/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Actions; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Commands; namespace XenAdmin.SettingsPanels { public partial class EditNetworkPage : UserControl, IEditPage { private XenAPI.Network network; private Host host; private bool _ValidToSave = true; private readonly ToolTip InvalidParamToolTip; private bool runningVMsWithoutTools = false; public EditNetworkPage() { InitializeComponent(); Text = Messages.NETWORK_SETTINGS; InvalidParamToolTip = new ToolTip(); InvalidParamToolTip.IsBalloon = true; InvalidParamToolTip.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Warning; InvalidParamToolTip.ToolTipTitle = Messages.INVALID_PARAMETER; } public bool ValidToSave { get { return _ValidToSave; } } public Image Image => Images.StaticImages._000_Network_h32bit_16; public void SetXenObjects(IXenObject orig, IXenObject clone) { network = clone as XenAPI.Network; if (network == null) return; // use the pif of the coordinator to populate the controls. We use it later in the create_VLAN_from_PIF call in Network Action host = Helpers.GetCoordinator(network.Connection); Repopulate(); EnableDisable(); } // Can the network's NIC, SR-IOV network and VLAN be edited? private bool Editable(PIF pif) { return (pif == null || (!pif.IsPhysical() && !pif.IsTunnelAccessPIF() && (pif.sriov_logical_PIF_of == null || pif.sriov_logical_PIF_of.Count == 0 ))); } private void EnableDisable() { SetMTUControlEnablement(); SetNetSettingsEnablement(); panelDisruptionWarning.Visible = WillDisrupt(); ShowHideLacpWarning(); labelVLAN0Info.Visible = numUpDownVLAN.Enabled && numUpDownVLAN.Value == 0; } private bool VLANEnabled { set { numUpDownVLAN.Enabled = value; } } private bool NICSpinnerEnabled { set { HostPNICList.Enabled = value; } } private void SetNetSettingsEnablement() { string managementInterfaceName = ""; // The non MTU controls block if any VMs are attached, presumably as their PIFs won't unplug bool blockDueToAttachedVMs = network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.VIFs).Exists( delegate(VIF vif) { return vif.currently_attached; }); bool blockDueToManagement = network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.PIFs).Exists( delegate(PIF p) { var isManagementInterface = p.IsManagementInterface(XenAdmin.Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs); if (isManagementInterface) managementInterfaceName = p.ManagementInterfaceNameOrUnknown(); return isManagementInterface; }); bool physical = network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.PIFs).Exists( delegate(PIF pif) { return pif.physical; }); bool bond = network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.PIFs).Exists(pif => pif.IsBondNIC()); bool tunnel = network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.PIFs).Exists(pif => pif.IsTunnelAccessPIF()); // If the original network restricts our settings we enable/disable controls here - this could actually only be run once if needed HostPNICList.Enabled = !blockDueToAttachedVMs && !blockDueToManagement; if (network.PIFs.Count == 0) { //internal - we can do what we want with these, even if they have VMs running on them VLANEnabled = true; NICSpinnerEnabled = true; warningText.Visible = false; } else if (!physical && !bond && !tunnel) { //external, not using physical pif numUpDownVLAN.Enabled = !blockDueToAttachedVMs && !blockDueToManagement; warningText.Visible = blockDueToAttachedVMs || blockDueToManagement; warningText.Text = blockDueToManagement ? string.Format(Messages.CANNOT_CONFIGURE_NET_DISTURB_MANAGEMENT, managementInterfaceName) : blockDueToAttachedVMs ? Messages.CANNOT_CONFIGURE_NET_VMS_ATTACHED : ""; } else { // physical or tunnel or bond: no warning needed as the controls are either all invisible or all allowed warningText.Visible = false; } //Now we additionally disable the VLAN spinner if we have virtual selected - this needs to be run every time we change the controls state if (SelectedIsInternal) { VLANEnabled = false; } } private void SetMTUControlEnablement() { if (!network.CanUseJumboFrames()) { labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = false; labelMTU.Visible = numericUpDownMTU.Visible = false; return; } if (SelectedIsInternal) { // internal // MTU doesn't really do much here labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = false; numericUpDownMTU.Enabled = false; return; } PIF networksPIF = GetSelectedPIF(); // returns null for new VLAN if (networksPIF == null || !networksPIF.IsManagementInterface(XenAdmin.Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs)) { // non management external (could be bond) if (runningVMsWithoutTools) { // The MTU controls have been designed to be more relaxed than the rest of the page, we will only block if we can't unplug the vifs // due to lack of tools (which then lets us unplug the PIFs) labelCannotConfigureMTU.Text = Messages.CANNOT_CONFIGURE_JUMBO_VM_NO_TOOLS; labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = true; numericUpDownMTU.Enabled = false; } else if (networksPIF != null && networksPIF.IsTunnelAccessPIF()) { // This branch is currently not in use as setting the MTU is disabled on CHINs. // Left in in case future support is added // with no other more danger warnings we should tell the user it's recommended that they set the MTU on the underlying networks to match XenAPI.Network mainNetwork = FindCHINMainNetwork(networksPIF); labelCannotConfigureMTU.Text = string.Format(Messages.SET_MTU_ON_CHINS_UNDER_NETWORK, mainNetwork.Name()); // incase some odd value has been set on the CLI numericUpDownMTU.Maximum = Math.Max(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MAX); numericUpDownMTU.Minimum = Math.Min(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MIN); numericUpDownMTU.Enabled = true; labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = true; } else { labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = false; // in case some odd value has been set on the CLI numericUpDownMTU.Maximum = Math.Max(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MAX); numericUpDownMTU.Minimum = Math.Min(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MIN); numericUpDownMTU.Enabled = true; } } else { // physical or virtual external management (could be bond) numericUpDownMTU.Enabled = false; labelCannotConfigureMTU.Text = string.Format(Messages.CANNOT_CONFIGURE_JUMBO_DISTURB_MANAGEMENT, networksPIF.ManagementInterfaceNameOrUnknown()); labelCannotConfigureMTU.Visible = true; } } private XenAPI.Network FindCHINMainNetwork(PIF networksPIF) { // Assumes that the pif is the access pif of only one CHIN. If there's more than one, you get the first. if (networksPIF.tunnel_access_PIF_of.Count < 1) return null; Tunnel t = networksPIF.Connection.Resolve(networksPIF.tunnel_access_PIF_of[0]); PIF transportPIF = networksPIF.Connection.Resolve(t.transport_PIF); if (transportPIF == null) return null; //unexepected return networksPIF.Connection.Resolve(transportPIF.network); } // Get the selected PIF. // Return null for single-host internal network, or a new VLAN. private PIF GetSelectedPIF() { // If we are on a physical network we don't look at the VLAN combo box, as it is obv not used PIF p = GetNetworksPIF(); if (p != null && p.physical) return p; if (p != null && p.IsBondNIC()) return p; // also no need to look in the combo box if we're a CHIN as they can't be edited either if (p != null && p.IsTunnelAccessPIF()) return p; p = NICNameToVirtualPIF((string)HostPNICList.SelectedItem, (long)numUpDownVLAN.Value); // this is either now null (on an internal network or a new VLAN) or a non phys pif representing a vlan (external network) return p; } private bool SelectedIsInternal { get { return (string)HostPNICList.SelectedItem == Messages.NETWORKPANEL_INTERNAL; } } public void Repopulate() { if (network == null || host == null) return; populateHostNicList(); //set minimum value for VLAN numUpDownVLAN.Minimum = Helpers.VLAN0Allowed(network.Connection) ? 