBox.Text; vdi.sharable = DiskTemplate != null ? DiskTemplate.sharable : false; vdi.type = DiskTemplate != null ? DiskTemplate.type : vdi_type.user; vdi.VMHint = TheVM != null ? TheVM.uuid : ""; return vdi; } private long GetUnits() { return (SelectedUnits == DiskSizeUnits.GB ? Util.BINARY_GIGA : Util.BINARY_MEGA); } public VBD NewDevice() { VBD vbd = new VBD(); vbd.Connection = connection; vbd.device = ""; vbd.empty = false; vbd.type = XenAPI.vbd_type.Disk; vbd.mode = XenAPI.vbd_mode.RW; vbd.IsOwner = true; vbd.unpluggable = true; return vbd; } private void NameTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateErrorsAndButtons(); } private enum DiskSizeUnits { MB, GB } private DiskSizeUnits SelectedUnits { get { return comboBoxUnits.SelectedIndex == 0 ? DiskSizeUnits.GB : DiskSizeUnits.MB; } set { comboBoxUnits.SelectedIndex = value == DiskSizeUnits.GB ? 0 : 1; } } private const decimal MinimumDiskSizeGB = 0.001m; private const int MinimumDiskSizeMB = 1; private decimal GetDiskTooSmallMessageMinSize() { return min == 0 ? SelectedUnits == DiskSizeUnits.GB ? MinimumDiskSizeGB : MinimumDiskSizeMB : min; } private void updateErrorsAndButtons() { // Ordering is important here, we want to show the most relevant message if (comboBoxUnits.SelectedItem == null) return; if (!SrListBox.ValidSelectionExists) { OkButton.Enabled = false; setError(Messages.NO_VALID_DISK_LOCATION); return; } if (SelectionNull) { OkButton.Enabled = false; // shouldn't happen I think, previous if block should catch this, just to be safe setError(null); return; } if (DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { OkButton.Enabled = false; // too minor for scary error to be displayed, plus it's obvious as they have to // delete the default entry and can see the OK button disable as they do so setError(null); return; } if (!DiskSizeValidNumber()) { OkButton.Enabled = false; setError(Messages.INVALID_NUMBER); return; } if (!DiskSizeValid()) { OkButton.Enabled = false; setError(string.Format(Messages.DISK_TOO_SMALL, GetDiskTooSmallMessageMinSize(), comboBoxUnits.SelectedItem.ToString())); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NameTextBox.Text.Trim())) { OkButton.Enabled = false; // too minor for scary error to be displayed, plus it's obvious as they have to // delete the default entry and can see the OK button disable as they do so setError(null); return; } OkButton.Enabled = true; setError(null); } private void setError(string error) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) labelError.Visible = pictureBoxError.Visible = false; else { labelError.Visible = pictureBoxError.Visible = true; labelError.Text = error; } } private bool DiskSizeValidNumber() { decimal val; return decimal.TryParse(DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Text.Trim(), out val); } private bool DiskSizeValid() { decimal val; if (decimal.TryParse(DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Text.Trim(), out val)) { if (min == 0) return val > min && val <= max; return val >= min && val <= max; } return false; } private void CloseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; Close(); } private bool dontCreateVDI; public bool DontCreateVDI { get { return dontCreateVDI; } set { dontCreateVDI = value; } } private void DiskSizeNumericUpDown_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateDiskSize(); } private void DiskSizeNumericUpDown_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateDiskSize(); } private void DiskSizeNumericUpDown_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { UpdateDiskSize(); } bool userChangedInitialAllocationValue = false; bool userEntered = false; private void initialAllocationNumericUpDown_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (userEntered) userChangedInitialAllocationValue = true; if (userChangedInitialAllocationValue) UpdateDiskSize(); } private void initialAllocationNumericUpDown_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) { userEntered = true; } private void UpdateDiskSize() { // Don't use DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Value here, as it will fire the NumericUpDown built-in validation. Use Text