/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Management; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using XenOvf.Definitions; using XenOvf.Definitions.VMC; using XenOvf.Utilities; using XenCenterLib.Compression; using XenCenterLib.Archive; namespace XenOvf { public partial class OVF { private ManagementObject Win32_ComputerSystem = null; private List Win32_Processor = new List(); private List Win32_CDROMDrive = new List(); private List Win32_DiskDrive = new List(); private List Win32_NetworkAdapter = new List(); private List Win32_IDEController = new List(); private List Win32_SCSIController = new List(); private List Win32_IDEControllerDevice = new List(); private List Win32_SCSIControllerDevice = new List(); private List Win32_DiskPartition = new List(); private List Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition = new List(); private Dictionary mappings = new Dictionary(); #region CONVERSIONS public static void ConvertOVFtoOVA(string pathToOvf, string ovfFileName, bool compress, bool cleanup = true) { // throws exception if any of the parameters is null (which we want) string fullOvfPath = Path.Combine(pathToOvf, ovfFileName); if (!File.Exists(fullOvfPath)) throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format(Messages.FILE_MISSING, fullOvfPath)); // File Order is: // 1. OVF File // 2. Manifest (if exists) // 3. Signature File (if exists) // 4. All files listed in References.File. string origDir = ""; try { origDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(pathToOvf); EnvelopeType ovfenv = Load(ovfFileName); File_Type[] files = ovfenv.References.File; string ovafilename = string.Format("{0}.ova", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ovfFileName)); string manifestfile = string.Format("{0}.mf", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ovfFileName)); string signaturefile = string.Format("{0}.cert", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ovfFileName)); #region COMPRESSION STREAM Stream ovaStream; if (compress) { if (Properties.Settings.Default.useGZip) { log.Info("OVF.ConvertOVFtoOVA GZIP compression stream inserted"); FileStream fsStream = new FileStream(ovafilename + ".gz", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); ovaStream = CompressionFactory.Writer(CompressionFactory.Type.Gz, fsStream); } else { log.Info("OVF.ConvertOVFtoOVA BZIP2 compression stream inserted"); FileStream fsStream = new FileStream(ovafilename + ".bz2", FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); ovaStream = CompressionFactory.Writer(CompressionFactory.Type.Bz2, fsStream); } } else { ovaStream = new FileStream(ovafilename, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); } #endregion #region TAR using (var tar = ArchiveFactory.Writer(ArchiveFactory.Type.Tar, ovaStream)) { AddFileToArchiveWriter(tar, ovfFileName, cleanup); if (File.Exists(manifestfile)) { AddFileToArchiveWriter(tar, manifestfile, cleanup); // Cannot exist without manifest file. if (File.Exists(signaturefile)) AddFileToArchiveWriter(tar, signaturefile, cleanup); } if (files != null) { foreach (File_Type file in files) AddFileToArchiveWriter(tar, file.href, cleanup); } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { log.ErrorFormat("{0} {1}", Messages.CONVERSION_FAILED, ex.Message); throw new Exception(Messages.CONVERSION_FAILED, ex); } finally { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(origDir); } log.Debug("OVF.ConvertOVFtoOVA completed"); } private static void AddFileToArchiveWriter(ArchiveWriter tar, string fileName, bool cleanup) { using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(fileName)) tar.Add(fs, fileName); log.InfoFormat("Added file {0} to OVA archive", fileName); if (cleanup) { try { File.Delete(fileName); } catch { } } } public EnvelopeType ConvertPhysicaltoOVF(DiskInfo[] vhdExports, string pathToOvf, string ovfName) { return ConvertPhysicaltoOVF(vhdExports, pathToOvf, ovfName, Properties.Settings.Default.Language); } public EnvelopeType ConvertPhysicaltoOVF(DiskInfo[] vhdExports, string pathToOvf, string ovfName, string lang) { CollectInformation(); var env = CreateEnvelope(ovfName, lang); string vmUuid = AddVirtualSystem(env, lang, ovfName); string vhsId = AddVirtualHardwareSection(env, vmUuid, lang); AddVssd(env, vmUuid, vhsId); AddCPUs(env, vmUuid); AddMemory(env, vmUuid); AddNetworks(env, vmUuid, lang); CreateConnectedDevices(env, vmUuid, vhdExports); #region CREATE PVP ENTRIES foreach (DiskInfo di in vhdExports) { string pvpFilename = string.Format(@"{0}.pvp", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(di.VhdFileName)); string pvpPathWithFilename = Path.Combine(pathToOvf, pvpFilename); if (File.Exists(pvpPathWithFilename)) { AddExternalFile(env, pvpFilename, null); } } #endregion FinalizeEnvelope(env); log.DebugFormat("OVF.Create completed, {0}", ovfName); return env; } /// /// Converts an ova.xml (version 2) file from an XenServer Export *.xva into and OVF xml string. /// /// DiskInfo[] an array of disk names / identifiers /// ova.xml data in a string /// OVF file Path /// Name of the OVF /// OVF XML String public string ConvertXVAtoOVF(DiskInfo[] vhdExports, string ovaxml, string ovfFilePath, string ovfName) { return ConvertXVAtoOVF(vhdExports, ovaxml, ovfFilePath, ovfName, Properties.Settings.Default.Language); } /// /// Converts an ova.xml (version 2) file from an XenServer Export *.xva into and OVF xml string. /// /// DiskInfo[] an array of disk names / identifiers /// ova.xml data in a string /// OVF file Path /// Name of the OVF /// Language to use /// OVF XML String public string ConvertXVAtoOVF(DiskInfo[] vhdExports, string ovaxml, string ovfFilePath, string ovfName, string lang) { XenXva xenobj = Tools.DeserializeOvaXml(ovaxml); EnvelopeType env = ConvertFromXenOVA(xenobj, vhdExports, ovfFilePath, ovfName, lang); string xmlstring = Tools.Serialize(env, typeof(EnvelopeType), Tools.LoadNamespaces()); log.Debug("OVF.ConvertXVAtoOVF completed"); return xmlstring; } /// /// Comverts an ova.xml V 0.1 from a XenServer 3 export into an OVF Xml String /// /// DiskInfo[] an array of disk names / identifiers /// ova xml file name /// OVF Name /// OVF Xml String public string ConvertXVAv1toOVF(DiskInfo[] vhdExports, string ovaxmlFileName, string ovfName) { return ConvertXVAv1toOVF(vhdExports, ovaxmlFileName, ovfName, Properties.Settings.Default.Language); } /// /// Comverts an ova.xml V 0.1 from a XenServer 3 export into an OVF Xml String /// /// DiskInfo[] an array of disk names / identifiers /// ova xml file name /// OVF Name /// /// OVF Xml String public string ConvertXVAv1toOVF(DiskInfo[] vhdExports, string ovaxmlFileName, string ovfName, string lang) { XcAppliance xca = Tools.LoadOldOvaXml(ovaxmlFileName); EnvelopeType env = ConvertFromXenOVAv1(xca, vhdExports, ovfName, lang); return Tools.Serialize(env, typeof(EnvelopeType), Tools.LoadNamespaces()); } /// /// Convert Virtual PC configuration file to an OVF Xml string. /// /// filename /// ovf name /// xml ovf string public string ConvertVPCtoOVF(string vpcFileName, string ovfName) { return ConvertVPCtoOVF(vpcFileName, ovfName, Properties.Settings.Default.Language); } /// /// Convert Virtual PC configuration file to an OVF Xml string. /// /// filename /// ovf name /// language string /// xml ovf string public string ConvertVPCtoOVF(string vpcFileName, string ovfName, string lang) { string vpcstring = Tools.LoadFile(vpcFileName); vpcstring = vpcstring.Replace("utf-16", "utf-8").Replace("UTF-16", "UTF-8"); // fails if we don't do this. (not nice need to figure real answer) Ms_Vmc_Type xca = Tools.Deserialize(vpcstring); EnvelopeType env = ConvertFromVPCXml(xca, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vpcFileName), ovfName, lang); return Tools.Serialize(env, typeof(EnvelopeType), Tools.LoadNamespaces()); } /// /// Convert Vmware meta data to OVF xml string /// /// filename /// ovf name. /// ovf xml string public string ConvertVMXtoOVF(string vmxFileName, string ovfName) { return ConvertVMXtoOVF(vmxFileName, ovfName, Properties.Settings.Default.Language); } /// /// Convert Vmware meta data to OVF xml string /// /// filename /// ovf name. /// language /// ovf xml string public string ConvertVMXtoOVF(string vmxFileName, string ovfName, string lang) { string vmxstring = Tools.LoadFile(vmxFileName); StringReader sr = new StringReader(vmxstring); string line = sr.ReadLine(); while (true) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && line.Contains("=")) { string[] vmxpair = line.Split(new char[] {'='}); mappings.Add(vmxpair[0].Trim(), vmxpair[1].Replace("\"", "").Trim()); } try { line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line == null) break; } catch { break; } } sr.Dispose(); EnvelopeType env = ConvertFromVMXcfg(mappings, ovfName, lang); return Tools.Serialize(env, typeof(EnvelopeType), Tools.LoadNamespaces()); } /// /// Convert Hyper-V Export CIM XML vm meta data to OVF xml /// /// filename /// ovfname /// ovf xml string public string ConvertHyperVtoOVF(string hvxmlFileName, string ovfName) { return ConvertHyperVtoOVF(hvxmlFileName, ovfName, Properties.Settings.Default.Language); } /// /// Convert Hyper-V Export CIM XML vm meta data to OVF xml /// /// filename /// ovfname /// language /// ovf xml string public string ConvertHyperVtoOVF(string hvxmlFileName, string ovfName, string lang) { string hvxml = Tools.LoadFile(hvxmlFileName); hvxml = hvxml.Replace("utf-16", "utf-8"); // fails if we don't do this. string xmlstring = null; Ms_Declarations_Type hvobj = Tools.Deserialize(hvxml); if (hvobj != null && hvobj.declgroups != null && hvobj.declgroups.Count > 0 && hvobj.declgroups[0].values != null && hvobj.declgroups[0].values.Count > 0) { EnvelopeType env = ConvertFromHyperVXml(hvobj, ovfName, lang); xmlstring = Tools.Serialize(env, typeof(EnvelopeType), Tools.LoadNamespaces()); log.Debug("XenOvf::ConvertHyperVtoOVF completed"); } else { throw new InvalidDataException(Messages.CONVERSION_NO_DATA); } return xmlstring; } #endregion #region PRIVATE private EnvelopeType ConvertFromXenOVA(XenXva xenxva, DiskInfo[] vhdExports, string ovfFilePath, string ovfname, string lang) { mappings.Clear(); EnvelopeType env = CreateEnvelope(ovfname, lang); string vsId = AddVirtualSystem(env, lang, ovfname); string vhsId = AddVirtualHardwareSection(env, vsId, lang); // Do this because it isn't defined yet this will allow for // it to update in any order. UpdateVirtualSystemSettingData(env, vsId, "VirtualSystemType", "hvm"); foreach (XenMember xm in xenxva.xenstruct.xenmember) { if (xm.xenname.ToLower().Equals("objects")) { foreach (object obj in ((XenArray)xm.xenvalue).xendata.xenvalue) { if (obj is XenStruct) { bool AtVM = false; bool AtVBD = false; bool AtVIF = false; bool AtNetwork = false; bool AtVDI = false; bool AtSR = false; bool IsReferenced = false; string reference = null; foreach (XenMember xmm in ((XenStruct)obj).xenmember) { #region SET AREA if (xmm.xenname.ToLower().Equals("class") && xmm.xenvalue != null && xmm.xenvalue is string && ((string)xmm.xenvalue).Length > 0 && ((string)xmm.xenvalue).ToLower().Equals("vm")) { AtVM = true; } else if (xmm.xenname.ToLower().Equals("class") && xmm.xenvalue != null && xmm.xenvalue is string && ((string)xmm.xenvalue).Length > 0 && ((string)xmm.xenvalue).ToLower().Equals("vbd")) { AtVBD = true; } else if (xmm.xenname.ToLower().Equals("class") && xmm.xenvalue != null && xmm.xenvalue is string && ((string)xmm.xenvalue).Length > 0 && ((string)xmm.xenvalue).ToLower().Equals("vif")) { AtVIF = true; } else if (xmm.xenname.ToLower().Equals("class") && xmm.xenvalue != null && xmm.xenvalue is string && ((string)xmm.xenvalue).Length > 0 && ((string)xmm.xenvalue).ToLower().Equals("network")) { AtNetwork = true; } else if (xmm.xenname.ToLower().Equals("class") && xmm.xenvalue != null && xmm.xenvalue is string && ((string)xmm.xenvalue).Length > 0 && ((string)xmm.xenvalue).ToLower().Equals("vdi")) { AtVDI = true; } else if (xmm.xenname.ToLower().Equals("class") && xmm.xenvalue != null && xmm.xenvalue is string && ((string)xmm.xenvalue).Length > 0 && ((string)xmm.xenvalue).ToLower().Equals("sr")) { AtSR = true; } #endregion #region CHECK REFERENCE if (xmm.xenname.ToLower().Equals("id") && xmm.xenvalue != null && xmm.xenvalue is string) { string curid = (string)(xmm.xenvalue); if (mappings.ContainsKey(curid)) { IsReferenced = true; reference = curid; } else { IsReferenced = false; } } #endregion #region GET DATA if (xmm.xenname.ToLower().Equals("snapshot") && xmm.xenvalue != null && xmm.xenvalue is XenStruct) { if (AtVM) { TransformXvaOvf_VM(env, vsId, lang, (XenStruct)xmm.xenvalue); AtVM = false; } else if (AtVBD) { TransformXvaOvf_VBD(env, vsId, lang, (XenStruct)xmm.xenvalue); AtVBD = false; } else if (AtVIF) { TransformXvaOvf_VIF(env, vsId, lang, (XenStruct)xmm.xenvalue); AtVIF = false; } else if (AtNetwork && IsReferenced) { TransformXvaOvf_Network(env, vsId, lang, reference, (XenStruct)xmm.xenvalue); AtNetwork = false; } else if (AtVDI && IsReferenced) { DiskInfo diskDetails = null; foreach (DiskInfo di in vhdExports) { if (di.DriveId.ToLower().Equals(reference.ToLower())) { diskDetails = di; break; } } if (diskDetails != null) { TransformXvaOvf_VDI(env, vsId, lang, reference, diskDetails, (XenStruct)xmm.xenvalue); string pvpFilename = string.Format(@"{0}.pvp", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(diskDetails.VhdFileName)); string pvpFileWithPath = Path.Combine(ovfFilePath, pvpFilename); if (File.Exists(pvpFileWithPath)) { AddExternalFile(env, pvpFilename, null); } } else { log.ErrorFormat("Could not find the details for disk, {0}", reference); } AtVDI = false; } else if (AtSR && IsReferenced) { TransformXvaOvf_SR(env, vsId, lang, (XenStruct)xmm.xenvalue); AtSR = false; } IsReferenced = false; } #endregion } } } } } FinalizeEnvelope(env); log.DebugFormat("OVF.ConvertFromXenOVA completed {0}", ovfname); mappings.Clear(); return env; } private EnvelopeType ConvertFromXenOVAv1(XcAppliance xenxva, DiskInfo[] vhdExports, string ovfname, string lang) { mappings.Clear(); if (ovfname == null || xenxva == null || xenxva.vm == null || xenxva.vm.config == null || xenxva.vm.hacks == null || xenxva.vm.vbd == null || xenxva.vm.label == null || xenxva.vm.label.Length <= 0 || vhdExports == null || vhdExports.Length <= 0) throw new NullReferenceException("Invalid/Null argument"); EnvelopeType env = CreateEnvelope(ovfname, lang); string vsId = AddVirtualSystem(env, lang, ovfname); string vhsId = AddVirtualHardwareSection(env, vsId, lang); ulong mem = 0; if (xenxva.vm.config.memset != 0) { mem = xenxva.vm.config.memset/MB; SetMemory(env, vsId, mem, "MB"); } if (xenxva.vm.config.vcpus != 0) { SetCPUs(env, vsId, xenxva.vm.config.vcpus); } if (xenxva.vm.hacks.isHVM) { AddVirtualSystemSettingData(env, vsId, vhsId, xenxva.vm.label.Trim(), xenxva.vm.label.Trim(), _ovfrm.GetString("CONVERT_XVA_VSSD_CAPTION"), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Properties.Settings.Default.xenDefaultVirtualSystemType); AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, "HVM_boot_policy", Properties.Settings.Default.xenBootOptions, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTION")); AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, "HVM_boot_params", Properties.Settings.Default.xenBootParams, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTION")); AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, "platform", Properties.Settings.Default.xenPlatformSetting, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_PLATFORM_DESCRIPTION")); } else { AddVirtualSystemSettingData(env, vsId, vhsId, xenxva.vm.label.Trim(), xenxva.vm.label.Trim(), _ovfrm.GetString("CONVERT_XVA_VSSD_CAPTION"), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Properties.Settings.Default.xenDefaultPVVirtualSystemType); AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, "PV_bootloader", Properties.Settings.Default.xenPVBootloader, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTION")); AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, "PV_kernel", Properties.Settings.Default.xenKernelOptions, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTION")); AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, "platform", Properties.Settings.Default.xenPVPlatformSetting, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_PLATFORM_DESCRIPTION")); } UpdateVirtualSystemName(env, vsId, lang, xenxva.vm.label.Trim()); AddNetwork(env, vsId, lang, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_10_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_10_DESCRIPTION"), null); string contollerId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); AddController(env, vsId, DeviceType.IDE, contollerId, 0); int i = 0; foreach (DiskInfo di in vhdExports) { if (di.PhysicalSize == null) di.PhysicalSize = "0"; if (di.CapacitySize == null) di.CapacitySize = "0"; AddDisk(env, vsId, di.DriveId, lang, di.VhdFileName, true, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_DESCRIPTION"), Convert.ToUInt64(di.PhysicalSize), Convert.ToUInt64(di.CapacitySize)); AddDeviceToController(env, vsId, di.DriveId, contollerId, Convert.ToString(i++)); } FinalizeEnvelope(env); log.DebugFormat("OVF.ConvertFromXenOVAv1 completed {0}", ovfname); mappings.Clear(); return env; } private EnvelopeType ConvertFromHyperVXml(Ms_Declarations_Type hvobj, string ovfname, string lang) { EnvelopeType env = CreateEnvelope(ovfname, lang); string systemId = AddVirtualSystem(env, lang, ovfname); string vhsid = AddVirtualHardwareSection(env, systemId, lang); foreach (Ms_WrapperInstance_Type wrap in hvobj.declgroups[0].values) { RASD_Type rasd = new RASD_Type(); switch (wrap.instance.className) { #region CASE: Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData case "Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData": { string ElementName = null; string InstanceId = null; string SystemName = null; string VirtualSystemType = null; foreach (Ms_Property_Base_Type prop in wrap.instance.Properties) { switch (prop.Name) { case "ElementName": { ElementName = ((Ms_ParameterValue_Type)prop).Value; break; } case "InstanceID": { InstanceId = ((Ms_ParameterValue_Type)prop).Value; break; } case "SystemName": { SystemName = ((Ms_ParameterValue_Type)prop).Value; break; } case "VirtualSystemType": { VirtualSystemType = ((Ms_ParameterValue_Type)prop).Value; break; } } } AddVirtualSystemSettingData(env, systemId, vhsid, ElementName, ElementName, ElementName, InstanceId, VirtualSystemType); UpdateVirtualSystemName(env, systemId, lang, ElementName); break; } #endregion #region CASE: ResourceAllocationSettingData case "Msvm_ProcessorSettingData": case "Msvm_MemorySettingData": case "Msvm_SyntheticEthernetPortSettingData": case "Msvm_ResourceAllocationSettingData": { foreach (Ms_Property_Base_Type prop in wrap.instance.Properties) { if (prop is Ms_ParameterValue_Type) { if (((Ms_ParameterValue_Type)prop).Value == null || ((Ms_ParameterValue_Type)prop).Value.Length <= 0) { continue; } } else if (prop is Ms_ParameterValueArray_Type) { if (((Ms_ParameterValueArray_Type)prop).Values == null || ((Ms_ParameterValueArray_Type)prop).Values.Length <= 0) { continue; } } PropertyInfo[] properties = rasd.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in properties) { if (pi.Name.ToLower().Equals(prop.Name.ToLower())) { object newvalue = null; if (prop is Ms_ParameterValue_Type) { switch (prop.Type.ToLower()) { case "string": { newvalue = new cimString((string)((Ms_ParameterValue_Type)prop).Value); break; } case "boolean": { newvalue = new cimBoolean(); ((cimBoolean)newvalue).Value = Convert.ToBoolean(((Ms_ParameterValue_Type)prop).Value); break; } case "uint16": { newvalue = new cimUnsignedShort(); ((cimUnsignedShort)newvalue).Value = Convert.ToUInt16(((Ms_ParameterValue_Type)prop).Value); break; } case "uint32": { newvalue = new cimUnsignedInt(); ((cimUnsignedInt)newvalue).Value = Convert.ToUInt32(((Ms_ParameterValue_Type)prop).Value); break; } case "uint64": { newvalue = new cimUnsignedLong(); ((cimUnsignedLong)newvalue).Value = Convert.ToUInt64(((Ms_ParameterValue_Type)prop).Value); break; } } } else if (prop is Ms_ParameterValueArray_Type) { switch (prop.Type.ToLower()) { case "string": { List sarray = new List(); foreach (Ms_ParameterValue_Type svalue in ((Ms_ParameterValueArray_Type)prop).Values) { sarray.Add(new cimString(svalue.Value)); } newvalue = sarray.ToArray(); break; } } } object tmpobject = null; switch (pi.Name.ToLower()) { case "caption": { newvalue = new Caption(((cimString)newvalue).Value); break; } case "changeabletype": { tmpobject = newvalue; newvalue = new ChangeableType(); ((ChangeableType)newvalue).Value = ((cimUnsignedShort)tmpobject).Value; break; } case "consumervisibility": { tmpobject = newvalue; newvalue = new ConsumerVisibility(); ((ConsumerVisibility)newvalue).Value = ((cimUnsignedShort)tmpobject).Value; break; } case "mappingbehavior": { tmpobject = newvalue; newvalue = new MappingBehavior(); ((MappingBehavior)newvalue).Value = ((cimUnsignedShort)tmpobject).Value; break; } case "resourcetype": { tmpobject = newvalue; newvalue = new ResourceType(); ((ResourceType)newvalue).Value = ((cimUnsignedShort)tmpobject).Value; break; } case "connection": case "hostresource": default: { break; } } pi.SetValue(rasd, newvalue, null); } } } if (rasd != null) { if (FillEmptyRequiredFields(rasd)) { if (rasd.ResourceType.Value == 21 && rasd.Caption.Value.ToLower().StartsWith(_ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_CAPTION").ToLower())) { string filename = Path.GetFileName(rasd.Connection[0].Value); AddFileReference(env, lang, filename, rasd.InstanceID.Value, 0, Properties.Settings.Default.winFileFormatURI); AddRasd(env, systemId, rasd); } else if (rasd.ResourceType.Value == 10) { AddNetwork(env, systemId, lang, rasd.InstanceID.Value, rasd.Caption.Value, rasd.Address.Value); } else { AddRasd(env, systemId, rasd); } } } break; } #endregion #region CASE: Msvm_VLANEndpointSettingData case "Msvm_VLANEndpointSettingData": #endregion #region CASE: SKIPPED / DEFAULT case "Msvm_VirtualSystemExportSettingData": case "Msvm_VirtualSystemGlobalSettingData": case "Msvm_HeartbeatComponentSettingData": case "Msvm_KvpExchangeComponentSettingData": case "Msvm_ShutdownComponentSettingData": case "Msvm_TimeSyncComponentSettingData": case "Msvm_VssComponentSettingData": case "Msvm_SwitchPort": case "Msvm_VirtualSwitch": default: { break; } #endregion } } FinalizeEnvelope(env); return env; } private EnvelopeType ConvertFromVPCXml(Ms_Vmc_Type vmcobj, string vpcName, string ovfname, string lang) { EnvelopeType env = CreateEnvelope(ovfname, lang); string vsId = AddVirtualSystem(env, lang, ovfname); string vhsId = AddVirtualHardwareSection(env, vsId, lang); SetMemory(env, vsId, Convert.ToUInt64(vmcobj.hardware.memory.ram_size.value), "MB"); // TODO: See if this is set in the other versions somewhere. SetCPUs(env, vsId, (ulong)1); AddVirtualSystemSettingData(env, vsId, vhsId, vpcName, vpcName, _ovfrm.GetString("CONVERT_VPC_VSSD_CAPTION"), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Properties.Settings.Default.xenDefaultVirtualSystemType); AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, "HVM_boot_policy", Properties.Settings.Default.xenBootOptions, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTION")); AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, "HVM_boot_params", Properties.Settings.Default.xenBootParams, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTION")); AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, "platform", Properties.Settings.Default.xenPlatformSetting, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_PLATFORM_DESCRIPTION")); UpdateVirtualSystemName(env, vsId, lang, vpcName); if (vmcobj.hardware.pci_bus.ethernet_adapter != null && vmcobj.hardware.pci_bus.ethernet_adapter.ethernet_controller != null && vmcobj.hardware.pci_bus.ethernet_adapter.ethernet_controller.Length > 0) { foreach (Ms_Ethernet_Controller_Type ec in vmcobj.hardware.pci_bus.ethernet_adapter.ethernet_controller) { if (ec.virtual_network.id.value == null || ec.virtual_network.name.value == null) { continue; } AddNetwork(env, vsId, lang, ec.virtual_network.id.value, ec.virtual_network.name.value, ec.ethernet_card_address.value); } } foreach (Ms_Ide_Controller_Type ide in vmcobj.hardware.pci_bus.ide_adapter.ide_controller) { string ideId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); AddController(env, vsId, DeviceType.IDE, ideId, Convert.ToInt32(ide.id)); foreach (Ms_Location_Type loc in ide.location) { string diskId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); switch (loc.drive_type.value) { case "0": { continue; } // when 0 location appears empty case "1": // when 1 VHD { AddDisk(env, vsId, lang, diskId, Path.GetFileName(loc.pathname.absolute.value), true, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_DESCRIPTION"), 0, 0); break; } case "2": // when 2 ISO { AddCDROM(env, vsId, diskId, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_16_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_16_ELEMENTNAME")); if (loc.pathname != null && loc.pathname.absolute != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(loc.pathname.absolute.value)) { AddFileReference(env, lang, Path.GetFileName(loc.pathname.absolute.value), diskId, 0, Properties.Settings.Default.isoFileFormatURI); UpdateResourceAllocationSettingData(env, vsId, diskId, "HostResource", string.Format(Properties.Settings.Default.hostresource, diskId)); } break; } } AddDeviceToController(env, vsId, diskId, ideId, loc.id); } } FinalizeEnvelope(env); log.DebugFormat("OVF.ConvertFromVPCXml completed {0}", ovfname); mappings.Clear(); return env; } private EnvelopeType ConvertFromVMXcfg(Dictionary vmxcfg, string ovfname, string lang) { EnvelopeType env = CreateEnvelope(ovfname, lang); string vsId = AddVirtualSystem(env, lang, ovfname); string vhsId = AddVirtualHardwareSection(env, vsId); int addedNetwork = 0; int addedIDE = 0; int addedSCSI = 0; string vmxName = ovfname.Replace("\"", ""); // just in case these are in vmx file: if (!vmxcfg.ContainsKey("numvcpus")) { SetCPUs(env, vsId, 1); } else { SetCPUs(env, vsId, Convert.ToUInt64("numvcpus")); } if (!vmxcfg.ContainsKey("memsize")) { SetMemory(env, vsId, 512, "MB"); } else { SetMemory(env, vsId, Convert.ToUInt64(vmxcfg["memsize"]), "MB"); } foreach (string key in vmxcfg.Keys) { if (key.ToLower().StartsWith("ethernet")) { char i = key[8]; int networkIdx = (int)i - 48; if (networkIdx == addedNetwork) { string mac = null; string cap = "Network"; string datakey = string.Format("ethernet{0}.generatedAddress", networkIdx); string vdev = string.Format("ethernet{0}.virtualDev", networkIdx); if (vmxcfg.ContainsKey(datakey)) mac = vmxcfg[datakey]; if (vmxcfg.ContainsKey(vdev)) cap = vmxcfg[vdev]; AddNetwork(env, vsId, lang, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), cap, mac); addedNetwork++; } } else if (key.ToLower().StartsWith("displayname")) { vmxName = vmxcfg[key]; } else if (key.ToLower().StartsWith("ide")) { char i = key[3]; int ideIdx = (int)i - 48; if (ideIdx == addedIDE) { string[] parts = key.Split(new char[] {':', '.'}); int port = 0; if (parts.Length == 3) { port = Convert.ToInt32(parts[1]); } string devId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string diskId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); AddController(env, vsId, DeviceType.IDE, devId, ideIdx); string filekey = string.Format("ide{0}:{1}.fileName", ideIdx, port); string devicekey = string.Format("ide{0}:{1}.deviceType", ideIdx, port); bool addDiskImage = false; if (vmxcfg.ContainsKey(filekey)) addDiskImage = true; if (vmxcfg.ContainsKey(devicekey)) { if (vmxcfg[devicekey].ToLower().StartsWith("cdrom")) { AddCDROM(env, vsId, diskId, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_16_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_16_ELEMENTNAME")); if (addDiskImage) { AddFileReference(env, lang, Path.GetFileName(vmxcfg[filekey]), diskId, 0, Properties.Settings.Default.isoFileFormatURI); UpdateResourceAllocationSettingData(env, vsId, diskId, "HostResource", string.Format(Properties.Settings.Default.hostresource, diskId)); } } else { if (addDiskImage) { AddDisk(env, vsId, diskId, lang, Path.GetFileName(vmxcfg[filekey]), true, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_DESCRIPTION"), 0, 0); } } } else { if (addDiskImage) { AddDisk(env, vsId, diskId, lang, Path.GetFileName(vmxcfg[filekey]), true, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_DESCRIPTION"), 0, 0); } } AddDeviceToController(env, vsId, diskId, devId, Convert.ToString(port)); addedIDE++; } } else if (key.ToLower().StartsWith("scsi")) { char i = key[4]; int scsiIdx = (int)i - 48; if (scsiIdx == addedSCSI) { string[] parts = key.Split(new char[] {':', '.'}); int port = 0; if (parts.Length == 3) { port = Convert.ToInt32(parts[1]); } else { continue; } string devId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string diskId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); AddController(env, vsId, DeviceType.SCSI, devId, port); string filekey = string.Format("scsi{0}:{1}.fileName", scsiIdx, port); string devicekey = string.Format("scsi{0}:{1}.deviceType", scsiIdx, port); bool addDiskImage = false; if (vmxcfg.ContainsKey(filekey)) addDiskImage = true; if (vmxcfg.ContainsKey(devicekey)) { if (vmxcfg[devicekey].ToLower().StartsWith("cdrom")) { AddCDROM(env, vsId, diskId, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_16_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_16_ELEMENTNAME")); if (addDiskImage) { AddFileReference(env, lang, Path.GetFileName(vmxcfg[filekey]), diskId, 0, Properties.Settings.Default.isoFileFormatURI); UpdateResourceAllocationSettingData(env, vsId, diskId, "HostResource", string.Format(Properties.Settings.Default.hostresource, diskId)); } } else { if (addDiskImage) { AddDisk(env, vsId, diskId, lang, Path.GetFileName(vmxcfg[filekey]), true, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_DESCRIPTION"), 0, 0); } } } else { if (addDiskImage) { AddDisk(env, vsId, diskId, lang, Path.GetFileName(vmxcfg[filekey]), true, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_DESCRIPTION"), 0, 0); } } AddDeviceToController(env, vsId, diskId, devId, Convert.ToString(port)); addedSCSI++; } } } AddVirtualSystemSettingData(env, vsId, vhsId, vmxName, vmxName, _ovfrm.GetString("CONVERT_VMX_VSSD_CAPTION"), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Properties.Settings.Default.xenDefaultVirtualSystemType); AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, "HVM_boot_policy", Properties.Settings.Default.xenBootOptions, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTION")); AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, "HVM_boot_params", Properties.Settings.Default.xenBootParams, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTION")); AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, "platform", Properties.Settings.Default.xenPlatformSetting, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_PLATFORM_DESCRIPTION")); FinalizeEnvelope(env); log.DebugFormat("OVF.ConvertFromVMXcfg completed {0}", ovfname); mappings.Clear(); return env; } private void TransformXvaOvf_VM(EnvelopeType env, string vsId, string lang, XenStruct vmstruct) { int PVvalue = 0; foreach (XenMember n in vmstruct.xenmember) { // // Currently these are the only values we care about. // if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("uuid")) { UpdateVirtualSystemSettingData(env, vsId, "VirtualSystemIdentifier", (string)n.xenvalue); } if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("name_label")) { if (n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { UpdateVirtualSystemName(env, vsId, lang, (string)n.xenvalue); UpdateVirtualSystemSettingData(env, vsId, "ElementName", (string)n.xenvalue); UpdateVirtualSystemSettingData(env, vsId, "Caption", _ovfrm.GetString("CONVERT_APP_NAME")); } } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("memory_static_max")) { if (n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { UInt64 memory = Convert.ToUInt64(n.xenvalue)/MB; SetMemory(env, vsId, memory, "MB"); } } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("vcpus_max")) { if (n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { UInt64 cpus = Convert.ToUInt64(n.xenvalue); SetCPUs(env, vsId, cpus); } } else if ( n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("pv_bootloader") || n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("pv_kernel") || n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("pv_ramdisk") || n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("pv_args") || n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("pv_bootloader_args") || n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("pv_legacy_args") || n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("hvm_boot_policy") || n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("hvm_shadow_multiplier") ) { if (n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { if (n.xenname.ToLower().StartsWith("pv")) { PVvalue++; } if (n.xenname.ToLower().StartsWith("hvm_boot")) { PVvalue--; } AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, n.xenname, (string)n.xenvalue, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTION")); } } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("hvm_boot_params")) { if (n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is XenStruct && ((XenStruct)n.xenvalue).xenmember != null) { string bootorder = "dc"; foreach (XenMember xm in ((XenStruct)n.xenvalue).xenmember) { PVvalue--; if (xm.xenname.ToLower().Equals("order")) { if (xm.xenvalue != null && xm.xenvalue is string && ((string)xm.xenvalue).Length > 0) { bootorder = (string)xm.xenvalue; } } } AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, n.xenname, bootorder, _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_SPECIFIC_DESCRIPTION")); } } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("platform")) { if (n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is XenStruct && ((XenStruct)n.xenvalue).xenmember != null) { StringBuilder p = new StringBuilder(); foreach (XenMember xm in ((XenStruct)n.xenvalue).xenmember) { if (xm.xenvalue != null && xm.xenvalue is string && ((string)xm.xenvalue).Length > 0) { p.AppendFormat("{0}={1}; ", xm.xenname, (string)xm.xenvalue); } } AddOtherSystemSettingData(env, vsId, lang, n.xenname, p.ToString().Trim(), _ovfrm.GetString("XENSERVER_PLATFORM_DESCRIPTION")); } } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("other_config")) { // Ignored, why you say? Because I haven't found one that is 'required' to reproduce the vm, yet. } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("domarch")) { // Can't depend on a value here but we need to set it to work correctly. if (n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { string svalue = (string)n.xenvalue; if (svalue.Equals("hvm")) { PVvalue = -10; } } if (PVvalue < 0) { UpdateVirtualSystemSettingData(env, vsId, "VirtualSystemType", "hvm-3.0-unknown"); } else { UpdateVirtualSystemSettingData(env, vsId, "VirtualSystemType", "xen-3.0-unknown"); } } } log.DebugFormat("OVF.TransformXvaOvf_VM completed {0}", vsId); } private void TransformXvaOvf_VBD(EnvelopeType env, string vsId, string lang, XenStruct vmstruct) { string diskId = null; string vhdfilename = ""; bool bootable = false; string caption = null; string description = null; ulong filesize = 0; ulong capacity = 0; string vdiuuid = null; bool isDisk = false; StringBuilder connection = new StringBuilder(); foreach (XenMember n in vmstruct.xenmember) { // // Currently these are the only values we care about. // if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("uuid") && n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { vdiuuid = (string)n.xenvalue; if (!vdiuuid.ToLower().Contains("null")) { diskId = string.Format(@"Xen:{0}/{1}", vsId, vdiuuid); } else { vdiuuid = null; } } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("vdi") && n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { string vdiref = ((string)n.xenvalue); if (!vdiref.ToLower().Contains("null")) { if (!mappings.ContainsKey(vdiref)) { mappings.Add(vdiref, vdiuuid); } } } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("userdevice") && n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { connection.AppendFormat("device={0},", ((string)n.xenvalue)); } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("bootable") && n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { connection.AppendFormat("bootable={0},", ((string)n.xenvalue)); bootable = Convert.ToBoolean(((string)n.xenvalue)); } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("mode") && n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { connection.AppendFormat("mode={0},", ((string)n.xenvalue)); } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("type") && n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { switch (((string)n.xenvalue).ToUpper()) { case "CD": { isDisk = false; caption = _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_16_CAPTION"); description = _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_16_DESCRIPTION"); break; } case "DISK": { caption = _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_CAPTION"); description = _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_DESCRIPTION"); isDisk = true; break; } } } } if (vdiuuid != null) connection.AppendFormat("vdi={0}", vdiuuid); if (isDisk) { AddDisk(env, vsId, diskId, lang, vhdfilename, bootable, caption, description, filesize, capacity); UpdateResourceAllocationSettingData(env, vsId, diskId, "Connection", connection.ToString()); } else { AddCDROM(env, vsId, diskId, caption, description); } log.DebugFormat("OVF.TransformXvaOvf_VBD completed {0}", vsId); } private void TransformXvaOvf_VIF(EnvelopeType env, string vsId, string lang, XenStruct vmstruct) { string vifuuid = null; string mac = null; foreach (XenMember n in vmstruct.xenmember) { // // Currently these are the only values we care about. // if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("uuid") && n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { vifuuid = (string)n.xenvalue; if (vifuuid.ToLower().Contains("null")) { vifuuid = null; } } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("network") && n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { string netref = ((string)n.xenvalue); if (!netref.ToLower().Contains("null")) { if (!mappings.ContainsKey(netref)) { mappings.Add(netref, vifuuid); } } } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("mac") && n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { mac = ((string)n.xenvalue); } } AddNetwork(env, vsId, lang, vifuuid, null, mac); log.DebugFormat("OVF.TransformXvaOvf_VIF completed {0}", vsId); } private void TransformXvaOvf_Network(EnvelopeType env, string vsId, string lang, string refId, XenStruct vmstruct) { string networkName = null; foreach (XenMember n in vmstruct.xenmember) { // // Currently these are the only values we care about. // if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("name_label") && n.xenvalue != null && n.xenvalue is string && ((string)n.xenvalue).Length > 0) { networkName = ((string)n.xenvalue); break; } } foreach (Section_Type section in env.Sections) { if (section is NetworkSection_Type) { NetworkSection_Type ns = (NetworkSection_Type)section; foreach (NetworkSection_TypeNetwork net in ns.Network) { if (net.Description != null && net.Description.msgid != null && net.Description.msgid.Equals(mappings[refId])) { net.Description.Value = networkName; break; } } break; } } log.DebugFormat("OVF.TransformXvaOvf_Network completed {0}", vsId); } private void TransformXvaOvf_VDI(EnvelopeType env, string vsId, string lang, string refId, DiskInfo di, XenStruct vmstruct) { string instanceId = null; if (mappings.ContainsKey(refId)) { instanceId = string.Format(@"Xen:{0}/{1}", vsId, mappings[refId]); } else { instanceId = string.Format(@"Xen:{0}/{1}", vsId, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); } string description = null; string vhdfilename = di.VhdFileName; ulong filesize = 0; ulong capacity = 0; ulong freespace = 0; foreach (XenMember n in vmstruct.xenmember) { if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("virtual_size")) { capacity = Convert.ToUInt64(n.xenvalue); } else if (n.xenname.ToLower().Equals("physical_utilisation")) { filesize = Convert.ToUInt64(n.xenvalue); } } freespace = capacity - filesize; UpdateDisk(env, vsId, instanceId, description, vhdfilename, filesize, capacity, freespace); log.DebugFormat("OVF.TransformXvaOvf_VDI completed {0}", vsId); } private void TransformXvaOvf_SR(EnvelopeType env, string vsId, string lang, XenStruct vmstruct) { // // Currently this is data for the Environment not necessarily part of the VM // even if the VM is in this SR it may not exist in the target server therefore // it is not required in the OVF. // log.DebugFormat("OVF.TransformXvaOvf_SR completed {0}", vsId); } private void CollectInformation() { Win32_ComputerSystem = null; Win32_Processor.Clear(); Win32_CDROMDrive.Clear(); Win32_DiskDrive.Clear(); Win32_NetworkAdapter.Clear(); Win32_IDEController.Clear(); Win32_SCSIController.Clear(); Win32_SCSIControllerDevice.Clear(); Win32_IDEControllerDevice.Clear(); Win32_DiskPartition.Clear(); ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = null; #region Win32_ComputerSystem try { searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"select * from Win32_ComputerSystem"); foreach (ManagementObject mgtobj in searcher.Get()) { Win32_ComputerSystem = mgtobj; // only want one. break; } log.Debug("OVF.CollectionInformation Win32_ComputerSystem.1"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WarnFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation: call to Win32_ComputerSystem failed. Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { if (searcher != null) searcher.Dispose(); searcher = null; } #endregion #region Win32_Processor try { searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"select * from Win32_Processor"); foreach (ManagementObject mgtobj in searcher.Get()) { Win32_Processor.Add(mgtobj); // only want one. break; } log.DebugFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation Win32_Processor.{0}", Win32_Processor.Count); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WarnFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation: call to Win32_Processor failed. Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { if (searcher != null) searcher.Dispose(); searcher = null; } #endregion #region Win32_CDROMDrive try { searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"select * from Win32_CDROMDrive"); foreach (ManagementObject mgtobj in searcher.Get()) { Win32_CDROMDrive.Add(mgtobj); } log.DebugFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation Win32_CDROMDrive.{0}", Win32_CDROMDrive.Count); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WarnFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation: call to Win32_CDROMDrive failed. Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { if (searcher != null) searcher.Dispose(); searcher = null; } #endregion #region Win32_DiskDrive try { searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"select * from Win32_DiskDrive"); foreach (ManagementObject mgtobj in searcher.Get()) { Win32_DiskDrive.Add(mgtobj); } log.DebugFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation Win32_DiskDrive.{0}", Win32_DiskDrive.Count); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WarnFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation: call to Win32_CDROMDrive failed. Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { if (searcher != null) searcher.Dispose(); searcher = null; } #endregion #region Win32_NetworkAdapter try { searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter"); foreach (ManagementObject mgtobj in searcher.Get()) { Win32_NetworkAdapter.Add(mgtobj); } log.DebugFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation Win32_NetworkAdapter.{0}", Win32_NetworkAdapter.Count); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WarnFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation: call to Win32_NetworkAdapter failed. Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { if (searcher != null) searcher.Dispose(); searcher = null; } #endregion #region Win32_IDEController try { searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"select * from Win32_IDEController"); foreach (ManagementObject mgtobj in searcher.Get()) { Win32_IDEController.Add(mgtobj); } log.DebugFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation Win32_IDEController.{0}", Win32_IDEController.Count); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WarnFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation: call for Win32_IDEController failed. Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { if (searcher != null) searcher.Dispose(); searcher = null; } #endregion #region Win32_SCSIController try { searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"select * from Win32_SCSIController"); foreach (ManagementObject mgtobj in searcher.Get()) { Win32_SCSIController.Add(mgtobj); } log.DebugFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation Win32_SCSIController.{0}", Win32_SCSIController.Count); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WarnFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation: call for Win32_SCSIController failed. Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { if (searcher != null) searcher.Dispose(); searcher = null; } #endregion #region Win32_DiskPartition try { searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"select * from Win32_DiskPartition"); foreach (ManagementObject mgtobj in searcher.Get()) { Win32_DiskPartition.Add(mgtobj); } log.DebugFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation Win32_DiskPartition.{0}", Win32_DiskPartition.Count); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WarnFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation: call for Win32_DiskPartition failed. Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { if (searcher != null) searcher.Dispose(); searcher = null; } #endregion #region Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition try { searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"select * from Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"); foreach (ManagementObject mgtobj in searcher.Get()) { Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition.Add(mgtobj); } log.DebugFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition.{0}", Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition.Count); } catch (Exception ex) { log.WarnFormat("OVF.CollectionInformation: call for Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition failed, Exception: {0}", ex.Message); } finally { if (searcher != null) searcher.Dispose(); searcher = null; } #endregion } private void AddVssd(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, string vsId, string vhsId) { AddVssd(ovfEnv, vsId, vhsId, Properties.Settings.Default.Language); } private void AddVssd(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, string vsId, string vhsId, string lang) { if (Win32_ComputerSystem != null) { #region FIND BY PROPERTIES NOT EXPLICID string name = "Generic Computer"; string caption = "Generic Caption"; string description = "Autogenerated OVF/OVA Package"; foreach (PropertyData pd in Win32_ComputerSystem.Properties) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("name") && pd.Value != null) { name = (string)pd.Value; } else if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("caption") && pd.Value != null) { caption = (string)pd.Value; } else if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("description") && pd.Value != null) { description = (string)pd.Value; } } #endregion UpdateVirtualSystemName(ovfEnv, vsId, lang, name); AddVirtualSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, vhsId, name, caption, description, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "301"); // 301 == Microsoft (source), hvm-3.0-unknown == (xen source) Microsoft && Linux NOT PV'd, xen-3.0-unknown == PV'd } else { Random rand = new Random(); string name = string.Format(Messages.AUTOGENERATED, rand.Next()); string caption = string.Format(Messages.UNKNOWN); string description = string.Format(Messages.UNKNOWN); UpdateVirtualSystem(ovfEnv, vsId, lang, name); AddVirtualSystemSettingData(ovfEnv, vsId, vhsId, name, caption, description, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "301"); log.Warn("System definition not available, created defaults"); } log.Debug("OVF.AddVssd completed"); } private void AddNetworks(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, string vsId) { AddNetworks(ovfEnv, vsId, Properties.Settings.Default.Language); } private void AddNetworks(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, string vsId, string lang) { if (Win32_NetworkAdapter != null) { foreach (ManagementObject mo in Win32_NetworkAdapter) { // Only get the physical adapters, not logical (which there are numerous) //if ((bool)mo["PhysicalAdapter"]) bool addThisNetwork = false; string macaddress = null; string description = null; // // setPriority is used to determine the description // 0 = unset // 1 highest priority // 2 next // 3 next // ... // int setPriority = 0; foreach (PropertyData pd in mo.Properties) { if (pd.Name != null && pd.Name.Length > 0) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("macaddress") && pd.Value != null && ((string)pd.Value).Length > 0) { macaddress = (string)pd.Value; } else if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("netconnectionid") && pd.Value != null && ((string)pd.Value).Length > 0) { description = (string)pd.Value; setPriority = 1; } else if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("name") && pd.Value != null && ((string)pd.Value).Length > 0) { if (setPriority == 0 || setPriority > 2) { description = (string)pd.Value; setPriority = 2; } } else if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("description") && pd.Value != null && ((string)pd.Value).Length > 0) { if (setPriority == 0 || setPriority > 3) { description = (string)pd.Value; setPriority = 3; } } // Below is trying to figure out if this is a Network Connection that // is to be exported/defined. // The issue is WMI has different value sets for