/* Copyright (c) Cloud Software Group, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Controls; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Actions.DR; namespace XenAdmin.Wizards.DRWizards { public partial class DRFailoverWizardAppliancesPage : XenTabPage { private Pool _pool; public Pool Pool { get { return _pool; } set { _pool = value; if (_pool != null) labelPageDescription.Text = string.Format(labelPageDescription.Text, Pool.Name()); } } public DRFailoverWizardAppliancesPage() { InitializeComponent(); } public override string Text { get { return Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_TEXT; } } public override string PageTitle { get { switch (WizardType) { case DRWizardType.Failback: return Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_TITLE_FAILBACK; default: return Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_TITLE_FAILOVER; } } } public override string HelpID { get { switch (WizardType) { case DRWizardType.Failback: return "Failback_vApps"; case DRWizardType.Dryrun: return "Dryrun_vApps"; default: return "Failover_vApps"; } } } public override bool EnableNext() { int checkedItems = ApplianceTreeView.CheckedItems().Count; buttonClearAll.Enabled = checkedItems > 0; buttonSelectAll.Enabled = checkedItems < ApplianceTreeView.Items.Count; return checkedItems > 0; } private Dictionary, PoolMetadata> allPoolMetadata; public Dictionary, PoolMetadata> AllPoolMetadata { set { allPoolMetadata = value; } } private Dictionary, PoolMetadata> selectedPoolMetadata = new Dictionary, PoolMetadata>(); public DRWizardType WizardType { private get; set; } public Dictionary, PoolMetadata> SelectedPoolMetadata { get { return selectedPoolMetadata; } } protected override void PageLoadedCore(PageLoadedDirection direction) { if (direction == PageLoadedDirection.Forward) { SetupLabels(); PopulateTreeView(); } } void SetupLabels() { switch (WizardType) { case DRWizardType.Failback: labelPageDescription.Text = String.Format(Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_DESCRIPTION_FAILBACK, Pool.Name()); radioButtonStart.Text = Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_FAILBACK_START; radioButtonPaused.Text = Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_FAILBACK_STARTPAUSED; radioButtonDoNotStart.Text = Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_FAILBACK_DONOTSTART; break; default: labelPageDescription.Text = Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_DESCRIPTION_FAILOVER; radioButtonStart.Text = Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_FAILOVER_START; radioButtonPaused.Text = Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_FAILOVER_STARTPAUSED; radioButtonDoNotStart.Text = Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_FAILOVER_DONOTSTART; break; } var dryrun = WizardType == DRWizardType.Dryrun; radioButtonPaused.Visible = dryrun; radioButtonPaused.Checked = dryrun; radioButtonStart.Visible = !dryrun; } private void PopulateTreeView(PoolMetadata poolMetadata, CustomTreeNode parentNode) { ApplianceTreeView.BeginUpdate(); ApplianceTreeView.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { if (poolMetadata.VmAppliances != null && poolMetadata.VmAppliances.Count > 0) { foreach (var applianceItem in poolMetadata.VmAppliances) { ApplianceNode applianceNode = new ApplianceNode(applianceItem.Key, applianceItem.Value); if (parentNode != null) { ApplianceTreeView.AddChildNode(parentNode, applianceNode); applianceNode.Enabled = parentNode.Enabled; } else ApplianceTreeView.AddNode(applianceNode); foreach (XenRef vmRef in applianceItem.Value.VMs) { if (poolMetadata.Vms.ContainsKey(vmRef)) { VmNode vmNode = new VmNode(vmRef, poolMetadata.Vms[vmRef], false); ApplianceTreeView.AddChildNode(applianceNode, vmNode); vmNode.Enabled = applianceNode.Enabled; } } applianceNode.Expanded = false; } } if (poolMetadata.Vms != null || poolMetadata.Vms.Count > 0) { foreach (var vmItem in poolMetadata.Vms) { if (vmItem.Value.IsAssignedToVapp()) { //VM included in an appliance continue; } VmNode vmNode = new VmNode(vmItem.Key, vmItem.Value, true); if (parentNode != null) { ApplianceTreeView.AddChildNode(parentNode, vmNode); vmNode.Enabled = parentNode.Enabled; } else ApplianceTreeView.AddNode(vmNode); } } } finally { ApplianceTreeView.EndUpdate(); ApplianceTreeView.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } } private void PopulateTreeView() { ApplianceTreeView.BeginUpdate(); ApplianceTreeView.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; try { ApplianceTreeView.ClearAllNodes(); foreach (var vdiRef in allPoolMetadata.Keys) { PoolMetadata poolMetadata = allPoolMetadata[vdiRef]; //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(poolMetadata.Pool.Name)) { string description = poolMetadata.Pool.uuid == Pool.uuid ? Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_CURRENT_POOL : string.Empty; PoolNode poolNode = new PoolNode(vdiRef, poolMetadata.Pool.Name(), description); ApplianceTreeView.AddNode(poolNode); poolNode.Enabled = (poolMetadata.Pool.uuid != Pool.uuid); PopulateTreeView(poolMetadata, poolNode); } } } finally { ApplianceTreeView.EndUpdate(); ApplianceTreeView.