/* Copyright (c) Cloud Software Group, Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using XenAdmin.Core; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Net; using System.Net.Cache; namespace XenAdmin.Actions { public class DownloadClientUpdatesXmlAction : DownloadUpdatesXmlAction { private const string ClientVersionsNode = "versions"; private readonly bool _checkForXenCenter; public DownloadClientUpdatesXmlAction(bool checkForXenCenter, string userAgent, string xmlLocationUrl, bool suppressHistory) : base(userAgent, xmlLocationUrl, suppressHistory) { _checkForXenCenter = checkForXenCenter; Title = Description = string.Format(Messages.AVAILABLE_UPDATES_CHECKING, BrandManager.BrandConsole); } public List ClientVersions { get; } = new List(); protected override void Run() { try { XmlDocument xdoc = FetchCheckForUpdatesXml(); GetXenCenterVersions(xdoc); Description = Messages.COMPLETED; } catch (Exception e) { if (e is System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) { Description = Messages.AVAILABLE_UPDATES_NETWORK_ERROR; } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Message)) { string errorText = e.Message.Trim(); errorText = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(errorText, @"\r\n+", ""); Description = string.Format(Messages.AVAILABLE_UPDATES_ERROR, errorText); } else { Description = Messages.AVAILABLE_UPDATES_INTERNAL_ERROR; } //if we had originally wanted it to be hidden, make it visible now so the error is shown if (SuppressHistory) SuppressHistory = false; throw; } } private void GetXenCenterVersions(XmlDocument xdoc) { if (!_checkForXenCenter) return; foreach (XmlNode versions in xdoc.GetElementsByTagName(ClientVersionsNode)) { foreach (XmlNode version in versions.ChildNodes) { string versionLang = string.Empty; string name = string.Empty; bool latest = false; bool latestCr = false; string url = string.Empty; string sourceUrl = string.Empty; string timestamp = string.Empty; string checksum = string.Empty; foreach (XmlAttribute attrib in version.Attributes) { if (attrib.Name == "value") versionLang = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "name") name = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "latest") latest = attrib.Value.ToUpperInvariant() == bool.TrueString.ToUpperInvariant(); else if (attrib.Name == "latestcr") latestCr = attrib.Value.ToUpperInvariant() == bool.TrueString.ToUpperInvariant(); else if (attrib.Name == "url") url = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "sourceUrl") sourceUrl = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "timestamp") timestamp = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "checksum") checksum = attrib.Value; } ClientVersions.Add(new ClientVersion(versionLang, name, latest, latestCr, url, timestamp, checksum, sourceUrl)); } } } } public class DownloadCfuAction : DownloadUpdatesXmlAction { private const string XenServerVersionsNode = "serverversions"; private const string PatchesNode = "patches"; private const string ConflictingPatchesNode = "conflictingpatches"; private const string RequiredPatchesNode = "requiredpatches"; private const string ConflictingPatchNode = "conflictingpatch"; private const string RequiredPatchNode = "requiredpatch"; private readonly bool _checkForServerVersion; private readonly bool _checkForPatches; public DownloadCfuAction(bool checkForServerVersion, bool checkForPatches, string userAgent, string xmlLocationUrl, bool suppressHistory) : base(userAgent, xmlLocationUrl, suppressHistory) { _checkForServerVersion = checkForServerVersion; _checkForPatches = checkForPatches; Title = Description = string.Format(Messages.AVAILABLE_UPDATES_CHECKING, BrandManager.ProductBrand); } public List XenServerVersions { get; } = new List(); public List XenServerPatches { get; } = new List(); public List XenServerVersionsForAutoCheck => _checkForServerVersion ? XenServerVersions : new List(); protected override void Run() { try { XmlDocument xdoc = FetchCheckForUpdatesXml(); GetXenServerPatches(xdoc); GetXenServerVersions(xdoc); Description = Messages.COMPLETED; } catch (Exception e) { if (e is System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) { Description = Messages.AVAILABLE_UPDATES_NETWORK_ERROR; } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Message)) { string errorText = e.Message.Trim(); errorText = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(errorText, @"\r\n+", ""); Description = string.Format(Messages.AVAILABLE_UPDATES_ERROR, errorText); } else { Description = Messages.AVAILABLE_UPDATES_INTERNAL_ERROR; } //if we had originally wanted it to be hidden, make it visible now so the error is shown if (SuppressHistory) SuppressHistory = false; throw; } } private void GetXenServerPatches(XmlDocument xdoc) { if (!_checkForPatches) return; foreach (XmlNode versions in xdoc.GetElementsByTagName(PatchesNode)) { foreach (XmlNode version in versions.ChildNodes) { string uuid = ""; string name = ""; string description = ""; string guidance = ""; string guidance_mandatory = ""; string patchVersion = ""; string url = ""; string patchUrl = ""; string timestamp = ""; string priority = ""; string installationSize = ""; string downloadSize = ""; string containsLivepatch = ""; foreach (XmlAttribute attrib in version.Attributes) { if (attrib.Name == "uuid") uuid = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "name-label") name = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "name-description") description = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "after-apply-guidance") guidance = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "guidance-mandatory") guidance_mandatory = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "version") patchVersion = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "url") url = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "patch-url") patchUrl = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "timestamp") timestamp = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "priority") priority = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "installation-size") installationSize = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "download-size") downloadSize = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "contains-livepatch") containsLivepatch = attrib.Value; } var conflictingPatches = GetPatchDependencies(version, ConflictingPatchesNode, ConflictingPatchNode); var requiredPatches = GetPatchDependencies(version, RequiredPatchesNode, RequiredPatchNode); XenServerPatches.Add(new XenServerPatch(uuid, name, description, guidance, guidance_mandatory, patchVersion, url, patchUrl, timestamp, priority, installationSize, downloadSize, containsLivepatch, conflictingPatches, requiredPatches)); } } } // dependencies patches are listed in the xml as below: // // // // // // // // private static List GetPatchDependencies(XmlNode patchsNode, string dependenciesNodeName, string dependencyNodeName) { var dependenciesNode = patchsNode.ChildNodes.Cast().FirstOrDefault(childNode => childNode.Name == dependenciesNodeName); if (dependenciesNode == null) return null; var dependencies = new List(); dependencies.AddRange(from XmlNode node in dependenciesNode.ChildNodes where node.Attributes != null from XmlAttribute attrib in node.Attributes where node.Name == dependencyNodeName && node.Attributes != null && attrib.Name == "uuid" select attrib.Value); return dependencies; } private void GetXenServerVersions(XmlDocument xdoc) { if (!_checkForServerVersion && !_checkForPatches) return; foreach (XmlNode versions in xdoc.GetElementsByTagName(XenServerVersionsNode)) { foreach (XmlNode version in versions.ChildNodes) { string version_oem = ""; string name = ""; bool is_latest = false; bool is_latest_cr = false; string url = ""; string timestamp = ""; string buildNumber = ""; string patchUuid = ""; bool presentAsUpdate = false; string minXcVersion = ""; string hotfixEligibility = ""; string hotfixEligibilityPremiumDate = ""; string hotfixEligibilityNoneDate = ""; string eolDate = ""; foreach (XmlAttribute attrib in version.Attributes) { if (attrib.Name == "value") version_oem = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "name") name = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "latest") is_latest = attrib.Value.ToUpperInvariant() == bool.TrueString.ToUpperInvariant(); else if (attrib.Name == "latestcr") is_latest_cr = attrib.Value.ToUpperInvariant() == bool.TrueString.ToUpperInvariant(); else if (attrib.Name == "url") url = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "timestamp") timestamp = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "build-number") buildNumber = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "patch-uuid") patchUuid = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "present-as-update") presentAsUpdate = attrib.Value.ToUpperInvariant() == bool.TrueString.ToUpperInvariant(); else if (attrib.Name == "minimum-xc-version") minXcVersion = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "hotfix-eligibility") hotfixEligibility = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "hotfix-eligibility-premium-date") hotfixEligibilityPremiumDate = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "hotfix-eligibility-none-date") hotfixEligibilityNoneDate = attrib.Value; else if (attrib.Name == "eol-date") eolDate = attrib.Value; } List patches = new List(); List minimalPatches = null; //keep it null to indicate that there is no a minimalpatches tag foreach (XmlNode childnode in version.ChildNodes) { if (childnode.Name == "minimalpatches") { minimalPatches = new List(); foreach (XmlNode minimalpatch in childnode.ChildNodes) { if (minimalpatch.Name != "patch") continue; XenServerPatch mp = XenServerPatches.Find(p => string.Equals(p.Uuid, minimalpatch.Attributes["uuid"].Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (mp == null) continue; minimalPatches.Add(mp); } } if (childnode.Name == "patch") { XenServerPatch patch = XenServerPatches.Find(item => string.Equals(item.Uuid, childnode.Attributes["uuid"].Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (patch == null) continue; patches.Add(patch); } } XenServerVersions.Add(new XenServerVersion(version_oem, name, is_latest, is_latest_cr, url, patches, minimalPatches, timestamp, buildNumber, patchUuid, presentAsUpdate, minXcVersion, hotfixEligibility, hotfixEligibilityPremiumDate, hotfixEligibilityNoneDate, eolDate)); } } } } public abstract class DownloadUpdatesXmlAction : AsyncAction { private readonly string _userAgent; private readonly string _checkForUpdatesUrl; protected DownloadUpdatesXmlAction(string userAgent, string xmlLocationUrl, bool suppressHistory) : base(null, string.Empty, string.Empty, suppressHistory) { Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userAgent)); _userAgent = userAgent; _checkForUpdatesUrl = xmlLocationUrl; } protected XmlDocument FetchCheckForUpdatesXml() { var checkForUpdatesXml = new XmlDocument(); var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(_checkForUpdatesUrl); var uri = uriBuilder.Uri; if (uri.IsFile) { checkForUpdatesXml.Load(_checkForUpdatesUrl); } else { var authToken = XenAdminConfigManager.Provider.GetClientUpdatesQueryParam(); uriBuilder.Query = Helpers.AddAuthTokenToQueryString(authToken, uriBuilder.Query); var proxy = XenAdminConfigManager.Provider.GetProxyFromSettings(Connection, false); using (var webClient = new WebClient()) { webClient.CachePolicy = new RequestCachePolicy(RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore); webClient.Proxy = proxy; webClient.Headers.Add("User-Agent", _userAgent); using (var stream = new MemoryStream(webClient.DownloadData(uriBuilder.Uri))) checkForUpdatesXml.Load(stream); } } return checkForUpdatesXml; } } }