/* Copyright (c) Citrix Systems Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using XenAdmin.Actions.VMActions; using XenAdmin.Commands; using XenAdmin.Controls; using XenAdmin.Core; using XenAdmin.Dialogs; using XenAdmin.Mappings; using XenAdmin.Network; using XenAdmin.Wizards.GenericPages; using XenAPI; namespace XenAdmin.Wizards.CrossPoolMigrateWizard { public enum WizardMode { Migrate, Move, Copy } internal partial class CrossPoolMigrateWizard : XenWizardBase { private CrossPoolMigrateDestinationPage m_pageDestination; private CrossPoolMigrateStoragePage m_pageStorage; private CrossPoolMigrateNetworkingPage m_pageNetwork; private CrossPoolMigrateFinishPage m_pageFinish; private CrossPoolMigrateTransferNetworkPage m_pageTransferNetwork; private RBACWarningPage m_pageTargetRbac; private CrossPoolMigrateCopyModePage m_pageCopyMode; private IntraPoolCopyPage m_pageIntraPoolCopy; private IXenConnection TargetConnection { get; set; } private Dictionary m_vmMappings = new Dictionary(); private Host hostPreSelection = null; private WizardMode wizardMode; public CrossPoolMigrateWizard(IXenConnection con, IEnumerable selection, Host targetHostPreSelection, WizardMode mode) : base(con) { InitializeComponent(); hostPreSelection = targetHostPreSelection; wizardMode = mode; InitialiseWizard(selection); } public CrossPoolMigrateWizard(IXenConnection con, IEnumerable selection, WizardMode mode) : base(con) { InitializeComponent(); wizardMode = mode; InitialiseWizard(selection); } private bool HasTemplatesOnly { get; set; } private bool IsIntraPoolMigration() { return m_vmMappings.All(IsIntraPoolMigration); } private bool IsIntraPoolMigration(KeyValuePair mapping) { VM vm = xenConnection.Resolve(new XenRef(mapping.Key)); if (vm.resident_on == mapping.Value.XenRef) return true; Pool pool = Helpers.GetPool(vm.Connection); if (mapping.Value.XenRef is XenRef) { Pool targetPool = TargetConnection.Resolve(mapping.Value.XenRef as XenRef); if ( pool == targetPool) return true; } Host host = xenConnection.Resolve(vm.resident_on) ?? Helpers.GetMaster(xenConnection); if (mapping.Value.XenRef is XenRef) { Host targetHost = TargetConnection.Resolve(mapping.Value.XenRef as XenRef); Pool targetPool = Helpers.GetPool(targetHost.Connection); // 2 stand alone hosts if(pool == null && targetPool == null) { if(targetHost == host) return true; return false; } if ( pool == targetPool) return true; } return false; } private bool IsIntraPoolMove() { return wizardMode == WizardMode.Move && m_vmMappings.All(IsIntraPoolMove); } private bool IsIntraPoolMove(KeyValuePair mapping) { VM vm = xenConnection.Resolve(new XenRef(mapping.Key)); return vm != null && vm.CanBeMoved && IsIntraPoolMigration(mapping); } private bool IsCopyTemplate() { return wizardMode == WizardMode.Copy && m_vmMappings.Any(IsTemplate); } private bool IsTemplate(KeyValuePair mapping) { VM vm = xenConnection.Resolve(new XenRef(mapping.Key)); return vm != null && vm.is_a_template; } protected void InitialiseWizard(IEnumerable selection) { var vmsFromSelection = VmsFromSelection(selection); CreateMappingsFromSelection(selection); HasTemplatesOnly = vmsFromSelection != null && vmsFromSelection.All(vm => vm.is_a_template); UpdateWindowTitle(); m_pageDestination = CreateCrossPoolMigrateDestinationPage(selection); m_pageStorage = new CrossPoolMigrateStoragePage(HasTemplatesOnly); m_pageNetwork = new CrossPoolMigrateNetworkingPage(HasTemplatesOnly); m_pageTransferNetwork = new CrossPoolMigrateTransferNetworkPage(vmsFromSelection, HasTemplatesOnly); m_pageFinish = new CrossPoolMigrateFinishPage(selection.Count(), wizardMode, HasTemplatesOnly) { SummaryRetreiver = GetVMMappingSummary }; m_pageTargetRbac = new RBACWarningPage(); m_pageCopyMode = new CrossPoolMigrateCopyModePage(vmsFromSelection); m_pageIntraPoolCopy = new IntraPoolCopyPage(vmsFromSelection); if (wizardMode == WizardMode.Copy) AddPages(m_pageCopyMode, m_pageIntraPoolCopy); else AddPages(m_pageDestination, m_pageStorage, m_pageFinish); } private CrossPoolMigrateDestinationPage CreateCrossPoolMigrateDestinationPage(IEnumerable selection) { return new CrossPoolMigrateDestinationPage(hostPreSelection, VmsFromSelection(selection), wizardMode, GetSourceConnectionsForSelection(selection)) { VmMappings = m_vmMappings, }; } public override sealed string Text { get { return base.Text; } set { base.Text = value; } } protected override void FinishWizard() { if (!AllVMsAvailable(m_vmMappings, xenConnection)) { base.FinishWizard(); return; } if (wizardMode == WizardMode.Copy && m_pageCopyMode.IntraPoolCopySelected) { var copyAction = m_pageIntraPoolCopy.GetCopyAction(); if (copyAction != null) copyAction.RunAsync(); base.FinishWizard(); return; } foreach (KeyValuePair pair in m_vmMappings) { VM vm = xenConnection.Resolve(new XenRef(pair.Key)); Host target = TargetConnection.Resolve(m_vmMappings[pair.Key].XenRef as XenRef); //if a pool has been selected but no specific homeserver Key is the pool opaque ref if(target == null) { Pool targetPool = TargetConnection.Resolve(m_vmMappings[pair.Key].XenRef as XenRef); if (targetPool == null) { ShowErrorMessageBox(Messages.CPM_WIZARD_ERROR_TARGET_DISCONNECTED); base.FinishWizard(); return; } target = TargetConnection.Resolve(targetPool.master); } if(target == null) throw new ApplicationException("Cannot resolve the target host"); if (wizardMode == WizardMode.Move && IsIntraPoolMove(pair)) new VMMoveAction(vm, pair.Value.Storage, target).RunAsync(); else new VMCrossPoolMigrateAction(vm, target, SelectedTransferNetwork, pair.Value, wizardMode == WizardMode.Copy).RunAsync(); } base.FinishWizard(); } private static void ShowErrorMessageBox(string message) { new ThreeButtonDialog(new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Error, message)).ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); } private void CreateMappingsFromSelection(IEnumerable selection) { foreach (SelectedItem item in selection) { VmMapping mapping = new VmMapping { VmNameLabel = item.XenObject.Name }; m_vmMappings.Add(item.XenObject.opaque_ref, mapping); } } private List GetSourceConnectionsForSelection(IEnumerable selection) { return wizardMode == WizardMode.Copy ? selection.Select(item => item.Connection).Where(conn => conn != null).Distinct().ToList() : new List(); } private List VmsFromSelection(IEnumerable selection) { return selection.Select(item => item.XenObject).OfType().ToList(); } private void UpdateWindowTitle() { if(m_vmMappings != null && m_vmMappings.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_vmMappings.First().Value.TargetName)) { var messageText = wizardMode == WizardMode.Migrate ? Messages.CPM_WIZARD_TITLE_AND_LOCATION : wizardMode == WizardMode.Move ? Messages.MOVE_VM_WIZARD_TITLE_AND_LOCATION : IsCopyTemplate() ? Messages.COPY_TEMPLATE_WIZARD_TITLE_AND_LOCATION : Messages.COPY_VM_WIZARD_TITLE_AND_LOCATION; Text = String.Format(messageText, m_vmMappings.First().Value.TargetName); } else Text = wizardMode == WizardMode.Migrate ? Messages.CPM_WIZARD_TITLE : wizardMode == WizardMode.Move ? Messages.MOVE_VM_WIZARD_TITLE : IsCopyTemplate() ? Messages.COPY_TEMPLATE_WIZARD_TITLE : Messages.COPY_VM_WIZARD_TITLE; } protected override void UpdateWizardContent(XenTabPage page) { Type type = page.GetType(); if (type == typeof(CrossPoolMigrateDestinationPage)) { RemovePage(m_pageNetwork); RemovePage(m_pageTransferNetwork); RemovePage(m_pageTargetRbac); m_vmMappings = m_pageDestination.VmMappings; TargetConnection = m_pageDestination.Connection; m_pageStorage.TargetConnection = TargetConnection; m_pageNetwork.TargetConnection = TargetConnection; ConfigureRbacPage(); UpdateWindowTitle(); // add Transfer network page for all cases except intra-pool move (which is performed via VMMoveAction) if (!IsIntraPoolMove()) AddAfterPage(m_pageStorage, m_pageTransferNetwork); m_pageTransferNetwork.Connection = TargetConnection; if(!IsIntraPoolMigration()) { AddAfterPage(m_pageStorage, m_pageNetwork); } //If no network mappings xapi should map the networks //with the same names together - ideal for intra-pool ClearAllNetworkMappings(); m_pageStorage.VmMappings = m_vmMappings; m_pageDestination.SetDefaultTarget(m_pageDestination.ChosenItem); } else if (type == typeof(CrossPoolMigrateStoragePage)) { UpdateWindowTitle(); m_vmMappings = m_pageStorage.VmMappings; m_pageNetwork.VmMappings = m_vmMappings; } else if (type == typeof(CrossPoolMigrateNetworkingPage)) { UpdateWindowTitle(); m_vmMappings = m_pageNetwork.VmMappings; } else if (type == typeof(CrossPoolMigrateTransferNetworkPage)) { UpdateWindowTitle(); string netRef = m_pageTransferNetwork.NetworkUuid.Key; SelectedTransferNetwork = TargetConnection.Cache.Networks.FirstOrDefault(n => n.uuid == netRef); } else if (type == typeof(CrossPoolMigrateCopyModePage)) { if (m_pageCopyMode.IntraPoolCopySelected) { RemovePagesFrom(1); AddAfterPage(m_pageCopyMode, m_pageIntraPoolCopy); } else { RemovePagesFrom(1); AddAfterPage(m_pageCopyMode, m_pageDestination, m_pageStorage, m_pageFinish); } } if (type != typeof(CrossPoolMigrateFinishPage)) NotifyNextPagesOfChange(m_pageDestination, m_pageStorage, m_pageNetwork, m_pageTransferNetwork, m_pageFinish); } private XenAPI.Network SelectedTransferNetwork { get; set; } private void ClearAllNetworkMappings() { foreach (KeyValuePair pair in m_vmMappings) pair.Value.Networks = new Dictionary(); } protected override string WizardPaneHelpID() { return FormatHelpId(CurrentStepTabPage.HelpID); } private bool ConnectionDoesNotRequireRBAC(IXenConnection connection) { if( connection == null ) throw new NullReferenceException("RBAC check was given a null connection"); if (connection.Session.IsLocalSuperuser) return true; if (Helpers.GetMaster(connection).external_auth_type == Auth.AUTH_TYPE_NONE) return true; return false; } private void ConfigureRbacPage() { if (ConnectionDoesNotRequireRBAC(xenConnection) && ConnectionDoesNotRequireRBAC(TargetConnection)) return; m_pageTargetRbac.ClearPermissionChecks(); RBACWarningPage.WizardPermissionCheck migrateCheck = new RBACWarningPage.WizardPermissionCheck(Messages.RBAC_CROSS_POOL_MIGRATE_VM_BLOCKED) { Blocking = true }; migrateCheck.AddApiCheckRange(VMCrossPoolMigrateAction.StaticRBACDependencies); m_pageTargetRbac.AddPermissionChecks(xenConnection, migrateCheck); if (!xenConnection.Equals(TargetConnection)) m_pageTargetRbac.AddPermissionChecks(TargetConnection, migrateCheck); AddAfterPage(m_pageDestination, m_pageTargetRbac); } private IEnumerable GetVMMappingSummary() { //Use decorators to build a summary MappingSummary summary = new VMMappingSummary(); foreach (KeyValuePair pair in m_vmMappings) { if (HasTemplatesOnly) summary = new TemplateTitleSummary(summary, pair.Value); else summary = new VmTitleSummary(summary, pair.Value); summary = new DestinationPoolSummary(summary, pair.Value, TargetConnection); summary = new HomeServerSummary(summary, pair.Value, TargetConnection); summary = new TransferNetworkSummary(summary, m_pageTransferNetwork.NetworkUuid.Value); summary = new StorageSummary(summary, pair.Value, xenConnection); summary = new NetworkSummary(summary, pair.Value, xenConnection); summary = new SummarySplitter(summary); } return summary.Details; } /// /// Checks if all VMs are still available for migration and shows a warning message if the check fails /// /// true if check succeded, false if failed internal static bool AllVMsAvailable(List vms) { Func vmCheck = delegate { if (vms == null || vms.Count == 0 || vms[0] == null || vms[0].Connection == null) return false; var connection = vms[0].Connection; // the connection on which to check VM availability return vms.All(vm => connection.Resolve(new XenRef(vm.opaque_ref)) != null); }; return PerformCheck(vmCheck); } /// /// Checks if all VMs are still available for migration and shows a warning message if the check fails /// /// true if check succeded, false if failed internal static bool AllVMsAvailable(Dictionary vmMappings, IXenConnection connection) { Func vmCheck = delegate { if (vmMappings == null || vmMappings.Count == 0 || connection == null) return false; return vmMappings.All(kvp => connection.Resolve(new XenRef(kvp.Key)) != null); }; return PerformCheck(vmCheck); } /// /// Performs a certain check and shows a warning message if the check fails /// /// The check to perform /// true if check succeded, false if failed private static bool PerformCheck(Func check) { if (check()) return true; ShowErrorMessageBox(Messages.CPM_WIZARD_VM_MISSING_ERROR); return false; } internal static void ShowWarningMessageBox(string message) { new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Warning, message, Messages.CPM_WIZARD_TITLE)).ShowDialog( Program.MainWindow); } } }