/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Controls; using XenAdmin.Controls.MainWindowControls; using XenAdmin.Model; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.XenSearch; using XenAdmin.Core; using System.Drawing; namespace XenAdmin { internal class MainWindowTreeBuilder { private readonly FlickerFreeTreeView _treeView; private readonly Color _treeViewForeColor; private readonly Color _treeViewBackColor; private string _lastSearchText = string.Empty; private NavigationPane.NavigationMode _lastSearchMode; private readonly List _infraViewExpanded = new List(); private readonly List _objectViewExpanded = new List(); private readonly List _tagsViewExpanded = new List(); private readonly List _foldersViewExpanded = new List(); private readonly List _fieldsViewExpanded = new List(); private readonly List _vappsViewExpanded = new List(); /// /// The default value is true because the very first time the tree builder calls PersistExpandedNodes /// the tree is empty. This happens immediately after initialization of the tree (we shouldn't need to /// add by default a root node in the NavigationView constructor at design time). /// private bool _rootExpanded = true; private readonly OrganizationViewFields viewFields = new OrganizationViewFields(); private readonly OrganizationViewFolders viewFolders = new OrganizationViewFolders(); private readonly OrganizationViewTags viewTags = new OrganizationViewTags(); private readonly OrganizationViewObjects viewObjects = new OrganizationViewObjects(); private readonly OrganizationViewVapps viewVapps = new OrganizationViewVapps(); public MainWindowTreeBuilder(FlickerFreeTreeView treeView) { Util.ThrowIfParameterNull(treeView, "treeView"); Program.AssertOnEventThread(); _treeView = treeView; _treeViewForeColor = treeView.ForeColor; _treeViewBackColor = treeView.BackColor; } /// /// Gets or sets an object that should be highlighted. /// public object HighlightedDragTarget { private get; set; } /// /// Updates the with the specified new root node. This is done by merging the specified /// root node with the existing root node to minimize updates to the treeview to reduce flicker. /// /// The new root node. /// The search text for the currently active search. /// public void RefreshTreeView(VirtualTreeNode newRootNode, string searchText, NavigationPane.NavigationMode searchMode) { Util.ThrowIfParameterNull(newRootNode, "newRootNode"); Util.ThrowIfParameterNull(searchText, "searchText"); Program.AssertOnEventThread(); _treeView.BeginUpdate(); PersistExpandedNodes(searchText); _treeView.UpdateRootNodes(new[] { newRootNode }); RestoreExpandedNodes(searchText, searchMode); bool searchTextCleared = (searchText.Length == 0 && searchText != _lastSearchText); _lastSearchText = searchText; _lastSearchMode = searchMode; _treeView.EndUpdate(); // ensure that the selected nodes are visible when search text is cleared (CA-102127) if (searchTextCleared) { ExpandSelection(); } } private void ExpandSelection() { foreach (var node in _treeView.SelectedNodes) { node.EnsureVisible(); } } public VirtualTreeNode CreateNewRootNode(Search search, NavigationPane.NavigationMode mode) { IAcceptGroups groupAcceptor; VirtualTreeNode newRootNode; switch (mode) { case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Objects: newRootNode = viewObjects.RootNode; groupAcceptor = CreateGroupAcceptor(newRootNode); viewObjects.Populate(search, groupAcceptor); break; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Tags: newRootNode = viewTags.RootNode; groupAcceptor = CreateGroupAcceptor(newRootNode); viewTags.Populate(search, groupAcceptor); break; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Folders: newRootNode = viewFolders.RootNode; groupAcceptor = CreateGroupAcceptor(newRootNode); viewFolders.Populate(search, groupAcceptor); break; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.CustomFields: newRootNode = viewFields.RootNode; groupAcceptor = CreateGroupAcceptor(newRootNode); viewFields.Populate(search, groupAcceptor); break; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.vApps: newRootNode = viewVapps.RootNode; groupAcceptor = CreateGroupAcceptor(newRootNode); viewVapps.Populate(search, groupAcceptor); break; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.SavedSearch: