/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Text; using System.Xml; namespace ResxCheck { static class ResxCheck { /// /// Produces a list of unused resources in Messages and FriendlyNames. /// /// If true, will actually purge unused messages from the Messages.resx file public static void FindUnusedMessages(string rootDir, bool removeUnused) { Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(rootDir, @"XenModel\bin\Debug\XenModel.dll")); int totalMessages = 0, totalFriendlyErrorNames = 0; var resources = new List(); Type messagesType = assembly.GetType("XenAdmin.Messages"); Type friendlyNamesType = assembly.GetType("XenAdmin.FriendlyNames"); foreach (PropertyInfo property in messagesType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { resources.Add("Messages." + property.Name.Trim()); totalMessages++; } foreach (PropertyInfo property in friendlyNamesType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)) { resources.Add("FriendlyNames." + property.Name.Trim()); totalFriendlyErrorNames++; } // Build file list for project List files = new List(); RecursiveGetCsFiles(new DirectoryInfo(rootDir), files); files.RemoveAll(f => f.Name.StartsWith("Messages.") || f.Name.StartsWith("FriendlyNames.")); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Looking in {0} files", files.Count)); // Now remove resources from the list if they appear in source files foreach (FileInfo fileinfo in files) { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileinfo.FullName); foreach (string line in lines) { string curLine = line; resources.RemoveAll(resource => curLine.Contains(resource)); } } int messages = 0, friendlyErrorNames = 0; foreach (string unused in resources) { if (unused.StartsWith("Messages.")) { messages++; } else if (unused.StartsWith("FriendlyNames.")) { friendlyErrorNames++; } Console.WriteLine(unused); } Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Messages.resx: {0}/{1} are unused", messages, totalMessages)); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("FriendlyNames.resx: {0}/{1} are unused", friendlyErrorNames, totalFriendlyErrorNames)); // Remove unused messages from Messages.rex. Note that this method is extremely // crude and depends on the exact format of the XML. if (removeUnused) { Console.WriteLine("Removing unused messages from Messages.resx"); List unusedFromMessages = new List(); foreach (string line in resources) { if (line.StartsWith("Messages.")) { unusedFromMessages.Add(line.Substring(9)); } } string path = Path.Combine(rootDir, "Messages.resx"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(File.ReadAllText(path)); List nodesToRemove = new List(); foreach (XmlNode node in doc.GetElementsByTagName("data")) { if (unusedFromMessages.Contains(node.Attributes["name"].Value)) { nodesToRemove.Add(node); } } foreach (XmlNode node in nodesToRemove) { doc.ChildNodes[1].RemoveChild(node); } doc.Save(path); } } private static void RecursiveGetCsFiles(DirectoryInfo dir, List files) { files.AddRange(dir.GetFiles("*.cs")); foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dir.GetDirectories()) { RecursiveGetCsFiles(subdir, files); } } private static void RecursiveGetResxFiles(DirectoryInfo dir, List files) { files.AddRange(dir.GetFiles("*.resx")); foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in dir.GetDirectories()) { if (subdir.Name == "i18n") continue; RecursiveGetResxFiles(subdir, files); } } private static void FindNodesInJaButNotEn(string rootDir) { // Find all english resxs List enResxFiles = new List(); RecursiveGetResxFiles(new DirectoryInfo(rootDir), enResxFiles); foreach (FileInfo enResxFile in enResxFiles) { string enResxPath = enResxFile.FullName; XmlDocument enXml = new XmlDocument(); enXml.LoadXml(File.ReadAllText(enResxPath)); string jaFilename = enResxPath.Substring(rootDir.Length); jaFilename = jaFilename.Insert(jaFilename.Length - 5, ".ja"); string