/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Actions; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Network; namespace XenAdmin.Model { public class Folders { public const String FOLDER = "folder"; public const String PATH_SEPARATOR = "/"; public static char[] PATH_SEPARATORS = new char[] { '/' }; public const String EMPTY_FOLDERS = "EMPTY_FOLDERS"; public const String EMPTY_FOLDERS_SEPARATOR = ";"; public static char[] EMPTY_FOLDERS_SEPARATORS = new char[] { ';' }; public static readonly Folder _root = null; static Folders() { _root = new Folder(null, Messages.FOLDERS); _root.opaque_ref = Folders.PATH_SEPARATOR; } private static bool updateEmptyFolders = false; public static void InitFolders() { Trace.Assert(InvokeHelper.Synchronizer != null); CollectionChangedWithInvoke = InvokeHelper.InvokeHandler(CollectionChanged); ConnectionsManager.XenConnections.CollectionChanged += XenConnections_CollectionChanged; foreach (IXenConnection connection in ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy) AddConnection(connection); } private static void XenConnections_CollectionChanged(object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { //Program.AssertOnEventThread(); InvokeHelper.BeginInvoke(() => { IXenConnection connection = e.Element as IXenConnection; if (connection == null) return; switch (e.Action) { case CollectionChangeAction.Add: AddConnection(connection); break; case CollectionChangeAction.Remove: RemoveConnection(connection); break; } }); } private static CollectionChangeEventHandler CollectionChangedWithInvoke; private static void AddConnection(IXenConnection connection) { connection.Cache.RegisterCollectionChanged(CollectionChangedWithInvoke); connection.Cache.RegisterCollectionChanged(CollectionChangedWithInvoke); connection.Cache.RegisterCollectionChanged(CollectionChangedWithInvoke); connection.Cache.RegisterCollectionChanged(CollectionChangedWithInvoke); connection.Cache.RegisterCollectionChanged(CollectionChangedWithInvoke); connection.Cache.RegisterCollectionChanged(CollectionChangedWithInvoke); connection.XenObjectsUpdated += connection_XenObjectsUpdated; InvokeHelper.Invoke(delegate() { UpdateAll(connection.Cache.Hosts); UpdateAll(connection.Cache.Networks); UpdateAll(connection.Cache.Pools); UpdateAll(connection.Cache.SRs); UpdateAll(connection.Cache.VDIs); UpdateAll(connection.Cache.VMs); UpdateEmptyFolders(connection); }); } private static void RemoveConnection(IXenConnection connection) { connection.Cache.DeregisterCollectionChanged(CollectionChangedWithInvoke); connection.Cache.DeregisterCollectionChanged(CollectionChangedWithInvoke); connection.Cache.DeregisterCollectionChanged(CollectionChangedWithInvoke); connection.Cache.DeregisterCollectionChanged(CollectionChangedWithInvoke); connection.Cache.DeregisterCollectionChanged(CollectionChangedWithInvoke); connection.Cache.DeregisterCollectionChanged(CollectionChangedWithInvoke); connection.XenObjectsUpdated -= connection_XenObjectsUpdated; } private static void CollectionChanged(Object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e) { InvokeHelper.AssertOnEventThread(); IXenObject ixmo = e.Element as IXenObject; if (ixmo == null) return; switch (e.Action) { case CollectionChangeAction.Add: ixmo.PropertyChanged += ServerXenObject_PropertyChanged; UpdateFolder(ixmo); if (ixmo is Pool) UpdateEmptyFolders(ixmo.Connection); break; case CollectionChangeAction.Remove: ixmo.PropertyChanged -= ServerXenObject_PropertyChanged; RemoveObject(ixmo); break; default: System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(false); break; } } static void connection_XenObjectsUpdated(object sender, EventArgs e) { IXenConnection connection = sender as IXenConnection; if (connection == null) return; if (updateEmptyFolders) { updateEmptyFolders = false; UpdateEmptyFolders(connection); } connection.Cache.CheckFoldersBatchChange(); } private static void ServerXenObject_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { IXenObject xenObject = (IXenObject) sender; if (e.PropertyName == "other_config") { UpdateFolder(xenObject); if (xenObject is Pool) updateEmptyFolders = true; } } private static void RemoveObject(IXenObject ixmo) { InvokeHelper.AssertOnEventThread(); XenRef path = new XenRef(ixmo.Path); Folder folder = ixmo.Connection.Resolve(path); if (folder != null) { folder.RemoveObject(ixmo); PotentiallyRemoveFolder(folder); } } private static