/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using NUnit.Framework; using XenAdmin; using XenAdmin.Controls; using XenAdmin.Controls.MainWindowControls; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Model; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAPI; namespace XenAdminTests { public abstract class MainWindowTester : TestObjectProvider { // Run on MainWindowThread private static object[] EMPTY = new object[0]; protected void MW(MethodInvoker f) { MW(f, EMPTY); } protected T MW(Func func) { return (T)MW(func, EMPTY); } protected object MW(Delegate f, params object[] args) { Assert.IsNotNull(Program.MainWindow, "Program.MainWindow was found to be null"); Assert.IsNotNull(f, "Delegate was found to be null"); Assert.IsNotNull(args, "Params were found to be null"); try { DoEvents(); object o = Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, f, args); DoEvents(); if (Program.TestExceptionString != null) throw new Exception(Program.TestExceptionString); return o; } catch (Exception e) { String message = Program.TestExceptionString ?? e.GetBaseException().ToString(); Program.TestExceptionString = null; Assert.Fail(message); return null; } } /// /// Waits for the specified action to return true. The action is run on the main program thread. /// The action is attempted 300 times, with a 100ms wait between tries. If the action doesn't /// succeed after being retried then the calling test is failed with the specified message. /// If assert message is null, then the test won't be failed. /// /// The action. /// The assert message. /// A value indicating whether the action was successful. protected bool MWWaitFor(Func action, string assertMessage) { bool success = false; for (int i = 0; i < 500 && !success; i++) { success = MW(action); if (!success) { Thread.Sleep(300); } } if (assertMessage != null && !success) { Assert.Fail(assertMessage); } return success; } /// /// Waits for the specified action to return true. The action is run on the calling thread. /// The action is attempted 300 times, with a 100ms wait between tries. If the action doesn't /// succeed after being retried then the calling test is failed with the specified message. /// If assert message is null, then the test won't be failed. /// /// The action. /// The assert message. /// A value indicating whether the action was successful. protected bool WaitFor(Func action, string assertMessage) { bool success = false; for (int i = 0; i < 300 && !success; i++) { success = action(); if (!success) { Thread.Sleep(100); } } if (assertMessage != null && !success) { Assert.Fail(assertMessage); } return success; } internal Win32Window WaitForWindowToAppear(string windowText) { return WaitForWindowToAppear(windowText, w => true); } internal Win32Window WaitForWindowToAppear(string windowText, Predicate match) { Win32Window window = null; Func func = delegate { window = Win32Window.GetWindowWithText(windowText, match); return window != null; }; WaitFor(func, "Window with text " + windowText + " didn't appear."); return window; } /// /// Waits for the specified action to return true. The action is run on the main program thread. /// The action is attempted 200 times, with a 100ms wait between tries. /// /// A value indicating whether the action was successful. protected bool MWWaitFor(Func action) { return MWWaitFor(action, null); } /// /// Waits for the specified action to return true. The action is run on the calling thread. /// The action is attempted 200 times, with a 100ms wait between tries. /// /// A value indicating whether the action was successful. protected bool WaitFor(Func action) { return WaitFor(action, null); } /// /// doesn't seems to work from the test framework. This is a replacement. /// private void DoEvents() { if (Program.MainWindow.InvokeRequired) { bool messagesPending = true; while (messagesPending) { Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, delegate { foreach (Win32Window w in Win32Window.GetThreadWindows()) { messagesPending = w.MessagesPending; if (messagesPending) { break; } } }); if (messagesPending) { Thread.Sleep(5); } } } } // Put the TestResources directory on the front of a filename protected string TestResource(string name) { return GetTestResource(name); } public static string GetTestResource(string name) { return Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "TestResources", name); } protected List GetAllTreeNodes() { return