0 : 1; PIF pif = GetNetworksPIF(); if (pif != null) { bool editable = Editable(pif); HostVLanLabel.Visible = editable; HostNicLabel.Visible = editable; numUpDownVLAN.Visible = editable; HostPNICList.Visible = editable; nicHelpLabel.Visible = editable; if (editable) { // virtual pif (external network on VLAN) numUpDownVLAN.Value = pif.VLAN; PIF ThePhysicalPIF = FindAssociatedPhysicalPIF(); if (ThePhysicalPIF != null) HostPNICList.SelectedItem = ThePhysicalPIF.Name(); else HostPNICList.SelectedItem = pif.Name(); } bool hasBondMode = network.IsBond(); groupBoxBondMode.Visible = hasBondMode; bool supportsLinkAggregation = Helpers.SupportsLinkAggregationBond(network.Connection); radioButtonLacpSrcMac.Visible = radioButtonLacpTcpudpPorts.Visible = supportsLinkAggregation; if (hasBondMode) { switch (NetworkBondMode) { case bond_mode.balance_slb: radioButtonBalanceSlb.Checked = true; break; case bond_mode.active_backup: radioButtonActiveBackup.Checked = true; break; case bond_mode.lacp: if (supportsLinkAggregation) { switch (HashingAlgorithm) { case Bond.hashing_algoritm.tcpudp_ports: radioButtonLacpTcpudpPorts.Checked = true; break; default: radioButtonLacpSrcMac.Checked = true; break; } } break; } } } else { // internal network HostVLanLabel.Visible = true; HostNicLabel.Visible = true; numUpDownVLAN.Visible = true; HostVLanLabel.Visible = true; HostPNICList.Visible = true; nicHelpLabel.Visible = true; groupBoxBondMode.Visible = false; numUpDownVLAN.Enabled = false; HostPNICList.SelectedItem = HostPNICList.Items[0]; } foreach (VIF v in network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.VIFs)) { VM vm = network.Connection.Resolve(v.VM); if (vm.power_state != vm_power_state.Running || vm.GetVirtualisationStatus(out _).HasFlag(VM.VirtualisationStatus.IO_DRIVERS_INSTALLED)) continue; runningVMsWithoutTools = true; break; } // Populate Automatic checkbox autoCheckBox.Checked = network.GetAutoPlug(); autoCheckBox.Enabled = !network.IsGuestInstallerNetwork(); // in case some odd value has been set on the CLI numericUpDownMTU.Maximum = Math.Max(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MAX); numericUpDownMTU.Minimum = Math.Min(network.MTU, XenAPI.Network.MTU_MIN); numericUpDownMTU.Value = network.MTU; numericUpDownMTU.Visible = network.CanUseJumboFrames(); } private PIF GetNetworksPIF() { foreach (PIF pif in network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.PIFs)) if (host.opaque_ref == pif.host.opaque_ref) return pif; return null; } private PIF FindAssociatedPhysicalPIF() { // Gets a pif from the network object PIF networkPif = GetNetworksPIF(); // virtual network, no associated pif if (networkPif == null) return null; // so actually our network pif is a physical one, return that if (networkPif.physical) return networkPif; // try to find the physical counterpart to our virtual pif foreach (PIF pif in network.Connection.Cache.PIFs) if (pif.IsPhysical() && pif.host.opaque_ref == host.opaque_ref && pif.device == networkPif.device && pif.opaque_ref != networkPif.opaque_ref) return pif; return null; } private void populateHostNicList() { HostPNICList.BeginUpdate(); try { HostPNICList.Items.Clear(); HostPNICList.Items.Add(Messages.NETWORKPANEL_INTERNAL); foreach (PIF pif in network.Connection.Cache.PIFs) { if (!Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs && !pif.Show(Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs)) continue; if (!pif.IsPhysical() || pif.IsBondMember()) continue; if (pif.host.opaque_ref != host.opaque_ref) continue; HostPNICList.Items.Add(pif.Name()); } } finally { HostPNICList.EndUpdate(); } } private void HostPNICList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { EnableDisable(); } private bool MtuHasChanged { get { return numericUpDownMTU.Enabled && numericUpDownMTU.Value != network.MTU; } } private bond_mode NewBondMode { get { return radioButtonBalanceSlb.Checked ? bond_mode.balance_slb : radioButtonActiveBackup.Checked ? bond_mode.active_backup : bond_mode.lacp; } } private bool BondModeHasChanged { get { return (radioButtonBalanceSlb.Visible && radioButtonBalanceSlb.Enabled && NetworkBondMode != NewBondMode); } } private Bond.hashing_algoritm NewHashingAlgorithm { get { return radioButtonLacpSrcMac.Checked ? Bond.hashing_algoritm.src_mac : radioButtonLacpTcpudpPorts.Checked ? Bond.hashing_algoritm.tcpudp_ports : Bond.hashing_algoritm.unknown; } } private bool HashingAlgorithmHasChanged { get { var newValue = NewHashingAlgorithm; // has the hashing algorithm (load balancing method) changed to a valid value (i.e. not hashing_algoritm.unknown) ? return radioButtonLacpSrcMac.Visible && radioButtonLacpSrcMac.Enabled && HashingAlgorithm != newValue && newValue != Bond.hashing_algoritm.unknown; } } public bool HasChanged { get { if (autoCheckBox.Checked != network.GetAutoPlug() || MtuHasChanged || BondModeHasChanged || HashingAlgorithmHasChanged) return true; PIF pif = GetNetworksPIF(); if (pif != null) { if (!Editable(pif)) return false; if (pif.Name() != (String)HostPNICList.SelectedItem) return true; if (pif.VLAN != (long)numUpDownVLAN.Value) return true; } else if (HostPNICList.SelectedIndex != 0) return true; return false; } } public void ShowLocalValidationMessages() { } public void HideLocalValidationMessages() { } public void Cleanup() { InvalidParamToolTip.Dispose(); } private bool WillDisrupt() { // This should follow the same logic as the HasChanged and SaveSettings() methods, and return true if we will do // a pif unplug/plug or a networkaction return MtuHasChanged || BondModeHasChanged || InternalToExternal || ExternalToInternal || ExternalChangedDeviceOrVlan || HashingAlgorithmHasChanged; } // Gone from a private network to an external one private bool InternalToExternal { get { return network.PIFs.Count == 0 && !SelectedIsInternal; } } // Gone from an external network to an internal one private bool ExternalToInternal { get { return network.PIFs.Count > 0 && SelectedIsInternal; } } // Gone from external to external on another device or another VLAN private bool ExternalChangedDeviceOrVlan { get { if (network.PIFs.Count == 0) return false; PIF pif = GetNetworksPIF(); PIF selectedPif = NICNameToVirtualPIF((string)HostPNICList.SelectedItem, (long)numUpDownVLAN.Value); return pif != null && Editable(pif) && pif != selectedPif; } } public AsyncAction SaveSettings() { List actions = new List(); network.SetAutoPlug(autoCheckBox.Checked); bool needPlugUnplug = MtuHasChanged; if (MtuHasChanged) network.MTU = (long)numericUpDownMTU.Value; if (BondModeHasChanged) { List bondActions = SetBondModeActions(); if (bondActions != null && bondActions.Count > 0) actions.AddRange(bondActions); } if (HashingAlgorithmHasChanged) { List bondPropertiesActions = SetBondPropertiesActions(); if (bondPropertiesActions != null && bondPropertiesActions.Count > 0) actions.AddRange(bondPropertiesActions); } // Have the pifs changed? Just key off the first PIF bool pifsChanged = false; bool external = false; PIF new_pif = null; long vlan = -1; if (InternalToExternal) { pifsChanged = true; external = true; new_pif = NICNameToPIF((string)HostPNICList.SelectedItem); vlan = (long)this.numUpDownVLAN.Value; } else if (ExternalToInternal) { pifsChanged = true; external = false; } else if (ExternalChangedDeviceOrVlan) { pifsChanged = true; external = true; new_pif = NICNameToPIF((string)HostPNICList.SelectedItem); vlan = (long)this.numUpDownVLAN.Value; } if (pifsChanged || external) { // even if we needPlugUnplug this is ok, the network update action destroys/recreates pifs anyway // ASSUMPTION: currently we don't allow network reconfigure that leads us here if ANY VMs are attached, so there are no VIFs to plug/unplug actions.Add(new NetworkAction(network.Connection, network, pifsChanged, external, new_pif, vlan, true)); } else if (needPlugUnplug) { List pifs = network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.PIFs); AsyncAction a = new UnplugPlugNetworkAction(network, true); foreach (SelectedItem i in Program.MainWindow.SelectionManager.Selection) { Host h = i.XenObject as Host; if (h == null) continue; a.Host = h; break; } actions.Add(a); } if (actions.Count == 0) return null; return new MultipleAction(network.Connection, Messages.ACTION_SAVE_CHANGES_TITLE, Messages.ACTION_SAVE_CHANGES_IN_PROGRESS, Messages.ACTION_SAVE_CHANGES_SUCCESSFUL, actions, true); } private PIF NICNameToPIF(string p) { foreach (PIF pif in network.Connection.Cache.PIFs) { if (pif.Name() == p && pif.IsPhysical() && pif.host.opaque_ref == host.opaque_ref) return pif; } return null; } private PIF NICNameToVirtualPIF(string p, long vlan) { foreach (PIF pif in network.Connection.Cache.PIFs) { if (pif.Name() == p && !pif.IsPhysical() && !pif.IsTunnelAccessPIF() && pif.VLAN == vlan && pif.host.opaque_ref == host.opaque_ref) return pif; } return null; } /// /// The mode of the bond associated with this network. Assumes HasBondMode has already been tested, /// and that the Bond objects on each host have the same mode. /// private bond_mode NetworkBondMode { get { List bonds = network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.TheBonds()); return ((bonds == null || bonds.Count == 0) ? bond_mode.unknown : bonds[0].mode); } } /// /// The hashing algorithm of the bond associated with this network. Assumes HasBondMode and SupportsLinkAggregation has already been tested, /// and that the Bond objects on each host have the same hashing algorithm. /// private Bond.hashing_algoritm HashingAlgorithm { get { List bonds = network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.TheBonds()); return ((bonds == null || bonds.Count == 0) ? Bond.hashing_algoritm.unknown : bonds[0].HashingAlgoritm()); } } private List SetBondModeActions() { var ans = new List(); foreach (var bond in network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.TheBonds())) { Bond b = bond; // have to copy it otherwise it will change to the last bond before the delegates are called ans.Add(new DelegatedAsyncAction(bond.Connection, Messages.SET_BOND_MODE_ACTION_TITLE, Messages.SET_BOND_MODE_ACTION_START, Messages.SET_BOND_MODE_ACTION_END, session => Bond.set_mode(session, b.opaque_ref, NewBondMode), true, "bond.set_mode")); } return (ans.Count == 0 ? null : ans); } private List SetBondPropertiesActions() { var ans = new List(); foreach (var bond in network.Connection.ResolveAll(network.TheBonds())) { Bond b = bond; // have to copy it otherwise it will change to the last bond before the delegates are called ans.Add(new DelegatedAsyncAction(bond.Connection, Messages.SET_BOND_HASHING_ALGORITHM_ACTION_TITLE, Messages.SET_BOND_HASHING_ALGORITHM_ACTION_START, Messages.SET_BOND_HASHING_ALGORITHM_ACTION_END, session => Bond.set_property(session, b.opaque_ref, "hashing_algorithm", Bond.HashingAlgoritmToString(NewHashingAlgorithm)), true, "bond.set_property")); } return (ans.Count == 0 ? null : ans); } public String SubText { get { if (network == null) return ""; PIF pif = GetNetworksPIF(); if (pif != null && pif.IsPhysical()) return Messages.PHYSICAL_DEVICE; if (pif != null && pif.IsTunnelAccessPIF()) return Messages.CHIN; if (HostPNICList.SelectedIndex == 0) return Messages.NETWORKPANEL_INTERNAL; if (pif.sriov_logical_PIF_of != null && pif.sriov_logical_PIF_of.Count != 0) return Messages.NETWORK_SRIOV; return String.Format(Messages.NIC_VLAN, HostPNICList.SelectedItem, numUpDownVLAN.Value); } } private void numUpDownVLAN_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { EnableDisable(); } private void numericUpDownMTU_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { EnableDisable(); } private void BondMode_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { EnableDisable(); } private void ShowHideLacpWarning() { panelLACPWarning.Visible = radioButtonLacpSrcMac.Checked || radioButtonLacpTcpudpPorts.Checked; } } }