/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using NUnit.Framework; using XenAdmin.Wizards; using XenCenterLib; namespace XenAdminTests.WizardTests { public abstract class WizardTest : MainWindowTester where T : XenWizardBase { protected T wizard; private readonly string[] pageNames; private readonly bool canFinish; private readonly bool doFinish; protected Button btnNext; protected Button btnPrevious; protected Button btnCancel; protected WizardTest(string[] pageNames, bool canFinish = true, bool doFinish = true) { this.pageNames = pageNames; this.canFinish = canFinish; this.doFinish = doFinish; } [Test(Description = "Test that the Enter key takes us forward through the wizard")] [Timeout(100 * 1000)] public void RunWizardKeyboardTests() { SetUp(); RunWizardTests(() => { //ensure the focus is not on Previous or Cancel, otherwise pressing Enter will result in clicking those for (int j = 0; j < wizard.Controls.Count; j++) { if (!btnCancel.Focused && !btnPrevious.Focused) break; wizard.Controls[j].Focus(); } Win32.PostMessage(wizard.Handle, Win32.WM_KEYDOWN, new IntPtr((int)Keys.Enter), IntPtr.Zero); }, btnPrevious.PerformClick, () => { var key = doFinish ? Keys.Enter : Keys.Escape; Win32.PostMessage(wizard.Handle, Win32.WM_KEYDOWN, new IntPtr((int)key), IntPtr.Zero); }); } [Test(Description = "Test that Next/Previous buttons take us forwards/backwards through the wizard")] [Timeout(100 * 1000)] public void RunWizardButtonTests() { SetUp(); RunWizardTests( btnNext.PerformClick, btnPrevious.PerformClick, () => { if (doFinish) btnNext.PerformClick(); else if (btnCancel.Enabled) btnCancel.PerformClick(); else wizard.Close(); }); } private void SetUp() { RunBefore(); wizard = MW(NewWizard); MW(wizard.Show); btnNext = TestUtils.GetButton(wizard, "buttonNext"); btnPrevious = TestUtils.GetButton(wizard, "buttonPrevious"); btnCancel = TestUtils.GetButton(wizard, "buttonCancel"); } private void RunWizardTests(Action goForwards, Action goBackwards, Action finish) { for (int i = 0; i < pageNames.Length; ++i) { bool lastPage = i == pageNames.Length - 1; Assert.AreEqual(pageNames[i], CurrentPageName(wizard), "Wrong page name"); Assert.IsTrue(wizard.HasHelp(), $"Help missing for page {pageNames[i]}"); TestPage(pageNames[i]); Assert.AreEqual(!lastPage || canFinish, btnNext.Enabled, $"Next button enabled state wrong on page {pageNames[i]}"); Assert.AreEqual(lastPage && !IsCancelButtonEnabledOnLastPage, !btnCancel.Enabled, $"Cancel button enabled state wrong on page {pageNames[i]}"); if (!lastPage) { MW(goForwards); // wait for any progress dialog to close MWWaitFor(() => wizard.Visible && wizard.CanFocus); Assert.AreEqual(pageNames[i + 1], CurrentPageName(wizard), $"Next button didn't get from page {pageNames[i]} to page {pageNames[i + 1]}"); if (btnPrevious.Enabled) { MW(goBackwards); while (!btnNext.Enabled) Thread.Sleep(1000); Assert.AreEqual(pageNames[i], CurrentPageName(wizard), $"Next then Previous didn't get back to page {pageNames[i]}"); MW(goForwards); // wait for any progress dialog to close MWWaitFor(() => wizard.Visible && wizard.CanFocus); while (!btnPrevious.Enabled) Thread.Sleep(1000); Assert.AreEqual(pageNames[i + 1], CurrentPageName(wizard), $"Next button didn't get from page {pageNames[i]} to page {pageNames[i + 1]}"); } } else { MW(finish); } } RunAfter(); MW(() => wizard.Dispose()); } private string CurrentPageName(T wiz) { return wiz.CurrentStepTabPage.Text; } protected abstract T NewWizard(); protected virtual void RunBefore() { } protected virtual void RunAfter() { } protected virtual void TestPage(string pageName) { } protected virtual bool IsCancelButtonEnabledOnLastPage { get { return true; } } } } namespace XenAdminTests.WizardTests.state1_xml { [SetUpFixture] public class WizardTestSetUp : MainWindowLauncher_SetUpFixture { public WizardTestSetUp() : base("TampaTwoHostPoolSelectioniSCSI.xml") { } } } namespace XenAdminTests.WizardTests.state4_xml { [SetUpFixture] public class WizardTestSetUp : MainWindowLauncher_SetUpFixture { public WizardTestSetUp() : base("state4.xml") { } } } namespace XenAdminTests.WizardTests.cowley1_xml { [SetUpFixture] public class WizardTestSetUp : MainWindowLauncher_SetUpFixture { public WizardTestSetUp() : base("TampaTwoHostPoolSelectioniSCSI.xml") { } } } namespace XenAdminTests.WizardTests.updatesState_xml { [SetUpFixture] public class WizardTestSetUp : MainWindowLauncher_SetUpFixture { public WizardTestSetUp() : base("TampaTwoHostPoolSelectioniSCSI.xml") { } } } namespace XenAdminTests.WizardTests.cowleyPolicies_xml { [SetUpFixture] public class WizardTestSetUp : MainWindowLauncher_SetUpFixture { public WizardTestSetUp() : base("TampaTwoHostPoolSelectioniSCSI.xml") { } } } namespace XenAdminTests.WizardTests.state5_xml { [SetUpFixture] public class WizardTestSetUp : MainWindowLauncher_SetUpFixture { public WizardTestSetUp() : base("state5.xml") { } } } namespace XenAdminTests.WizardTests.small_vms { [SetUpFixture] public class WizardTestSetUp : MainWindowLauncher_SetUpFixture { public WizardTestSetUp() : base("small_vms.xml") { } } } namespace XenAdminTests.WizardTests.xapidb_app { [SetUpFixture] public class WizardTestSetUp : MainWindowLauncher_SetUpFixture { public WizardTestSetUp() : base("TampaTwoHostPoolSelectioniSCSI.xml") { } } } namespace XenAdminTests.WizardTests.boston_db { [SetUpFixture] public class WizardTestSetUp : MainWindowLauncher_SetUpFixture { public WizardTestSetUp() : base("boston-db.xml") { } } } namespace XenAdminTests.WizardTests.tampa_cpm_one_and_two_host_pools { [SetUpFixture] public class WizardTestSetUp : MainWindowLauncher_SetUpFixture { public WizardTestSetUp() : base("tampa_poolofone_40.xml", "tampa-poolof16and23-xapi-db.xml") { } } }