MW(() => new List(MainWindowWrapper.TreeView.AllNodes)); } protected void EnsureChecked(ToolStripMenuItem menuItem) { EnsureChecked(menuItem, CheckState.Checked); } protected void EnsureChecked(ToolStripMenuItem menuItem, CheckState checkState) { if (menuItem.CheckState != checkState) MW(menuItem.PerformClick); } protected void EnsureDefaultTemplatesShown() { EnsureChecked(MainWindowWrapper.ViewMenuItems.TemplatesToolStripMenuItem); MWWaitFor(delegate { var nodes = new List(MainWindowWrapper.TreeView.AllNodes); var defaultTemplates = nodes.Select(n => n.Tag is VM && ((VM)n.Tag).DefaultTemplate); return (defaultTemplates.Count() > 0); }); } protected void ClickMenuItem(string menuName, string itemName) { MW(delegate() { ToolStripItem item = GetMenuItem(menuName, itemName); Assert.NotNull(item, string.Format("Menu item '{0}' not found under menu '{1}'", itemName, menuName)); item.PerformClick(); }); } protected void CheckMenuItemMissing(string menuName, string itemName) { MW(delegate() { ToolStripItem item = GetMenuItem(menuName, itemName); Assert.Null(item, string.Format("Did not expect to find menu item '{0}' under menu '{1}'", itemName, menuName)); }); } /// /// May return null /// private ToolStripItem GetMenuItem(string menu, string item) { ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = null; foreach (ToolStripMenuItem m in MainWindowWrapper.MainMenuBar.Items) { if (m.Text.Replace("&", "") == menu) { menuItem = m; break; } } if (menuItem == null) return null; foreach (ToolStripItem i in menuItem.DropDownItems) { if (i.Text.Replace("&", "") == item) return i; } return null; } /// /// Selects the specified IXenObjects or GroupingTags in the tree. /// /// The IXenObjects or GroupingTags to select. /// A value indicating whether the action was successful. protected bool SelectInTree(params object[] ixmos) { return SelectInTree(vm => true, ixmos); } /// /// Selects the specified IXenObjects or GroupingTags in the tree. /// /// The condition that the node must match. /// The IXenObjects or GroupingTags to select. /// A value indicating whether the action was successful. protected bool SelectInTree(Predicate match, params object[] ixmos) { return MWWaitFor(() => { List nodes = new List(); foreach (object x in ixmos) { VirtualTreeNode node = FindInTree(x, match); if (node == null) return false; nodes.Add(node); } nodes.ForEach(v => v.EnsureVisible()); MainWindowWrapper.TreeView.SelectedNodes.SetContents(nodes); return true; }); } /// /// Finds the first (there maybe more than one) node that has specified IXenObject or GroupingTag as its tag. /// Returns null if the object isn't found. /// /// The IXenObject or GroupingTag to be found. /// The node. protected VirtualTreeNode FindInTree(object ixmo) { return FindInTree(ixmo, v => true); } /// /// Finds the first (there maybe more than one) node that has specified IXenObject or GroupingTag as its tag /// that matches the specified condition. Returns null if the object isn't found. /// /// The IXenObject or GroupingTag to be found. /// The condition that the node must match. /// The node. protected VirtualTreeNode FindInTree(object ixmo, Predicate match) { foreach (VirtualTreeNode node in MainWindowWrapper.TreeView.AllNodes) { bool found = false; if (ixmo == null && node.Tag == null) { found = true; } else { Folder f = ixmo as Folder; Folder ff = node.Tag as Folder; // special case for folders as Folder.Equals is broken... if (f != null && ff != null && f.opaque_ref == ff.opaque_ref) { found = true; } else if (ixmo != null && ixmo.Equals(node.Tag)) { found = true; } } if (found && match(node)) { return node; } } return null; } /// /// Puts the main treeview into Infrastructure, Objects or Organization /// view and waits until the tree has been repopulated. /// protected void PutInNavigationMode(NavigationPane.NavigationMode mode) { MW(() => { var originalMode = GetNavigationMode(); switch (mode) { case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Infrastructure: TestUtils.GetToolStripItem(MainWindowWrapper.Item, "navigationPane.buttonInfraBig").PerformClick(); break; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Objects: TestUtils.GetToolStripItem(MainWindowWrapper.Item, "navigationPane.buttonObjectsBig").PerformClick(); break; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Tags: TestUtils.GetToolStripMenuItem(MainWindowWrapper.Item, "navigationPane.toolStripMenuItemTags").PerformClick(); break; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Folders: TestUtils.GetToolStripMenuItem(MainWindowWrapper.Item, "navigationPane.toolStripMenuItemFolders").PerformClick(); break; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.CustomFields: TestUtils.GetToolStripMenuItem(MainWindowWrapper.Item, "navigationPane.toolStripMenuItemFields").PerformClick(); break; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.vApps: TestUtils.GetToolStripMenuItem(MainWindowWrapper.Item, "navigationPane.toolStripMenuItemVapps").PerformClick(); break; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.SavedSearch: var item = (ToolStripDropDownButton)TestUtils.GetToolStripItem(MainWindowWrapper.Item, "navigationPane.buttonSearchesBig"); item.ShowDropDown(); WaitFor(() => item.DropDownItems.Count > 0); item.DropDownItems[0].PerformClick(); break; case NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Notifications: break; } if (originalMode == mode) MainWindowWrapper.Item.RequestRefreshTreeView(); }); MWWaitFor(() => GetNavigationMode() == mode); } private NavigationPane.NavigationMode GetNavigationMode() { switch (MainWindowWrapper.TreeView.Nodes[0].Text) { case "Objects by Type": return NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Objects; case "Tags": return NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Tags; case "Folders": return NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Folders; case "Custom Fields": return NavigationPane.NavigationMode.CustomFields; case "vApps": return NavigationPane.NavigationMode.vApps; case "@BRANDING_BRAND_CONSOLE@": return NavigationPane.NavigationMode.Infrastructure; default: return NavigationPane.NavigationMode.SavedSearch; } } protected void ApplyTreeSearch(string text) { MW(() => { var textbox = TestUtils.GetSearchTextBox(MainWindowWrapper.Item, "navigationPane.navigationView.searchTextBox"); textbox.Text = text; }); MW(MainWindowWrapper.Item.RequestRefreshTreeView); } protected void GoToTabPage(TabPage tabPage) { MW(() => MainWindowWrapper.TheTabControl.SelectedTab = tabPage); } internal MainWindowWrapper MainWindowWrapper { get { return new MainWindowWrapper(Program.MainWindow); } } /// /// Handles a modal dialog. Opens the specified modal dialog using openDialog. A background thread is then used to wait /// for the window to appear. It is then closed using closeDialog. /// /// The type of the dialog wrapper. /// The window text used to detect when the window appears. /// Used to open the dialog. /// Used to close the dialog. public void HandleModalDialog(string windowText, MethodInvoker openDialog, Action closeDialog) { Util.ThrowIfParameterNull(openDialog, "openDialog"); Util.ThrowIfParameterNull(closeDialog, "closeDialog"); Type wrappedItemType = typeof(TDialogWrapper).GetProperty("Item").PropertyType; bool closed = false; Predicate match = delegate(Win32Window w) { Control ctrl = Control.FromHandle(w.Handle); return ctrl != null && wrappedItemType.IsAssignableFrom(ctrl.GetType()); }; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { TDialogWrapper dialog = (TDialogWrapper)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TDialogWrapper), WaitForWindowToAppear(windowText, match)); MW(() => closeDialog(dialog)); closed = true; }); MW(openDialog); MWWaitFor(() => closed, "Dialog \"" + windowText + "\" was not closed."); } /// /// Handles a modeless dialog. Opens a dialog of the specified wrapper type with the specified window text using the /// openDialog delegate. It then closes it with the closeDialog delegate. /// /// The type of the dialog to be opened. /// The window text. /// The delegate to open the dialog. /// The delegate to close the dialog. public void HandleModelessDialog(string windowText, MethodInvoker openDialog, Action closeDialog) { MW(openDialog); Type wrappedItemType = typeof(TDialogWrapper).GetProperty("Item").PropertyType; Predicate match = w => { var ctrl = Control.FromHandle(w.Handle); return ctrl != null && wrappedItemType.IsAssignableFrom(ctrl.GetType()); }; var dialog = (TDialogWrapper)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TDialogWrapper), WaitForWindowToAppear(windowText, match)); MW(() => closeDialog(dialog)); } public override List ConnectionManager { get { return ConnectionsManager.XenConnections; } } public override List ConnectionManagerCopy { get { return ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy; } } } }