Util.ThrowIfParameterNull(search, "search"); newRootNode = new VirtualTreeNode(search.Name) { Tag = search, ImageIndex = search.DefaultSearch ? (int)Icons.DefaultSearch : (int)Icons.Search }; groupAcceptor = CreateGroupAcceptor(newRootNode); search.PopulateAdapters(groupAcceptor); break; default://includes Infrastructure and Notifications Util.ThrowIfParameterNull(search, "search"); newRootNode = new VirtualTreeNode(BrandManager.BrandConsole) { ImageIndex = (int)Icons.Home }; groupAcceptor = CreateGroupAcceptor(newRootNode); search.PopulateAdapters(groupAcceptor); break; } return newRootNode; } private MainWindowTreeNodeGroupAcceptor CreateGroupAcceptor(VirtualTreeNode parent) { return new MainWindowTreeNodeGroupAcceptor(HighlightedDragTarget, _treeViewForeColor, _treeViewBackColor, parent); } private List AssignList(NavigationPane.NavigationMode mode) { switch (mode) { case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Objects: return _objectViewExpanded; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Tags: return _tagsViewExpanded; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Folders: return _foldersViewExpanded; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.CustomFields: return _fieldsViewExpanded; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.vApps: return _vappsViewExpanded; default: return _infraViewExpanded; } } private void PersistExpandedNodes(string searchText) { if (_treeView.Nodes.Count == 0) return; // only persist the expansion state of nodes if there isn't an active search. //If there's a search then we're just going to expand everything later. // also because we want to restore the nodes back to their original state //after a search is removed, do the check on _lastSearchText and _lastSearchMode. if (searchText.Length == 0 && _lastSearchText.Length == 0 && _lastSearchMode != NavigationPane.NavigationMode.SavedSearch) { var list = AssignList(_lastSearchMode); list.Clear(); foreach (var node in _treeView.AllNodes) { if (node.Tag != null && node.Parent != null && node.IsExpanded) list.Add(node.GetPersistenceInfo()); } } // persist the expansion state of the root node separately - it's a special case as its // expansion state isn't persisted differently depending on whether it's in org mode or not. _rootExpanded = _treeView.Nodes[0].IsExpanded || _treeView.Nodes[0].Nodes.Count == 0; } private void RestoreExpandedNodes(string searchText, NavigationPane.NavigationMode searchMode) { if ((searchText != _lastSearchText && searchText.Length > 0) || (searchMode == NavigationPane.NavigationMode.SavedSearch && _lastSearchMode != NavigationPane.NavigationMode.SavedSearch)) { // expand all nodes if there's a search and the search has changed. _treeView.ExpandAll(); } if (searchText.Length == 0 && searchMode != NavigationPane.NavigationMode.SavedSearch) { // if there isn't a search persist the user's expanded nodes. var list = AssignList(searchMode); var allNodes = new List(_treeView.AllNodes); foreach (VirtualTreeNode.PersistenceInfo info in list) { VirtualTreeNode match; // First, look for the object in the same position if (_treeView.TryExactMatch(info.Path, out match) >= info.Path.Count) { if (!match.IsExpanded) match.Expand(); allNodes.Remove(match); continue; } // Second, find the object in the maximal sub tree where it appeared only once if (_treeView.TryExactMatch(info.PathToMaximalSubTree, out match) >= info.PathToMaximalSubTree.Count) { match = _treeView.FindNodeIn(match, info.Tag); if (match != null) { if (!match.IsExpanded) match.Expand(); allNodes.Remove(match); } } } // collapse everything else foreach (VirtualTreeNode n in allNodes) { if (n.Tag != null && n.Parent != null && n.IsExpanded) n.Collapse(); } // special case for root node if (_rootExpanded) _treeView.Nodes[0].Expand(); } } #region MainWindowTreeNodeGroupAcceptor class private class MainWindowTreeNodeGroupAcceptor : IAcceptGroups { private readonly VirtualTreeNode _parent; private readonly Color _treeViewForeColor; private readonly Color _treeViewBackColor; private readonly object _highlightedDragTarget; private int _index; public MainWindowTreeNodeGroupAcceptor(object highlightedDragTarget, Color treeViewForeColor, Color treeViewBackColor, VirtualTreeNode parent) { _parent = parent; _treeViewForeColor = treeViewForeColor; _treeViewBackColor = treeViewBackColor; _highlightedDragTarget = highlightedDragTarget; } #region IAcceptGroups Members public void FinishedInThisGroup(bool defaultExpand) { } public IAcceptGroups Add(Grouping grouping, Object group, int indent) { if (group == null) return null; VirtualTreeNode node; if (group is Pool) { node = AddPoolNode((Pool)group); } else if (group is Host) { node = AddHostNode((Host)group); } else if (group is VM) { node = AddVMNode((VM)group); } else if (group is DockerContainer) { node = AddDockerContainerNode((DockerContainer)group); } else if (group is VM_appliance) { node = AddVmApplianceNode((VM_appliance)group); } else if (group is SR) { node = AddSRNode((SR)group); } else if (group is XenAPI.Network) { node = AddNetworkNode((XenAPI.Network)group); } else if (group is VDI) { node = AddVDINode((VDI)group); } else if (group is Folder) { node = AddFolderNode((Folder)group); } else { node = AddNode(grouping.GetGroupName(group), grouping.GetGroupIcon(group), false, new GroupingTag(grouping, GetGroupingTagFromNode(_parent), group)); if (group is DateTime) Program.BeginInvoke(Program.MainWindow, () => { node.Text = HelpersGUI.DateTimeToString((DateTime)group, Messages.DATEFORMAT_DMY_HMS, true); }); // annoying: has to be on the event thread because of CA-46983 } return new MainWindowTreeNodeGroupAcceptor(_highlightedDragTarget, _treeViewForeColor, _treeViewBackColor, node); } #endregion private static object GetGroupingTagFromNode(VirtualTreeNode node) { if (node == null) return null; GroupingTag gt = node.Tag as GroupingTag; if (gt != null) { // gt.Grouping is OrganizationalView means that we're at the Tags/Types/Custom Fields level. // Custom field keys are the next level down, and values are the one after that. return gt.Grouping is OrganizationalView ? null : gt.Group; } return node.Tag; } private VirtualTreeNode AddPoolNode(Pool pool) { return AddNode(Helpers.GetName(pool), Images.GetIconFor(pool), false, pool); } private VirtualTreeNode AddVMNode(VM vm) { bool hidden = vm.IsHidden(); string name = hidden ? String.Format(Messages.X_HIDDEN, vm.Name()) : vm.Name(); return AddNode(name, Images.GetIconFor(vm), hidden, vm); } private VirtualTreeNode AddDockerContainerNode(DockerContainer cont) { return AddNode(cont.Name().Ellipsise(1000), Images.GetIconFor(cont), cont.IsHidden(), cont); } private VirtualTreeNode AddVmApplianceNode(VM_appliance appliance) { return AddNode(appliance.Name(), Images.GetIconFor(appliance), false, appliance); } private VirtualTreeNode AddHostNode(Host host) { return AddNode(host.Name(), Images.GetIconFor(host), false, host); } private VirtualTreeNode AddSRNode(SR sr) { bool hidden = sr.IsHidden(); String name = hidden ? String.Format(Messages.X_HIDDEN, sr.NameWithoutHost()) : sr.NameWithoutHost(); return AddNode(name, Images.GetIconFor(sr), hidden, sr); } private VirtualTreeNode AddNetworkNode(XenAPI.Network network) { bool hidden = network.IsHidden(); bool supporter = network.IsMember(); string rawName = network.Name(); String name = supporter ? String.Format(Messages.NIC_BONDED_MEMBER, rawName) : hidden ? String.Format(Messages.X_HIDDEN, rawName) : rawName; return AddNode(name, Images.GetIconFor(network), supporter || hidden, network); } private VirtualTreeNode AddVDINode(VDI vdi) { String name = String.IsNullOrEmpty(vdi.Name()) ? Messages.NO_NAME : vdi.Name(); return AddNode(name, Images.GetIconFor(vdi), false, vdi); } private VirtualTreeNode AddFolderNode(Folder folder) { return AddNode(folder.Name(), Images.GetIconFor(folder), false, folder); } private VirtualTreeNode AddNode(string name, Icons icon, bool grayed, object obj) { VirtualTreeNode result = new VirtualTreeNode(name.Ellipsise(1000)) { Tag = obj, ImageIndex = (int)icon, SelectedImageIndex = (int)icon }; _parent.Nodes.Insert(_index, result); _index++; bool highlighted = _highlightedDragTarget != null && obj != null && _highlightedDragTarget.Equals(obj); if (highlighted) { result.BackColor = SystemColors.Highlight; result.ForeColor = SystemColors.HighlightText; } else if (grayed) { result.BackColor = _treeViewBackColor; result.ForeColor = SystemColors.GrayText; } else { result.BackColor = _treeViewBackColor; result.ForeColor = _treeViewForeColor; } return result; } } #endregion } }