/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Xml; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAPI; namespace XenAdmin.Actions { public abstract class AsyncAction : CancellingAction { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private readonly Func, IXenConnection, string, SudoElevationResult> getElevatedSession = XenAdminConfigManager.Provider.ElevatedSessionDelegate; private string _result; protected AsyncAction(IXenConnection connection, string title, string description, bool suppressHistory) : base(title, description, suppressHistory) { this.Connection = connection; Pool = Helpers.GetPoolOfOne(connection); } protected AsyncAction(IXenConnection connection, string title, string description) : this(connection, title, description, false) { } protected AsyncAction(IXenConnection connection, string title) : this(connection, title, "", false) { } protected AsyncAction(IXenConnection connection, string title, bool suppress_history) : this(connection, title, "", suppress_history) { } public string Result { get { if (Exception != null) { throw Exception; } else { return _result; } } set { _result = value; } } /// /// If you want the action to run a pre-check that the current user can perform all the necessary api calls, list them under this field. /// If empty, then no checks will be run. /// protected RbacMethodList ApiMethodsToRoleCheck = new RbacMethodList(); public virtual RbacMethodList GetApiMethodsToRoleCheck => ApiMethodsToRoleCheck; /// /// If the sudoUsername and sudoPassword fields are both not null, then the action will use these credentials when making new sessions. /// public string sudoUsername; /// /// If the sudoUsername and sudoPassword fields are both not null, then the action will use these credentials when making new sessions. /// public string sudoPassword; /// /// Checks to see if we are using elevated credentials for this action. Returns a session using them if they exist, otherwise /// using the basic credentials of the IXenConnection. Important - will throw exceptions similar to connection.NewSession /// /// protected override Session NewSession() { if (Connection == null) return null; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sudoPassword) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(sudoUsername)) return Connection.DuplicateSession(); return Connection.ElevatedSession(sudoUsername, sudoPassword); } /// /// Used for cross connection actions (e.g adding a host to a pool, we need to get a session from the connection we are joining) /// Checks to see if we are using elevated credentials for this action. Returns a session using them if they exist, otherwise /// using the basic credentials of the _supplied_ IXenConnection. Important - will throw exceptions similar to connection.NewSession /// /// /// protected Session NewSession(IXenConnection xc) { if (Connection == null) return null; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sudoPassword) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(sudoUsername)) return xc.DuplicateSession(); return xc.ElevatedSession(sudoUsername, sudoPassword); } /// /// Prepare the action's task for exit by removing the XenCenterUUID. /// A call here just before exit will mean that the task will get picked /// up as a meddling action on restart of xencenter, and thus reappear in the EventsTab. /// public void PrepareForLogReloadAfterRestart() { try { Task.RemoveXenCenterUUID(Session, RelatedTask.opaque_ref); } catch(KeyNotFoundException) { log.Debug("Removing XenCenterUUID failed - KeyNotFound"); } catch(NullReferenceException) { log.Debug("Removing XenCenterUUID failed - NullReference"); } catch (WebException) { log.Debug("Removing XenCenterUUID failed - Could not connect through http"); } } public void RunAsync() { RunAsync(null); } public void RunAsync(SudoElevationResult sudoElevationResult) { AuditLogStarted(); System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(RunWorkerThread, sudoElevationResult); } /// /// Use this function to run this action non-async, but do the appropriate tidy up code. /// If a session is passed in, which it always should be if called from another Action, /// use that session for the action: it is then the responsibility of the calling function /// to make sure the session has the appropriate privileges and tidy it up afterwards. /// public void RunExternal(Session session) { RunWorkerThread(session); if (Exception != null) throw Exception; } protected abstract void Run(); private void RunWorkerThread(object o) { StartedRunning = true; if (Cancelled) // already cancelled before it's started return; try { if (o is Session session) Session = session; else if (o is SudoElevationResult ser) { sudoUsername = ser.ElevatedUsername; sudoPassword = ser.ElevatedPassword; Session = ser.ElevatedSession ?? NewSession(); } else SetSessionByRole(); //construct a new session and sudo it if necessary Run(); AuditLogSuccess(); MarkCompleted(); } catch (CancelledException e) { Cancelled = true; AuditLogCancelled(); MarkCompleted(e); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is Failure f && Connection != null && f.