/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles; using System.Xml; using XenAdmin.Controls; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAPI; using XenAdmin.Actions; using XenAdmin.Dialogs; namespace XenAdmin.Wizards.BugToolWizardFiles { public partial class BugToolPageSelectCapabilities : XenTabPage { #region Private fields private List _hostList = new List(); private List _capabilities = new List(); private Dictionary> hostCapabilities; private List actions; private ActionProgressDialog dialog; private bool cancelled; private int oldIndex = -1; #endregion public BugToolPageSelectCapabilities() { InitializeComponent(); //set this here due to a framework bug splitContainer1.Panel1MinSize = 250; splitContainer1.Panel2MinSize = 200; // Due to a Visual Studio bug, ToolTipTitle is not put in the resx, even though the form is Localizable=true // so we have to set it here instead. PiiTooltip.ToolTipTitle = Messages.PRIVACY_WARNING; } public override string Text{get { return Messages.BUGTOOL_PAGE_CAPABILITIES_TEXT; }} public override string PageTitle { get { return Messages.BUGTOOL_PAGE_CAPABILITIES_PAGETITLE; } } public override string HelpID { get { return "SelectReportContents"; } } public override bool EnableNext() { return wizardCheckAnyChecked(); } public override void PageLoaded(PageLoadedDirection direction) { base.PageLoaded(direction); if (direction == PageLoadedDirection.Forward) { ClearButton.Enabled = wizardCheckAnyChecked(); SelectButton.Enabled = wizardCheckAnyUnchecked(); } } private bool wizardCheckAnyChecked() { foreach (Capability c in _capabilities) if (c.Checked) return true; return false; } private bool wizardCheckAnyUnchecked() { foreach (Capability c in _capabilities) if (!c.Checked) return true; return false; } /// /// /// /// /// If success of not - false with stop moving to next page public bool GetCommonCapabilities(List HostList) { if (!cancelled && Helpers.ListsContentsEqual(_hostList, HostList)) return true; _hostList = HostList; CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Items.Clear(); if (dialog != null && dialog.Visible) dialog.Close(); hostCapabilities = new Dictionary>(); actions = new List(); cancelled = false; dialog = new ActionProgressDialog(Messages.SERVER_STATUS_REPORT_GET_CAPABILITIES); dialog.ShowCancel = true; dialog.CancelClicked += new EventHandler(dialog_CancelClicked); foreach (Host host in _hostList) { GetSystemStatusCapabilities action = new GetSystemStatusCapabilities(host); actions.Add(action); action.Completed += Common_action_Completed; action.RunAsync(); } if (_hostList.Count > 0) dialog.ShowDialog(this); return !cancelled; } private void dialog_CancelClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { dialog.Close(); cancelled = true; // Need to unhook events on current actions, to stop them // interfeering when they return in 20mins foreach (GetSystemStatusCapabilities action in actions) action.Completed -= Common_action_Completed; } private void Common_action_Completed(ActionBase sender) { Program.Invoke(this, delegate() { if (cancelled) return; GetSystemStatusCapabilities caps = sender as GetSystemStatusCapabilities; if (caps == null) return; hostCapabilities[caps.Host] = caps.Succeeded ? parseXMLToList(caps) : null; if (hostCapabilities.Count >= _hostList.Count) { dialog.Close(); CombineCapabilitiesLists(); } }); } private List parseXMLToList(Actions.GetSystemStatusCapabilities action) { List capabilities = new List(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(action.Result); foreach (XmlNode node in doc.GetElementsByTagName("capability")) { Capability c = new Capability(); foreach (XmlAttribute a in node.Attributes) { string name = a.Name; string value = a.Value; if (name == "content-type") c.ContentType = value == "text/plain" ? ContentType.text_plain : ContentType.application_data; else if (name == "default-checked") c.DefaultChecked = value == "yes" ? true : false; else if (name == "key") c.Key = value; else if (name == "max-size") c.MaxSize = Int64.Parse(value); else if (name == "min-size") c.MinSize = Int64.Parse(value); else if (name == "max-time") c.MaxTime = Int64.Parse(value); else if (name == "min-time") c.MinTime = Int64.Parse(value); else if (name == "pii") c.PII = value == "yes" ? PrivateInformationIncluded.yes : value == "no" ? PrivateInformationIncluded.no : value == "maybe" ? PrivateInformationIncluded.maybe : PrivateInformationIncluded.customized; } capabilities.Add(c); } return capabilities; } private void CombineCapabilitiesLists() { List combination = null; foreach (List capabilities in hostCapabilities.Values) { if (capabilities == null) continue; if (combination == null) { combination = capabilities; continue; } combination = Helpers.ListsCommonItems(combination, capabilities); } if (combination == null || combination.Count <= 0) { new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details( SystemIcons.Error, Messages.SERVER_STATUS_REPORT_CAPABILITIES_FAILED, Messages.SERVER_STATUS_REPORT)).ShowDialog(this); cancelled = true; return; } _capabilities = combination; _capabilities.Add(GetClientCapability()); Sort_capabilities(); buildList(); } private Capability GetClientCapability() { Capability clientCap = new Capability(); clientCap.ContentType = ContentType.text_plain; clientCap.DefaultChecked = true; clientCap.Key = "client-logs"; clientCap.MaxSize = getLogSize(); clientCap.MinSize = clientCap.MaxSize; clientCap.MaxTime = -1; clientCap.MinTime = -1; clientCap.PII = PrivateInformationIncluded.yes; return clientCap; } private void Sort_capabilities() { _capabilities.Sort(new Comparison(delegate(Capability obj1, Capability obj2) { int piicompare = obj1.PII.CompareTo(obj2.PII); if (piicompare == 0) return StringUtility.NaturalCompare(obj1.ToString(), obj2.ToString()); else return piicompare; })); } private void OnCheckedCapabilitiesChanged(bool refreshList) { TotalSizeValue.Text = getShoppingCartTotalSize(); TotalTimeValue.Text = getShoppingCartTotalTime(); OnPageUpdated(); ClearButton.Enabled = wizardCheckAnyChecked(); SelectButton.Enabled = wizardCheckAnyUnchecked(); if (refreshList) CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Refresh(); } private void buildList() { CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Items.Clear(); foreach (Capability c in _capabilities) { CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Items.Add(c); if (CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.SelectedIndex == -1) CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.SelectedItem = c; } OnCheckedCapabilitiesChanged(false); } private long getLogSize() { String path = Program.GetLogFile_(); if (path != null) { // Size of XenCenter.log FileInfo logFileInfo = new FileInfo(path); long total = logFileInfo.Length; // Add size of any XenCenter.log.x DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); Regex regex = new Regex(Regex.Escape(Path.GetFileName(path)) + @"\.\d+"); foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles()) { if (regex.IsMatch(file.Name)) total += file.Length; } return total; } else { return 50 * Util.BINARY_MEGA; } } private string getShoppingCartTotalSize() { List minList = new List(); List maxList = new List(); foreach (Capability c in CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Items) { if (c.Checked) { int m = c.Key == "client-logs" ? 1 : _hostList.Count; minList.Add(c.MinSize * m); maxList.Add(c.MaxSize * m); } } return Helpers.StringFromMaxMinSizeList(minList, maxList); } private string getShoppingCartTotalTime() { List minList = new List(); List maxList = new List(); foreach (Capability c in CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Items) { if (c.Checked) { int m = c.Key == "client-logs" ? 1 : _hostList.Count; minList.Add(c.MinTime * m); maxList.Add(c.MaxTime * m); } } return Helpers.StringFromMaxMinTimeList(minList, maxList); } public List Capabilities { get { List list = new List(); foreach (Capability c in CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Items) { if(c.Checked) list.Add(c); } return list; } } #region Control event handlers private void CapabilitiesCheckedListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.SelectedIndex == -1) return; Capability c = CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.SelectedItem as Capability; DescriptionValue.Text = c.Description; SizeValue.Text = c.EstimatedSize; TimeValue.Text = c.EstimatedTime; } private void CapabilitiesCheckedListBox_DrawItem(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Index == -1) return; Capability c = CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Items[e.Index] as Capability; using (SolidBrush backBrush = new SolidBrush(e.BackColor)) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, e.Bounds); CheckBoxRenderer.