/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using DiscUtils; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenCenterLib.Compression; using XenAPI; using XenOvf; using XenOvf.Definitions; using XenOvf.Utilities; namespace XenAdmin.Actions.OvfActions { public partial class ImportApplianceAction { public static Regex VGPU_REGEX = new Regex("^GPU_types={(.*)};VGPU_type_vendor_name=(.*);VGPU_type_model_name=(.*);$"); public static Regex PVS_SITE_REGEX = new Regex("^PVS_SITE={uuid=(.*)};$"); private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); protected object Process(EnvelopeType ovfObj, string pathToOvf, string applianceName = null) { //Normalise the process if (ovfObj.Item is VirtualSystem_Type vstemp) { ovfObj.Item = new VirtualSystemCollection_Type(); ((VirtualSystemCollection_Type)ovfObj.Item).Content = new Content_Type[] { vstemp }; } #region Create appliance CheckForCancellation(); XenRef applRef = null; if (applianceName != null) { Description = string.Format(Messages.IMPORT_CREATING_APPLIANCE, applianceName); var vmAppliance = new VM_appliance {name_label = applianceName}; var appliance = Connection.WaitForCache(VM_appliance.create(Connection.Session, vmAppliance)); applRef = new XenRef(appliance.opaque_ref); log.Info($"Created appliance {applianceName} ({applRef.opaque_ref})"); } StartupSection_TypeItem[] startupSections = null; if (ovfObj.Sections != null) { StartupSection_Type[] startUpArray = OVF.FindSections(ovfObj.Sections); if (startUpArray != null && startUpArray.Length > 0) startupSections = startUpArray[0]?.Item; } #endregion var vmsToImport = ((VirtualSystemCollection_Type)ovfObj.Item).Content .Where(c => c is VirtualSystem_Type).Cast().ToList(); XenRef vmRef = null; for (int i = 0; i < vmsToImport.Count; i++) { CheckForCancellation(); int curVm = i; VirtualSystem_Type vSystem = vmsToImport[i]; var vmName = OVF.FindSystemName(ovfObj, vSystem.id); VirtualHardwareSection_Type vhs = OVF.FindVirtualHardwareSectionByAffinity(ovfObj, vSystem.id, "xen"); var vmStartupSection = startupSections?.FirstOrDefault(it => it.id == vSystem.id); vmRef = null; try { vmRef = CreateVm(vmName, vhs, applRef, vmStartupSection); SetDeviceConnections(vhs); int vifDeviceIndex = 0; for (int j = 0; j < vhs.Item.Length; j++) { CheckForCancellation(); int curVhs = j; void UpdatePercentage(float x) { PercentComplete = (int)(20 + curVm * 80 / vmsToImport.Count + (curVhs + x) * 80 / (vmsToImport.Count * vhs.Item.Length)); } AddResourceSettingData(ovfObj, vmRef, vhs.Item[j], pathToOvf, ref vifDeviceIndex, UpdatePercentage); PercentComplete = 20 + i * 80 / vmsToImport.Count + (j + 1) * 80 / (vmsToImport.Count * vhs.Item.Length); } CreateVgpus(vhs, vmRef); CreatePvsProxy(vhs, vmRef); HandleInstallSection(Connection.Session, vmRef, vSystem); VM.remove_from_other_config(Connection.Session, vmRef, "HideFromXenCenter"); PercentComplete = 20 + (i + 1) * 80 / vmsToImport.Count; } catch { if (vmRef != null) { log.Info($"Import interrupted. Destroying VM {vmRef.opaque_ref}"); CleanUpVm(vmRef); } throw; } } if (applRef != null) return applRef; return vmRef; } private void HandleInstallSection(Session xenSession, XenRef vmRef, VirtualSystem_Type vSystem) { CheckForCancellation(); InstallSection_Type[] installSections = OVF.FindSections(vSystem.Items); if (installSections == null || installSections.Length <= 0) return; Description = Messages.START_POST_INSTALL_INSTRUCTIONS; var installSection = installSections[0]; // Configure for XenServer as requested by OVF.SetRunOnceBootCDROM() with the presence of a post install operation that is specific to XenServer. if (installSection.PostInstallOperations != null) ConfigureForXenServer(xenSession, vmRef); // Run the VM for the requested duration if this appliance had its own install section -- one not added to fixup for XenServer. if (installSection.Info == null || installSection.Info != null && installSection.Info.Value.CompareTo("ConfigureForXenServer") != 0) InstallSectionStartVirtualMachine(xenSession, vmRef, installSection.initialBootStopDelay); } private static void ConfigureForXenServer(Session xenSession, XenRef vm) { // Ensure the new VM is down. if (VM.get_power_state(xenSession, vm) != vm_power_state.Halted) VM.hard_shutdown(xenSession, vm); while (VM.get_power_state(xenSession, vm) != vm_power_state.Halted) Thread.Sleep(1000); // Save its original memory configuration. long staticMemoryMin = VM.get_memory_static_min(xenSession, vm); long staticMemoryMax = VM.get_memory_static_max(xenSession, vm); long dynamicMemoryMin = VM.get_memory_dynamic_min(xenSession, vm); long dynamicMemoryMax = VM.get_memory_dynamic_max(xenSession, vm); // Minimize the memory capacity for the fixup OS. long fixupMemorySize = 256 * Util.BINARY_MEGA; VM.set_memory_limits(xenSession, vm, fixupMemorySize, fixupMemorySize, fixupMemorySize, fixupMemorySize); // Run the fixup OS on the VM. InstallSectionStartVirtualMachine(xenSession, vm, 600); // Restore the original memory configuration. VM.set_memory_limits(xenSession, vm, staticMemoryMin, staticMemoryMax, dynamicMemoryMin, dynamicMemoryMax); // Eject the fixupOS CD. List> vbdList = VM.get_VBDs(xenSession, vm); foreach (XenRef vbd in vbdList) { if (VBD.get_type(xenSession, vbd) == vbd_type.CD) VBD.eject(xenSession, vbd); // Note that the original code did not destroy the VBD representing the CD drive. } // Restore the boot order. Dictionary bootParameters = new Dictionary(); bootParameters.Add("order", "cnd"); VM.set_HVM_boot_params(xenSession, vm, bootParameters); } private static void InstallSectionStartVirtualMachine(Session xenSession, XenRef vm, int initialBootStopDelayAsSeconds) { log.InfoFormat("Running fixup on VM with opaque_ref {0}", vm.opaque_ref); // Start the VM. if (VM.get_power_state(xenSession, vm) != vm_power_state.Running) VM.start(xenSession, vm, false, true); // Finish early if requested to stop on its own. if (initialBootStopDelayAsSeconds == 0) return; // Wait for it to start. while (VM.get_power_state(xenSession, vm) != vm_power_state.Running) Thread.Sleep(1000); // Let it run for the requested duration. int bootStopDelayAsMs = initialBootStopDelayAsSeconds * 1000; int msRunning = 0; while (VM.get_power_state(xenSession, vm) == vm_power_state.Running) { Thread.Sleep(1000); msRunning += 1000; if (msRunning > bootStopDelayAsMs) break; } // Ensure it is off. if (VM.get_power_state(xenSession, vm) == vm_power_state.Halted) return; try { VM.hard_shutdown(xenSession, vm); } catch (Exception e) { log.InfoFormat("Unable to hard-shutdown VM {0}. Will ignore error: {1}", vm.opaque_ref, e.Message); } } private XenRef ImportFile(string diskName, string pathToOvf, string filename, CompressionFactory.Type? compression, string sruuid, string description, string vdiuuid, bool isEncrypted, Action updatePercentage) { if (filename == null) throw new InvalidDataException(Messages.ERROR_FILE_NAME_NULL); string filePath = Path.Combine(pathToOvf, filename); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format(Messages.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, filename)); string ext = Path.GetExtension(filename); string sourcefile = filePath; VirtualDisk vhdDisk = null; Stream dataStream = null; XenRef vdiRef = null; try { #region ENCRYPTION if (isEncrypted) { if (m_password == null) throw new InvalidDataException(Messages.ERROR_NO_PASSWORD); Description = string.Format(Messages.START_FILE_DECRYPTION, filename); log.Debug($"Decrypting {filename} to temporary file enc_{filename}"); sourcefile = Path.Combine(pathToOvf, "enc_" + filename); OVF.DecryptToTempFile(m_encryptionClass, filePath, m_encryptionVersion, m_password, sourcefile); } #endregion #region COMPRESSION if (compression.HasValue) { Description = string.Format(Messages.START_FILE_EXPANSION, filename); log.Debug($"Uncompressing {filename} to temporary file unc_{filename}"); // the compressed file will be replaced by the uncompressed, hence we need // to use it with its disk extension (vmdk, vhd, etc.) if (ext.ToLower().EndsWith(".gz") || ext.ToLower().EndsWith(".bz2")) { sourcefile = Path.Combine(pathToOvf, "unc_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)); ext = Path.GetExtension(sourcefile); } CompressionFactory.UncompressFile(filePath, sourcefile, compression.Value, CheckForCancellation); } #endregion #region OPEN DISK long dataLength; long virtualSize; string