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.RBAC_PERMISSION_DENIED) Failure.ParseRBACFailure(f, Connection, Session ?? Connection.Session); log.Error(e); AuditLogFailure(); MarkCompleted(e); } finally { Clean(); if (Exception != null) CleanOnError(); if (o == null && Session != null && Session.IsElevatedSession) { // The session is a new, sudo-ed session: we need to log these ones out try { Session.logout(); } catch (Failure f) { log.Debug("Session.logout() failed. ", f); } } Session = null; LogoutCancelSession(); } } protected void DestroyTask() { if (Session == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Session.opaque_ref) || RelatedTask == null) return; try { PerformSilentTaskOp(() => Task.destroy(Session, RelatedTask)); } finally { RelatedTask = null; } } public void PollToCompletion(double start = 0, double finish = 100, bool suppressFailures = false) { if (RelatedTask == null) return; try { DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; int lastDebug = 0; log.InfoFormat("Started polling task {0}", RelatedTask.opaque_ref); log.DebugFormat("Polling for action {0}", Description); //log once we start while (true) { if (XenAdminConfigManager.Provider.ForcedExiting && !SafeToExit) throw new CancelledException(); //then log every 30sec int currDebug = (int)(DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds / 30; if (currDebug > lastDebug) { lastDebug = currDebug; log.DebugFormat("Polling for action {0}", Description); } try { if (Poll(start, finish)) break; } catch { if (suppressFailures) break; throw; } Thread.Sleep(900); } } finally { DestroyTask(); } } /// /// Polls task and returns whether it is completed /// private bool Poll(double start, double finish) { Session session = Session; Task task; Result = ""; try { task = (Task)DoWithSessionRetry(ref session, (Task.TaskGetRecordOp)Task.get_record, RelatedTask.opaque_ref); } catch (Failure exn) { if (exn.ErrorDescription.Count > 1 && exn.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.HANDLE_INVALID && exn.ErrorDescription[1] == "task") { log.WarnFormat("Invalid task handle {0} - task is finished.", RelatedTask.opaque_ref); PercentComplete = (int)finish; return true; } else throw; } finally { Session = session; } PercentComplete = (int)(start + task.progress * (finish - start)); switch (task.status) { case task_status_type.failure: if (task.error_info.Length > 1 && task.error_info[0] == Failure.HANDLE_INVALID && task.error_info[1] == "task") { log.WarnFormat("Invalid task handle {0} - task is finished.", RelatedTask.opaque_ref); PercentComplete = (int)finish; return true; } else { log.WarnFormat("Task {0} failed: {1}", RelatedTask.opaque_ref, task.error_info.Length > 0 ? task.error_info[0] : "Unknown failure"); throw new Failure(task.error_info); } case task_status_type.success: log.InfoFormat("Task {0} finished successfully", RelatedTask.opaque_ref); if (task.result != "") // Work around CA-6597 { try { var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(task.result); var nodes = doc.GetElementsByTagName("value"); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { Result = node.InnerText; break; } } catch //CA-352946 { log.WarnFormat("Task {0} result is not valid xml", RelatedTask.opaque_ref); Result = task.result; } } return true; case task_status_type.cancelled: log.InfoFormat("Task {0} was cancelled", RelatedTask.opaque_ref); throw new CancelledException(); default: return false; } } /// /// Finds the roles allowed to perform the API calls this action has listed as subject to RBAC checks. /// If the current user's role is not on the list, show the Role Elevation Dialog so they can enter /// credentials of a user with a permitted role. /// private void SetSessionByRole() { if (Connection == null || Connection.Session == null || Session != null) // We have been pre-seeded with a Session to use return; RbacMethodList rbacMethodList; if (Connection.Session.IsLocalSuperuser || XenAdminConfigManager.Provider.DontSudo) rbacMethodList = new RbacMethodList(); else rbacMethodList = GetApiMethodsToRoleCheck; if (rbacMethodList.Count == 0) { Session = NewSession(); return; } bool ableToCompleteAction = Role.CanPerform(rbacMethodList, Connection, out var allowedRoles); log.DebugFormat("Roles able to complete action: {0}", Role.FriendlyCSVRoleList(allowedRoles)); log.DebugFormat("Subject {0} has roles: {1}", Connection.Session.UserLogName(), Role.FriendlyCSVRoleList(Connection.Session.Roles)); if (ableToCompleteAction) { log.Debug("Subject authorized to complete action"); Session = Connection.Session; return; } log.Debug("Subject not authorized to complete action, showing sudo dialog"); var result = getElevatedSession(allowedRoles, Connection, Title); if (result == null) { log.Debug("User cancelled sudo dialog, cancelling action"); throw new CancelledException(); } sudoUsername = result.ElevatedUsername; sudoPassword = result.ElevatedPassword; Session = result.ElevatedSession; } public class SudoElevationResult { public readonly string ElevatedUsername; public readonly string ElevatedPassword; public readonly Session ElevatedSession; public SudoElevationResult(string user, string password, Session session) { ElevatedUsername = user; ElevatedPassword = password; ElevatedSession = session; } } protected void AddCommonAPIMethodsToRoleCheck() { ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.AddRange(Role.CommonTaskApiList); ApiMethodsToRoleCheck.AddRange(Role.CommonSessionApiList); } } }