jaResxPath = rootDir + "\\i18n\\ja" + jaFilename; XmlDocument jaXml = new XmlDocument(); if (!File.Exists(jaResxPath)) { continue; } jaXml.LoadXml(File.ReadAllText(jaResxPath)); XmlNodeList enDataNodes = enXml.GetElementsByTagName("data"); XmlNodeList jaDataNodes = jaXml.GetElementsByTagName("data"); List jaDataNodeList = new List(); foreach (XmlNode jaNode in jaDataNodes) { jaDataNodeList.Add(jaNode); } List inJaButNotEn = jaDataNodeList.FindAll((Predicate)delegate(XmlNode jaNode) { string jaDataName = jaNode.Attributes["name"].Value; foreach (XmlNode enNode in enDataNodes) { if (enNode.Attributes["name"].Value == jaDataName) { return enNode.InnerXml != jaNode.InnerXml; } } return true; }); foreach (XmlNode node in inJaButNotEn) { System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("'{0}' is in '{1}' but not in '{2}'", node.Attributes["name"].Value, jaResxPath, enResxFile.Name)); } } } private static readonly string[] i18nYes = new string[] { "Text", "ToolTipText", "HeaderText", "AccessibleDescription", "ToolTip", "Filter" }; private static readonly string[] i18nNo = new string[] { "ZOrder", "Size", "Location", "Anchor", "Type", "MinimumSize", "ClientSize", "Font", "TabIndex", "Parent", "LayoutSettings", "Margin", "Padding", "ColumnCount", "Dock", "AutoSize", "Name", "ImeMode", "IntegralHeight", "Visible", "InitialImage", "AutoScaleDimensions", "FlowDirection", "RowCount", "ImageAlign", "WrapContents", "Enabled", "TextAlign", "StartPosition", "SizeMode", "Multiline", "ScrollBars", "ItemHeight", "CellBorderStyle", "AutoSizeMode", "Image", "AutoCompleteCustomSource", "AutoCompleteCustomSource1", "AutoCompleteCustomSource2", "BulletIndent", "Width", "MinimumWidth", "AutoScroll", "ImageSize", "MaxLength", "BackgroundImageLayout", "ImageTransparentColor", "ImageIndex", "SplitterDistance", "MaximumSize", "ThousandsSeparator", "RightToLeft", "TextImageRelation", "ContentAlignment", "SelectedImageIndex", "HorizontalScrollbar", "CheckAlign", "RightToLeftLayout", "ShowShortcutKeys", "ShortcutKeys", "ShortcutKeyDisplayString", "Localizable", "Icon", "Menu", "AutoScrollMinSize", "Items", "ScrollAlwaysVisible", "Items1", "Items2", "Items3", "MaxDropDownItems" }; private static bool IsI18nableProperty(string filename, string name) { foreach (string property in i18nYes) { if (name.EndsWith("." + property)) { // Keep these tags return true; } } foreach (string property in i18nNo) { if (name.EndsWith("." + property)) { // Reject these tags return false; } } // We haven't seen these tags before - keep them but issue a notification Console.WriteLine(filename + ": " + name); return true; } private static bool ExcludeResx(string filePath) { return filePath.EndsWith(@"\Properties\Resources.resx") || filePath.EndsWith(@"\Help\HelpManager.resx") || filePath.EndsWith(@"\DotNetVnc\KeyMap.resx"); } /// /// Try from the immediate window e.g. /// XenAdmin.ResxCheck.TrimJaResxs(@"C:\Documents and Settings\hwarrington\xenadmin-unstable.hg\XenAdmin") /// /// private static void TrimJaResxs(string rootDir) { // Find all english resxs List enResxFiles = new List(); RecursiveGetResxFiles(new DirectoryInfo(rootDir), enResxFiles); List names = new List(); foreach (FileInfo enResxFile in enResxFiles) { if (ExcludeResx(enResxFile.FullName)) { continue; } // Load the en resx string enResxPath = enResxFile.FullName; XmlDocument enXml = new XmlDocument(); enXml.LoadXml(File.ReadAllText(enResxPath)); XmlNodeList enDataNodes = enXml.GetElementsByTagName("data"); // Find the ja resx string jaFilename = enResxPath.Substring(rootDir.Length); jaFilename = jaFilename.Insert(jaFilename.Length - 5, ".ja"); string jaResxPath = rootDir + "\\i18n\\ja" + jaFilename; if (!File.Exists(jaResxPath)) { // There is no ja resx file corresponding to the en resx. We need to check there are no i18nable tags // in the en resx. bool i18nRequired = false; foreach (XmlNode