/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using XenAdmin.Actions; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Dialogs; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Alerts; using XenAdmin.Network; namespace XenAdmin.Core { public class Updates { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); public const string LastSeenServerVersionKey = "XenCenter.LastSeenServerVersion"; public static List XenCenterVersions = new List(); public static List XenServerVersions = new List(); public static List XenServerPatches = new List(); private static bool AllowUpdates { get { return !Helpers.CommonCriteriaCertificationRelease && (Properties.Settings.Default.AllowXenCenterUpdates || Properties.Settings.Default.AllowXenServerUpdates || Properties.Settings.Default.AllowPatchesUpdates); } } private static void RunCheckForUpdates(Action completedEvent) { DownloadUpdatesXmlAction action = new DownloadUpdatesXmlAction(); action.Completed += completedEvent; action.RunAsync(); } public static void CheckForUpdates(Action completedEvent) { if (Helpers.CommonCriteriaCertificationRelease) return; RunCheckForUpdates(completedEvent); } public static void AutomaticCheckForUpdates() { if (!AllowUpdates) return; RunCheckForUpdates(action_Completed); } private static void action_Completed(ActionBase sender) { DownloadUpdatesXmlAction action = (DownloadUpdatesXmlAction)sender; if (!action.Succeeded) return; XenCenterVersions = action.XenCenterVersions; XenServerVersions = action.XenServerVersions; XenServerPatches = action.XenServerPatches; CheckXenCenterVersion(); CheckServerPatches(); CheckServerVersion(); } private static XenCenterVersion GetLatestPublishedXenCenterVersion(List xenCenterVersions, Version programVersion) { if (xenCenterVersions.Count == 0 || programVersion == new Version(0, 0, 0, 0)) return null; List latest = new List(); foreach (XenCenterVersion v in xenCenterVersions) if (v.IsLatest) latest.Add(v); XenCenterVersion to_use = latest.Find(new Predicate(delegate(XenCenterVersion xcv) { return xcv.Lang == Program.CurrentLanguage; })); if (to_use == null) to_use = latest.Find(new Predicate(delegate(XenCenterVersion xcv) { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(xcv.Lang); })); return to_use; } private static void CheckXenCenterVersion() { if (!AllowUpdates || !Properties.Settings.Default.AllowXenCenterUpdates) return; XenCenterUpdateAlert alert = NewXenCenterVersionAlert(XenCenterVersions, true); if (alert != null) Alert.AddAlert(alert); } public static XenCenterUpdateAlert NewXenCenterVersionAlert(List xenCenterVersions, bool checkAlertIsAlreadyDismissed) { return NewXenCenterVersionAlert(xenCenterVersions, Program.Version, checkAlertIsAlreadyDismissed); } public static XenCenterUpdateAlert NewXenCenterVersionAlert(List xenCenterVersions, Version currentProgramVersion, bool checkAlertIsAlreadyDismissed) { if (Helpers.CommonCriteriaCertificationRelease) return null; XenCenterVersion toUse = GetLatestPublishedXenCenterVersion(xenCenterVersions, currentProgramVersion); if (toUse == null) return null; if (checkAlertIsAlreadyDismissed && (toUse.VersionAndLang == Properties.Settings.Default.LatestXenCenterSeen)) { log.Info(string.Format("Version {0} detected but already dismissed", toUse.VersionAndLang)); return null; } if (toUse.Version > currentProgramVersion || (toUse.Version == currentProgramVersion && toUse.Lang == Program.CurrentLanguage && !PropertyManager.IsCultureLoaded(Program.CurrentCulture))) { return new XenCenterUpdateAlert(toUse); } log.Info(string.Format("Not alerting XenCenter update - lastest = {0}, detected = {1}", toUse.VersionAndLang, Program.VersionAndLanguage)); return null; } public static List NewServerPatchesAlerts(List xenServerVersions, List xenServerPatches, bool checkAlertIsAlreadyDismissed) { if (Helpers.CommonCriteriaCertificationRelease) return null; List alerts = GetServerPatchesAlerts(xenServerVersions, xenServerPatches, checkAlertIsAlreadyDismissed); return alerts.Where(alert => !alert.CanIgnore).ToList(); } public static void CheckServerPatches() { if (!AllowUpdates || !Properties.Settings.Default.AllowPatchesUpdates) return; List alerts = GetServerPatchesAlerts(XenServerVersions, XenServerPatches, true); foreach (var alert in alerts) { Alert existingAlert = Alert.FindAlert(alert); if (existingAlert != null && alert.CanIgnore) Alert.RemoveAlert(existingAlert); else if (existingAlert != null) ((XenServerPatchAlert) existingAlert).CopyConnectionsAndHosts(alert); else if (!alert.CanIgnore) Alert.AddAlert(alert); } } private static XenServerPatchAlert GetServerPatchAlert(List alerts, XenServerPatch patch) { XenServerPatchAlert alert = new XenServerPatchAlert(patch); XenServerPatchAlert existingAlert = alerts.Find(al => al.Equals(alert)); if (existingAlert != null) alert = existingAlert; else alerts.Add(alert); return alert; } private static List GetServerPatchesAlerts(List xenServerVersions, List xenServerPatches, bool checkAlertIsAlreadyDismissed) { List alerts = new List(); foreach (IXenConnection xenConnection in ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy) { Host master = Helpers.GetMaster(xenConnection); Pool pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(xenConnection); List hosts = xenConnection.Cache.Hosts.ToList(); if (master == null || pool == null) continue; List serverVersions = xenServerVersions.FindAll(version => { if (version.BuildNumber != string.Empty) return (master.BuildNumberRaw == version.BuildNumber); return Helpers.HostProductVersionWithOEM(master) == version.VersionAndOEM || (version.Oem != null && Helpers.OEMName(master).StartsWith(version.Oem) && Helpers.HostProductVersion(master) == version.Version.ToString()); }); if (serverVersions.Count == 0) continue; foreach (XenServerVersion xenServerVersion in serverVersions) { XenServerVersion version = xenServerVersion; List patches = xenServerPatches.FindAll(patch => version.Patches.Contains(patch)); if (patches.Count == 0) continue; foreach (XenServerPatch xenServerPatch in patches) { XenServerPatchAlert alert = GetServerPatchAlert(alerts, xenServerPatch); if (checkAlertIsAlreadyDismissed && pool.other_config.ContainsKey(IgnorePatchAction.IgnorePatchKey)) { List ignorelist = new List(pool.other_config[IgnorePatchAction.IgnorePatchKey].Split(',')); if (ignorelist.Contains(xenServerPatch.Uuid)) { // we dont want to show the alert continue; } } XenServerPatch serverPatch = xenServerPatch; List noPatchHosts = hosts.Where(host => !host.AppliedPatches().Any(patch => patch.uuid == serverPatch.Uuid)).ToList(); if (noPatchHosts.Count == hosts.Count) alert.IncludeConnection(xenConnection); else alert.IncludeHosts(noPatchHosts); } } } return alerts; } private static List GetLatestSeenVersion(Pool pool) { if (!pool.other_config.ContainsKey(Updates.LastSeenServerVersionKey)) return new List(); return new List(pool.other_config[Updates.LastSeenServerVersionKey].Split(',')); } public static void CheckServerVersion() { if (!AllowUpdates || !Properties.Settings.Default.AllowXenServerUpdates) return; XenServerUpdateAlert alert = NewServerVersionAlert(XenServerVersions, true); if (alert == null) return; Alert existingAlert = Alert.FindAlert(alert); if (existingAlert != null && alert.CanIgnore) Alert.RemoveAlert(existingAlert); else if (existingAlert != null) ((XenServerUpdateAlert)existingAlert).CopyConnectionsAndHosts(alert); else if (!alert.CanIgnore) Alert.AddAlert(alert); } public static XenServerUpdateAlert NewServerVersionAlert(List xenServerVersions, bool checkAlertIsAlreadyDismissed) { if (Helpers.CommonCriteriaCertificationRelease) return null; List latestVersions = xenServerVersions.FindAll(item => item.Latest); if (latestVersions.Count == 0) return null; XenServerVersion latestVersion = latestVersions[0]; for (int i = 1; i < latestVersions.Count; i++) { XenServerVersion version = latestVersions[i]; if (version.Version > latestVersion.Version) latestVersion = version; } XenServerUpdateAlert alert = new XenServerUpdateAlert(latestVersion); foreach (IXenConnection xc in ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy) { Host master = Helpers.GetMaster(xc); Pool pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(xc); List hosts = xc.Cache.Hosts.ToList(); if (master == null || pool == null) continue; //check if the latest version has been already dismissed if (checkAlertIsAlreadyDismissed && GetLatestSeenVersion(pool).Contains(latestVersion.VersionAndOEM)) return null; List outOfDateHosts = hosts.Where(host => new Version(Helpers.HostProductVersion(host)) < latestVersion.Version).ToList(); if (outOfDateHosts.Count == hosts.Count) alert.IncludeConnection(xc); else alert.IncludeHosts(outOfDateHosts); } if (alert.CanIgnore) return null; return alert; } /// /// Equivalent to CheckForUpdates(). /// internal static void Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { AutomaticCheckForUpdates(); } } }