property instead. (CA-46028) decimal newValue; if (decimal.TryParse(DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Text.Trim(), out newValue)) { try { SrListBox.DiskSize = (long)(Math.Round(newValue * GetUnits())); if (IsSelectedSRThinProvisioned && userChangedInitialAllocationValue) { SrListBox.OverridenInitialAllocationRate = (long)(init_alloc_units.SelectedItem.ToString() == "MB" ? initialAllocationNumericUpDown.Value * Util.BINARY_MEGA : initialAllocationNumericUpDown.Value * Util.BINARY_GIGA); } } catch (OverflowException) { //CA-71312 SrListBox.DiskSize = newValue < 0 ? long.MinValue : long.MaxValue; } SrListBox.refresh(); } RefreshMinSize(); updateErrorsAndButtons(); } private void RefreshMinSize() { if (DiskTemplate == null) return; if (MinSize > 0) min = (decimal)((double)MinSize / GetUnits()); } private DiskSizeUnits currentSelectedUnits = DiskSizeUnits.GB; private void comboBoxUnits_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Check if the new unit is different than the previous one otherwise discard the change if (currentSelectedUnits != SelectedUnits) { currentSelectedUnits = SelectedUnits; //Convert the current value to the new units decimal newValue = (decimal)Math.Round(SelectedUnits == DiskSizeUnits.GB ? ((double)DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Value / 1024) : ((double)DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Value * 1024), DiskSizeNumericUpDown.DecimalPlaces); DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Value = newValue >= DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Minimum && newValue <= DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Maximum ? newValue : DiskSizeNumericUpDown.Maximum; SetNumUpDownIncrementAndDecimals(DiskSizeNumericUpDown, comboBoxUnits.SelectedItem.ToString()); UpdateDiskSize(); } } internal override string HelpName { get { if (DiskTemplate != null) return "EditNewDiskDialog"; else return "NewDiskDialog"; } } public static void ShowVBDWarningBox() { Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, () => { if (!Program.RunInAutomatedTestMode) { new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Information, Messages. NEWDISKWIZARD_MESSAGE, Messages. NEWDISKWIZARD_MESSAGE_TITLE)) .ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); } }); } public static void ShowMustRebootBoxCD() { Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, () => { if (!Program.RunInAutomatedTestMode) { new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Information, Messages. NEW_DVD_DRIVE_REBOOT, Messages. NEW_DVD_DRIVE_CREATED)) .ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); } }); } private void initialAllocationNumericUpDown_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { userEntered = false; } private void init_alloc_units_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateValuesWhenUnitsChanged(initialAllocationNumericUpDown, previousUnitsValueInitAlloc, init_alloc_units.SelectedItem.ToString()); previousUnitsValueInitAlloc = init_alloc_units.SelectedItem.ToString(); } // The NumericUpDowns from the Storage Provisioning and Incremental Allocation from NewDiskDialog have the same behaviour when changing the units, // therefore they use the same converting function. private void incr_alloc_units_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { StorageProvisioning.UpdateValuesWhenUnitsChanged(allocationQuantumNumericUpDown, previousUnitsValueIncrAlloc, incr_alloc_units.SelectedItem.ToString()); previousUnitsValueIncrAlloc = incr_alloc_units.SelectedItem.ToString(); } private void UpdateValuesWhenUnitsChanged(NumericUpDown upDown, string previousUnits, string newUnits) { if (previousUnits == newUnits) return; decimal min = upDown.Minimum; decimal max = upDown.Maximum; if (newUnits == "MB") { upDown.Maximum *= Util.BINARY_KILO; upDown.Value *= Util.BINARY_KILO; if(!userChangedInitialAllocationValue) { upDown.Minimum *= Util.BINARY_KILO; } } else { upDown.Minimum /= Util.BINARY_KILO; upDown.Value /= Util.BINARY_KILO; if (!userChangedInitialAllocationValue) { upDown.Maximum /= Util.BINARY_KILO; } } SetNumUpDownIncrementAndDecimals(upDown, newUnits); } } }