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } } private void ApplianceTreeView_ItemCheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { CustomTreeNode node = sender as CustomTreeNode; var poolNode = node.ParentNode as PoolNode; if (poolNode == null) return; XenRef vdiRef = poolNode.VdiRef; // add pool if needed if (node.State == CheckState.Checked && !selectedPoolMetadata.ContainsKey(vdiRef)) { selectedPoolMetadata.Add(vdiRef, new PoolMetadata(allPoolMetadata[vdiRef].Pool, allPoolMetadata[vdiRef].Vdi)); } if (!selectedPoolMetadata.ContainsKey(vdiRef)) return; DoOnNodeStateChanged(node, vdiRef); // remove pool if no appliance or vm selected if (selectedPoolMetadata[vdiRef].VmAppliances.Count == 0 && selectedPoolMetadata[vdiRef].Vms.Count == 0) { selectedPoolMetadata.Remove(vdiRef); } OnPageUpdated(); } private void DoOnNodeStateChanged(CustomTreeNode node, XenRef vdiRef) { var applianceNode = node as ApplianceNode; if (applianceNode != null) { switch (applianceNode.State) { case CheckState.Checked: if (!selectedPoolMetadata[vdiRef].VmAppliances.ContainsKey(applianceNode.ApplianceRef)) selectedPoolMetadata[vdiRef].VmAppliances.Add(applianceNode.ApplianceRef, applianceNode.Appliance); break; case CheckState.Unchecked: if (selectedPoolMetadata[vdiRef].VmAppliances.ContainsKey(applianceNode.ApplianceRef)) selectedPoolMetadata[vdiRef].VmAppliances.Remove(applianceNode.ApplianceRef); break; } foreach (var childNode in applianceNode.ChildNodes) { childNode.State = applianceNode.State; DoOnNodeStateChanged(childNode, vdiRef); } return; } var vmNode = node as VmNode; if (vmNode != null) { switch (vmNode.State) { case CheckState.Checked: if (!selectedPoolMetadata[vdiRef].Vms.ContainsKey(vmNode.VmRef)) selectedPoolMetadata[vdiRef].Vms.Add(vmNode.VmRef, vmNode.Vm); break; case CheckState.Unchecked: if (selectedPoolMetadata[vdiRef].Vms.ContainsKey(vmNode.VmRef)) selectedPoolMetadata[vdiRef].Vms.Remove(vmNode.VmRef); break; } } } private void buttonSelectAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (CustomTreeNode node in ApplianceTreeView.Items) { if (!node.HideCheckbox) { node.State = CheckState.Checked; ApplianceTreeView_ItemCheckChanged(node, new EventArgs()); } } ApplianceTreeView.Refresh(); } private void buttonClearAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (CustomTreeNode node in ApplianceTreeView.Items) { if (!node.HideCheckbox) { node.State = CheckState.Unchecked; ApplianceTreeView_ItemCheckChanged(node, new EventArgs()); } } ApplianceTreeView.Refresh(); } public StartActionAfterRecovery StartActionAfterRecovery { get { if (radioButtonStart.Checked) return StartActionAfterRecovery.Start; if (radioButtonPaused.Checked) return StartActionAfterRecovery.StartPaused; return StartActionAfterRecovery.None; } } public string GetSelectedPowerStateDescription() { switch (StartActionAfterRecovery) { case StartActionAfterRecovery.Start: return WizardType == DRWizardType.Failback ? Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_FAILBACK_START_NOAMP : Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_FAILOVER_START_NOAMP; case StartActionAfterRecovery.StartPaused: return WizardType == DRWizardType.Failback ? Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_FAILBACK_STARTPAUSED_NOAMP : Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_FAILOVER_STARTPAUSED_NOAMP; default: return WizardType == DRWizardType.Failback ? Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_FAILBACK_DONOTSTART_NOAMP : Messages.DR_WIZARD_APPLIANCESPAGE_FAILOVER_DONOTSTART_NOAMP; } } } class PoolNode : CustomTreeNode { public string PoolName; public XenRef VdiRef; private string description; public PoolNode(XenRef vdiRef, string poolName, string description) : base(true) { PoolName = poolName; VdiRef = vdiRef; this.description = description; Update(); } private void Update() { Text = PoolName; Image = Images.GetImage16For(Icons.Pool); Description = description; Enabled = true; HideCheckbox = true; Expanded = true; } } class ApplianceNode : CustomTreeNode { public XenRef ApplianceRef; public VM_appliance Appliance; public ApplianceNode(XenRef applianceRef, VM_appliance appliance) : base(true) { ApplianceRef = applianceRef; Appliance = appliance; Update(); } private void Update() { Text = Appliance.Name(); Image = Images.GetImage16For(Appliance); Description = ""; Enabled = true; HideCheckbox = false; } } class VmNode : CustomTreeNode, IEquatable { public XenRef VmRef; public VM Vm; public VmNode(XenRef vmRef, VM vm, bool selectable) : base(selectable) { VmRef = vmRef; Vm = vm; Update(); } private void Update() { Text = Vm.Name(); Image = Images.GetImage16For(Icons.VM); Description = ""; Enabled = true; HideCheckbox = !Selectable; } public bool Equals(VmNode other) { return VmRef == other.VmRef; } } public enum StartActionAfterRecovery { Start, StartPaused, None } }