different types of hardware // such as hardware as we know it... pci ethernet // or blade style, which WMI gives a different result. // WAN/RAS connections.. etc. // ANY one of the values can set this to true: // netconnectionstatus // pnpdeviceid // physicaladapter // else if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("netconnectionstatus") && pd.Value != null) { if ((UInt16)pd.Value == 0x2) { addThisNetwork = true; } } else if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("pnpdeviceid") && pd.Value != null && ((string)pd.Value).Length > 0) { if ((((string)pd.Value).ToLower().StartsWith("pci") || ((string)pd.Value).ToLower().StartsWith("scsi"))) { addThisNetwork = true; } } else if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("physicaladapter") && pd.Value != null) { addThisNetwork = (bool)pd.Value; } } } if (addThisNetwork) { AddNetwork(ovfEnv, vsId, lang, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), description, macaddress); } } } else { log.Warn("No networks defined, If a network interface is required, the administrator will need to add it after import of OVF/OVA Package."); } log.DebugFormat("OVF.AddNetworks completed {0}", vsId); } private void AddCPUs(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, string vsId) { AddCPUs(ovfEnv, vsId, Properties.Settings.Default.Language); } private void AddCPUs(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, string vsId, string lang) { UInt64 cpucount = 0; if (Win32_Processor != null && Win32_Processor.Count > 0) { foreach (ManagementObject mo in Win32_Processor) { #region FIND BY PROPERTIES NOT EXPLICID uint numberofcores = 1; foreach (PropertyData pd in mo.Properties) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("numberofcores") && pd.Value != null) { numberofcores = (uint)pd.Value; } } #endregion cpucount += Convert.ToUInt64(numberofcores); } SetCPUs(ovfEnv, vsId, cpucount); } else { SetCPUs(ovfEnv, vsId, 1); log.Warn("OVF.AddCPUs, set using default (1) CPU"); } log.DebugFormat("OVF.AddCPUs completed {0} cpus {1}", vsId, cpucount); } private void AddMemory(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, string vsId) { AddMemory(ovfEnv, vsId, Properties.Settings.Default.Language); } private void AddMemory(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, string vsId, string lang) { ulong divisor = 1024*1024; ulong totalphysicalmemory = divisor*512; // 512MB Default Memory ulong memory = 0; if (Win32_ComputerSystem != null) { #region FIND BY PROPERTIES NOT EXPLICID foreach (PropertyData pd in Win32_ComputerSystem.Properties) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("totalphysicalmemory") && pd.Value != null) { totalphysicalmemory = (ulong)pd.Value; break; } } #endregion memory = totalphysicalmemory/divisor; } else { log.Warn("OVF.AddMemory: could not determine system memory, defaulting to 512MB"); memory = 512L; } SetMemory(ovfEnv, vsId, memory, "byte * 2^20"); log.DebugFormat("OVF.AddMemory completed {0} memory {1} (byte * 2 ^ 20)", vsId, memory); } private void CreateConnectedDevices(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, string vsId, DiskInfo[] vhdExports) { CreateConnectedDevices(ovfEnv, vsId, Properties.Settings.Default.Language, vhdExports); } private void CreateConnectedDevices(EnvelopeType ovfEnv, string vsId, string lang, DiskInfo[] vhdExports) { //VirtualHardwareSection_Type vhs = FindVirtualHardwareSection(ovfEnv, vsId); bool guessPosition = true; int i = 0; #region IDE if (Win32_IDEController != null && Win32_IDEController.Count > 0) { foreach (ManagementObject mo in Win32_IDEController) { #region FIND BY PROPERTIES NOT EXPLICID string deviceid = null; foreach (PropertyData pd in mo.Properties) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("deviceid") && pd.Value != null) { deviceid = (string)pd.Value; } } #endregion if (deviceid == null) { log.Debug("No device id defined, continuing"); continue; } List ControllerAssociations = FindDeviceReferences("Win32_IDEControllerDevice", deviceid); string controllerInstanceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); AddController(ovfEnv, vsId, DeviceType.IDE, controllerInstanceId, i++); foreach (ManagementObject ca in ControllerAssociations) { #region FIND BY PROPERTIES NOT EXPLICID string _dependent = null; foreach (PropertyData pd in ca.Properties) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("dependent") && pd.Value != null) { _dependent = (string)pd.Value; } } if (_dependent == null) { log.Debug("PCI Association not available, continuing."); continue; } #endregion string[] dependent = _dependent.Split(new char[] {'='}); string dependentId = dependent[dependent.Length - 1].Replace("\"", ""); dependentId = dependentId.Replace(@"\", ""); string startswith = dependentId; //.Replace(@"\", ""); if (startswith.ToUpper().StartsWith(@"IDEDISK")) { log.Debug("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices Checking IDEDISK"); foreach (ManagementObject md in Win32_DiskDrive) { #region FIND BY PROPERTIES NOT EXPLICID string _deviceid = null; string _pnpdeviceid = null; UInt64 _size = 0; foreach (PropertyData pd in md.Properties) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("deviceid") && pd.Value != null) { _deviceid = (string)pd.Value; } else if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("pnpdeviceid") && pd.Value != null) { _pnpdeviceid = (string)pd.Value; } else if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("size") && pd.Value != null) { _size = (UInt64)pd.Value; } } #endregion _pnpdeviceid = _pnpdeviceid.Replace(@"\", ""); if (_pnpdeviceid.Equals(dependentId)) { foreach (DiskInfo di in vhdExports) { if (_deviceid.Contains(di.DriveId)) { try { log.DebugFormat("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices: Dependent: {0} Device: {1}", dependentId, _deviceid); string diskInstanceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); int lastAmp = dependentId.LastIndexOf('&'); if (lastAmp < 0) lastAmp = 0; string[] tmp = dependentId.Substring(lastAmp + 1).Split(new char[] {'.'}); string address = null; if (tmp.Length >= 2) { address = tmp[1]; } else { address = (guessPosition) ? "0" : "1"; guessPosition = !guessPosition; } address = address.Replace("&", "_"); bool bootable = IsBootDisk(di.DriveId); AddDisk(ovfEnv, vsId, diskInstanceId, lang, di.VhdFileName, bootable, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_DESCRIPTION"), Convert.ToUInt64(di.PhysicalSize), Convert.ToUInt64(di.CapacitySize)); AddDeviceToController(ovfEnv, vsId, diskInstanceId, controllerInstanceId, address); di.Added = true; log.DebugFormat("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices: {0} ({1}) added to {2}", di.DriveId, di.VhdFileName, dependentId); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = string.Format("{0} [{1}] controller connection could not be identified.", "IDEDISK", _pnpdeviceid); log.ErrorFormat("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices: {0}", msg); throw new Exception(msg, ex); } } } } } } else if (startswith.ToUpper().StartsWith(@"IDECDROM")) { log.Debug("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices Checking IDECDROM"); foreach (ManagementObject md in Win32_CDROMDrive) { #region FIND BY PROPERTIES NOT EXPLICID string _pnpdeviceid = null; foreach (PropertyData pd in md.Properties) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("pnpdeviceid") && pd.Value != null) { _pnpdeviceid = (string)pd.Value; } } if (_pnpdeviceid == null) { log.Debug("PNPDeviceID not available, continuing."); continue; } #endregion _pnpdeviceid = _pnpdeviceid.Replace(@"\", ""); if (_pnpdeviceid.Equals(dependentId)) { log.DebugFormat("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices: Dependent: {0} Device: {1}", dependentId, _pnpdeviceid); try { string diskInstanceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); int lastAmp = dependentId.LastIndexOf('&'); if (lastAmp < 0) lastAmp = 0; string[] tmp = dependentId.Substring(lastAmp + 1).Split(new char[] {'.'