format = string.Empty; if (ext.ToLower().EndsWith(".vhd")) { vhdDisk = VirtualDisk.OpenDisk(sourcefile, FileAccess.Read); virtualSize = vhdDisk.Capacity; dataStream = File.OpenRead(filePath); dataLength = dataStream.Length; format = "&format=vhd"; } else if (ext.ToLower().EndsWith("iso")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sruuid)) { log.Info($"Import of file {filename} was skipped"); return null; } dataStream = File.OpenRead(filePath); dataLength = virtualSize = dataStream.Length; } else if (VirtualDisk.SupportedDiskFormats.Any(f => ext.ToLower().EndsWith(f.ToLower()))) { vhdDisk = VirtualDisk.OpenDisk(sourcefile, FileAccess.Read); dataStream = vhdDisk.Content; dataLength = virtualSize = vhdDisk.Capacity; } else { throw new IOException(string.Format(Messages.UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPE, ext)); } #endregion #region CREATE VDI IF SR HAS ENOUGH FREE SPACE //If no VDI uuid is provided create one, otherwise use the one provided as //the target for the import. Used for SRs such as Lun per VDI (PR-1544) Description = string.Format(Messages.IMPORT_VDI_PREPARE, filename); long freespace = 0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(vdiuuid)) { SR sr = Connection.Cache.SRs.FirstOrDefault(s => s.uuid == sruuid); if (sr != null) freespace = sr.physical_size - sr.physical_utilisation; if (freespace < virtualSize) throw new IOException(string.Format(Messages.SR_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE, sruuid, Util.DiskSizeString(virtualSize), filename)); VDI newVdi = new VDI { name_label = diskName, name_description = description, SR = new XenRef(sr == null ? Helper.NullOpaqueRef : sr.opaque_ref),//sr==null is unlikely virtual_size = virtualSize, type = vdi_type.user, sharable = false, read_only = false, storage_lock = false, managed = true, is_a_snapshot = false }; VDI vdi = Connection.WaitForCache(VDI.create(Connection.Session, newVdi)); if (vdi != null) { vdiuuid = vdi.uuid; vdiRef = new XenRef(vdi.opaque_ref); } } else { VDI vdi = Connection.Cache.VDIs.FirstOrDefault(v => v.uuid == vdiuuid); if (vdi != null) { freespace = vdi.virtual_size; vdiuuid = vdi.uuid; vdiRef = new XenRef(vdi.opaque_ref); } if (freespace < virtualSize) throw new IOException(string.Format(Messages.VDI_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE, vdiuuid, Util.DiskSizeString(virtualSize), filename)); } #endregion #region UPLOAD FILE var taskRef = Task.create(Connection.Session, "import_raw_vdi_task", $"Importing disk {sourcefile} to VDI {vdiuuid}"); var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder { Scheme = Connection.UriScheme, Host = Connection.Hostname, Port = Connection.Port, Path = "/import_raw_vdi", Query = string.Format("session_id={0}&task_id={1}&vdi={2}{3}", Connection.Session.opaque_ref, taskRef.opaque_ref, vdiuuid, format) }; using (Stream outStream = HTTPHelper.PUT(uriBuilder.Uri, dataStream.Length, true)) HTTP.CopyStream(dataStream, outStream, b => { Description = string.Format(Messages.IMPORT_VDI, filename, Util.DiskSizeString(b, 2, "F2"), Util.DiskSizeString(dataLength)); updatePercentage((float)b / dataLength); }, () => Cancelling); #endregion return vdiRef; } catch (Exception e) { if (vdiRef != null) { log.Info($"Import interrupted. Destroying VDI {vdiRef.opaque_ref}"); try { //need to wait for a bit until the VDI is released from the import task Connection.WaitFor(() => { var vdi = Connection.Resolve(vdiRef); return vdi != null && vdi.allowed_operations.Contains(vdi_operations.destroy); }, null); VDI.destroy(Connection.Session, vdiRef); } catch { log.Error($"Failed to destroy VDI {vdiRef.opaque_ref} after interrupted import."); } } if (e is HTTP.CancelledException) throw new CancelledException(); throw; } finally { dataStream?.Dispose(); vhdDisk?.Dispose(); try { var sourcefileName = Path.GetFileName(sourcefile); if ((sourcefileName.StartsWith("enc_") || sourcefileName.StartsWith("unc_")) && File.Exists(sourcefile)) File.Delete(sourcefile); } catch { //ignore errors } } } private XenRef CreateVm(string vmName, VirtualHardwareSection_Type system, XenRef applRef, StartupSection_TypeItem vmStartupSection) { Description = string.Format(Messages.IMPORT_CREATING_VM, vmName); string description = system.System?.Description?.Value ?? Messages.DEFAULT_IMPORT_DESCRIPTION; #region MEMORY ulong memorySize = 0; RASD_Type[] rasds = OVF.FindRasdByType(system, 4); if (rasds != null && rasds.Length > 0) { //The default memory unit is MB (2^20), however, the RASD may contain a different //one with format Bytes*memoryBase^memoryPower (Bytes being a literal string) double memoryPower = 20.0; double memoryBase = 2.0; foreach (RASD_Type rasd in rasds) { if (rasd.AllocationUnits.Value.ToLower().StartsWith("bytes")) { string[] a1 = rasd.AllocationUnits.Value.Split('*', '^'); if (a1.Length == 3) { memoryBase = Convert.ToDouble(a1[1]); memoryPower = Convert.ToDouble(a1[2]); } } double memoryMultiplier = Math.Pow(memoryBase, memoryPower); memorySize += rasd.VirtualQuantity.Value * Convert.ToUInt64(memoryMultiplier); } } ulong minimumMemory = 512 * Util.BINARY_MEGA; //default minimum if (memorySize < minimumMemory) memorySize = minimumMemory; else if (memorySize > long.MaxValue) memorySize = long.MaxValue; #endregion #region CPU COUNT ulong cpuCount = 0; ulong maxCpusCount = 0; rasds = OVF.FindRasdByType(system, 3); if (rasds != null && rasds.Length > 0) { //There may be more than one entries corresponding to CPUs //The VirtualQuantity in each one is Cores foreach (var rasd in rasds) { cpuCount += rasd.VirtualQuantity.Value; // CA-361078: Older versions of CHC/XC used to set the limit to 100,000 by default, and use // VirtualQuantity for max vCPUs. // This way, we keep backwards compatibility with older OVFs. var limit = rasd.Limit?.Value ?? 100_000; maxCpusCount += limit >= 100_000 ? rasd.VirtualQuantity.Value : limit; } } if (cpuCount < 1) //default minimum cpuCount = 1; else if (cpuCount > long.MaxValue) //unlikely, but better be safe cpuCount = long.MaxValue; if (maxCpusCount < 1) maxCpusCount = 1; else if (maxCpusCount > long.MaxValue) maxCpusCount = long.MaxValue; #endregion VM newVm = new VM { name_label = vmName ?? Messages.UNDEFINED_NAME_LABEL, name_description = description, user_version = 1, is_a_template = false, is_a_snapshot = false, memory_target = (long)memorySize, memory_static_max = (long)memorySize, memory_dynamic_max = (long)memorySize, memory_dynamic_min = (long)memorySize, memory_static_min = (long)memorySize, VCPUs_max = (long)maxCpusCount, VCPUs_at_startup = (long)cpuCount, actions_after_shutdown = on_normal_exit.destroy, actions_after_reboot = on_normal_exit.restart, actions_after_crash = on_crash_behaviour.restart, HVM_shadow_multiplier = 1.0, ha_always_run = false, other_config = new Dictionary {{"HideFromXenCenter", "true"}} }; //Note that the VM has to be created hidden. //We'll make it visible in the end, after all the setup is done #region XEN SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION INFORMATION if (system.VirtualSystemOtherConfigurationData == null || system.VirtualSystemOtherConfigurationData.Length <= 0) { // DEFAULT should work for all of HVM type or 301 newVm.HVM_boot_policy = "BIOS order"; newVm.HVM_boot_params = new Dictionary {{"order", "dc"}}; newVm.platform = new Dictionary {{"nx", "true"}, {"acpi", "true"}, {"apic", "true"}, {"pae", "true"}, {"stdvga", "0"}}; } else { var hashtable = new Hashtable(); foreach (Xen_ConfigurationSettingData_Type xcsd in system.VirtualSystemOtherConfigurationData) { string key = xcsd.Name.Replace('-', '_'); switch (key.ToLower()) { case "hvm_boot_params": var xcsdValue = xcsd.Value.Value; //In new OVFs the xcsd.Value.Value is a dictionary string like "key1=value1;key2=value2" //However, we want to be backwards compatible with old OVFs where it was a plain string newVm.HVM_boot_params = xcsdValue.IndexOf('=') > -1 ? xcsdValue.SplitToDictionary(';') : new Dictionary {{"order", xcsdValue}}; break; case "platform": newVm.platform = xcsd.Value.Value.SplitToDictionary(';'); if (!newVm.platform.ContainsKey("nx")) newVm.platform.Add("nx", "true"); break; case "nvram": newVm.NVRAM = xcsd.Value.Value.SplitToDictionary(';'); break; case "vgpu": //Skip vGPUs here; we'll set them up after the VM is created //because we need the VM's opaque_ref for them break; default: hashtable.Add(key, xcsd.Value.Value); break; } } newVm.UpdateFrom(hashtable); } #endregion #region Set appliance if (applRef != null) newVm.appliance = applRef; if (vmStartupSection != null) { newVm.start_delay = vmStartupSection.startDelay; newVm.shutdown_delay = vmStartupSection.stopDelay; newVm.order = vmStartupSection.order; } #endregion #region set has_vendor_device var data = system.VirtualSystemOtherConfigurationData; var datum = data?.