/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using XenAdmin.Controls; using XenAdmin.Controls.Common; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Mappings; using XenAPI; using XenOvf; namespace XenAdmin.Wizards.ImportWizard { /// <summary> /// Class representing the page of the ImportAppliance wizard where the user specifies /// whether to run OS fixups. /// </summary> internal partial class ImportOptionsPage : XenTabPage { private SR m_selectedIsoSr; private string m_isoFilename; private IEnumerable<Host> m_hostTargets; private bool m_buttonNextEnabled; private bool m_fixupISOInLibrary; private List<SR> m_srsWithRegisteredEvents = new List<SR>(); public ImportOptionsPage() { InitializeComponent(); m_ctrlError.HideError(); } #region Base class (XenTabPage) overrides /// <summary> /// Gets the page's title (headline) /// </summary> public override string PageTitle { get { return Messages.IMPORT_OPTIONS_PAGE_TITLE; } } /// <summary> /// Gets the page's label in the (left hand side) wizard progress panel /// </summary> public override string Text { get { return Messages.IMPORT_OPTIONS_PAGE_TEXT; } } protected override bool ImplementsIsDirty() { return true; } public override void PopulatePage() { var isoName = Path.GetFileName(XenOvf.Properties.Settings.Default.xenLinuxFixUpDisk); VDI theVdi = Connection.Cache.VDIs.FirstOrDefault(vdi => vdi != null && vdi.name_label == isoName); m_fixupISOInLibrary = theVdi != null; if (m_fixupISOInLibrary) //found existing fixup ISO on an ISO SR { PopulateComboBox(Connection.Resolve(theVdi.SR)); } else //iso has not been placed on an ISO SR { GetFixupIsoInfo(); PopulateComboBox(); } ResetSelectedIsoSr(); m_radioButtonDontRunOSFixups.Checked = true; } public override bool EnableNext() { return m_buttonNextEnabled; } #endregion #region Accessors public bool RunFixups { get { return m_radioButtonRunOSFixups.Checked; } } public SR SelectedIsoSR { get { return m_selectedIsoSr; } } public Dictionary<string, VmMapping> VmMappings { set { m_hostTargets = from VmMapping mapping in value.Values select Connection.Resolve(mapping.XenRef as XenRef<Host>); } } #endregion #region Private methods /// <summary> /// Performs certain checks on the pages's input data and shows/hides an error accordingly /// </summary> /// <param name="checks">The checks to perform</param> private void PerformCheck(params CheckDelegate[] checks) { m_buttonNextEnabled = m_ctrlError.PerformCheck(checks); OnPageUpdated(); } private bool IsIsoSrSelectable(SR sr) { return sr.content_type.ToLower() == "iso" && sr.type.ToLower() == "iso" && !sr.IsToolsSR && m_hostTargets.All(sr.CanBeSeenFrom); //returns true if the list is empty } private void DeregisterEvents() { foreach (var sr in m_srsWithRegisteredEvents) { sr.PropertyChanged -= sr_PropertyChanged; } } private string GetSRDropDownItemDisplayString(SR sr) { return string.Format("{0} ({1})", sr.Name, Util.DiskSizeString(sr.FreeSpace)); } private void PopulateComboBox() { PopulateComboBox(null); } private void PopulateComboBox(SR selectedSR) { var availableSRs = new List<SR>(); foreach (var sr in Connection.Cache.SRs) { if (IsIsoSrSelectable(sr)) { if (!m_srsWithRegisteredEvents.Contains(sr)) m_srsWithRegisteredEvents.Add(sr); sr.PropertyChanged -= sr_PropertyChanged; sr.PropertyChanged += sr_PropertyChanged; availableSRs.Add(sr); } } try { m_comboBoxISOLibraries.SuspendLayout(); m_comboBoxISOLibraries.Items.Clear(); m_comboBoxISOLibraries.Items.Add(new ToStringWrapper<SR>(null, Messages.IMPORT_OPTIONS_PAGE_CHOOSE_ISO_SR)); SetSelectedIndexWithoutEvent(0); foreach (var sr in availableSRs) { int index = m_comboBoxISOLibraries.Items.Add(new ToStringWrapper<SR>(sr, GetSRDropDownItemDisplayString)); if (selectedSR != null && selectedSR.Equals(sr)) SetSelectedIndexWithoutEvent(index); } m_comboBoxISOLibraries.Items.Add(new ToStringWrapper<SR>(null, Messages.IMPORT_OPTIONS_PAGE_NEW_ISO_LIBRARY)); } finally { m_comboBoxISOLibraries.ResumeLayout(); } } private void GetFixupIsoInfo() { m_isoFilename = OVF.GetISOFixupFileName(); } /// <summary> /// Checks fixup ISO exists in the XenCenter installation directory /// </summary> private bool CheckFixupIsoInXencenterInstallation(out string