/* Copyright (c) Cloud Software Group, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAPI; namespace XenAdmin.Wizards { public partial class BootModesControl : UserControl { private VM _templateVM; private IXenConnection _connection; private bool _poolHasCertificates; public BootModesControl() { InitializeComponent(); } [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public VM TemplateVM { get => _templateVM; set { if (_templateVM == value) return; _templateVM = value; if (_templateVM != null) { _connection = _templateVM.Connection; var pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(_connection); _poolHasCertificates = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pool?.uefi_certificates); } UpdateControls(); UpdateTpmControls(); } } [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public IXenConnection Connection { get => _connection; set { if (_connection == value) return; _connection = value; var pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(_connection); _poolHasCertificates = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pool?.uefi_certificates); UpdateControls(); UpdateTpmControls(); } } public VmBootMode SelectedBootMode => radioButtonUEFISecureBoot.Checked ? VmBootMode.SecureUefi : radioButtonUEFIBoot.Checked ? VmBootMode.Uefi : VmBootMode.Bios; public bool AssignVtpm => !IsVtpmTemplate && checkBoxVtpm.Checked; private bool IsVtpmTemplate => _templateVM != null && _templateVM.is_a_template && _templateVM.platform.TryGetValue("vtpm", out var result) && result.ToLower() == "true"; public void CheckBIOSBootMode() { radioButtonBIOSBoot.Checked = true; } private void UpdateBiosWarning(string text) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { imgBios.Visible = labelBios.Visible = false; return; } imgBios.Visible = labelBios.Visible = true; labelBios.Text = text; } private void UpdateUefiWarning(string text) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { imgUefi.Visible = labelUefi.Visible = false; return; } imgUefi.Visible = labelUefi.Visible = true; labelUefi.Text = text; } private void UpdateSecureUefiWarning(string text, bool isInfo = true) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { imgSecureUefi.Visible = labelSecureUefi.Visible = false; return; } imgSecureUefi.Visible = labelSecureUefi.Visible = true; labelSecureUefi.Text = text; imgSecureUefi.Image = isInfo ? Images.StaticImages._000_Info3_h32bit_16 : Images.StaticImages._000_Alert2_h32bit_16; } private void UpdateControls() { UpdateBiosWarning(null); UpdateUefiWarning(null); UpdateSecureUefiWarning(null); radioButtonUEFIBoot.Visible = !Helpers.FeatureForbidden(_connection, Host.UefiBootDisabled); radioButtonUEFISecureBoot.Visible = !Helpers.FeatureForbidden(_connection, Host.UefiSecureBootDisabled); if (_templateVM == null) { radioButtonBIOSBoot.Enabled = radioButtonUEFIBoot.Enabled = radioButtonUEFISecureBoot.Enabled = true; radioButtonBIOSBoot.Checked = true; return; } radioButtonBIOSBoot.Enabled = true; radioButtonUEFIBoot.Enabled = _templateVM.SupportsUefiBoot(); if (!radioButtonUEFIBoot.Enabled) UpdateUefiWarning(Messages.BOOT_MODE_UNSUPPORTED_WARNING); radioButtonUEFISecureBoot.Enabled = _templateVM.SupportsSecureUefiBoot(); if (!radioButtonUEFISecureBoot.Enabled) UpdateSecureUefiWarning(Messages.BOOT_MODE_UNSUPPORTED_WARNING); if (_templateVM.IsHVM() && _templateVM.IsDefaultBootModeUefi()) { if (!_templateVM.CanChangeBootMode() || IsVtpmTemplate) { radioButtonBIOSBoot.Enabled = false; UpdateBiosWarning(Messages.BOOT_MODE_UNSUPPORTED_WARNING); } var secureBoot = _templateVM.GetSecureBootMode(); if (secureBoot == "true" || secureBoot == "auto" && _poolHasCertificates) radioButtonUEFISecureBoot.Checked = true; else radioButtonUEFIBoot.Checked = true; if (radioButtonUEFISecureBoot.Enabled && radioButtonUEFISecureBoot.Checked && !_poolHasCertificates) UpdateSecureUefiWarning(Messages.GUEFI_SECUREBOOT_MODE_MISSING_CERTIFICATES, false); } else { if (!_templateVM.CanChangeBootMode()) radioButtonUEFIBoot.Enabled = radioButtonUEFISecureBoot.Enabled = false; radioButtonBIOSBoot.Checked = true; } } private void UpdateTpmControls() { if (_templateVM != null) { var vtpmSupported = !Helpers.FeatureForbidden(_connection, Host.RestrictVtpm) && Helpers.XapiEqualOrGreater_22_26_0(_connection) && (radioButtonUEFIBoot.Visible || radioButtonUEFISecureBoot.Visible) && (radioButtonUEFIBoot.Enabled || radioButtonUEFISecureBoot.Enabled); groupBoxDevSecurity.Visible = vtpmSupported; checkBoxVtpm.Enabled = vtpmSupported && !radioButtonBIOSBoot.Checked && !IsVtpmTemplate && _templateVM.VTPMs.Count < VM.MAX_ALLOWED_VTPMS; checkBoxVtpm.Checked = vtpmSupported && !radioButtonBIOSBoot.Checked && IsVtpmTemplate && _templateVM.VTPMs.Count < VM.MAX_ALLOWED_VTPMS; if (_templateVM.VTPMs.Count == VM.MAX_ALLOWED_VTPMS) labelTpm.Text = _templateVM.VTPMs.Count == 1 ? string.Format(Messages.VTPM_MAX_REACHED_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_ONE, VM.MAX_ALLOWED_VTPMS) : string.Format(Messages.VTPM_MAX_REACHED_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_MANY, VM.MAX_ALLOWED_VTPMS); else if (radioButtonBIOSBoot.Checked) labelTpm.Text = Messages.COMMAND_VTPM_DISABLED_NON_UEFI; } else { groupBoxDevSecurity.Visible = false; checkBoxVtpm.Enabled = false; checkBoxVtpm.Checked = false; } labelTpm.Visible = imgTpm.Visible = groupBoxDevSecurity.Visible && !checkBoxVtpm.Enabled && !checkBoxVtpm.Checked; } public static bool ShowBootModeOptions(IXenConnection connection) { return Helpers.NaplesOrGreater(connection) && (!Helpers.FeatureForbidden(connection, Host.UefiBootDisabled) || !Helpers.FeatureForbidden(connection, Host.UefiSecureBootDisabled)); } private void radioButtonBIOSBoot_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { UpdateTpmControls(); } private void radioButtonUEFISecureBoot_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (radioButtonUEFISecureBoot.Checked && !_poolHasCertificates) UpdateSecureUefiWarning(Messages.GUEFI_SECUREBOOT_MODE_MISSING_CERTIFICATES, false); else UpdateSecureUefiWarning(null); } } }