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "VM_has_vendor_device"); if (datum != null) { if (bool.TryParse(datum.Value.Value, out var hasVendorDevice) && hasVendorDevice) newVm.has_vendor_device = hasVendorDevice; } #endregion var vm = Connection.WaitForCache(VM.create(Connection.Session, newVm)); log.Info($"Created VM {vmName} ({vm.opaque_ref})"); return new XenRef(vm.opaque_ref); } private void CreateVgpus(VirtualHardwareSection_Type system, XenRef vmRef) { CheckForCancellation(); var data = system.VirtualSystemOtherConfigurationData; if (data == null) return; var datum = data.Where(s => s.Name == "vgpu"); foreach (var item in datum) { Match m = VGPU_REGEX.Match(item.Value.Value); if (!m.Success) continue; var types = m.Groups[1].Value.Split(';'); var gpuGroup = Connection.Cache.GPU_groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.supported_VGPU_types.Count > 0 && g.GPU_types.Length == types.Length && g.GPU_types.Intersect(types).Count() == types.Length); if (gpuGroup == null) continue; string vendorName = m.Groups[2].Value; string modelName = m.Groups[3].Value; VGPU_type vgpuType = Connection.Cache.VGPU_types.FirstOrDefault(v => v.vendor_name == vendorName && v.model_name == modelName); if (vgpuType == null) continue; var otherConfig = new Dictionary(); if (Helpers.FeatureForbidden(Connection, Host.RestrictVgpu)) { //If the current licence does not allow vGPU, we create one pass-through vGPU //(default vGPU type) for the VM (multiple pass-through vGPUs are not supported yet) var oneVgpu = Connection.WaitForCache(VGPU.create(Connection.Session, vmRef.opaque_ref, gpuGroup.opaque_ref, "0", otherConfig)); log.Info($"The host license does not support vGPU. Created one pass-through vGPU ({oneVgpu.opaque_ref}) for the VM"); break; } var vgpu = Connection.WaitForCache(VGPU.create(Connection.Session, vmRef.opaque_ref, gpuGroup.opaque_ref, "0", otherConfig, vgpuType.opaque_ref)); log.Info($"Created vGPU {vgpu.opaque_ref}"); } } private void CreatePvsProxy(VirtualHardwareSection_Type system, XenRef vmRef) { CheckForCancellation(); var datum = system.VirtualSystemOtherConfigurationData?.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == "pvssite"); if (datum == null) return; Match m = PVS_SITE_REGEX.Match(datum.Value.Value); if (!m.Success) return; var siteUuid = m.Groups[1].Value; var site = Connection.Cache.PVS_sites.FirstOrDefault(p => p.uuid == siteUuid); if (site == null) return; var vm = Connection.TryResolveWithTimeout(vmRef); if (vm == null) return; foreach (var vifRef in vm.VIFs) { var vif = Connection.TryResolveWithTimeout(vifRef); if (vif != null && vif.device.Equals("0")) { var pvs = Connection.WaitForCache(PVS_proxy.create(Connection.Session, site.opaque_ref, vif.opaque_ref)); log.Info($"Created PVS_proxy {pvs.opaque_ref}"); break; } } } private void AddResourceSettingData(EnvelopeType ovfObj, XenRef vmRef, RASD_Type rasd, string pathToOvf, ref int vifDeviceIndex, Action updatePercentage) { switch (rasd.ResourceType.Value) { case 10: // Network { #region FIND NETWORK XenRef net = null; XenRef netDefault = null; if (rasd.Connection != null && rasd.Connection.