error) { error = string.Empty; if (m_radioButtonDontRunOSFixups.Checked || m_fixupISOInLibrary || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_isoFilename)) return true; error = Messages.IMPORT_OPTIONS_PAGE_ERROR_NO_FIXUP_ISO_INSTALLED; return false; } private bool CheckSelectedFixupValid(out string error) { error = String.Empty; return m_radioButtonDontRunOSFixups.Checked || m_selectedIsoSr != null; } private void sr_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName != "name_label" && e.PropertyName != "physical_size" && e.PropertyName != "physical_utilisation") return; var sr = sender as SR; if (sr == null) return; bool selectable = IsIsoSrSelectable(sr); var existingItems = m_comboBoxISOLibraries.Items.OfType<ToStringWrapper<SR>>().Where(wrapper => sr.Equals(wrapper.item)); if (existingItems.Count() == 1) { if (selectable) Program.Invoke(this, () => { var wrapper = existingItems.First(); m_comboBoxISOLibraries.SuspendLayout(); try { int index = m_comboBoxISOLibraries.Items.IndexOf(wrapper); int selectedIndex = m_comboBoxISOLibraries.SelectedIndex; m_comboBoxISOLibraries.Items.RemoveAt(index); m_comboBoxISOLibraries.Items.Insert(index, new ToStringWrapper<SR>(sr, GetSRDropDownItemDisplayString)); SetSelectedIndexWithoutEvent(selectedIndex); } finally { m_comboBoxISOLibraries.ResumeLayout(); } }); else Program.Invoke(this, PopulateComboBox); } else if (selectable) { Program.Invoke(this, PopulateComboBox); } } private void SetSelectedIndexWithoutEvent(int newIndex) { m_comboBoxISOLibraries.SelectedIndexChanged -= m_comboBoxISOLibraries_SelectedIndexChanged; try { m_comboBoxISOLibraries.SelectedIndex = newIndex; } finally { m_comboBoxISOLibraries.SelectedIndexChanged += m_comboBoxISOLibraries_SelectedIndexChanged; } } private bool IsNewISOLibraryItem(ToStringWrapper<SR> wrapper) { return (wrapper.Equals(m_comboBoxISOLibraries.Items[m_comboBoxISOLibraries.Items.Count - 1]) && wrapper.ToStringProperty.Equals(Messages.IMPORT_OPTIONS_PAGE_NEW_ISO_LIBRARY)); } private void OpenNewSRWizard() { SetSelectedIndexWithoutEvent(0); ResetControlsAfterSelectedIndexChanged(); NewSRWizard wizard = new NewSRWizard(Connection); wizard.CheckNFSISORadioButton(); if (wizard.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) PopulateComboBox(); } private void ResetSelectedIsoSr() { ToStringWrapper<SR> wrapper = m_comboBoxISOLibraries.SelectedItem as ToStringWrapper<SR>; m_selectedIsoSr = wrapper != null ? wrapper.item : null; } private void ResetControlsAfterSelectedIndexChanged() { ResetSelectedIsoSr(); PerformCheck(CheckFixupIsoInXencenterInstallation, CheckSelectedFixupValid); if (!m_ctrlError.Visible) { m_pictureBoxInfo.Visible = m_selectedIsoSr != null; m_labelFixupISOInfo.Visible = m_selectedIsoSr != null; if (m_labelFixupISOInfo.Visible) m_labelFixupISOInfo.Text = Messages.IMPORT_OPTIONS_PAGE_USE_SELECTED_ISO_LIBRARY; } } #endregion #region Control event Handlers private void m_comboBoxISOLibraries_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToStringWrapper<SR> wrapper = m_comboBoxISOLibraries.SelectedItem as ToStringWrapper<SR>; if (wrapper == null) return; if (IsNewISOLibraryItem(wrapper)) { OpenNewSRWizard(); return; } ResetControlsAfterSelectedIndexChanged(); } private void m_radioButtonRunOSFixups_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_radioButtonRunOSFixups.Checked) { m_labelLocationFixupISO.Enabled = true; PerformCheck(CheckFixupIsoInXencenterInstallation, CheckSelectedFixupValid); if (!m_ctrlError.Visible) { SR sr = m_selectedIsoSr; m_comboBoxISOLibraries.Enabled = !m_fixupISOInLibrary || sr == null; if (sr != null) { m_pictureBoxInfo.Visible = true; m_labelFixupISOInfo.Visible = true; m_labelFixupISOInfo.Text = m_fixupISOInLibrary ? Messages.IMPORT_OPTIONS_PAGE_FOUND_EXISTING_ISO : Messages.IMPORT_OPTIONS_PAGE_USE_SELECTED_ISO_LIBRARY; } } IsDirty = true; } } private void m_radioButtonDontRunOSFixups_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_radioButtonDontRunOSFixups.Checked) { m_labelLocationFixupISO.Enabled = false; m_comboBoxISOLibraries.Enabled = false; m_pictureBoxInfo.Visible = false; m_labelFixupISOInfo.Visible = false; PerformCheck(CheckFixupIsoInXencenterInstallation); } } #endregion } }