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, new Point(e.Bounds.Left + 1, e.Bounds.Top + 1), c.Checked ? CheckBoxState.CheckedNormal : CheckBoxState.UncheckedNormal); Drawing.DrawText(e.Graphics, c.ToString(), Font, new Point(e.Bounds.Left + e.Bounds.Height, e.Bounds.Top + 1), e.ForeColor); e.Graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Right - 15, e.Bounds.Top, 15, e.Bounds.Height)); } if (c.PII == PrivateInformationIncluded.customized) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(Properties.Resources._000_PiiCustomised_h32bit_16, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Right - 15, e.Bounds.Top, 15, 15)); } else if (c.PII == PrivateInformationIncluded.maybe) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(Properties.Resources._000_PiiMaybe_h32bit_16, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Right - 15, e.Bounds.Top, 15, 15)); } else if (c.PII == PrivateInformationIncluded.no) { e.Graphics.DrawImage(Properties.Resources._000_PiiNo_h32bit_16, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Right - 15, e.Bounds.Top, 15, 15)); } else { e.Graphics.DrawImage(Properties.Resources._000_PiiYes_h32bit_16, new Rectangle(e.Bounds.Right - 15, e.Bounds.Top, 15, 15)); } } private void CapabilitiesCheckedListBox_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Point point = CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.PointToClient(MousePosition); int imageLeft = CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Height > CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.ItemHeight * CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Items.Count ? 19 : 37; if (point.X < CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Width - imageLeft) { PiiTooltip.RemoveAll(); return; } int hoverIndex = CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.IndexFromPoint(point); if (hoverIndex >= 0 && hoverIndex < CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Items.Count) { if ((CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Items[hoverIndex] as Capability).PiiText != PiiTooltip.GetToolTip(CapabilitiesCheckedListBox) || hoverIndex != oldIndex) { oldIndex = hoverIndex; PiiTooltip.Active = false; PiiTooltip.SetToolTip(CapabilitiesCheckedListBox, (CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.Items[hoverIndex] as Capability).PiiText); PiiTooltip.Active = true; } } } private void CapabilitiesCheckedListBox_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Point point = CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.PointToClient(MousePosition); if (point.X < 15) { Capability c = CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.SelectedItem as Capability; c.Checked = !c.Checked; OnCheckedCapabilitiesChanged(true); } } private void CapabilitiesCheckedListBox_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space) { Capability c = CapabilitiesCheckedListBox.SelectedItem as Capability; if (c != null) { c.Checked = !c.Checked; OnCheckedCapabilitiesChanged(true); } } } private void linkLabel1_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(InvisibleMessages.PRIVACY); } catch { new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details( SystemIcons.Error, Messages.HOMEPAGE_ERROR_MESSAGE, Messages.XENCENTER)).ShowDialog(this); } } private void SelectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (Capability c in _capabilities) c.Checked = true; OnCheckedCapabilitiesChanged(true); } private void ClearButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (Capability c in _capabilities) c.Checked = false; OnCheckedCapabilitiesChanged(true); } #endregion } public enum ContentType { text_plain, application_data }; public enum PrivateInformationIncluded { yes, maybe, customized, no}; public class Capability : IComparable, IEquatable { public ContentType ContentType; bool _defaultChecked; public string Key; public long MaxSize; public long MinSize; public long MaxTime; public long MinTime; public PrivateInformationIncluded PII; public bool Checked; public bool DefaultChecked { get { return _defaultChecked; } set { _defaultChecked = value; Checked = value; } } public string PiiText { get { if (PII == PrivateInformationIncluded.yes) return Messages.PII_YES; else if(PII == PrivateInformationIncluded.maybe) return Messages.PII_MAYBE; else if(PII == PrivateInformationIncluded.customized) return Messages.PII_CUSTOMISED; else return Messages.PII_NO; } } public string Description { get { return Core.PropertyManager.GetFriendlyName( string.Format("Description-host.system_status-{0}", Key)); } } public string EstimatedSize { get { return Helpers.StringFromMaxMinSize(MinSize, MaxSize); } } public string EstimatedTime { get { return Helpers.StringFromMaxMinTime(MinTime, MaxTime); } } public override string ToString() { string result = Core.PropertyManager.GetFriendlyName( string.Format("Label-host.system_status-{0}", Key)); return result == null ? Key : result; } public int CompareTo(Capability other) { return StringUtility.NaturalCompare(this.Key, other.Key); } public bool Equals(Capability other) { return this.Key.Equals(other.Key); } } }