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rasd.Connection[0].Value)) { // Ignore the NetworkSection/Network // During Network Selection the UUID for Network was set in Connection Field var dict = rasd.Connection[0].Value.SplitToDictionary(','); if (!dict.TryGetValue("network", out string netuuid)) dict.TryGetValue("XenNetwork", out netuuid); var networks = Connection.Cache.Networks; foreach (XenAPI.Network network in networks) { if (net == null && netuuid != null && (netuuid.Equals(network.uuid) || network.name_label.ToLower().Contains(netuuid) || network.bridge.ToLower().Contains(netuuid))) net = new XenRef(network.opaque_ref); if (network.bridge.ToLower().Contains("xenbr0")) netDefault = new XenRef(network.opaque_ref); } if (net == null) net = netDefault; } #endregion #region CREATE VIF VIF newVif = new VIF { allowed_operations = new List {vif_operations.attach}, device = Convert.ToString(vifDeviceIndex++), network = net, VM = vmRef, MTU = 1500, locking_mode = vif_locking_mode.network_default }; // This is MAC address if available use it. // needs to be in form: 00:00:00:00:00:00 if (Tools.ValidateProperty("Address", rasd)) { if (rasd.Address.Value != null && !rasd.Address.Value.Contains(":")) newVif.MAC = string.Join(":", rasd.Address.Value.SplitInChunks(2)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newVif.MAC)) newVif.MAC = rasd.Address.Value; } var vif = Connection.WaitForCache(VIF.create(Connection.Session, newVif)); log.Info($"Created VIF {vif.opaque_ref}"); #endregion break; } case 15: // CD Drive case 16: // DVD Drive { var vm = Connection.Resolve(vmRef); if (vm != null) { foreach (var vbdRef in vm.VBDs) { var vbd = Connection.Resolve(vbdRef); if (vbd != null && vbd.type == vbd_type.CD) return; //currently XenServer allows only one CD/DVD drive per VM } } #region CHECK FOR VDI TO UPLOAD Description = Messages.CD_DVD_DEVICE_ATTACHED; var filename = OVF.FindRasdFileName(ovfObj, rasd, out CompressionFactory.Type? compression); var isoImage = Connection.Cache.VDIs.FirstOrDefault(v => v.name_label == filename); XenRef vdiRef = null; if (isoImage != null) { vdiRef = new XenRef(isoImage.opaque_ref); } else if (filename != null && !MetaDataOnly) { //find the ISO SR mapped in the OVF and import the ISO string isoSrUuid = null; if (rasd.Connection != null && rasd.Connection.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rasd.Connection[0].Value)) { var dict = rasd.Connection[0].Value.SplitToDictionary(','); dict.TryGetValue("sr", out string srId); isoSrUuid = Connection.Cache.SRs.FirstOrDefault(s => s.uuid == srId || s.name_label == srId)?.uuid; } if (isoSrUuid != null) vdiRef = ImportFile(filename, pathToOvf, filename, compression, isoSrUuid, "", null, OVF.IsThisEncrypted(ovfObj, rasd), updatePercentage); } #endregion #region CREATE VBD CONNECTION var hashtable = new Hashtable(); if (rasd.Connection != null && rasd.Connection.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rasd.Connection[0].Value)) { var dict = rasd.Connection[0].Value.SplitToDictionary(','); foreach (var kvp in dict) { switch (kvp.Key) { case "sr": case "vdi": continue; case "device": hashtable.Add("userdevice", kvp.Value); break; default: hashtable.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); break; } } } VBD isoVbd = new VBD { VM = vmRef, mode = vbd_mode.RO, userdevice = "3", type = vbd_type.CD, storage_lock = false, status_code = 0 }; isoVbd.UpdateFrom(hashtable); if (vdiRef == null || Helper.IsNullOrEmptyOpaqueRef(vdiRef)) { isoVbd.empty = true; } else { isoVbd.VDI = vdiRef; isoVbd.empty = false; isoVbd.bootable = true; isoVbd.unpluggable = true; } isoVbd.userdevice = VerifyUserDevice(vmRef, isoVbd.userdevice); isoVbd.other_config = new Dictionary {{"owner", "true"}}; if (!isoVbd.userdevice.EndsWith("+")) { try { Connection.WaitForCache(VBD.create(Connection.Session, isoVbd)); log.Info("Created VBD for CD/DVD ROM"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Failed to create VBD for CD/DVD ROM.", ex); } } else { log.WarnFormat( "Import: ================== ATTENTION NEEDED =======================" + "Import: Could not determine appropriate number of device placement." + "Import: Please Start, Logon, Shut down VM ({0}), then manually attach" + "Import: disks with labels ending with \"+\" to the device number defined before the +." + "Import: ===========================================================", vmRef); } #endregion break; } case 17: // Disk Drive case 19: // Storage Extent case 21: // Microsoft: Hard drive/Floppy/ISO { #region ADD DISK if (Tools.ValidateProperty("Caption", rasd) && (rasd.Caption.Value.ToUpper().Contains("COM") || rasd.Caption.Value.ToUpper().Contains("FLOPPY") || rasd.Caption.Value.ToUpper().Contains("ISO"))) break; File_Type file = OVF.FindFileReferenceByRASD(ovfObj, rasd); if (file == null) break; SetIfDeviceIsBootable(ovfObj, rasd); var filename = OVF.FindRasdFileName(ovfObj, rasd, out CompressionFactory.Type? compression); if (filename == null) { log.Warn($"No file available to import, skipping RASD {rasd.ResourceType.Value}: {rasd.InstanceID.Value}"); return; } if (Tools.ValidateProperty("Caption", rasd) && (rasd.Caption.Value.ToUpper().Contains("COM") || rasd.Caption.Value.ToUpper().Contains("FLOPPY") || rasd.Caption.Value.ToUpper().Contains("ISO"))) { log.Info($"Resource {filename} is {rasd.Caption.Value}. Skipping import."); return; } if (MetaDataOnly) { log.Info($"Importing metadata only. Skipping resource {filename}."); return; } string sruuid = null; string vdiuuid = null; string userdeviceid = null; bool isbootable = false; vbd_mode mode = vbd_mode.RW; #region PARSE CONNECTION if (Tools.ValidateProperty("Connection", rasd) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rasd.Connection[0].Value)) { var dict = rasd.Connection[0].Value.SplitToDictionary(','); dict.TryGetValue("device", out userdeviceid); dict.TryGetValue("vdi", out vdiuuid); if (dict.TryGetValue("sr", out var srId)) sruuid = Connection.Cache.SRs.FirstOrDefault(s => s.uuid == srId || s.name_label == srId)?.uuid; if (dict.TryGetValue("bootable", out var bootable)) isbootable = Convert.ToBoolean(bootable); if (dict.TryGetValue("mode", out var theMode) && theMode == "r") mode = vbd_mode.RO; } #endregion #region FIND SR if (sruuid == null && vdiuuid != null) { var mappedVdi = Connection.Cache.VDIs.FirstOrDefault(v => v.uuid == vdiuuid); if (mappedVdi != null) sruuid = Connection.Cache.SRs.FirstOrDefault(s => s.opaque_ref == mappedVdi.SR.opaque_ref)?.uuid; } if (sruuid == null) { var pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(Connection); if (pool != null) sruuid = Connection.Resolve(pool.default_SR)?.uuid; } if (sruuid == null) throw new InvalidDataException(Messages.ERROR_COULD_NOT_FIND_SR); #endregion #region IMPORT DISK var vm = Connection.Resolve(vmRef); string disklabel = rasd.ElementName?.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(disklabel)) disklabel = $"{vm.Name()}_{userdeviceid}"; string description = rasd.Description?.Value ?? ""; XenRef vdiRef = ImportFile(disklabel, pathToOvf, filename, compression, sruuid, description, vdiuuid, OVF.IsThisEncrypted(ovfObj, rasd), updatePercentage); #endregion #region CONNECT VBD VBD vbd = new VBD { userdevice = VerifyUserDevice(vmRef, userdeviceid ?? "99"), bootable = isbootable, VDI = vdiRef, mode = mode, VM = vmRef, empty = false, type = vbd_type.Disk, currently_attached = false, storage_lock = false, status_code = 0, // below other_config keys XS to delete the disk along with the VM. other_config = new Dictionary {{"owner", "true"}} }; if (!vbd.userdevice.EndsWith("+")) { try { Connection.WaitForCache(VBD.create(Connection.Session, vbd)); log.Info($"Created VBD for disk {filename}."); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error($"Failed to create VBD for disk {filename}." + "Please attach disk manually.", ex); } } else { log.WarnFormat( "Import: ================== ATTENTION NEEDED =======================" + "Import: Could not determine appropriate number for device placement." + "Import: Please Start, Logon, Shut down VM ({0}), then manually attach" + "Import: disks with labels with {0}_# that are not attached to {0}." + "Import: ===========================================================", vm.Name()); } #endregion break; #endregion } } } private string VerifyUserDevice(XenRef vmRef, string device) { log.DebugFormat("Import.VerifyUserDevice, checking device: {0} (99 = autoselect)", device); string usethisdevice = null; string[] allowedVBDs = VM.get_allowed_VBD_devices(Connection.Session, vmRef); if (allowedVBDs == null || allowedVBDs.Length <= 0) { log.ErrorFormat("OVF.VerifyUserDevice: No more available devices, cannot add device: {0}", device); return device + "+"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(device) && !device.StartsWith("99")) { foreach (string allowedvbd in allowedVBDs) { if (device.ToLower() == allowedvbd.ToLower()) { usethisdevice = device; log.DebugFormat("Import.VerifyUserDevice, device: {0} will be used.", device); break; } } } else { usethisdevice = allowedVBDs[0]; log.DebugFormat("Import.VerifyUserDevice, device [{0}] is not available, setting to: [{1}]", device, usethisdevice); } if (usethisdevice == null) { if (device != null && !device.EndsWith("+")) usethisdevice = device + "+"; } return usethisdevice; } private static void SetDeviceConnections(VirtualHardwareSection_Type vhs) { int[] connections = new int[16]; var rasdList = new List(vhs.Item); rasdList.Sort(OVF.CompareControllerRasd); // sorts based on ResourceType.Value // Xen does not support the different controller types, // therefore we must ensure via positional on controllers. // IDE - #1 // SCSI - #2 // IDE 0 Disk 0 Goes to Xen: userdevice=0 // IDE 0 Disk 1 Goes to Xen: userdevice=1 // IDE 1 CD/DVD 0 Goes to Xen: userdevice=2 // IDE 1 Disk 1 UnUsed ?????? // SCSI 0 Disk 0 Goes to Xen: userdevice=3 // SCSI 0 Disk 1 Goes to Xen: userdevice=4 // and so forth. foreach (RASD_Type rasd in rasdList) { switch (rasd.ResourceType.Value) { case 5: // IDE Controller #1 case 6: // Parallel SCSI HBA #2 case 7: // FC HBA #3 case 8: // iSCSI HBA #4 case 9: // IB HCA #5 { List connectedrasds = OVF.FindConnectedItems(rasd.InstanceID.Value, vhs.Item, null); foreach (RASD_Type _rasd in connectedrasds) { int deviceoffset = _rasd.ResourceType.Value == 15 || _rasd.ResourceType.Value == 16 ? 2 : 0; if (Tools.ValidateProperty("Connection", _rasd)) { if (!_rasd.Connection[0].Value.ToLower().Contains("device=")) { _rasd.Connection[0].Value = string.Format("{0},device={1}", _rasd.Connection[0].Value, FindNextAvailable(deviceoffset, connections, 0)); } } else { _rasd.Connection = new[] { new cimString(string.Format("device={0}", FindNextAvailable(deviceoffset, connections, 0))) }; } } break; } } } } private static int FindNextAvailable(int offset, int[] ids, int unusedkey) { int available = 0; for (int i = offset; i < ids.Length; i++) { if (ids[i] == unusedkey) { ids[i] = 1; available = i; break; } } return available; } private static void SetIfDeviceIsBootable(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, RASD_Type rasd) { // This is a best guess algorithm. // Without opening the VHD itself, there is no guaranteed method to delineate this. // If it's created by Kensho/XenConvert there will be a chance of having a clue. // Otherwise it'll be based upon 'order' and device 0 will be the bootable device. if (!Tools.ValidateProperty("Connection", rasd)) rasd.Connection = new[] {new cimString("")}; if (rasd.Connection[0].Value.Contains("bootable")) return; bool isBootable = false; VirtualDiskDesc_Type[] disks = null; foreach (Section_Type sect in ovfEnv.Sections) { if (sect is DiskSection_Type diskSect) disks = diskSect.Disk; } if (disks != null) { bool useHostResource = Tools.ValidateProperty("HostResource", rasd); var quantity = useHostResource ? rasd.HostResource[0].Value : rasd.InstanceID.Value; foreach (VirtualDiskDesc_Type disk in disks) { if (quantity.Contains(disk.diskId)) { isBootable = disk.isBootable; break; } } } if (!isBootable && Tools.ValidateProperty("Address", rasd) && (rasd.ResourceType.Value == 21 || rasd.ResourceType.Value == 5) && rasd.Address.Value == "0") { isBootable = true; } if (!isBootable && Tools.ValidateProperty("AddressOnParent", rasd) && (rasd.ResourceType.Value == 17 || rasd.ResourceType.Value == 19) && rasd.AddressOnParent.Value == "0") { isBootable = true; } if (!isBootable && rasd.Connection[0].Value.Contains("device=0")) isBootable = true; rasd.Connection[0].Value = $"{rasd.Connection[0].Value},bootable={isBootable}"; } private void CleanUpVm(XenRef vmRef) { var vdiRefs = new List>(); var vm = Connection.Resolve(vmRef); if (vm != null) foreach (var vbdRef in vm.VBDs) { VBD vbd = Connection.Resolve(vbdRef); if (vbd != null) { var vdi = Connection.Resolve(vbd.VDI); if (vdi != null) vdiRefs.Add(vbd.VDI); } } try { VM.destroy(Connection.Session, vmRef); } catch { log.Error($"Failed to destroy VM {vmRef.opaque_ref} after interrupted import."); } foreach (var vdiRef in vdiRefs) try { VDI.destroy(Connection.Session, vdiRef); } catch { log.Error($"Failed to destroy VDI {vdiRef.opaque_ref} after interrupted import."); } } } }