}); //string[] tmp = dependentId.Split(new char[] { '.' }); string address = tmp[1]; int idetest = Convert.ToInt32(address); if (idetest != 0 && idetest != 1) { address = "0"; } AddCDROM(ovfEnv, vsId, diskInstanceId, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_16_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_16_ELEMENTNAME")); AddDeviceToController(ovfEnv, vsId, diskInstanceId, controllerInstanceId, address); log.DebugFormat("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices: CDROM added to {0}", dependentId); } catch { log.WarnFormat("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices: CDROM [{0}] controller connection could not be identified, skipped.", _pnpdeviceid); } } } } } } } else { log.Info("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices NO IDE controllers detected."); } log.Debug("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices IDE Controllers completed."); #endregion #region SCSI if (Win32_SCSIController != null && Win32_SCSIController.Count > 0) { foreach (ManagementObject device in Win32_SCSIController) { #region FIND BY PROPERTIES NOT EXPLICID string _deviceid = null; foreach (PropertyData pd in device.Properties) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("deviceid") && pd.Value != null) { _deviceid = (string)pd.Value; } } if (_deviceid == null) { log.Debug("SCSI DeviceID not available, continuing."); continue; } #endregion List ControllerAssociations = FindDeviceReferences("Win32_SCSIControllerDevice", _deviceid); string controllerInstanceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (ControllerAssociations == null || ControllerAssociations.Count <= 0) { log.DebugFormat("No Controller associations for {0}", _deviceid); continue; } AddController(ovfEnv, vsId, DeviceType.SCSI, controllerInstanceId, i++); foreach (ManagementObject ca in ControllerAssociations) { #region FIND BY PROPERTIES NOT EXPLICID string _dependent = null; foreach (PropertyData pd in ca.Properties) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("dependent") && pd.Value != null) { _dependent = (string)pd.Value; } } if (_dependent == null) { log.Debug("SCSI Association not available, continuing."); continue; } #endregion string[] dependent = _dependent.Split(new char[] {'='}); string dependentId = dependent[dependent.Length - 1].Replace("\"", ""); dependentId = dependentId.Replace(@"\", ""); string startswith = dependentId; //.Replace(@"\", ""); if (startswith.ToUpper().StartsWith(@"SCSIDISK")) { foreach (ManagementObject md in Win32_DiskDrive) { #region FIND BY PROPERTIES NOT EXPLICID string __deviceid = null; string __pnpdeviceid = null; UInt32 __scsibus = 0; UInt16 __scsilogicalunit = 0; UInt16 __scsiport = 0; UInt16 __scsitargetid = 0; UInt64 __size = 0; foreach (PropertyData pd in md.Properties) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("deviceid") && pd.Value != null) { __deviceid = (string)pd.Value; } if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("pnpdeviceid") && pd.Value != null) { __pnpdeviceid = (string)pd.Value; } if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("scsibus") && pd.Value != null) { __scsibus = (UInt32)pd.Value; } if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("scsilogicalunit") && pd.Value != null) { __scsilogicalunit = (UInt16)pd.Value; } if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("scsiport") && pd.Value != null) { __scsiport = (UInt16)pd.Value; } if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("scsitargetid") && pd.Value != null) { __scsitargetid = (UInt16)pd.Value; } if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("size") && pd.Value != null) { __size = (UInt64)pd.Value; } } if (__deviceid == null) { log.Debug("SCSI DeviceID not available, continuing."); continue; } #endregion __pnpdeviceid = __pnpdeviceid.Replace(@"\", ""); if (__pnpdeviceid.Equals(dependentId)) { foreach (DiskInfo di in vhdExports) { if (__deviceid.Contains(di.DriveId)) { string diskInstanceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string _description = string.Format(_ovfrm.GetString("RASD_CONTROLLER_SCSI_DESCRIPTION"), __scsibus, __scsilogicalunit, __scsiport, __scsitargetid); bool bootable = IsBootDisk(di.DriveId); AddDisk(ovfEnv, vsId, diskInstanceId, lang, di.VhdFileName, bootable, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_CAPTION"), _description, Convert.ToUInt64(di.PhysicalSize), Convert.ToUInt64(di.CapacitySize)); AddDeviceToController(ovfEnv, vsId, diskInstanceId, controllerInstanceId, Convert.ToString(__scsiport)); di.Added = true; log.DebugFormat("CreateConnectedDevices: {0} ({1}) added to {2}", di.DriveId, di.VhdFileName, dependentId); } } } } } else if (startswith.ToUpper().StartsWith(@"SCSICDROM")) { foreach (ManagementObject md in Win32_CDROMDrive) { #region FIND BY PROPERTIES NOT EXPLICID string __deviceid = null; string __pnpdeviceid = null; UInt32 __scsibus = 0; UInt16 __scsilogicalunit = 0; UInt16 __scsiport = 0; UInt16 __scsitargetid = 0; foreach (PropertyData pd in md.Properties) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("deviceid") && pd.Value != null) { __deviceid = (string)pd.Value; } if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("pnpdeviceid") && pd.Value != null) { __pnpdeviceid = (string)pd.Value; } if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("scsibus") && pd.Value != null) { __scsibus = (UInt32)pd.Value; } if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("scsilogicalunit") && pd.Value != null) { __scsilogicalunit = (UInt16)pd.Value; } if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("scsiport") && pd.Value != null) { __scsiport = (UInt16)pd.Value; } if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("scsitargetid") && pd.Value != null) { __scsitargetid = (UInt16)pd.Value; } } if (__deviceid == null) { log.Debug("SCSI DeviceID not available, continuing."); continue; } #endregion __pnpdeviceid = __pnpdeviceid.Replace(@"\", ""); if (__pnpdeviceid.Equals(dependentId)) { string diskInstanceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string caption = string.Format(_ovfrm.GetString("RASD_CONTROLLER_SCSI_DESCRIPTION"), __scsibus, __scsilogicalunit, __scsiport, __scsitargetid); AddCDROM(ovfEnv, vsId, diskInstanceId, caption, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_16_DESCRIPTION")); AddDeviceToController(ovfEnv, vsId, diskInstanceId, controllerInstanceId, Convert.ToString(__scsiport)); log.DebugFormat("CreateConnectedDevices: CDROM added to {0}", dependentId); } } } } } } else { log.Info("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices no SCSI Controllers detected."); } log.DebugFormat("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices SCSI Controllers completed {0} ", vsId); #endregion #region OTHER CONTROLLER DISKS // These are disks that were not found on an IDE or SCSI, but exist and want to be exported. // these could be USB, 1394 etc. foreach (DiskInfo di in vhdExports) { if (!di.Added) { UInt64 _size = 0; string diskInstanceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string _deviceid = null; string _mediatype = null; foreach (ManagementObject md in Win32_DiskDrive) { #region FIND BY PROPERTIES NOT EXPLICID foreach (PropertyData pd in md.Properties) { if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("deviceid") && pd.Value != null) { _deviceid = (string)pd.Value; } else if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("mediatype") && pd.Value != null) { _mediatype = (string)pd.Value; } else if (pd.Name.ToLower().Equals("size") && pd.Value != null) { _size = (UInt64)pd.Value; } } #endregion } bool bootable = IsBootDisk(di.DriveId); AddDisk(ovfEnv, vsId, diskInstanceId, lang, di.VhdFileName, bootable, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_CAPTION"), _mediatype, Convert.ToUInt64(di.PhysicalSize), Convert.ToUInt64(di.CapacitySize)); di.Added = true; log.DebugFormat("CreateConnectedDevices: {0} ({1}) added to {2}", di.DriveId, di.VhdFileName, _mediatype); } } log.DebugFormat("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices OTHER Controllers completed {0} ", vsId); #endregion #region CHECK ALL DISKS WERE DEFINED foreach (DiskInfo di in vhdExports) { if (!di.Added) { AddDisk(ovfEnv, vsId, Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), lang, di.VhdFileName, false, _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_CAPTION"), _ovfrm.GetString("RASD_19_DESCRIPTION"), Convert.ToUInt64(di.PhysicalSize), Convert.ToUInt64(di.CapacitySize)); di.Added = true; log.Warn("CreateConnectedDevices: MANUAL Update of OVF REQUIRED TO DEFINE: Disk Size and Capacity"); log.WarnFormat("CreateConnectedDevices: {0} ({1}) NOT FOUND, added as Unknown with 0 Size", di.DriveId, di.VhdFileName); } } #endregion log.DebugFormat("OVF.CreateConnectedDevices completed {0} ", vsId); } #endregion } }