void UpdateAll(IXenObject[] ixmos) { foreach (IXenObject ixmo in ixmos) { ixmo.PropertyChanged -= ServerXenObject_PropertyChanged; ixmo.PropertyChanged += ServerXenObject_PropertyChanged; UpdateFolder(ixmo); } } private static void UpdateFolder(IXenObject ixmo) { InvokeHelper.AssertOnEventThread(); IXenConnection connection = ixmo.Connection; XenRef oldPath = new XenRef(ixmo.Path); Folder oldFolder = connection.Resolve(oldPath); String newPath = GetPathFromOtherConfig(ixmo); if (oldPath.opaque_ref.Equals(newPath) && (newPath.Trim().Length == 0 || oldFolder != null)) return; Folder newFolder = GetOrCreateFolder(connection, newPath); if (newFolder != null) newFolder.AddObject(ixmo); if (oldFolder != null) { oldFolder.RemoveObject(ixmo); PotentiallyRemoveFolder(oldFolder); } ixmo.Path = newPath; } private static void PotentiallyRemoveFolder(Folder folder) { if (folder == null || folder.XenObjectsCount > 0) return; String[] emptyFolders = GetEmptyFolders(folder.Connection); if (Array.BinarySearch(emptyFolders, folder.opaque_ref) >= 0) return; if (folder.Parent != null) folder.Parent.RemoveObject(folder); folder.Connection.Cache.RemoveFolder(new XenRef(folder.opaque_ref)); PotentiallyRemoveFolder(folder.Parent); } internal static string[] GetEmptyFolders(IXenConnection connection) { Pool pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(connection); return pool == null ? new string[0] : GetEmptyFolders(pool); } internal static string[] GetEmptyFolders(Pool pool) { string emptyFolder = GetEmptyFoldersString(pool); if (emptyFolder == "") return new string[0]; string[] emptyFolders = Array.FindAll( emptyFolder.Split(EMPTY_FOLDERS_SEPARATORS), (Predicate)delegate(string s) { return s.StartsWith("/"); }); Array.Sort(emptyFolders); return emptyFolders; } internal static string GetEmptyFoldersString(Pool pool) { Dictionary other_config = pool.other_config; string v; return other_config == null ? "" : other_config.TryGetValue(Folders.EMPTY_FOLDERS, out v) ? v : ""; } private static void UpdateEmptyFolders(IXenConnection connection) { InvokeHelper.AssertOnEventThread(); String[] emptyFolders = GetEmptyFolders(connection); Folder root = connection.Resolve(new XenRef(PATH_SEPARATOR)); if (root != null) PurgeEmptyFolders(emptyFolders, root); foreach (String path in emptyFolders) GetOrCreateFolder(connection, path); } private static void PurgeEmptyFolders(String[] emptyFolders, Folder folder) { List toRemove = new List(); foreach (IXenObject ixmo in folder.XenObjects) { Folder subFolder = ixmo as Folder; if (subFolder == null) continue; PurgeEmptyFolders(emptyFolders, subFolder); if (subFolder.XenObjectsCount <= 0 && Array.BinarySearch(emptyFolders, subFolder.opaque_ref) < 0) { toRemove.Add(subFolder); continue; } } foreach (Folder subFolder in toRemove) { folder.RemoveObject(subFolder); folder.Connection.Cache.RemoveFolder(new XenRef(subFolder.opaque_ref)); } } private static Folder GetOrCreateFolder(IXenConnection connection, String path) { String[] points = PointToPath(path); if (points == null) return null; return GetOrCreateFolder(connection, points, points.Length); } private static Folder GetOrCreateFolder(IXenConnection connection, String[] path, int i) { if(i < 0) return null; XenRef pathToPoint = new XenRef(PathToPoint(path, i)); Folder folder = connection.Resolve(pathToPoint); if (folder != null) return folder; Folder parent = GetOrCreateFolder(connection, path, i - 1); String name = i - 1 >= 0 ? path[i - 1] : String.Empty; Folder _folder = new Folder(parent, name); _folder.Path = (parent == null ? "" : parent.opaque_ref); _folder.opaque_ref = pathToPoint.opaque_ref; _folder.Connection = connection; if(parent != null) parent.AddObject(_folder); connection.Cache.AddFolder(pathToPoint, _folder); return _folder; } public static Folder GetFolder(IXenObject o) { if (o == null || o.Connection == null) return null; return o.Connection.Resolve(new XenRef(o.Path)); } public static ComparableList GetAncestorFolders(IXenObject o) { ComparableList folders = new ComparableList(); for (Folder folder = GetFolder(o); folder != null && !folder.IsRootFolder; folder = folder.Parent) { folders.Add(folder); } return folders; } public static String[] PointToPath(String path) { path = path.Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) return null; path = path.TrimStart(PATH_SEPARATORS); return path.Split(PATH_SEPARATORS, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } public static String PathToPoint(String[] path, int depth) { return PATH_SEPARATOR + String.Join(PATH_SEPARATOR, path, 0, depth); } private static String GetPathFromOtherConfig(IXenObject o) { return GetFolderString(o) ?? ""; } internal static string GetFolderString(IXenObject o) { Dictionary other_config = Helpers.GetOtherConfig(o); string v; return other_config == null ? null : other_config.TryGetValue(FOLDER, out v) ? v : null; } public static void Create(IXenConnection connection, params string[] paths) { if (paths.Length > 0) new CreateFolderAction(connection, paths).RunAsync(); } public static void Move(Session session, IXenObject ixmo, Folder target) { if (ixmo == null || target == null) return; // First check we're not moving parent -> child if (target.IsChildOf(ixmo)) return; // Then check the object is not already in the folder for (int i = 0; i < target.XenObjects.Length; i++) { if (target.XenObjects[i].opaque_ref == ixmo.opaque_ref) return; } FolderAction action = new MoveToFolderAction(ixmo, target); if (session == null) action.RunAsync(); else action.RunExternal(session); } public static void Move(IXenObject ixmo, Folder target) { Move(null, ixmo, target); } public static void Move(Session session, IXenObject ixmo, string target) { Folder folder = GetOrCreateFolder(ixmo.Connection, target); Move(session, ixmo, folder); } public static void Rename(Folder folder, string new_name) { if (folder == null) return; new RenameFolderAction(folder, new_name).RunAsync(); } public static void Unfolder(Session session, IXenObject ixmo) { if (ixmo == null) return; var action = new DeleteFolderAction(ixmo); if (session == null) action.RunAsync(); else action.RunExternal(session); } public static void Unfolder(IXenObject ixmo) { Unfolder(null, ixmo); } // Fix up a path name to avoid empty folders or leading/trailing whitespace: CA-26707 public static void FixupRelativePath(ref string name) { if (name == null) return; name = name.Trim(); name = name.Replace("\t", " "); int oldLength; do { oldLength = name.Length; name = name.Replace("//", "/"); name = name.Replace("/ ", "/"); name = name.Replace(" /", "/"); } while (oldLength != name.Length); name = name.Trim('/'); } // The first part can end with "/" or not, but the second should have been // cleaned up with FixupRelativePath() first. public static String AppendPath(String first, String second) { return first.EndsWith(PATH_SEPARATOR) ? first + second : first + PATH_SEPARATOR + second; } /// /// Iterate over all immediate children of a folder, across all connections /// public static IEnumerable Children(string path) { List seen = new List(); foreach (IXenConnection connection in ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy) { if (!connection.IsConnected || Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(connection) == null) continue; Folder folder = connection.Resolve(new XenRef(path)); if (folder == null) continue; foreach (IXenObject ixmo in folder.XenObjects) { if (seen.Contains(ixmo.opaque_ref)) continue; seen.Add(ixmo.opaque_ref); yield return ixmo; } } } /// /// Iterate over all descendants of a folder, across all connections /// Returns folders themselves as well as their contents /// public static IEnumerable Descendants(string path) { List seen = new List(); foreach (IXenConnection connection in ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy) { if (!connection.IsConnected || Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(connection) == null) continue; Folder folder = connection.Resolve(new XenRef(path)); if (folder == null) continue; foreach (IXenObject ixmo in folder.XenObjects) { if (seen.Contains(ixmo.opaque_ref)) continue; seen.Add(ixmo.opaque_ref); yield return ixmo; Folder subfolder = ixmo as Folder; if (subfolder != null) { foreach (IXenObject ixmo2 in Folders.Descendants(subfolder.opaque_ref)) yield return ixmo2; } } } } public static bool HasSubfolders(string path) { foreach (IXenObject ixmo in Children(path)) { if (ixmo is Folder) return true; } return false; } public static bool ContainsResources(string path) { foreach (IXenObject ixmo in Children(path)) { if (!(ixmo is Folder) || ContainsResources(ixmo.opaque_ref)) return true; } return false; } public static String GetParent(String p) { String[] points = PointToPath(p); if (points == null) return null; return PathToPoint(points, points.Length - 1); } } }