enNode in enDataNodes) { if (IsI18nableProperty(enResxFile.Name, enNode.Attributes["name"].Value)) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} is missing. Tag {1} needs i18n. Copying en resx across.", jaFilename, enNode.Attributes["name"].Value)); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(jaResxPath)); File.Copy(enResxPath, jaResxPath); i18nRequired = true; break; } } if (!i18nRequired) { continue; } } // Load the ja resx XmlDocument jaXml = new XmlDocument(); jaXml.LoadXml(File.ReadAllText(jaResxPath)); XmlNodeList jaDataNodes = jaXml.GetElementsByTagName("data"); // Take a copy of the jaDataNodes List jaDataNodeList = new List(); foreach (XmlNode node in jaDataNodes) { jaDataNodeList.Add(node); } // Go through all the ja nodes, keeping only the ones where their values differ from the en original // Don't bother to do this for the messages files. if (enResxFile.Name != "Messages.resx" && enResxFile.Name != "FriendlyNames.resx" && enResxFile.Name != "FriendlyNames.resx") { foreach (XmlNode jaNode in jaDataNodeList) { string jaDataName = jaNode.Attributes["name"].Value; if (!IsI18nableProperty(jaFilename, jaDataName)) { // Delete node jaXml.GetElementsByTagName("root")[0].RemoveChild(jaNode); continue; } foreach (XmlNode enNode in enDataNodes) { if (enNode.Attributes["name"].Value == jaDataName) { if (enNode.InnerXml == jaNode.InnerXml) { // If node unchanged, delete it jaXml.GetElementsByTagName("root")[0].RemoveChild(jaNode); break; } } } } } // Now add any nodes that are in en but not ja (as long as they are of the i18nable types). foreach (XmlNode enNode in enDataNodes) { bool needToAdd = true; foreach (XmlNode jaNode in jaDataNodes) { if (enNode.Attributes["name"].Value == jaNode.Attributes["name"].Value) { needToAdd = false; break; } } if (needToAdd && IsI18nableProperty(enResxFile.Name, enNode.Attributes["name"].Value)) { XmlNode n = jaXml.GetElementsByTagName("root")[0].AppendChild(jaXml.ImportNode(enNode, true)); foreach (XmlNode child in n.ChildNodes) { if (child is XmlWhitespace) continue; if (child is XmlSignificantWhitespace) continue; else child.InnerText += " (ja)"; } } } XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.CloseOutput = true; settings.Indent = true; XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(jaResxPath, settings); jaXml.WriteContentTo(writer); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); } Console.WriteLine("Done"); } /// /// Checks I haven't screwed stuff up while changing the autogen resx stuff. /// public static void CheckNotBorked() { XmlDocument origXml = new XmlDocument(); origXml.LoadXml(File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Documents and Settings\hwarrington\xenadmin-unstable.hg\XenAdmin\XenAPI\FriendlyNames.resx")); XmlDocument newXml = new XmlDocument(); newXml.LoadXml(File.ReadAllText(@"Q:\local\scratch-2\hwarrington\build.hg\myrepos\api.hg\ocaml\idl\csharp_backend\autogen-gui\FriendlyNames.resx")); CheckAIncludesB(origXml, newXml); CheckAIncludesB(newXml, origXml); } private static XmlNode FindByName(XmlDocument doc, string name) { foreach (XmlNode node in doc.GetElementsByTagName("data")) { if (name == node.Attributes["name"].Value) return node; } return null; } private static void CheckAIncludesB(XmlDocument origXml, XmlDocument newXml) { XmlNodeList origDataNodes = origXml.GetElementsByTagName("data"); foreach (XmlNode oldNode in origDataNodes) { string name = oldNode.Attributes["name"].Value; string oldValue = oldNode.InnerXml; XmlNode newNode = FindByName(newXml, name); if (newNode == null) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Node with name {0} exists in old but not new!", name)); } string newValue = newNode.InnerXml; if (newValue != oldValue) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Node with name {0} has value {1} in old but {2} in new!", name, oldValue, newValue)); } } } } }